How to get data out of Boost mutable_buffers_1? - c++11

I’m developing a system for our application to get data from an external device. As soon as I send it a specific message, it sends back short messages to us 10x/second (so about 1 message per 100 milliseconds). I’m using Boost for this communication.
The process is rather simple: I create the socket, send the message, giving it a handler for the message receive:
// Header file:
std::unique_ptr<boost::asio::io_service> _theIOService;
std::unique_ptr<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> _theSocket;
int size_of_the_data = 100;
std::vector<char> _raw_buffer = std::vector<char>(size_of_the_data);
boost::asio::mutable_buffers_1 _data_buffer = boost::asio::buffer(_raw_buffer, size_of_the_data);
// Implementation file:
void DeviceDataListener::initiateTransfer() {
// create and connect the socket up here
// send the message
boost::system::error_code error;
boost::asio::transfer_all(), error);
// start the receive
auto handler = boost::bind(&SCUDataListener::dataHandler, this, _1, _2);
_theSocket->async_receive( _data_buffer, handler );
std::thread run_thread([&]{ _theIOService->run(); });
void DeviceDataListener::dataHandler (
const boost::system::error_code& error, // Result of operation.
std::size_t bytes_transferred // Number of bytes received.
) {
int foo = bytes_transferred;
// this line crashes application
char* pData = static_cast<char*>(;
It works, my handler gets called immediately, as it should. The problem is, I can’t get the data out of _data_buffer. This:
auto it = _data_buffer.begin();
causes a crash, even though _data_buffer is valid. This:
const char* pData = static_cast<char*>(;
won’t compile. The error is “Method 'data' could not be resolved”. The mutable_buffer_1 API says data() is a completely valid method that returns the beginning of the memory range.
Inspecting via a debugger, I can see that there is no error and I can see data as a member of _data_buffer and the memory address it contains does contain the data we’re expecting. The thing is, I can’t get to it via code. Does anyone know how to get to the data in a Boost mutable_buffers_1?
We’re using Eclipse CDT, C++11 and gcc running on Linux.

“Method 'data' could not be resolved”.
this error may be true, but it depends on what version of Boost you use. data() is member of mutable_buffer since >= 1.66 version. Because mutable_buffer is the base class for mutable_buffers_1 your code should compile if you use at least 1.66 version of Boost.
If your version is < 1.66 you should use
char* p1 = boost::asio::buffer_cast<char*>(_data_buffer);
to get the pointer to data in the buffer.
you should not use begin() method, it returns pointer to mutable_buffer_1 itself. This method is used by internal functions of asio-boost library, for instance to copy sequence of buffers, then begin() points the particular buffer to be copied.


Has there been any change between kernel 5.15 and 5.4.0 concerning ioctl valid commands?

We have some custom driver working on 5.4.0. It's pretty old and the original developers are no longer supporting it, so we have to maintain it in our systems.
When upgrading to Ubuntu 22 (Kernel 5.15), the driver suddenly stopped working, and sending ioctl with the command SIOCDEVPRIVATE (which used to work in kernel 5.4.0, and in fact is used to get some necessary device information)now gives "ioctl: Operation not supported" error with no extra information anywhere on the logs.
So... has something changed between those two kernels? We did have to adapt some of the structures used to register the driver, but I can't see anything concerning registering valid operations there. Do I have to register valid operations somewhere now?
Alternatively, does somebody know what part of the kernel code is checking for the operation to be supported? I've been trying to find it from ioctl.c, but I can't seem to find where that particular error comes from.
The driver code that supposedly takes care of this (doesn't even reach first line on 5.15):
static int u50_dev_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd) {
struct u50_priv *priv = netdev_priv(dev);
if (cmd == SIOCDEVPRIVATE) {
memcpy(&ifr->ifr_data, priv->tty->name, strlen(priv->tty->name));
return 0;
And the attempt to access it that does no longer work:
struct ifreq ifr = {0};
struct ifaddrs *ifaddr, *ifa;
for (ifa = ifaddr; ifa != NULL; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) {
memcpy(ifr.ifr_name, ifa->ifa_name, IFNAMSIZ);
if (ioctl(lonsd, SIOCDEVPRIVATE, &ifr) < 0) {
syslog(LOG_ERR, "Ioctl:%d: %s\n", __LINE__, strerror(errno));
and structure for registration
static const struct net_device_ops u50_netdev_ops = {
.ndo_init = u50_dev_init,
.ndo_uninit = u50_dev_uninit,
.ndo_open = u50_dev_open,
.ndo_stop = u50_dev_stop,
.ndo_start_xmit = u50_dev_xmit,
.ndo_do_ioctl = u50_dev_ioctl,
.ndo_set_mac_address = U50SetHWAddr,
If you need some code to respond to SIOCDEVPRIVATE, you used to be able to do it via ndo_do_ioctl (writing a compatible function, then linking it in a net_device_ops struct in 5.4). However, in 5.15 it was changed so now you have to implement a ndo_siocdevprivate function, rather than ndo_do_ioctl, which is no longer called, according to the kernel documentation.
Patch that did this:

check an exception to call a C structure from go

I have a structure in C and I called that structure in my go program. If that structure throws any error it terminates my go program like below
#ifndef _ORDERBOOK_H
#define _ORDERBOOK_H
typedef struct order order;
struct order {
int tradeid;
int side;
int symbol;
double amount;
double price;
include "orderbook.h"
order* order_place(char *side,double amount,double price,char symbol[19])
struct order *tradeorder= calloc(1000000,sizeof(struct order));//Initlize the structure
//My internal code which place an order
clob_ord_t o=unxs_order(c, (clob_ord_t){CLOB_TYPE_LMT,parsed_side, amount, .lmt =price, .usr = (uintptr_t)out},NANPX);
if (o.qty.dis + o.qty.hid > 0.dd) {
/* put remainder of order into book */
i = clob_add(c, o);
//printf("orderid..%lu\n", i.usr);
printf("orderid..%s\n", i.usr);
insertMap(hashTable, i.usr, i);
// printMap(hashTable);
return tradeorder; //return the structure
o:=C.order_place(C.CString("ASK"),C.double(12.0),C.double(1.0),C.CString("1")) //this line may get an exception If some wrong parameter to pass otherwise returns correct value
If I put correct parameter to order_pace function from go there is no issue, If I pass some incorrect parameter then In get an exception an it terminates the go server. Now I need to handle that exception so that my server remain running irrespective of an exception.
You can't catch the fatal fault, and it isn't safe to continue after your C code throws a fault (unlike Go). The running program is in an undefined potentially dangerous state. The safest thing to do is shutdown the program and/or let it crash.
You must check for errors within C.order_place and return an error on failure. Eg, return NULL.
A few other recommendations:
Allocate struct order via Go to rely on the garbage collector to simplify memory management.
var order C.struct_order
C.order_place(&order, side, ...)
Always free strings allocated via C.CString once they are no longer needed.
cstr := C.CString("test")
Depending on your platform, you can simplify debugging with improved stack traces by importing cgosymbolizer. This adds support for C stack traces.
import _ ""
You probably should use char *symbol instead of char symbol[19] in your example since C.CString returns a pointer to an arbitrarily long C string, not a pointer to an array of 19 chars.

AVFormatContext: interrupt callback proper usage?

AVFormatContext's interrupt_callback field is a
Custom interrupt callbacks for the I/O layer.
It's type is AVIOInterruptCB, and it explains in comment section:
Callback for checking whether to abort blocking functions.
AVERROR_EXIT is returned in this case by the interrupted function. During blocking operations, callback is called with opaque as parameter. If the callback returns 1, the blocking operation will be aborted.
No members can be added to this struct without a major bump, if new elements have been added after this struct in AVFormatContext or AVIOContext.
I have 2 questions:
what does the last section means? Especially "without a major bump"?
If I use this along with an RTSP source, when I close the input by avformat_close_input, the "TEARDOWN" message is being sent out, however it won't reach the RTSP server.
For 2: here is a quick pseudo-code for demo:
int pkts = 0;
bool early_exit = false;
int InterruptCallback(void* ctx) {
return early_exit ? 1 : 0;
void main() {
ctx = avformat_alloc_context
ctx->interrupt_callback.callback = InterruptCallback;
while(!early_exit) {
if (pkts++ > 100) early_exit=true;
In case I don't use the interrupt callback at all, TEARDOWN is being sent out, and it also reaches the RTSP server so it can actually tear down the connection. Otherwise, it won't tear down it, and I have to wait until TCP socket times out.
What is the proper way of using this interrupt callback?
It means that they are not going to change anything for this structure (AVIOInterruptCB). However, if thats the case it would be in a major bump (major change from 4.4 eg to 5.0)
You need to pass a meaningful parameter to void* ctx. Anything that you like so you can check it within the static function. For example a bool that you will set as cancel so you will interrupt the av_read_frame (which will return an AVERROR_EXIT). Usually you pass a class of your decoder context or something similar which also holds all the info that you required to check whether to return 1 to interrupt or 0 to continue the requests properly. A real example would be that you open a wrong rtsp and then you want to open another one (the right one) so you need to cancel your previous requests.

corrupted pointer in 'net_device'

the device driver I'm working on is implementing a virtual device. The logic
is as follows:
static struct net_device_ops virt_net_ops = {
.ndo_init = virt_net_init,
.ndo_open = virt_net_open,
.ndo_stop = virt_net_stop,
.ndo_do_ioctl = virt_net_ioctl,
.ndo_get_stats = virt_net_get_stats,
.ndo_start_xmit = virt_net_start_xmit,
struct net_device *dev;
struct my_dev *virt;
dev = alloc_netdev(..);
/* check for NULL */
virt = netdev_priv(dev);
dev->netdev_ops = &virt_net_ops;
SET_ETHTOOL_OPS(dev, &virt_ethtool_ops);
dev_net_set(dev, net);
virt->magic = MY_VIRT_DEV_MAGIC;
ret = register_netdev(dev);
if (ret) {
printk("register_netdev failed\n");
return ret;
What happens is that somewhere somehow the pointer net_device_ops in
'net_dev' gets corrupted, i.e.
1) create the device the first time (allocated net_dev, init the fields
including net_device_ops,which is
initialized with a static structure containing function pointers), register
the device with the kernel invoking register_netdev() - OK
2) attempt to create the device with the same name again, repeat the above
steps, call register_netdev() which will return negative and we
free_netdev(dev) and return error to the caller.
And between these two events the pointer to net_device_ops has changed,
although nowhere in the code it is done explicitly except the initialization
The kernel version is, platform MIPS. Communication channel between the user space and the kernel is implemented via netlink sockets.
Could anybody suggest what possibly can go wrong?
Appreciate any advices, thanks.
"The bug is somewhere else. "
The second device should not interact with the existing one. If you register_netdev with an existing name, nevertheless the ndo_init virtual function is called first before the condition is detected and -EEXIST is returned. Maybe your init function does something nasty involving some global variables. (For example, does the code assume there is one device, and stash a global pointer to it during initialization?)

How do I perform a nonblocking read using asio?

I am attempting to use boost::asio to read and write from a device on a serial port. Both boost::asio:read() and boost::asio::serial_port::read_some() block when there is nothing to read. Instead I would like to detect this condition and write a command to the port to kick-start the device.
How can I either detect that no data is available?
If necessary I can do everything asynchronously, I would just rather avoid the extra complexity if I can.
You have a couple of options, actually. You can either use the serial port's built-in async_read_some function, or you can use the stand-alone function boost::asio::async_read (or async_read_some).
You'll still run into the situation where you are effectively "blocked", since neither of these will call the callback unless (1) data has been read or (2) an error occurs. To get around this, you'll want to use a deadline_timer object to set a timeout. If the timeout fires first, no data was available. Otherwise, you will have read data.
The added complexity isn't really all that bad. You'll end up with two callbacks with similar behavior. If either the "read" or the "timeout" callback fires with an error, you know it's the race loser. If either one fires without an error, then you know it's the race winner (and you should cancel the other call). In the place where you would have had your blocking call to read_some, you will now have a call to Your function will still block as before when it calls run, but this time you control the duration.
Here's an example:
void foo()
io_service io_svc;
serial_port ser_port(io_svc, "your string here");
deadline_timer timeout(io_svc);
unsigned char my_buffer[1];
bool data_available = false;
boost::bind(&read_callback, boost::ref(data_available), boost::ref(timeout),
timeout.async_wait(boost::bind(&wait_callback, boost::ref(ser_port),
boost::asio::placeholders::error));; // will block until async callbacks are finished
if (!data_available)
void read_callback(bool& data_available, deadline_timer& timeout, const boost::system::error_code& error, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
if (error || !bytes_transferred)
// No data was read!
data_available = false;
timeout.cancel(); // will cause wait_callback to fire with an error
data_available = true;
void wait_callback(serial_port& ser_port, const boost::system::error_code& error)
if (error)
// Data was read and this timeout was canceled
ser_port.cancel(); // will cause read_callback to fire with an error
That should get you started with only a few tweaks here and there to suit your specific needs. I hope this helps!
Another note: No extra threads were necessary to handle callbacks. Everything is handled within the call to run(). Not sure if you were already aware of this...
Its actually a lot simpler than the answers here have implied, and you can do it synchronously:
Suppose your blocking read was something like this:
size_t len = socket.receive_from(boost::asio::buffer(recv_buf), sender_endpoint);
Then you replace it with
size_t len = 0;
error = boost::asio::error::would_block;
while (error == boost::asio::error::would_block)
//do other things here like go and make coffee
len = socket.receive_from(boost::asio::buffer(recv_buf), sender_endpoint, 0, error);
std::cout.write(, len);
You use the alternative overloaded form of receive_from which almost all the send/receive methods have. They unfortunately take a flags argument but 0 seems to work fine.
You have to use the free-function asio::async_read.
