bash: What is the difference between PWD and CURDIR? - makefile

My Problem
I use a Makefile to run a docker run target, which needs the current working directory as one of its parameters.
I use either $(PWD) or $(CURDIR):
build: Dockerfile
docker run ... <$(PWD) or $(CURDIR)>
They seem to be producing the same value. I don't know if there's a subtle difference that can bite me later, so I want to know the exact definition of each of them.
What Have I Tried
man make
My Question
What is the difference between $(PWD) and $(CURDIR) in a Makefile?

First, thanks Renaud Pacalet for his comment.
Quoting the GNU Make Manual:
Set to the absolute pathname of the current working directory.
For your convenience, when GNU make starts (after it has processed any -C options) it sets the variable CURDIR to the pathname of the current working directory. This value is never touched by make again: in particular note that if you include files from other directories the value of CURDIR does not change. The value has the same precedence it would have if it were set in the makefile (by default, an environment variable CURDIR will not override this value). Note that setting this variable has no impact on the operation of make (it does not cause make to change its working directory, for example).
There's no reference to PWD in the Make manual. A quick env | grep PWD found that it was set by the environment (in my case, zsh). GNU's notes about Special Shell Variables
state that:
Posix 1003.1-2001 requires that cd and pwd must update the PWD environment variable to point to the logical name of the current directory, but traditional shells do not support this. This can cause confusion if one shell instance maintains PWD but a subsidiary and different shell does not know about PWD and executes cd; in this case PWD points to the wrong directory. Use ``pwd' rather than $PWD'.
Since CURDIR is guaranteed to work in Make in PWD might be inherited from the shell, the former should be preferred.


how to set the directory where Makefile exists so that I can run make from different directory using `make -C` option?

Say in ~/prj/abc/abcsim/abctsim/abcxyz/Makefile there is a line below.
TOOLCHAIN_DIR := $(PWD)/../../../prj1/tools/gcc_tools
If I'm in directory ~/test, and if I run make -C ~/prj/abc/abcsim/abctsim/abcxyz, this doesn't work because the $(PWD) variable is set to ~/test, not ~/prj/abc/abcsim/abctsim/abcxyz. How can I get the directory path where the Makefile exists?
In bash there's something for this : How can I get the source directory of a Bash script from within the script itself?
If you really use make -C (not make -f) and your Makefile is not included in another, you can simply use the CURDIR variable. GNU make sets it to the absolute path of the current directory when it starts, "after it has processed any -C options". So, in your case it should do exactly what you want.
Else, if you sometimes use make -f or if you have included Makefiles, you can put this as the first line of any of your Makefiles (or, at least, before any include statement):
HERE := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
and then use $(HERE) to refer to this Makefile's directory. See the GNU make manual for the details.
Note: I was almost sure this question would be a duplicate. Surprisingly I searched SO for a clear answer and found only old answers that first suggest shell calls before using make built-ins or wrong answers (using firstword instead of lastword, for instance).

Why does my PWD variable not retain its value?

I have the following code:
echo $PWD
echo $PWD
If I run this from within /home/USER/sandbox, the output of the above is:
Why does PWD not preserve its value? Is there any way to get it to preserve its value?
The key is that you called the variable PWD. This is one of several all-uppercase names used specially by Bash:
The current working directory as set by the cd command.
After each cd command, $PWD is updated to match.
I recommend you use lower-case for your variable names, to avoid surprises like this.
If I type all of those commands into the command line, I find that WD does "preserve it's value".
However I've run into this issue multiple times with various scripts and the root cause is one shell session (and/or a script) doesn't transfer its environment to another. Common solutions include doing everything I want to do in one script and saving values in a file for later use.
Hope this helps.

Make filename as command

I have a file that have shell commands
For eg: test
I need to run this as
instead of #./test
Anyone please help!
Commands that don't have / in them are tried as
shell builtins
executables in each component of $PATH
PATH is an environment variable that contains a colon-separated list of paths where the shell or or some of the exec system functions search for executable files.
Prepends the current directory, making your test executable runnable.
(As hek2mgl mentions, appending is normally much better for security reasons as you normally don't want user-writable paths to override write-protected paths that are already part of PATH--though you do want it in this case because test is already a system-level executable)
It will still be preceded by the test shell builtin, however.
For that reason, you should name it something other than test, or circumvent the builtin with $(which test) after you modify your PATH.
In a shell, you could also make it a function (or an alias ) that would invoke the full path. That wouldn't have many bad security implications.
$PWD is the absolute path to your current directory. You could also use . (or another relative path), making the PATH "change" as you cd along, however that is considered a bad practice for security reasons.

$PWD vs. pwd regarding portability

I'm writing a shell script which parses the path of the current working directory (printing a like of all basenames above the current directory).
So far, I've been using the environment variable PWD to parse the path but I wonder if
I can count on PWD to be always set
to give the same result on every platform
Would it possibly be better to use the pwd shell-builtin? I need this script to run on as many platforms as possible, so I just wondered...
POSIX requires $PWD to be set in the following fashion:
This variable shall represent an absolute pathname of the current working directory. It shall not contain any components that are dot or dot-dot. The value is set by the cd utility, and by the sh utility during initialization.
So you can rely on that being set – but do note "... an absolute path...", not the absolute path.
bash (at least recent versions) will remember what symlinks you followed when setting $PWD (and the pwd builtin). command pwd (that is, the external command) will not. So you'll get different results there, which might, or might not, be important for you. Use pwd -P if you want a path without symlinks.
Do note that the pwd documentation states:
If an application sets or unsets the value of PWD, the behavior of pwd is unspecified.
So, don't do that :)
In short, there is no winner here. The environment variable will be there in POSIX shells, as will the external command and possibly a built-in too. Choose the one that best fits your need, the important thing being whether you care about symlinks or not.
From that forum article, "$PWD vs `pwd`" which compares AIX 4.2.1, AIX 6, Sparc Solaris 10 and Redhat 5 enterprise with this regard:
there is no difference between $PWD and builtin pwd,
there is no difference between builtin pwd -P and /usr/bin/pwd.
The former shows working directory with names of symbolic links whereas the latter displays actual path.
The only discrepancy is that external command is in /usr/bin in most systems and /bin in Redhat.
Another point to note is
command substitutions are not generally safe on trailing
newlines .
This is obviously fairly contrived, but if you're really concerned about safely
handling input you should be using "$PWD". See, for example:
$ my_dir=$'/tmp/trailing_newline\n'
$ mkdir -p "$my_dir"
$ cd "$my_dir"
$ pwd
$ printf "%q\n" "$(pwd)" "$PWD"
$ cd "$(pwd)"
sh: cd: /tmp/trailing_newline: No such file or directory
$ cd "$PWD"
It is possible to work around the command substitution but it is by no means
pretty. You can append a trailing character and then strip it with a
parameter expansion:
$ pwd_guarded="$(pwd; printf '#')"
$ pwd_fixed="${pwd_guarded%$'\n'#}"
$ printf "%q\n" "$pwd_fixed"
$ cd "$pwd_fixed"
This is particularly ugly because you then also have to strip the newline that
pwd adds, which would normally have been stripped by the command substitution.
This becomes a total mess if you don't resort to non-POSIX constructs like
$'', so basically, just use "$PWD" if you care about these things. Of course
it is perfectly reasonable to just not support trailing newlines in directory
If you know that bash is available and the script is executed with it, PWD is safe.
If, on some systems, only plain sh is available, use pwd.
If it were me, I'd use pwd since it is a built-in both for bash and sh. That does not mean they work identically in all respects, but if you are invoking it without options, that shouldn't matter.

Directory based environment variable scope - how to implement?

I have a set of tools which I need to pass parameters depending on the project I'm working on. I'd like to be able to automatically set a couple of environment variables based on the current directory. So when I switched between directories, my commonly used env vars would also change. Example:
Let's current directory is foo, thus if I do:
~/foo$ ./myscript --var1=$VAR1
VAR1 would have some foo based value.
Then, let's say I switched to bar directory. If I do:
~/bar$ ./myscript --var1=$VAR1
VAR1 should now have some bar based value.
Is that possible? How?
the ondir program lets you specify actions to run when you enter and leave directories in a terminal
There is direnv which helps you do this stuff much easily and in an elegant way. Just define a .envrc file in your project directory with all the env variables needed and it will source it once you cd into that folder.
I've written another implementation of this, which is somewhat similar to ondir. I didn't actually know about ondir when I started working on it. There are some key differences that may be useful, however.
smartcd is written entirely in shell, and is fully compatible with bash and zsh, even the more esoteric options
smartcd will run scripts all the way down and up the directory hierarchy down to their common ancestor, not just for the two directories you're entering and leaving. This means you can have a ~/foo script that will execute whether you "cd ~/foo" or "cd ~/foo/bar"
it has "variable stashing" which is a more automatic way of dealing with your environment variables, whereas ondir requires you to explicitly and manually remove and/or reset your variables
smartcd can work with "autocd" turned on by hooking your prompt command (PROMPT_COMMAND in bash, precmd in zsh)
You can find smartcd at
This is not something that is directly supported with the built-in features of bash or any other common shell. However, you can create your own "cd" command that will do whatever you want. For example, you could alias cd to do the cd and then run a special script (eg: ~/bin/oncd). That script could look up the new directory in a database and run some commands, or see if there's a special file (eg: .env) in the directory and load it, etc.
I do this sort of thing a lot. I create several identically named batch files in directories where I need them that only set the variables and call the common script. I even have a batch file that creates the other small files.
This is not pretty, but you can use a combination of exported environment variables and the value of $PWD.
For example:
export VAR1=prefix
export prefix${HOME////_}_foo=42
export prefix${HOME////_}_bar=blah
Then myscript needs only to eval echo \${$VAR1${PWD////_}} to get at the directory based value.
How about wrap your script with a function (the function can be placed either in your bash profile/bashrc file in the system ones to make available for all the users ).
myscript () { case $PWD in
/path/to/foo) path/to/myscript --var1=$VAR1 ;;
/path/to/bar) path/to/myscript --var2=$VAR1 ;;
*) ;;
Hence the function myscript will call the real "myscript" knowing what to do based on the current working directory.
Take this as an example:
hmontoliu#ulises:/tmp$ myscript () { case $PWD in /tmp) echo I\'m in tmp;; /var) echo I\'m in var;; *) echo I\'m neither in tmp nor in bar; esac; }
hmontoliu#ulises:/tmp$ myscript
I'm in tmp
hmontoliu#ulises:/tmp$ cd /var
hmontoliu#ulises:/var$ myscript
I'm in var
hmontoliu#ulises:/var$ cd /etc
hmontoliu#ulises:/etc$ myscript
I'm neither in tmp nor in bar
