What does “Allocated Prior to Attach” mean in Xcode instruments? - xcode

I am new to Xcode and the profiling tool, instruments. I tried to find leaks of my c program. Everything is fine. It shows no leaks, but I don’t understand some terms used in the program. Does mean I still have memory leaks somewhere else in the program?

Applications like the debugger and Instruments may hook into your program after the OS has already started it running. What the message is saying is that it doesn't know how a given piece of memory was allocated because it was allocated before Instruments hooked into your program. So it has no way to track where it came from. It may or may not mean that there are more actual leaks in your program.
I believe that you can start your program from Instruments in most cases, which I think would eliminate the issue. Once you've run it once, you should be able to press the Record button (the red circle) again and it should run the app once more. I think in that situation, it should have access to all of the allocations your app makes.
For what it's worth, I have seen this message before and had it go away during the same run. It was as if it suddenly found the data that explained where the leak came from. I've also seen it happen on one run and be gone on a subsequent run with the same data. In that case it seemed like a timing issue of Instruments and not a legitimate leak.


Why does Titanium Alloy have so many leaks?

Why does instruments using the leaks tool show so many leaks and then crash after about three leak detection cycles?
That cannot be normal ?
The app I am testing on has one index window with one label in it which, on click opens another window which on click closes itself again.
No big deal yet it seems to have leaks ?
the first detection says 72 new leaks
the second then 8 new leaks ... ?
Does anyone know why this might be ?
Thanks for your help trying to get my head around this
Having developed apps with Titanium for 8 years now this doesn't look anything like it should. Whenever leaks are found by the community it usually is quickly fixed by the dev team. That said, it is very rare leaks are found.
Most memmory leaks are developer generated. For example if you create references to UI elements outside the controller it is in you will have to clean up the reference to that UI element to let garbage collection handle it. Garbage collection cannot trigger if you didn't free the components up.
I will not be able to help you further besides the above as you have not provided any relevant information like SDK version, code that causes it etc. You might've stumbled upon a real memory leak but chances are you're not freeing up resources.

Out of Memory Message box

I have an MFC application developed with VS2003
It is working fine in XP vista etc.
But when i have executed it in windows 8, and we use it for some time,
then no window is displayed. Instead of that the a MessageBox with a message 'Out of Memory' is displayed. And the Message box is Having the caption of my application.
This issue is rarely occurred in windows 7 too.
I have tried watching the handles using tools like processexplorer and it is not increasing.
Also many forums says that it is because of increase in unclosed handles or resources.
Can any one suggest how can i find where the issue is. Or any one provide possible reason for this.
I cant setup the devenv in the machine causing the issue. I am confused how to diagnose by executing a test build in that.
Please provide your findings.
Thanks in advance.
You clearly have a memory leak somewhere. It's hard to be any more specific without seeing the code.
A debugger is really the best way to solve this problem. If you can reproduce the problem on your development machine, that would be the easiest case. If not, you can attach a debugger to the running process on another machine, either locally or remotely.
The MFC libraries also support some basic memory leak detection, turned on by default for Debug builds and controllable for other builds using the AfxEnableMemoryTracking function. You can use this feature to obtain information about which blocks of memory were allocated but not properly deallocated (i.e. were leaked).
Like you mentioned, Process Explorer is another good way to track down resource leaks. Are you sure that the handle counts are remaining constant rather than trending upwards over time? If the values in the columns are never changing like the question suggests, then you are surely doing something wrong. Your application has to be creating objects in order to do its job. The point is to make sure that it disposes of them when it is finished.
If you can't reproduce the problem with the running application and have only the source code available, you'll need to go through the code and make sure that every use of new has a corresponding use of delete (and that new[] matches up with delete[]). And in general in C++, you should avoid explicit dynamic memory allocation wherever possible. Instead, use the container classes that are provided either by MFC or the standard library. For example, don't allocate arrays manually, use std::vector to do it for you. These container classes ensure that the memory is automatically deallocated in the destructor when the object goes out of scope.

How do you stop OS X from rebooting when developing OpenGL code

I'm currently writing an OpenGL renderer on my 2011 13" MacBook Pro with a Sandybridge graphics chip.
I'm finding that I'm encountering a lot of kernel panics and reboots when developing OpenGL code. Frequently, whenever I have an error, my system just reboots, rather than gives me chance to catch the error and retrieve an error code.
I know that it is related to the graphics driver as the resultant problem reporting app displayed at reboot identifies it as the entity that crashed.
The specific issue seems closely related to texture creation. Clearly there is some bug in my code, but regardless, this really shouldn't be rebooting the OS under a high-level API like OpenGL.
Does OS X have any kind of debug mode functionality that I might enable, similar to that of D3D, so that I can catch the error earlier, rather than have to use russian roulette debugging?
(I'm aware of the OpenGL profiler, Driver Monitor and so on, yet have had little success with using these tools to catch these sorts of problems)
As you mention, OpenGL Profiler is the tool to use. You should check the box marked, "Break on VAR error" and "break on thread error," at least. If you have trouble with it, let me know and I might be able to help. (I'm no expert but have had some luck with it.)
Beyond that, the crashes you're seeing are probably related to you giving a pointer to OpenGL, and it attempting to read or write memory from that pointer, but the pointer is bad (or the length of the data is wrong). If it's texture related, then perhaps you're attempting to upload or download a texture and passing the wrong width and height, or have the wrong format. I've seen this happen when passing an incorrect number of elements to glDrawElements(). I was confused about whether an "element" was a vertex or an actual object (like a QUAD or TRIANGLE) when it happened to me. The VAR error reporting helped me find that issue.
Just to come back to this for anyone looking... it turns out, that the problem was entirely related to failing to set the current context as different threads begun issuing OpenGL commands.
So, each thread needed to lock a mutex, set the open gl context, and then begin its work. It would then release the context and then the lock, guaranteeing non-simultaneous access to the one OpenGL context.
So, no deeply unknown behaviour here really, just an inexperienced newbie not fully implementing the guidelines out there. :-)
Others have responded with potential workarounds. But note that your application should never be able to cause the machine to panic (which these days simply reboots the machine and presents a dialog to submit the report to Apple).
At a minimum, you should send the report to Apple. Additionally, you should file a bug report at http://bugreport.apple.com including the panic log, a system profiler report, and any details you can provide about how to reproduce (ideally, a sample app binary and/or source code). Filing your own bug report will help in many ways -- prioritizing your bug (dupes bump priority), providing reproduction steps in case the problem & fix aren't obvious from the backtrace in the panic report, and opening a channel between you and Apple in case they need more information from you to track it down.

Early memory leak detection on Mac?

I am looking for ways in which memory leaks could be detected at the time of development something like a dump of leaks on console.
I am not talking about using leaks, shark, instruments. We use them after development. Sometimes finding the leaks after all development is real pain.
Thank you
When you build your app, you should always also perform "Analyze". It's available just below the build command in the menu if you use Xcode 4. This will catch almost all Objective-C leaks, and shows how an object is leaked as a curvy lines connecting the program texts.
Eliminate all warnings by the analyzer. That will solve 90% of the leak before even running your app.

General strategy for finding the cause of random freezes?

I have a application which randomly freezes, including the IDE and it's driving me mad. That makes me wonder:
What's a good general strategy for finding the cause of random freezes?
If you are wanting to check from outside of a running app then I would potentially use the sysinternals.com toolset from Mark Russonivich, the perfmon tool allows you to trace file / registry access and check the trace for delays - and what is being accessed at that time. It will show the DLL call stack at that time with the right symbols can is useful for debugging problems external to an application that are causing delays. (I've used it to find out that an I/O filter associated to a security suite was the reason an application was piccking up a number of 1.5sec delays.)
If you're lucky, you can run your code in a debugger until it freezes, then stop the debugger to find the offending line of code. But if it were that easy, you probably wouldn't be asking for advice. :-)
Two strategies that can be used together are to "divide and conquer" and "leave bread crumbs."
Divide and conquer: Comment out increasingly larger portions of your code. If it still freezes, you've reduced the amount of code that might be responsible for causing the freeze. Caveat: eventually you'll comment out some code and the program will not freeze. This doesn't mean that last bit of code is necessarily responsible for the freeze; it's just somehow involved. Put it back and comment out something else.
Leave bread crumbs: Make your program tell you where it is and what it's doing as it executes. Display a message, add to a log file, make a sound, or send a packet over the network. Is the execution path as you expected? What was the last thing it was doing before it froze? Again, be aware that the last message may have come from a different thread than the one responsible for freezing the program, but as you get closer to the cause you'll adjust what and where the code logs.
You're probably doing things in the UI thread when you shouldn't be.
I would install the UserDump tool, and follow these instructions for generating a user dump of the application....
Once you have the user dump, you can use WinDbg, or cdb to inspect the threads, stacks, and locks, etc.
Often I find hangs are caused by locked mutexes or things like that.
The good general strategy is, run the program until it hangs. Then attach a debugger to it and see what's going on. In a GUI program, you're most interested in what the UI thread is doing.
You say the application hangs the IDE. This isn't supposed to happen, and I imagine it means the program is putting so much strain on the OS (perhaps CPU load or memory) that the whole system is struggling.
Try running it until it hangs, going back to the IDE, and clicking the Stop button. You may have to be really patient. If the IDE is really permanently stuck, then you'll have to give more details about your situation to get useful help.
