Run mplayer command in background replace &1 with 1 - bash

The formal way to run mplayer in background.
mplayer some.mkv </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &
[3]9536 means pid of the mplayer command is 9536.
If i replace &1 with 1 for the above command:
mplayer some.mkv </dev/null >/dev/null 2>1 &
[4] 9590
[3] Done mplayer some.mkv < /dev/null > /dev/null 2> 1
Why got the extra output here?
[3] Done mplayer some.mkv < /dev/null > /dev/null 2> 1

It's not related to your change. This happened because your previous mplayer instance exited in the mean time. Here's another example:
$ sleep 1 &
[1] 18155 # Sleep #1 started in background
$ sleep 1 &
[2] 18163 # Sleep #2 started in background
[1] Done sleep 1 # Sleep #1 finished because it's been a second
Replacing 2>&1 with 2>1 makes mplayer status and errors go to a file named 1 in the current directory. I don't know why you would do such a thing, but bash is happy to oblige.


On closing the Terminal the nohupped shell script (with &) is stopped

I'm developing a simple screenshot spyware which takes screenshot every 5 seconds from start of the script. I want it to run on closing the terminal. Even after nohupping the script along with '&', my script exits on closing the terminal.
echo "Starting Screenshot Capture Script."
echo "Process ID: $$"
directory=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M")
mkdir ${directory}
cd ${directory}
shotName=$(date "+%s")
while true
if [ $( date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M" ) != ${directory} ]
directory=$(date "
cd ..
mkdir ${directory}
cd ${directory}
if [ $(( ${shotName} + 5 )) -eq $(date "+%s" ) ]
shotName=$(date "+%s" )
screencapture -x $(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S" )
I ran the script with,
nohup ./ &
On closing the terminal window, it warns with,
"Closing this tab will terminate the running processes: bash, date."
I have read that the nohup applies to the child process too, but i'm stuck here. Thanks.
Either you're doing something really weird or that's referring to other processes.
nohup bash -c 'sleep 500' &
Shutdown that terminal; open another one:
ps aux | grep sleep
409370294 26120 1 0 2:43AM ?? 0:00.01 sleep 500
409370294 26330 26191 0 2:45AM ttys005 0:00.00 grep -i sleep
As you can see, sleep is still running.
Just ignore that warning, your process is not terminated. verify with
watch wc -l nohup.out

How can I run this command line in the background?

I have this
script -q -c "continuously_running_command" /dev/null > out
When I have the above command line running I can stop it by doing CTRL+C
However I'd like to run the above commandline in back ground so that I can stop it by doing kill -9 %1
But when I try to run this
script -q -c "continuously_running_command" /dev/null > out &
I get
[2]+ Stopped (tty output) script -q -c "continuously_running_command" /dev/null 1>out
How can I run the above commandline in back ground?
In order to background a process with redirection to a file, you must also redirect stderr. With stdout and stderr redirected, you can then background the process:
script -q -c "continuously_running_command" /dev/null > out 2>&1 &
Fully working example:
while test "$i" -lt 100; do
echo "$i"
sleep 1
Running the script and tail of output file while backgrounded:
alchemy:~/scr/tmp/stack> ./ > outfile 2>&1 &
[1] 31779
alchemy:~/scr/tmp/stack> tailf outfile
[1]+ Done ./ > outfile 2>&1
In the case of:
script -q -c "continuously_running_command" /dev/null
The problem in in this case is the fact that script itself causes redirection of all dialog with script to FILE, in this case to /dev/null. So you need to simply issue the command without redirecting to /dev/null or just redirect stderr to out:
script -q -c "continuously_running_command" out 2>&1 &
script -q -c "continuously_running_command" /dev/null/ 2>out &

stop bash script from outputting in terminal

I believe I have everything setup correctly for my if else statement however it keeps outputting content into my shell terminal as if i ran the command myself. is there anyway i can escape this so i can run these commands without it populating my terminal with text from the results?
ps cax | grep python > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Process is running." &
echo $!
echo "Process is not running... Starting..."
python &
echo $!
Here is what the output looks like a few minutes after running my bash script
[~]# sh
Process is not running... Starting...
[~]# Your account has been rated. Sleeping on kranze for 1 minute(s). Liked 0 photo(s)...
Your account has been rated. Sleeping on kranze for 2 minute(s). Liked 0 photo(s)...
If you want to redirect output from within the shell script, you use exec:
exec 1>/dev/null 2>&1
This will redirect everything from now on. If you want to output to a log:
exec 1>/tmp/logfile 2>&1
To append a log:
exec 1>>/tmp/logfile 2>&1
To backup your handles so you can restore them:
exec 3>&1 4>&2
exec 1>/dev/null 2>&1
# Do some stuff
# Restore descriptors
exec 1>&3 2>&4
# Close the descriptors.
exec 3>&- 4>&-
If there is a particular section of a script you want to silence:
echo Hey, check me out, I can make noise!
echo Thats not fair, I am being silenced!
mv -v /tmp/a /tmp/b
echo Me too.
} 1>/dev/null 2>&1
If you want to redirect the "normal (stdout)" output use >/dev/null if you also want to redirect the error output as well use 2>&1 >/dev/null
$ command 2>&1 >/dev/null
I think you have to redirect STDOUT (and may be STDERR) of the python interpreter:
echo "Process is not running... Starting..."
python >/dev/null 2>&1 &
For further details, please have a look at Bash IO-Redirection.
Hope that helped a bit.
You have two options:
You can redirect standard output to a log file using > /path/to/file
You can redirect standard output to /dev/null to get rid of it completely using > /dev/null
If you want error output redirected as well use &>
See here
Also, not relevant to this particular example, but some bash commands support a 'quiet' or 'silent' flag.
Append >> /path/to/outputfile/outputfile.txt to the end of every echo statement
echo "Process is running." >> /path/to/outputfile/outputfile.txt
Alternatively, send the output to the file when you run the script from the shell
[~]# sh >> /path/to/outputfile/outputfile.txt

Bash script send enter key or prevent cat hang

I am currently running a Minecraft server in a screen session with this command:
(tail -f /path/to/fifo & cat) | java -Xmx2048M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
You can shutdown a minecraft server by sending 'stop' in the server console. I am using the fifo to send commands from other bash scripts, and cat to allow input from the actual Minecraft server console in the screen session.
What happens though, is that if you put the command 'stop' in the actual minecraft console, the server ends up hanging right before it should exit because of the 'cat' command. The only way to get past this, is to press enter again after sending the stop command.
How can I get 'cat' to not cause this to hang?
Edit: The full script.
cleanup() {
rm -f $pidFile
rm -f $fifoFile
if [ ! -p $fifoFile ]; then
mkfifo $fifoFile && chmod 0777 $fifoFile
echo $$ > $pidFile
# restart server if it stops
while true
# how minecraft server should handle an interruption
trap "{ echo 'stop' > $fifoFile ; }" SIGINT
(tail -f $fifoFile & cat) | java -Xmx2048M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
echo "Restarting server...."
# if interruption occurs before we restart, stop trying to restart and clean up
trap "{ cleanup ; exit 0 ; }" SIGINT SIGTERM
sleep 5
I haven't used a minecraft server, so I don't know if I'm on the right track here, but would this work?
mkfifo $fifo
trap "rm -f $fifo" 0 1 2 3 6 15
/path/to/java -Xmx2048M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui < $fifo &
echo $? > /path/to/
cat > $fifo
This still doesn't kill off the cat once the server quits, but at least it doesn't block the server. You might want to launch the minecraft server in a function that kills the cat when it exits. I suggest keeping the .pid file for possible future use. :-)

Getting a PID from a Background Process Run as Another User

Getting a background process ID is easy to do from the prompt by going:
$ my_daemon &
$ echo $!
But what if I want to run it as a different user like:
su - joe -c "/path/to/my_daemon &;"
Now how can I capture the PID of my_daemon?
Succinctly - with a good deal of difficulty.
You have to arrange for the su'd shell to write the child PID to a file and then pick the output. Given that it will be 'joe' creating the file and not 'dex', that adds another layer of complexity.
The simplest solution is probably:
su - joe -c "/path/to/my_daemon & echo \$! > /tmp/su.joe.$$"
rm -f /tmp/su.joe.$$ # Probably fails - joe owns it, dex does not
The next solution involves using a spare file descriptor - number 3.
su - joe -c "/path/to/my_daemon 3>&- & echo \$! 1>&3" 3>/tmp/su.joe.$$
rm -f /tmp/su.joe.$$
If you're worried about interrupts etc (and you probably should be), then you trap things too:
trap "rm -f $tmp; exit 1" 0 1 2 3 13 15
su - joe -c "/path/to/my_daemon 3>&- & echo \$! 1>&3" 3>$tmp
rm -f $tmp
trap 0 1 2 3 13 15
(The caught signals are HUP, INT, QUIT, PIPE and TERM - plus 0 for shell exit.)
Warning: nice theory - untested code...
The approaches presented here didn't work for me. Here's what I did:
su -m $SERVICE_USER -s /bin/bash -c "/path/to/executable $ARGS >/dev/null 2>&1 & echo \$! >$PID_FILE"
As long as the output from the background process is redirected, you can send the PID to stdout:
su "${user}" -c "${executable} > '${log_file}' 2>&1 & echo \$!"
The PID can then be redirected to a file owned by the first user, rather than the second user.
su "${user}" -c "${executable} > '${log_file}' 2>&1 & echo \$!" > "${pid_file}"
The log files do need to be owned by the second user to do it this way, though.
Here's my solution
su oracle -c "/home/oracle/database/runInstaller" &
pid=$(pgrep -P $!)
pgrep -P $! - Gets the child process of the parent pid $!
I took the above solution by Linux, but had to add a sleep to give the child process a chance to start.
su - joe -c "/path/to/my_daemon > /some/output/file" &
sleep 1
pid=$(pgrep -P $parent)
Running in bash, it doesn't like pid=$(pgrep -P $!) but if I add a space after the ! it's ok: pid=$(pgrep -P $! ). I stuck with the extra $parent variable to remind myself what I'm doing next time I look at the script.
