I have a big issue in Jasmine, i can't find a way to prioryze my test files, in fact the test files are executing in alphabetical order:
I have something like this :
I want to do something like this for the execution of my tests without renaming my tests files:
Is there a way to specify to Jasmine a priority for the files containing the tests ?
(Sorry for my bad english).
So we have a multi module project setup, with test all scattered in multiple modules, now we want to execute all of them but exclude 1 test file.
How could we achieve this?
I tried the following:
gradle test -PexcludeTests=*SpecificTests
but the tests get still executed.
for running a singular test I managed to fix it this way:
gradle :multi-module:test --tests '*SpecificTests'
but unfortunately the equivalent for executing all tests but 1 cannot be made with this.
Condition: we need a command we cannot use the testing filter
You can use a project property and define an optional exclude filter, which you can then use from the command line -PexcludeTests='*SpecificTests'.
test {
if (project.hasProperty('excludeTests')) {
I'm using a TestNG framework for my automation project.
While running from command line i'm giving the following command.
mvn clean test -Dtest=Login,OpenImage,Logout
By running the above command it the order of execution was Login->Logout->OpenImage (may be in alphabetical order).
Can anyone help me how to run tests in the given order.
Note: As per my requirement I need to run my tests in the above way it self.
If it was through testNG.xml file then i guess preserve-order will work.
can anyone help me on this.....!!!!!
Thank you in advance..
First why do you need to run tests in a particula order because units should never rely on a particular order. But your question looks like more an integration tests.
If you need to run in order defined dependencies between the tests
public void serverStartedOk() {}
#Test(dependsOnMethods = { "serverStartedOk" })
public void method1() {}
The above defines the order that serverStartedOk will run before method1..based on the dependsOnMethods...
When setting up Mocha how can I say 'Grab all test files in the /tests/specs/ folder and run those`?
This is much more useful than having to explicitly define each test Mocha should include and run.
ui: 'bdd',
grep: 'tests/specs/*.Spec.js' // Look for all js files in specs folder
There is no option you can pass to mocha.setup to find files.
On the command line you just pass a glob pattern to Mocha (e.g. mocha 'some/subdir/**/*.spec.js', the quotes are to prevent some shells from mangling the glob). You can put it in mocha.opts if you don't want to have to repeat it all the time. The startup script (mocha) will find the files and feed them to the test runner.
If you bypass Mocha's startup script but instead decide to write your own code to setup and drive Mocha, you are responsible for finding the test files and feeding them to Mocha with the .addFile method. An except from this example:
// Add each .js file to the mocha instance
// Only keep the .js files
return file.substr(-3) === '.js';
path.join(testDir, file)
You could use node-glob to replicate globbing functionality if you want.
In the browser, Mocha has no notion of "files" so it cannot be told what files to use. You need to use a module loader like RequireJS or SystemJS and load the modules that contain the tests or bundle all the test files with bundlers like Webpack or Browserify and load the bundle after you load Mocha. Mocha will learn of the available tests when your test files call the functions that Mocha leaks into the global space.
I want to run Sonar Runner only on some selected files only. I'm using SonarRunner Ant.
My project directory structure is :
| |---<files>.java
| |---<files>.java
Now I want to run Sonar Runner only on hello.java file.
sonar.sources=../../../MyProject/src // takes the source directory
sonar.sources=../../../MyProject/src/java/A/hello.java didn't work
sonar.exclusions=**/**/*.java // excludes all java files
// now I want to include only hello.java file
// didn't find any parameter for inclusion, but tried the following
sonar.inclusions=hello.java // didn't work
sonar.inclusions=java/A/hello.java // didn't work
Referred this article for analysis parameters.
One solution which crossed my mind is : exclusion of all the files but the required ones.
But here the structure is just a small part. In real I have more than 250 java files, and want to generate report for, say, 10 files only. Then, by this approach, excluding 240+ files doesn't look a good idea.
Is there anyway to generate sonar report on selected files, other than the mentioned approach?
If you're looking for specific files, you might try the same syntax as is listed to explicitly exclude files (Narrowing the Focus - at the bottom)
#Absolute Path
To define an absolute path, start the pattern with "file:"
#Exclude all the *.cs files included in /path_to_my_project/myProject/src/generated and its subdirectories
#Exclude all the java classes contained in a src/generated/java directory and its subdirectories
I have a pretty standard Gradle build that's building a Java project.
When I run it for the first time, it compiles everything and runs the tests. When I run it a second time without changing any files, it runs the tests again.
According to this thread, Gradle is supposed to be lazy by defaut and not bother running tests if nothing has changed. Has the default behaviour here been changed?
If I run gradle test repeatedly, the tests only run the first time and are subsequently skipped. However, if I run gradle build repeatedly, the tests get re-run every time, even though all other tasks are marked as up-to-date.
the gradle uptodate check logs on info level why a task is not considered to be up-to-date. please rerun the "gradle build -i" to run with info logging at check the logging output.
OK, so I got the answer thanks to Rene prompting me to look at the '-i' output...
I actually have 2 test tasks: the 'test' one from the Java plugin, and my own 'integrationTest' one. I didn't mention this in the question because I didn't think it was relevant.
It turns out that these tasks are writing their output (reports, etc.) to the same directory, so Gradle's task-based input and output tracking was thinking that something had changed, and re-running the tests.
So the next question (which I will ask separately) becomes: how do I cleanly (and with minimal Groovy/Gradle code) completely separate two instances of the test task.
You need to create test tasks in your build.gradle and then call those specific tasks to run a specific set of tests. Here is an example that will filter out classes so that they don't get run twice (such as when running a suite and then re-running its child classes independently):
tasks.withType(Test) {
jvmArgs '-Xms128m', '-Xmx1024m', '-XX:MaxPermSize=128m'
maxParallelForks = 4 // this runs tests parallel if more than one class
testLogging {
exceptionFormat "full"
events "started", "passed", "skipped", "failed", "standardOut", "standardError"
displayGranularity = 0
task runAllTests(type: Test) {
include '**/AllTests.class'
testReportDir = file("${reporting.baseDir}/AllTests")
testResultsDir = file("${buildDir}/test-results/AllTests")
task runSkipSuite(type: Test) {
include '**/Test*.class'
testReportDir = file("${reporting.baseDir}/Tests")
testResultsDir = file("${buildDir}/test-results/Tests")
Also, concerning your build question. The "build" task includes a clean step which is cleaning tests from your build directory. Otherwise the execution thinks the tests have already been ran.