Xamarin.Forms RestSharp not honoring CachePolicy - xamarin

I am using RestSharp in my Xamarin.Forms Project. Problem is RestClient.ExecuteTaskAsync is returning cached response when accessing same end point without stopping app. I have tried some suggestions like adding Random Number/TimeStamp as parameter, have tried setting header and Cache Policy like
_client.AddDefaultHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
_client.CachePolicy = new
But nothing work. Interesting point is, Cache is not creating problem for one Api Call where I am passing Credentials as Json Body. But for all other API Calls, even changing the parameters doesn't effect. It always bring cached response, until I stop app and then open app again.
I am using MVVM and Dependency Injection, So RestClient Object is passed as Dependency to constructor of class where I am using it. Currently testing in Android not tested in iOS. Please advise.


How to change URL at runtime

We are trying to use Cobalt (20.stable) browser as the browser of our web SPA application.
My requirement is to be able to change URL at runtime, what I was able to find in the code:
starboard::shared::starboard::Application::Link(const char* link_data)
which ends up sending:
Unfortunately this is not working, as code is ignoring the call; the handling reaches the point:
// TODO: Remove this when terminal application states are properly handled.
if (deep_link_event->IsH5vccLink()) {
In my case I m trying to change the URL to let say https://www.example.com.
There should be a way to do that as when navigating we can always have a link that will cause the browser to go to some URL?
Porting layer is not supposed to control navigation directly. Instead, your Starboard implementation may send a deep link event which could be intercepted by a web app which will perform a navigation. See h5vcc_runtime.idl for Web API.
That said, if you are building an SPA, why do you even need to change a URL? Initial URL of a web app is controlled by --url command line switch.
When you say runtime are you looking to change the initial URL when the app is first launched? If so, you could just use the --url parameter.
So you could do the following:
cobalt --url="https://www.example.com"
I did a patch to allow changing the URL.
I just need to call starboard::shared::starboard::Application::Link("https://www.example.com").
Inside this call a DeepLinkEvent is posted.
Patch : https://gofile.io/?c=9GvNHX
Cobalt does not navigate for you. The JavaScript receives the deeplink with the function it sets on h5vcc.runtime.onDeepLink and then does whatever it wants with that. As a SPA, it will parse the URL and load new content from its server in its own internal data format (e.g. protocol buffers, JSON, etc.) which it uses to update its own DOM to show new content.
Navigating is not the point of a SPA since that makes it not be a single page application. However, there may be cases such as a loader app that will want to make some initial decisions then load the actual SPA. That loader app would have to have the appropriate CSP rules in place, then set window.location to the URL of the page to navigate to.
Note: The code you found in Application::OnDeepLinkEvent() is a remnant that previously supported the H5vccURLHandler, which was removed in Cobalt 20. It's not meant to navigate to arbitrary deeplinks.

Session object not available in WebAPI

I've got a webAPI that uses Entity Framework. I'm trying to cache some data in the session variable following along in this article:
I can't seem to do it though. The Session object isn't available.
In my controller, I try this:
Session["mappings"] = mappings;
...but it doesn't recognize what Session is.
I also try this:
HttpContext.Current.Session["mappings"] = mappings;
...and this:
Page.Session["mappings"] = mappings;
...but it doesn't know what HttpContext or Page are.
I'm including System.Web in my project references. I'm also including this in my web.config:
...just like this article says:
...but to no avail.
My work colleague suggests it's because our webAPI is RESTful which means it's stateless, so no session object. However, we know there are ways around this. What I need is simply some way of persisting data in some kind of cache that will survive across several requests.
I also need something that will be available inside EF entities (not just the webAPI controller) is that's possible.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thanks.
As your colleagues correctly suggested, an API is stateless, each request is separate and needs to have all the data required to complete the request.
You can add a caching layer however, but that is not going to be done via the Session object. Session makes no sense in an API.
Have a look here for some ideas: Caching Data in Web API

How to use IAppBuilder.CreatePerOwinContext in a self-hosted 2.2 WebApi

I have a working self-hosted OWIN based 2.2 WebApi project. I wanted to put authorization into it and share the identity service with my MVC 5 website. (There a numerous opinions on if or how easy doing so may be.) My attempt to share the authorization/authentication cookie has lead me into a hole. I discovered that the WebApi code was not seeing/processing the cookie even though it was in the request header. I then decided to try a test in which I would generate the cookie in the WebApi on one call and accept it on another. That attempt lead me to the fact that CreatePerOwinContext is not working as I thought it should.
I placed the following code in a method to generate the cookie.
var ctx = Request.GetOwinContext();
var asim = ctx.Get<ApplicationSignInManager>();
asim.SignInAsync(user, false, false);
and discovered that the Get was returning null. I then investigated the code in my startup
I placed a breakpoint on ApplicationSigInManger.Create and never reached it. I placed a breakpoint at the same location in my MVC 5 code and did hit the breakpoint. Yes, I did verify that I am reaching and continuing past the call to CreatePerOwinContext. The lack of hitting the breakpoint has lead me to conclude that the call to CreatePerOwinContext is not working the same in WebApi as in MVC 5.
Both the MVC project and the WebApi project are using .Net 4.6 release code and the latest versions of their respective NuGet packages.

Where Did WebRequest.GetResponse go?

I am trying to access a web API using an HttpWebRequest in C#. However, whenever I attempt to use the method GetResponse I get an error that the method does not exist.
However it is clearly defined here that GetResponse should work.
I have done something almost identical to this on a different app. The code for that app was written on a different machine. Still, is it possible to perform a GetResponse without having to muck with threads?
I think that is caused because you're on Silverlight which has a subset of the actual framework. You should use the async methodsof the GetResponse. It seems it's duplicated on this post Can't find HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() in WP7 Project
HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse are not available when your are develop apps for WP7. You need to use WebClient and there only the async methods.

ASP.NET MVC 3, RavenDB, & Autofac Issue Plus 2 Other Autofac Questions

NOTE: There are 3 questions in here and I did not make separate questions since they are all somewhat related to the same code.
I have the following code that registers the connection to my RavenDB in the Application_Start once per the application's life cycle:
var store = new DocumentStore { Url = "http://localhost:8080" };
Now this works fine and this is something that should be created only once per the application's life cycle. Now I wanted to add in the DocumentSession to Autofac so I tried to add in this in the Application_Start:
var session = store.OpenSession();
In my UserRepository I have the following constructor:
public UserRepository(DocumentStore store, DocumentSession session)
When I try to run this, I get the follow runtime error:
Cannot resolve parameter 'Raven.Client.Document.DocumentSession Session' of constructor 'Void .ctor(Raven.Client.Document.DocumentStore, Raven.Client.Document.DocumentSession)'
That error to me sounds like Autofac does not think it has a DocumentSession however that is what store.OpenSession() returns so it should. Anyone know what would be causing this error? Am I not setting the session variable correctly (it is the same as the store variable which works fine)?
Another thing which may or may not be related to the above issue is how do I add an instance of an object to Autofac per request instead of per the applications life cycle? While the RavenDB DocumentStore object should only be created once be the life application cycle, the DocumentSession should be created once per the request (maybe creating it per application level is causing the error above).
One last question I will throw there about Autofac (mildly related to the code above) is about releasing the objects. If you take a look at this tutorial:
The last piece of code:
and the point of this code is to prevent leaking the sessions. Now is this something I also need to worry about for Autofac and if so, how would I do this in Autofac?
I'm guessing you want something like:
builder.Register(c => c.Resolve<DocumentStore>().OpenSession()).InstancePerLifetimeScope();
"The default ASP.NET and WCF integrations are set up so that InstancePerLifetimeScope() will attach a component to the current web request or service method call." - Autofac: InstanceScope
Basically, in a web app, InstancePerLifetimeScope handles the one per HTTP context aspect, and also disposes any types that implement IDisposable.
There was also the issue that OpenSession returns a IDocumentSession instead of a DocumentSession. Changing my class to look for a IDocumentSession along with doing what Jim suggested worked, thanks.
