Need Script for W10 - windows

There is a folder with many subfolders.
Each subfolder has one .jpeg and another subfolder with .png
Script needs to delete the only .jpeg in that subfolder.
Then take .png from the folder inside and delete the folder, but leave the .png.
I hope you understand what i am in need.
Please text me otherwise !

import os
import shutil
previous_path = ""
previous = ("","")
for base, dirs, files in os.walk("C:\subDIRS"):
if(len(files) != 0):
if(os.path.isfile(previous[0] + "\\" + previous[1]) and
os.path.splitext(files[0])[1].upper() == ".PNG" and
os.path.splitext(previous[0] + "\\" + previous[1])[1].upper() == ".JPG"):
shutil.move(base + "\\" + files[0], previous[0])
os.remove(previous[0] + "\\" + previous[1])
previous = base, files[0]


NCBIWWW.qblast parsing xml files

I am using biopython to (attempt to) write a script that will take my downloaded Sanger sequencing results from Genewiz (multiple sequences downloaded into a single FASTA file), create a new file with the sequence trimmed to my desired length, run the trimmed sequences on BLAST, and list the species of the top hit. As I am pretty new to bioinformatics and programming I am working through each of these parts step-by-step using the biopython cookbook as a framework. I have managed to get my trimmed sequences in a new file and BLAST to run (is it always that slow?) but am getting stuck now on parsing. Any help would be appreciated! I will edit/post more questions as I work through this program, but one step at a time.
Code so far:
import os
print("Current folder: " + os.getcwd())
import Bio
from Bio import SeqIO
import glob
for filename in glob.iglob('*download.fasta'):
name = str(filename)
newname = str(filename.strip("_download.fasta") + "_trim.fasta")
print("File procesing: " + name)
with open(newname, "w") as f:
for seq_record in SeqIO.parse(open(name, mode = 'r'), "fasta"):
f.write(str(">" + + "\n"))
x = 31
while x < 411:
f.write(str(seq_record.seq[x:x+50])+ "\n")
x = x + 50
print("All files trimmed.")
from Bio.Blast import NCBIWWW
from Bio.Blast import NCBIXML
for filename in glob.iglob('*trim.fasta'):
name = str(filename)
newname = str(filename.strip(".fasta") + ".xml")
print("Running BLAST on " + name)
record = open(name).read()
result_handle = NCBIWWW.qblast("blastn", "nt", record, hitlist_size=1)
print("BLAST on " + name + " is complete.")
with open(newname, "w") as out_handle:
print(newname + " is ready for parsing.")
print("All files BLASTed")

Python - Round Robin file move

I am trying to create a Python script that moves files in a round robin into a DIR that has the least amount of files in it so that the files are equally distributed for the source DIR to the two target DIR's.
For example:
If c:\test contains:
I want these test_1.txt and test_3.txt to be moved to c:\test\dir_a and test_2.txt and test_4.tx to be moved to c:\test\dir_b.
I have been able to successfully do this in Ruby, however when i try to do this in Python when the script runs it moves all the files into the DIR with the least least amount of files in it instead of distributing them in a round robin.
Here is my Ruby example:
require 'fileutils'
def check_file
watchfolder_1 = 'F:/Transcoder/testing/dir_a/'
watchfolder_2 = 'F:/Transcoder/testing/dir_b/'
if !Dir.glob('F:/Transcoder/testing/prep/*.txt').empty?
Dir['F:/Transcoder/testing/prep/*.txt'].each do |f|
node_1 = Dir["#{watchfolder_1}"+'*']
node_2 = Dir["#{watchfolder_2}"+'*']
nc_1 = node_1.count
nc_2 = node_2.count
loadmin =[nc_1,nc_2].min
#puts loadmin
if loadmin == nc_1 Dir.glob("#{f}"), watchfolder_1
puts "#{f} moved to DIR A"
elsif loadmin == nc_2 Dir.glob("#{f}"), watchfolder_2
puts "#{f} moved to DIR B"
puts 'Files successfully moved to staging area.'
puts 'No valid files found'
This outputs the following:
C:\Ruby22-x64\bin\ruby.exe -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift)
F:/Transcoder/testing/prep/test_1.txt moved to DIR A
Files successfully moved to staging area.
F:/Transcoder/testing/prep/test_2.txt moved to DIR B
Files successfully moved to staging area.
F:/Transcoder/testing/prep/test_3.txt moved to DIR A
Files successfully moved to staging area.
F:/Transcoder/testing/prep/test_4.txt moved to DIR B
Files successfully moved to staging area.
The files move as I want them to.
Now here is my Python script:
import shutil
from glob import glob
import os.path
dir_a = os.listdir('F:\\Transcoder\\testing\\dir_a\\')
dir_b = os.listdir('F:\\Transcoder\\testing\\dir_b\\')
t_a = 'F:\\Transcoder\\testing\\dir_a\\'
t_b = 'F:\\Transcoder\\testing\\dir_b\\'
if os.listdir('F:\\Transcoder\\testing\\prep\\'):
prep = glob('F:\\Transcoder\\testing\\prep\\*.txt')
for file in prep:
ac = len(dir_a)
bc = len(dir_b)
load = [ac, bc]
if min(load) == ac:
print('Moving' + file + 'to DIR A')
shutil.move(file, t_a)
elif min(load) == bc:
print('Moving' + file + 'to DIR B')
shutil.move(file, t_b)
print('No Files')
This script returns this:
Moving F:\Transcoder\testing\prep\test_1.txt to DIR A
Moving F:\Transcoder\testing\prep\test_2.txt to DIR A
Moving F:\Transcoder\testing\prep\test_3.txt to DIR A
Moving F:\Transcoder\testing\prep\test_4.txt to DIR A
Where am I going wrong with the Python script, why is it not moving the files in a round robin?
dir_a and dir_b are computed at the start of your script so the load is always identical even if you move files in your loop.
Move this in your for loop:
dir_a = os.listdir(r'F:\Transcoder\testing\dir_a')
dir_b = os.listdir(r'F:\Transcoder\testing\dir_b')
fox proposal (with some other small fixes as well, like not repeating paths and using "raw" prefix (r"the\data") to avoid escaping the antislashes.
import shutil
from glob import glob
import os.path
t_a = r'F:\Transcoder\testing\dir_a'
t_b = r'F:\Transcoder\testing\dir_b'
prep = glob('F:\\Transcoder\\testing\\prep\\*.txt')
if prep:
for file in prep:
dir_a = os.listdir(t_a)
dir_b = os.listdir(t_b)
ac = len(dir_a)
bc = len(dir_b)
load = [ac, bc]
if min(load) == ac:
print('Moving' + file + 'to DIR A')
shutil.move(file, t_a)
print('Moving' + file + 'to DIR B')
shutil.move(file, t_b)
print('No Files')

How to batch rename images in several folders?

I have 600 images (e.g. images_0, images_1, images_2, ..., images_599) which are saved in 12 folders (e.g. dataset_1, dataset_2, dataset_3, ..., dataset_12).
I am currently using this code to rename images:
mainDirectory = 'C:\Users\Desktop\data';
subDirectory = dir([mainDirectory '/dataset_*']);
for m = 1 : length(subDirectory)
subFolder = dir(fullfile(mainDirectory, subDirectory(m).name, '*.png'));
fileNames = {};
for iFile = 1 : numel( subFolder )
newName = fullfile(mainDirectory, subDirectory(m).name, sprintf('%00d.png', iFile));
movefile(fullfile(mainDirectory, subDirectory(m).name, fileNames{iFile}), newName);
This code works well but I want to change the format of newName to the following: number-of-dataset_name-of-image (e.g. 1_images_0, 1_images_1, 2_images_0, 2_images_1, etc.). How can I make this change to newName?
You can first split your folder name to get the 1 to 12 number
str = strsplit('dataset_12', '_'); % split along '_'
The folder number will be in str{2}.
Then concatenate this piece of information with
new_name = [str{2} '_' original_image_name]
where original_image_name is the original image name (!) - or use alternatively sprintfas you already did.

When exporting XLIFF from Xcode, how to exclude dummy strings?

I'm using the Xcode's Editor > Export For Localization... to export XLIFF file for translation
but the translations for the Main.storyboard includes a lot of unnecessary strings, mostly placeholders/dummies that are useful at design time.
How do I exclude such strings from XLIFF file?
I've written a script that excludes certain translation.
How it works?
cmd-line: python input.xliff output.xliff exclude_list.txt [-v]
Example usage:python en.xliff en-stripped.xliff exclude_words.txt -v
The exclude_list.txt is a file with a string per line. The script parses this list and creates a dictionary of banned words. If a translation with source containing one of these strings is encountered, the whole translation unit is removed from the output xml/xliff.
Here is the solution that works with latest python version:
def log(string_to_log):
if args.verbose:
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Process xliff file against banned words and output new xliff with stripped translation.", epilog="Example usage: en.xliff en-stripped.xliff exclude_words.txt -v")
parser.add_argument('source', help="Input .xliff file containing all the strings")
parser.add_argument('output', help="Output .xliff file which will containt the stripped strings according to the exclude_list")
parser.add_argument('exclude_list', help="Multi-line text file where every line is a banned string")
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", help="print script steps while working")
args = parser.parse_args()
banned_words = [line.strip().lower() for line in open(args.exclude_list, 'r')]
log("original file: " + args.source)
log("output file: " + args.output)
log("banned words: " + ", ".join(banned_words))
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
ns = {"n": "urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"}
with open(args.source, 'r') as xml_file:
tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
root = tree.getroot()
counter = 1
for file_body in root.findall("./*/n:body", ns):
for trans_unit in file_body.findall("n:trans-unit", ns):
source = trans_unit.find("n:source", ns)
if source.text is not None:
source = source.text.encode("utf-8").lower()
source = source.decode("utf-8")
source = source.strip()
for banned_word in banned_words:
if source.find(banned_word) != -1:
log(str(counter) + ": removing <trans-unit id=\"" + trans_unit.attrib['id'] + "\">, banned: \"" + banned_word + "\"")
counter += 1
tree.write(args.output, "utf-8", True)
And the usage is the same:
python en.xliff en-stripped.xliff exclude_words.txt -v
For me I use this XLIFF Online Editor to edit the xliff file. It will be easy to you to ignore the dummy text or anything you need.

QUrl containing parentheses

Our application is a 32 bit application. When it is installed in windows 7 64bit, typically it installs at “C:\Program Files (x86)”, instead of “C:\Program Files”. We are constructing a Url based on the install location and pass it around as part of a web service. We are constructing the Url like this:
ppmPath = "http://" + ipAddress + ":13007/" + folder + ".ppm" + "?filePath="
+ applicationDirPath + "/" + FIRMWARE;
QUrl ppmURL( ppmPath, QUrl::TolerantMode );
ppmPath = QString( ppmURL.toEncoded() );
The variable types and meaning are usual.
Since “applicationDirPath” for Windows 7 64 bit contains one closing bracket “)” - in the “(x86)” substring – apparently the URL is broken. If we install it to any other location, it works perfectly, even though the location has any other special character.
How to deal with “)” character in the URL, so that is is not broken?
From the documentation it doesn't look like parentheses are automatically encoded by QUrl, even in tolerant mode. If you first wrap your URL in a QString and then replace all ( characters with "%28" and all ) characters with "%29" then it should behave like you expect.
QString ppmPath = QString("http://" + ipAddress + ":13007/" + folder + ".ppm" + "?filePath="
+ applicationDirPath + "/" + FIRMWARE);
QUrl ppmURL( ppmPath, QUrl::TolerantMode );
ppmPath = QString( ppmURL.toEncoded() );
ppmPath.replace(QChar('('), "%%28");
ppmPath.replace(QChar(')'), "%%29");
I'm not 100% sure the double-% needs to be there, but I remember having trouble with that in the past. Try it both ways.
Alternatively, you could try playing with QUrl::toPercentEncoding() and skip the constructor altogether. It appears to convert parentheses.
QUrl ppmURL(QString("http://" + ipAddress + ":13007/" + folder + ".ppm"), QUrl::TolerantMode );
QString filepath = QUrl::toPercentEncoding(applicationDirPath + "/" + FIRMWARE);
ppmUrl.addEncodedQueryItem("filepath", filepath.toLocal8Bit());
ppmPath = QString( ppmURL.toEncoded() );
