Laravel validate iOS recorded voice - laravel

I have put some mime type validation on my Laravel controller to validate received file from mobile applications:
'file' => 'required_without:body|file|mimes:png,jpg,jpeg,mp3,mp4,pdf,doc,docx,m4a'
This validation rule is OK for most of files, but when iOS app sends recorded voice, this validation rule doesn't work.
Based on what iOS developer says, the file's mime type is audio/m4a but laravel (or maybe PHP) can't detect that.
I checked that $request->file('file')->getClientOriginalExtension() returns audio/m4a but $request->file('file')->guessExtension() function returns null!
Any help is appreciated.

This is what I did and I believe it is a good practice:
After some tracing that what laravel does to guess mimetypes, I noticed that it is registering some ExtensionGuesser classes like vendor/symfony/http-foundation/File/MimeType/MimeTypeExtensionGuesser.php and there was no audio/m4a mimetype.
I provided AnotherMimeTypeExtensionGuesser containing:
protected $defaultExtensions = array(
'audio/m4a' => 'm4a',
'audio/x-m4a' => 'm4a',
'audio/mp4' => 'm4a',
And then I registered it in my AppServiceProvider like this:
ExtensionGuesser::getInstance()->register(new AnotherMimeTypeExtensionGuesser);

use this rule in your validation
'file' => 'required_without:body|file|mimetypes:audio/mp4|mimes:m4a'


Laravel push notification. How to get devices token? -fcm

I have a webview application. I wrote the project in Laravel. I want to use push notifications. But how can I get device tokens? where can I find it?
'notification' => [
'title'=>'This is the title',
'body'=>'This is the message',
'sound' => 'default'
'data' => [
'extraPayLoad1' => 'value1',
'extraPayLoad2' => 'value2'
what is deviceToken1 2 3?
I created a project in Firebase. I can get the API. But how can I find and save devices' tokens? I cannot send a notification to the screen.
So basically, you should use Firebase SDK in your front-end to get the device ID/token, then send it to your server/Laravel (save it in your DB for later use).
There are different ways to get the device ID based on what front-end you're using, you can refer to these documentations:
Others (C++, Unity, etc.)

Laravel Passport; using OAuth2 for SSO with Freshdesk

I am trying to set up SSO from my Laravel 8.13 site to my related Freshdesk support portal.
What I want is for a user, who is logged into my site, then to be able to click a button and get seamlessly signed into my Freshdesk support portal so they can view the non-public documentation there and raise tickets if required.
Using Laravel Passport 10.1 I can create a token (tested using Postman) but get an error from Freshdesk when trying to authenticate.
An error occurred while attempting to retrieve the userinfo resource: could not extract response: no
suitable httpmessageconverter found for response type [<java.lang.string,
java.lang.object>] and content type [text/html;charset=utf-8]
I have not used OAuth before and am having issues. It may of course be that my understanding of OAuth is just completely wrong but I am finding available documentation on Laravel Passport / Freshdesk OAuth connectivity hard to come by.
I have been through as many related SO questions as I have found but nothing so far seems to exactly fit my issue.
I have also got open tickets with Freshdesk and have had an online support session with a Freshdesk support member but they told me the issue was on my side and they couldn't help further.
I would have thought the client type to use was a Personal Access Client but I have tried that as well as a Password Grant Client and get the same message (as above) for both client types.
As far as the "User info URL*" field on Freshdesk goes,
I have tried
But no luck - same message regarding not finding userinfo resource as above.
If I browse directly to
I get the following returned:
"created_at":"2021-01-26 10:16:12","updated_at":"2021-01-26 10:16:12",
so something is returned but I am not sure if that is in any way near what Freshdesk is looking for. The support documentation for Freshdesk states :
But I do not know where to create that info or in what format it needs to be sent to Freshdesk.
I have looked at this question and believe that (even though it is for older versions) there might be something in the code for "getUserEntityByUserCredentials" in the UserRepository.php file but I have put logger calls in that function and it doesn't seem to be called.
Any assistance would be absolutely great. If any further information is required please let me know.
Although I would prefer to keep it within the Laravel ecosystem, I am also open to any other way to set up SSO to Freshdesk without using a third party Identity Provider like ADFS, OneLogin, Okta, Azure and suchlike. I just need to get this done.
Solved it. Basically my issue was the format and content returned by the User info URL.
I set up a route for
to a function in a TestController. In that function I decoded the Bearer token to get the user_id and then used that to retrieve the user details.
Then I created an array and response as below:
$thisDecodedUser = User::query()->findOrFail($thisDecodedUserId);
if ($thisDecodedUser) {
$thisDecodedUserFirstName = $thisDecodedUser->first_name;
$thisDecodedUserLastName = $thisDecodedUser->last_name;
$thisDecodedUserEmail = $thisDecodedUser->email;
$user_info = array();
$user_info['sub'] = "$thisDecodedUserId";
$user_info['id'] = "$thisDecodedUserId";
$user_info['email'] = "$thisDecodedUserEmail";
$user_info['.id'] = "$thisDecodedUserId";
$user_info['.email'] = "$thisDecodedUserEmail";
$user_info['email_verified'] = "true";
return response(json_encode($user_info))
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
The code needs refactoring but at least it works for now.
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction in this answer :
Even if the array you use contains unused keys.
Actually, the available fields and their format are described here
For example, if you want to sync the firstname, the lastname and the language, here's the keys you need to set :
$user_info = [
'sub' => (string)$user->id,
'unique_id' => (string)$user->id,
'email' => $user->email,
'FirstName' => (string)$user->firstname,
'LastName' => (string)$user->lastname,
'language' => $user->default_ln === 1 ? 'fr' : 'en'

route model binding doesn't work anymore with api package devolpment in in Laravel 8.x

I created an api which is delivered with package development composer. in Laravel 7 it was possible to add the route model binding with:
Route::group(['namespace' => 'Acme\Package\app\Http\Controllers\Api'], function () {
// fomer possibility:
Route::apiResource('api/comments/', 'CommentController')->middleware('bindings');});
In Laravel 8 that's not possible anymore. I've tried almost everything the last days, but either the route-model-binding is not working, or the class can't be found:
Target class [bindings] does not exist.
I really hope someone can post an answer to the problem, or a hint or anything useful.
many thanks in advance
Thanks for the answers, including the middleware in the Route::group like mentioned:
Route::group(['namespace' => 'Acme\Package\app\Http\Controllers\Api', 'middleware' => 'Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\SubstituteBindings']
did it.
In Laravel 8 the alias for this middleware has been removed. You can either use it by its full class name
or add the alias back in to your app/Http/Kernels.php in $routeMiddleware as follows:
protected $routeMiddleware = [
'auth' => Authenticate::class,
'bindings' => Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\SubstituteBindings,
You have to be careful if you are relying on values in someones application to exist. I could use a different name/alias for that middleware if I wanted to in my HTTP Kernel. You should be using the FQCN for that middleware that comes from the framework when referencing it like that.
In a default Laravel 8 install there is no middleware named/aliased as 'bindings'. It is referenced by its FQCN, Illuminate\Routing\Middleware\SubstituteBindings, which is how you should probably be referencing it from a package.
You can provide a config file for someone to alter these things if you would like. Then you can use your configuration to know which middleware to reference.

Magento API Call 503s

Everything in my Magento store is working ok, except for a route I created that calls the API:
$proxy = new SoapClient('SOAPCLIENTURL');
$sessionId = $proxy->login('USERNAME', 'PASSWORD');
$proxy->customerCustomerCreate($sessionId, array(
'email' => $email,
'firstname' => '',
'lastname' => '',
'password' => $password,
'website_id' => 7,
'store_id' => 7
When I comment out these lines, the route works fine. Any ideas why this 503s the page and how to fix it?
The code block that's causing your problem is a request to an external API that could fail for numerous reasons. The way you'd fix this is to monitor your server and Magento error and exception logs for errors, take a look at the error, and then fix the problem (or post the specific error to a site like this and ask for help).
You could also try running the above code snippet outside of a Magento context (in a stand along script) and see what sort of error you get.
If errors aren't showing up then you need to research how to setup your system for proper error handling.
Also, if you're setting up a Magento route and making an API call into the same system, there's no reason to use the SOAP or XML-RPC layer. Each Magento API section has a corresponding PHP object that contains all the logic. The above method is equivalent to
With the real PHP class being at
and the create method defined at

Why can Gibbon Gem access API but can't listSubscribe()?

I'm trying to get mailchimp integrated with my ruby-on-rails app using the Gibbon gem.
I've successfully accessed the API. I tested it by getting a list of all my mailchimp lists. However, I'm running into problems with the listsubscribe method. I'm not getting any errors, it just isn't working at all.
I have the following code in the controller for the page where users sign up, after the user is made and their information can be accessed.
gb.listSubscribe({:id => "the-id-for-list", :email_address =>, :update_existing => false, :double_optin => false, :send_welcome => true, :merge_vars => {'FNAME' => user.first_name, 'LNAME' => user.last_name, 'MERGE3' => user.subscription, 'MERGE4' =>}})
It does nothing. I've tried playing around with the parameter phrasing (à la this post:How do you use the Gibbon Gem to automatically add subscribers to specific interest groups in MailChimp?) I've tried structuring it more like in this tutorial:
I have no idea what's going wrong. As I said before, other API calls are going through to MailChimp. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you in advance.
It turns out I had the code in the wrong place. I was not putting it where users were actually being created, but in the code to generate the view to ask users to sign up. Once I moved it to where the user was actually created, it worked fine.
