Laravel passport migration not found - laravel

I installed laravel passport using command compser require laravel/passsport,
but after this, no new migration was made in database/migrations directory.
Why is that?

The migration files exist in the Passport package in your vendor directory.
The migrations won't be copied over to your database/migrations folder as they don't need to be since they're registered by the PassportServiceProvider.
You should just be able to run php artisan migrate and they will be included.
If you're using Laravel 5.3 or 5.4 then you will need to register the service provide in your app/config.php file.

If you want to modify passport migration or just want it inside your migrations folder you can publish passport migrations files to your migrations folder using publish command:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=passport-migrations

Make sure you have PassportServiceProvider registered in config/app.php
// config/app.php

You can also delete from migrations table specific migration(s). Running php artisan migrate again should recreate specific migrations only.


Creating Schema automatically using migration in Laravel

Is it possible to create schemas automatically in the database when xampp is turning on? There is no information about it in the Laravel documentation, documentation says only how to do it manually by writing the command php artisan migrate.
Xampp includes a script called apache_startup.bat in the root directory, you can add the following line to it
c:\xampp\php\php.exe -f /path/to/laravel/app/artisan migrate
Then when the apache server starts, it should run that the equivalent of php artisan migrate to setup the database.
You can do php artisan make:migration [migration-name] - other than that, you have to fill the rest yourself.

How can I migrate my new migration file in Laravel?

sorry for silly question but I'm really facing problem. After migrating all the migration files. When I need another features for my project I have to make another table but When I'm going to migrate the new table using "php artisan migrate:rollback" or "php artisan migrate:rollback step=17" .... all the migration files are migrating this time too and I am losing all previous data. Then How can I migrate only the new one?
To migrate only new migrations is simple: php artisan migrate. The way the process works is that Laravel creates a table in your database called migrations. In that table are the names of the migrations that have been run already. If there are new migrations the above command will work.
You can read more about running migrations in the documentation.
To migrate any new migration created php artisan migrate is the artisan command.
To get the details of all commands php artisan is the artisan command.
To get the details of any specific command php artisan help command-name-here.
In the case of creating a new file, you only need to run php artisan migrate again.
If you want modify original migration file and migrate it again, you can use this package to migrate.
First, install package in your Laravel project:
composer require caloskao/migrate-specific
Register command at app/Console/Kernel.php :
protected $commands = [
Now, run this command to migrate your file
php artisan migrate:specific database/migrations/table.php

jwt.php not visible in config folder of laravel 5.4

I have successfully configured and make everything work perfectly. But i have an issue, i want to change the time to live but in my project "jwt.php" does not appear in the config folder.
If anyone knows the solution kindly guide me; help will be appreciated.
Many Thanks!
This is probably because you haven't published vendor files.
You should run:
php artisan config:publish tymon/jwt-auth
assuming you use package to publish configuration file so you will have jwt.php created and then you can update config according to your needs
To publish vendor files, for Laravel 5.5, run
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config

Lumen php artisan config:cache not found

I'm trying out the PHP micro Framework Lumen (from laravel).
When I set up Lumen and I try to use the php artisan config:cache command like in Laravel, I get this error :
There are no commands defined in the "config" namespace.
So I have problem when I try to deploy the files to server, so I have to change .env file to change the database username and password.
This makes me think config is not available in artisan
How can I add it to artisan ?
Yes, you can not use the php artisan config:cache with your Lumen project, because it is not available out of the box.
You can add it by adding this package (orumad/lumen-config-cache) to your project:
composer require orumad/lumen-config-cache
In lumen you have to add this configuration in bootstrap/app.php file
Then you can access like below:
Lumen no need to config:cache.
You do not need to do anything after change ‍‍.env

How to automatically run the migrations in a Laravel package?

I just installed Cartalyst's Sentry 2 in a Laravel 4 application but I found out that I have to run that package's migrations separately by specifying --package=cartalyst/sentry, which makes automatic deployment impossible.
Is there a way to run php artisan migrate and have it run Sentry's migrations as well?
After Laravel 5 there is a better way to solve this:
Create your migrations in package's
/database/migrations folder
After that, in package's service provider create a boot method, referencing the migrations folder
public function boot()
$this->loadMigrationsFrom(__DIR__ .
Now, on the top level folder (the main app, which required this package), you can run the default migrate command ( php artisan migrate ) and it will automatically find the packages migrations througth the loadMigrationsFrom method
What I usually do in a scenario like this is publish the package migrations though the command:
php artisan migrate:publish vendor/package
This copies the migration files from any given package to your migrations folder.
I created a composer script to replace php artisan migrate ...... The script runs my migrations and the vendor's migrations everything at once.
My composer scripts is
"scripts": {
"migrate": [
"php artisan migrate --env=$LARAVEL_ENV",
"php artisan migrate --package=\"cartalyst/sentry\" --env=$LARAVEL_ENV",
"php artisan migrate --package=\"mrjuliuss/syntara\" --env=$LARAVEL_ENV",
"php artisan migrate --package=\"filmoteca/static-pages\" --env=$LARAVEL_ENV"
Then you can run the migration with LARAVEL_ENV=prod composer run-script migrate
To pass parameter to the script I use environment variables. In the previous example I set the environment variable LARAVEL_ENV to prod so the migration use the production database connection.
You can always create a alias in your local machine to short the command. For example alias migrate="LARAVEL_ENV=local composer run-script migrate"
I think this approach is good because when you are going to add a new package to your composer.json and this package has a migration you add the package and the package's migration in the same file. So, you do not forget add/remove the migration of a package.
This is a complete composer.json with the script
The 3rd party package must declare a Service Provider, that declare migrations.
As you can see at
protected function registerMigrations()
if (Passport::$runsMigrations && ! config('passport.client_uuids')) {
return $this->loadMigrationsFrom(__DIR__.'/../database/migrations');
