Partial menu - Return Data - Laravel - laravel

in my Laravel project i have many views, and a partial menu in the top for all views.
When i set a variable in blade i return it inside a specific view with
return view ('view',compact('variable'))
and i set my root like that :
But what i need now is to set and return a variable into my partiable menu, so it could be visible for all views.
how can we do that please ?

according to the official documentation. You can pass data into all vies using Composer views. What you need to do is go to App\Providers\AppServiceProvider. And just do your query.
And then you need to return
View::share('data', $data);
And that's all. You can now use {{$data->id}} in all your views. Don't forget to include
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\View;


How can I use 2 models in a single view?

I'm currently working on a homepage where I am showing the 'latest hauls' and 'latest finds' they are both separate models ofcourse.
Currently I am only showing the 5 latest hauls since I use the HaulController#getWelcome Controller so I can access $haul->title etc.
How would I be able to also access $finds->title?
Thanks for the help!
You can share a model to a view by using it inside controller function -
View::share('subadmin', App\Models\SubAdmin::class);
You can call the model in your view like
{{ \App\Model::function() }}
So you can have {{ App\Model::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->limit(5)->get() }}
You have a couple of options.
Option 1: A combined model and one view.
To do this create a new ViewModel and have LatestHauls and LatestFinds as properties on this model. You could set these properties in the controller.
On your view simply navigate down the viewmodel to the appropriate properties.
Option 2: Extend the above solution to use partial views. Create a partial view for each model. On the parent view call each partial view. This might be considered a better solution but option 1 will get you started.

Laravel include view

I want to include a view like so: #include(user.myview), but within this view I need UserController logic. So I thought about calling a route: #include( route('user.route') ) which calls a Controllerfunction and returns the view but that isn't working. Any Ideas how to deal with this problem?
You need to create view composer and use it to get the data.
View composers are callbacks or class methods that are called when a view is rendered. If you have data that you want to be bound to a view each time that view is rendered, a view composer can help you organize that logic into a single location.
Simply add a link in you view and include it in your desired location.
Link will have a route.
On clicking the link, controller method can be called. e.g. show_link.blade.php
In your show_link.blade.php view:
<a href= {{route('route-name')}} > Click here</a>.
This route will call a method via .
Route::get('/call/method', 'controller#your_method_name')->name('route-name');
In controller, method your_method_name that will look like this:
public function your_method_name()
return "show what you want to";

How to pass value to layout without passing value from all functions in Laravel?

In my project I am using a layout file and other view files. In my layout, there is a place to display users data. But I using this layout for different pages, so when I uses this layout for each pages, I need to pass user details from corresponding functions to view page. Is there any other short cut to pass user data only once, to layout directly??
Can anyone please reply??
Use Laravel View Composers
Official documentation
Here is an example :
'layout' is your view
View::composer('layout', function($view)
$view->with('count', User::count());
Put this into your "/app/start/global.php" file

Can I declare a view composer for a Form or HTML macro in Laravel 4?

I have a partial view that I am using to provide a pair of form select fields, and both sets of options depend on some variables set by a view composer for this view.
I would like to implement this view as a Form::macro instead so that I can parameterize some parts of it. However, I'm not sure how I can point the view composer at a macro instead of a partial view. Is this even possible?
I could go the route of pointing the composer at any view that I'm using the macro in, but I'd much rather have the option data load automatically any time I use the macro as it is a common component in my web app.
I use partials for some Bootstrap UI components, and create a macro to connect data into the template, so I only use HTML::macro or Form::macro to access them:
Form::macro('myMacro', function($data) {
return View::make('myPartial', $data);
This doesn't really answer the primary question, but one way I can get what I want is to use View::Make instead of #include in my views.
Where I was using:
I can use something like this instead:
{{ View::make('thepartial')->with(array('param1'=>$param1, 'param2'=>$param2, ...) }}
This way I get the parameterization I want, and I still get the composer's effects.

What is the best practice for displaying multiple views in Codeigniter?

I'm trying to determine the best practice for calling multiple views from the same method in a controller.
Is it preferable in the controller to make one view call, then have that view call all the views it needs, or call all the views you need in sequence in the controller?
function index(){
//set all data variables
//then send them to the view
$this->load->view($index_view, $data);
function index(){
//set variables
//then call each view
$this->load->view($header_view, $header_data);
$this->load->view($body_view, $body_data);
$this->load->view($footer_view, $footer_data);
The Codeigniter guide shows both ways, but does not seem to advise to the best there one?
I didn't like the way of including the header/footer within the view, and I didn't like loading the footer and header each time in every single Controller function.
To fix this, I extended the Controller class with my own view display function.
// in application/libraries/MY_Controller.php
class MY_Controller extends Controller {
function _displayPage($page, $data = array()) {
$this->view->load('header', $data);
$this->view->load($page, $data);
$this->view->load('footer', $data);
// in application/controllers/home.php
class Home extends MY_Controller {
function index() {
$this->_displayPage('home/index', array('title' => 'Home'));
Not sure if this is CodeIgniter "best practice" but it makes sense to me.
I don't think there is a definitive answer for that. Choose one and stick with it, it's important to be consistent.
Anyway, I'd prefer the second one.
I would say that the controller should only display one view. Then it's up to the view if it wants to show a header, footer, sidebar or whatever. The controller shouldn't have to care, its job is to get data from a model and hand it to a view. Not decide if the view should have a header and a footer.
Agree with Christian Davén: its view / display logic not data or business / logic. essentially its the same as using php includes for snippets like navigation, footer etc. you're just embedding markup.
This is expected behavior. Once variables are set they become available within the controller class and its view files. Sending an array in $this->load->view() is the same as sending an array directly to $this->load->vars() before calling the view file. This simplifies things for most people using multiple views in a controller. If you are using multiple view files in a single controller and want them to each have their own set of variables exclusively, you’ll need to manually clear out the $this->load->_ci_cached_vars array between view calls.
A code comment in the Loader class describes another situation showing why this is the desired default behavior:
You can either set variables using the dedicated $this->load_vars()
function or via the second parameter of this function. We'll merge
the two types and cache them so that views that are embedded within
other views can have access to these variables.
