elasticsearch - snapshot creation failed due to RepositoryMissingException - elasticsearch

I'm trying to create a snapshot in s3 bucket. After running request to create the new snapshot, i'm checking the status of the new snapshot and i see that snapshot state is PARTIAL, due to RepositoryMissingException.
Why is that happening ?
More information:
snapshot configuration:
$ curl localhost:9200/_cat/repositories
s3_repository s3
creation of new snapshot:
$ curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_snapshot/s3_repository/snap10
get details about created snapshot (here we can see the failure):
$ curl localhost:9200/_snapshot/s3_repository/snap10?pretty
"snapshots" : [ {
"snapshot" : "snap10",
"version_id" : 2040699,
"version" : "2.4.6",
"indices" : [ "twitter" ],
"state" : "PARTIAL",
"start_time" : "2018-09-27T08:24:13.431Z",
"start_time_in_millis" : 1538036653431,
"end_time" : "2018-09-27T08:24:13.823Z",
"end_time_in_millis" : 1538036653823,
"duration_in_millis" : 392,
"failures" : [ {
"index" : "twitter",
"shard_id" : 1,
"reason" : "RepositoryMissingException[[s3_repository] missing]",
"node_id" : "0yJw77XwSX62rUnhDAAclw",
}, {
"index" : "twitter",
"shard_id" : 0,
"reason" : "RepositoryMissingException[[s3_repository] missing]",
"node_id" : "WEzVGyjXSLWuzfD_w-sBlA",
} ],
"shards" : {
"total" : 2,
"failed" : 2,
"successful" : 0
} ]
Can you please assist with the issue ? why the error says that RepositoryMissingException?
Please let me know if more information is needed.

In the end the issue was that cloud-aws plugin was installed only on master node. Once I installed the plugin on the data nodes - it worked.


Error in elasticsearch: Invalid snapshot name snapshot with the same name already in-progress

I have a problem.
I want to store an index that is in elasticsearch. I created a new repository for this and this repository does not have any snapshots. But when I ran the code blog below, it returned me the error message "Invalid snapshot name snapshot with the same name already in-progress ". How can I fix this problem?
I created a new repository with the following code block:
PUT /_snapshot/backup_repository
"type": "fs",
"settings": {
"compress" : "true",
"location": "C:/backups/backup_my_index"
just to be sure i used the code block below and the query returned me this result:
GET /_snapshot/backup_repository/_status
"snapshots" : [ ]
I wanted to make a backup with the following code block:
PUT /_snapshot/backup_repository/my_snapshot?wait_for_completion=true
"indices": "my_index",
"ignore_unavailable": true,
"include_global_state": false,
"metadata": {
"taken_by": "busra duygu",
"taken_because": "backup for my_index"
Error :
"error" : {
"root_cause" : [
"type" : "invalid_snapshot_name_exception",
"reason" : "[backup_repository:my_snapshot] Invalid snapshot name [my_snapshot], snapshot with the same name is already in-progress"
"type" : "invalid_snapshot_name_exception",
"reason" : "[backup_repository:my_snapshot] Invalid snapshot name [my_snapshot], snapshot with the same name is already in-progress"
"status" : 400
I would be very happy if you could help me.
To see if there is a snapshot that already exist with this name
GET /_snapshot/backup_repository/_all
You will also get the state of it (SUCCESS/FAILED,...)
As you said i ran this query and it returned me the following result.
GET /_snapshot/backup_repository/_all
"snapshots" : [
"snapshot" : "my_snapshot",
"uuid" : "4Sv055VjQDSZvpBqSvCxpg",
"version_id" : 7100199,
"version" : "7.10.1",
"indices" : [
"data_streams" : [ ],
"include_global_state" : false,
"metadata" : {
"taken_by" : "busra duygu",
"taken_because" : "backup for my_index"
"state" : "IN_PROGRESS",
"start_time" : "2021-09-09T06:22:16.414Z",
"start_time_in_millis" : 1631168536414,
"end_time" : "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"end_time_in_millis" : 0,
"duration_in_millis" : 0,
"failures" : [ ],
"shards" : {
"total" : 0,
"failed" : 0,
"successful" : 0

Elasticsearch ILM not rolling

I have configured my ILM to rollover when the indice size be 20GB or after passing 30 days in the hot node
but my indice passed 20GB and still didn't pass to the cold node
and when I run: GET _cat/indices?v I get:
green open packetbeat-7.9.2-2020.10.22-000001 RRAnRZrrRZiihscJ3bymig 10 1 63833049 0 44.1gb 22gb
Could you tell me how to solve that please !
Knowing that in my packetbeat file configuration, I have just changed the number of shards:
index.number_of_shards: 10
index.number_of_replicas: 1
when I run the command GET packetbeat-7.9.2-2020.10.22-000001/_settings I get this output:
"packetbeat-7.9.2-2020.10.22-000001" : {
"settings" : {
"index" : {
"lifecycle" : {
"name" : "packetbeat",
"rollover_alias" : "packetbeat-7.9.2"
"routing" : {
"allocation" : {
"include" : {
"_tier_preference" : "data_content"
"mapping" : {
"total_fields" : {
"limit" : "10000"
"refresh_interval" : "5s",
"number_of_shards" : "10",
"provided_name" : "<packetbeat-7.9.2-{now/d}-000001>",
"max_docvalue_fields_search" : "200",
"query" : {
"default_field" : [
and the output of the command GET /packetbeat-7.9.2-2020.10.22-000001/_ilm/explain is :
"indices" : {
"packetbeat-7.9.2-2020.10.22-000001" : {
"index" : "packetbeat-7.9.2-2020.10.22-000001",
"managed" : true,
"policy" : "packetbeat",
"lifecycle_date_millis" : 1603359683835,
"age" : "15.04d",
"phase" : "hot",
"phase_time_millis" : 1603359684332,
"action" : "rollover",
"action_time_millis" : 1603360173138,
"step" : "check-rollover-ready",
"step_time_millis" : 1603360173138,
"phase_execution" : {
"policy" : "packetbeat",
"phase_definition" : {
"min_age" : "0ms",
"actions" : {
"rollover" : {
"max_size" : "50gb",
"max_age" : "30d"
"version" : 1,
"modified_date_in_millis" : 1603359683339
It's weird that it's 50GB !!
Thanks for your help
So I found the solution of this problem.
After updating the policy, I removed the policy from the index using it, and then added it again to those index.

Number of records processed in logstash

We're using logstash to sync Elastic search and we've around 3 million documents. It takes 3 to 4 hours to sync. Currently all we get is, it is started and stopped. Is there any way to see how many records processed in logstash ?
If you're using Logstash 5 and higher, the Logstash Monitoring API can help you. You can see and monitor what's happening inside Logstash as it processes events. If you hit the Pipeline stats API you'll get the total number of processed events per stage and plugin (input/filter/output):
curl -XGET 'localhost:9600/_node/stats/pipelines?pretty'
You'll get this type of response in which you can clearly see at any time how many events have been processed:
"pipelines" : {
"test" : {
"events" : {
"duration_in_millis" : 365495,
"in" : 216485,
"filtered" : 216485,
"out" : 216485,
"queue_push_duration_in_millis" : 342466
"plugins" : {
"inputs" : [ {
"id" : "35131f351e2dc5ed13ee04265a8a5a1f95292165-1",
"events" : {
"out" : 216485,
"queue_push_duration_in_millis" : 342466
"name" : "beats"
} ],
"filters" : [ {
"id" : "35131f351e2dc5ed13ee04265a8a5a1f95292165-2",
"events" : {
"duration_in_millis" : 55969,
"in" : 216485,
"out" : 216485
"failures" : 216485,
"patterns_per_field" : {
"message" : 1
"name" : "grok"
}, {
"id" : "35131f351e2dc5ed13ee04265a8a5a1f95292165-3",
"events" : {
"duration_in_millis" : 3326,
"in" : 216485,
"out" : 216485
"name" : "geoip"
} ],
"outputs" : [ {
"id" : "35131f351e2dc5ed13ee04265a8a5a1f95292165-4",
"events" : {
"duration_in_millis" : 278557,
"in" : 216485,
"out" : 216485
"name" : "elasticsearch"
} ]
"reloads" : {
"last_error" : null,
"successes" : 0,
"last_success_timestamp" : null,
"last_failure_timestamp" : null,
"failures" : 0
"queue" : {
"type" : "memory"

elasticsearch doesn't update documents

I'm facing up with a trouble related with document updatings.
I'm able to index(create) documents and they are correctly added on index.
Nevertheless, when I'm trying to update one of them, the operation is not made, the document is not updated.
When I first time add the document it's like:
"user" : "user4",
"timestamp" : "2016-12-16T15:00:22.645Z",
"startTimestamp" : "2016-12-16T15:00:22.645Z",
"dueTimestamp" : null,
"closingTimestamp" : null,
"matter" : "F1",
"comment" : null,
"status" : 0,
"backlogStatus" : 20,
"metainfos" : {
"ceeaceaaaceeaceaaaceeaceaaaceeaaceaaaceeabceaaa" : [ "FZ11" ]
"resources" : [ ],
"notes" : null
This is the code I'm using in order to build UpdateRequest:
I've also been able to debug which's the content of this request begore sending it to elasticsearch. The document is:
As you can see the only difference is metainfos is empty when I try to update the document.
After having performed this update request the document is not updated. I mean the content of metainfos keeps as before:
#curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/user4/fuas/_search?pretty'
"took" : 2,
"timed_out" : false,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 1,
"successful" : 1,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : 1,
"max_score" : 1.0,
"hits" : [ {
"_index" : "living_v1",
"_type" : "fuas",
"_id" : "327c9435-c394-11e6-aa90-02420a011808",
"_score" : 1.0,
"_routing" : "user4",
"_source" : {
"user" : "user4",
"timestamp" : "2016-12-16T15:00:22.645Z",
"startTimestamp" : "2016-12-16T15:00:22.645Z",
"dueTimestamp" : null,
"closingTimestamp" : null,
"matter" : "F1",
"comment" : null,
"status" : 0,
"backlogStatus" : 20,
"metainfos" : {
>>>>>>>> "ceeaceaaaceeaceaaaceeaceaaaceeaaceaaaceeabceaaa" : [ "FZ11" ]
"resources" : [ ],
"notes" : null
} ]
I don't quite figure out what's wrong. Any ideas?
ElasticSearch will not update an empty object. You can try with:
null "metainfos":null
to clean the field.

Elasticsearch CouchDB River no hit

I have a problem with CouchDB and Elasticsearch. i use Docker to realise it. i have a working couchdb container on the default port. Now i use this container:
And i insert a new couchdb connection with this:
curl -X PUT '' -d ' { "type" : "couchdb", "couchdb" : { "host" : "couchdb", "port" : 5984, "db" : "articles", "filter" : null }, "index" : { "index" : "articles", "type" : "articles", "bulk_size" : "100", "bulk_timeout" : "10ms" } }'
to have a working elasticsearch with the couchdb river. Now i checked with curl host/articles/articles/_search?pretty=true the documents. The Hits are empty.
"took" : 2,
"timed_out" : false,
"_shards" : {
"total" : 5,
"successful" : 5,
"failed" : 0
"hits" : {
"total" : 0,
"max_score" : null,
"hits" : [ ]
i turned the debugger on and checked the logging file. The output is this: http://pastebin.com/ETkNmJzT
The only conspicuous thing i found is this line: [2015-02-20 14:04:24,554][DEBUG][plugins ] [Arc] [/elasticsearch/plugins/river-couchdb/_site] directory does not exist.
But i doesn't understand why it doesn't work. i can curl the IP
