how do you convert linq query ToList - linq

How does one convert a query to a list?
I've tried several different ways to ToList this query, but I'm not able to be successful.
var parent =
from s in Students
where s.Id==5027
select new {
ID_PK = (s.CaseOwnerIdAspnet_Users.User_ID_FKDYN_User_Profile.Organization_ID_FKDYN_Organization.Parent_ID_FK == null ?
(int) s.CaseOwnerIdAspnet_Users.User_ID_FKDYN_User_Profile.Organization_ID_FKDYN_Organization.ID_PK
(int) s.CaseOwnerIdAspnet_Users.User_ID_FKDYN_User_Profile.Organization_ID_FKDYN_Organization.Parent_ID_FK)

try this...
var list =parent.ToList();


Dynamic CRM :Contains<> is not working in CRM

My code is as below:
var conntionRecord1Id = (from connectionBase in orgServiceContext.CreateQuery("connection")
where connectionBase["record1roleid"] == null
select new { OpportunityId = connectionBase["record1id"] }).Distinct().ToList();
var query =
from opportunity in orgServiceContext.CreateQuery("opportunity")
orderby opportunity["createdon"] ascending
select new
Topic = opportunity.Attributes.Contains("name") == true ? opportunity["name"] : null,
OpportunityId = opportunity.Attributes.Contains("opportunityid") == true ? opportunity["opportunityid"] : null,
PostalCode = opportunity.Attributes.Contains("new_address_postalcode") == true ? opportunity["new_address_postalcode"] : null,
var result = (from f in query.ToList() where conntionRecord1Id.Contains(f.OpportunityId) select f).ToList();
But in above query where i am using Contains it giving count 0. even though I have common records in the list
The Contains Linq extension method does not know how to compare complex objects.
Comparing f.OpportunityId to a list of Guids instead of a list of an anonymous type will work:
var conntionRecord1Id = (from connectionBase in orgServiceContext
where connectionBase["record1roleid"] == null
select connectionBase.GetAttributeValue<Guid?>("record1id"))
Implement IEqualityComparer in a custom comparer class to compare complex objects:
Keep in mind that calling .ToList() brings down all the records into memory and will cause performance problems with large amounts of records.

Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<AnonymousType#1>' to 'System.Linq.IQueryable'

I want to define a function containing a Linq query as bellow:
public IQueryable GetBasket(Guid userId)
DabbaghanDataContext db = new DabbaghanDataContext();
int rowNo = 0;
var query = (from c in db.Carts
join co in db.CartOrders on c.Id equals co.Cart_Id
join p in db.Products on co.Product_Id equals p.Id
where c.UserId == userId && c.Issued == false
select new
}).AsEnumerable().Select(r => new
RowNumber = ++rowNo,
Quantity = r.Quantity,
TotalPrice = r.TotalPrice,
Code = r.Code,
Price = r.Price,
Thumbnail = r.Thumbnail
return query;
I get error
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable' to 'System.Linq.IQueryable'.
on the return query line.
What is the problem? How can I solve this problem? Please help.
Your problem is the call to AsEnumerable- It converts the IQueryable to a IEnumerable; and therefore, you cannot return it as an IQueryable.
Correct me if I am wrong, but the second select seems to only add the row number to the result. You might as well want to do that together with the initial select, and skip the call to AsEnumerable().
Possible solutions: Rewrite the query to not use AsEnumerable (if you want an IQueryable returned), or you could change the return type to be IEnumerable, if that is a better fit for your problem.
In return query; change that to return query.AsQueryable();
And also try to change the method signature to use IQueryable instead of the nongeneric one

Distinct works on IQueryable but not List<T>?? Why?

First Table is the View and Second is the result I want
This below query works fine
List<BTWStudents> students = (from V in db.vwStudentCoursesSD
where classIds.Contains(V.Class.Value)
select new BTWStudents
StudentId = V.StudentId
Amount= V.PaymentMethod == "Cashier Check" ? V.Amount: "0.00"
But I changed it to List to add string formatting(see below)
List<BTWStudents> students = (from V in db.vwStudentCoursesSD
where classIds.Contains(V.Class.Value)
select new {V}).ToList().Select(x => new BTWStudents
StudentId = V.StudentId
Amount= V.PaymentMethod == "Cashier Check" ? String.Format("{0:c}",V.Amount): "0.00"
With this Second Query I get this
Why is distinct not working in the second query?
When working with objects (in your case a wrapped anonymous type because you are using Select new {V} rather than just Select V), Distinct calls the object.Equals when doing the comparison. Internally, this checks the object's hash code. You'll find in this case, the hash code of the two objects is different even though the fields contain the same values. To fix this, you will need to override Equals on the object type or pass a custom IEqualityComparer implementation into the Distinct overload. You should be able to find a number of examples online searching for "Distinct IEqualityComparer".
Try this (moved your distinct to the first query and corrected your bugged if/then/else):
List<BTWStudents> students = (from V in db.vwStudentCoursesSD
where classIds.Contains(V.Class.Value)
select new {V}).Distinct().ToList().Select(x => new BTWStudents
classId = V.Class.HasValue ? V.Class.Value : 0,
studentName = V.StudentName,
paymentAmount = V.PaymentMethod == "Cashier Check" ? String.Format("{0:c}",x.V.AmountOwed): "0.00"
You can get around using Distinct all together if you Group by StudentID
var studentsGroupedByPayment =
(from V in db.vwStudentCoursesSD
where classIds.Contains(V.Class.Value)
group V by V.StudentId into groupedV
select new
StudentID = groupedV.Key,
Amount = string.Format("{0:C}",
groupedV.First().PaymentMethod == "Cashier Check" ?
groupedV.First().Amount : 0.0)

Linq - How to query specific columns and return a lists

I am trying to write a linq query that will only return certain columns from my entity object into a list object.
Below is my code which produces an error(can't implicitly convert a generic list of anonymous types to a generic list of type TBLPROMOTION):
IQueryable<TBLPROMOTION> matches = webStoreContext.TBLPROMOTION.Include("TBLSTORE").Include("LKPROMOTIONTYPE");
List<TBLPROMOTION> promotionInfo = null;
promotionInfo = (from p in matches
orderby p.PROMOTION_NM descending
select new { p.EFFECTIVE_DT, p.EXPIRE_DT, p.IS_ACTIVE,
What would be the best way to accomplish this. I do not want to do a "select p" in this case and return all the columns associated with the query.
thanks in advance,
Can't you do var promotionInfo = () and get a list of anonymous types?
Okay, basically you can not cast an Anonymous type to a known type like TBLPROMOTION.
ofcourse, you can say var promotionInfo = and then get an IEnumerable<{Anonymoustype}> and use that to do, what you were wanting to do with promotionInfo.
Also, personally I prefer the Fluent version of a linq query, easy on the eyes, good programming diet, at least for me :)
var promotionInfo = matches
.OrderByDescending( p => p.PROMOTION_NM)
.Select( p => new { p.EFFECTIVE_DT,
If you're moving from a L2E query to a Type already defined, you may need a step between. I haven't tried to compile this but something like:
List<TBLPROMOTION> promotions = new List<TBLPROMOTION>();
var results = from p in matches
orderby p.PROMOTION_NM descending
select new
foreach (var v in results)
Based on the comment below, you might try something like:
foreach(var v in results)
// Assign Other Properties
Sorry: Just read the addition to the top.
Are you sure that none of the fields you're leaving out (instead of saying "select p") are required for a TBLPROMOTION object? Also, sense your TBLPROMOTION object is going to have properties (and therefore memory allocated) for those skipped fields, why not just use an annonymous type or set up a helper class that contains only your needed properties?
#Billy, following code worked for me.
List<TBLPROMOTION> promotionInfo =
(from p in matches
orderby p.PROMOTION_NM descending
did you try
select new TBLPROMOTION {.....
instead of
select new {.....
List<TBLPROMOTION> promotionInfo = null;
promotionInfo = (from p in matches
orderby p.PROMOTION_NM descending
select new TBLPROMOTION { COL1 = p.EFFECTIVE_DT, COL2 = p.EXPIRE_DT, COL3 = p.IS_ACTIVE... }).ToList();
Where COL1, COL2, ... are the names of the properties on TBLPROMOTION you wish you populate.
If you want a subset of the table you have 2 options:
#Fredou mentioned select new TBLPROMOTION{...}
other way is to create a custom DTO which has the exact properties & select them instead like:
List promotionInfo = ...
Effective_dt = ...

How can I get my orderby to work using an anonymous type?

What do I put in my order by?? I want to order by Name. I have moved the orderby after the distinct because I read that it needs to be done last.
var result = (from r in db.RecordDocs
where r.RecordID == recordID
select new
DocTypeID = r.Document.DocType.DocTypeID,
Name = r.Document.DocType.Name,
Number = r.Document.DocType.Number
).Distinct().OrderBy( );
Just do
.OrderBy(doc => doc.Name)
Another option, if you really prefer the query expression syntax would be to chain your query construction across multiple statements:
var query = from r in db.RecordDocs
where r.RecordID == recordID
select new
DocTypeID = r.Document.DocType.DocTypeID,
Name = r.Document.DocType.Name,
Number = r.Document.DocType.Number
query = query.Disctinct();
query = from doc in query orderby doc.Name select doc;
Since all of these methods are deferred, this will result in the exact same execution performance.
