How to deal with recycling lists - xcode-ui-testing

I'm building a UI test suite for an iOS app using XCUITest api. The app uses recycle lists and I need to access specific cells of those lists during my tests as shown in the code below:
let cells: XCUIElementQuery = app.descendants(matching: XCUIElement.ElementType.any).matching(identifier: "cells_accessibility_id")
let cell: XCUIElement = cells.element(boundBy: index)
My problem is that since this is a recycle list, as soon it scrolls by any reason during the test (like animations), cells are unloaded, "cells" won't return all items and then "index" won't get the right cell from the list or becomes out of bounds.
Is there another way that I can retrieve the whole list regardless of element visibility? Or do I have to change my tests/try another approach?

You can not rely on the indices of reusable cells as you pointed out, however there is usually a way to eliminate the dependency on having to test cells at certain indices. The solution will depend on what you want to test, but here are some possible alternative strategies:
If your table cells are always the same, you could give them each a hard-coded identifier based on their contents.
If your table cells have dynamic content in them, you could use stub test data for each test to make it so that there is only one cell on screen (the one which is relevant to the test).
If you can identify the cell you want by the views contained within the cell, you can search each cell for the relevant views before selecting it, instead of relying on its index.


How to control which GTK widgets visible in an expanded row of a tree?

I'm building a tree store with GTK3 in C in which there are primary rows that are always displayed, and by clicking on the little triangle icon to the left of a primary row, additional secondary (child) rows expand below the primary. As an example, consider that the primary rows could be directories, and when they're expanded, rows below that show the files in those directories. I'm doing this to allow a user to select primary items to be deleted, while the secondary rows are just informational, telling, for example, what files are in the directory, so they'll know if they really want to delete the whole thing.
To enable selection for deletion, the first column contains a GTK_CELL_RENDERER_TOGGLE, and I have a callback associated with the checkbox toggle. Everything works nicely except for one thing. When the user clicks the little triangle item to expand a row, most of the content of the primary row does not appear in the secondary rows (this is expected and desired), but... the checkbox toggle does appear in the first column. Although in a directories/files example that might be meaningful, in my case it makes no sense to think of deleting the content of the secondary rows.
When building the secondary rows, I've tried things like just:
hoping that NULL would cause the toggle to be suppressed, but to no avail. GTK still displays a checkbox, probably just interpreting the NULL as a zero.
Is there a way to control (and in my case, suppress) display of the toggle? Or more generally, is there a clean way to control which columns are displayed in child rows? It seems to work with TEXT, but just not with TOGGLE.
A little later: There is a potentially useful function called gtk_cell_renderer_set_visible(), but it requires a reference to the cell renderer. How to acquire that on a per-row or per-cell basis when all I have during construction is the GtkTreeStore and a GtkTreeIter?
There are (at least) 2 solutions:
Base class GtkCellRenderer has visible property. You can add extra field to your model which indicates, whether Toggle should be visible for this row.
If there are other fields in you model which indicate whether it's a primary or secondary row but not directly you can use gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func to set a function to be called before rendering. There you can call gtk_cell_renderer_set_visible or any other function to set renderer's properties manually.

Does anyone know why an object would miss a property?

We have a script that export our Indesign documents to HTML and one of the routine is to export tables. In this script we go throught each Tables->Rows->Cells and evaluate some of the properties (i.e. bottomEdgeStrokeType, topEdgeStrokeType, etc...) and transport them to HTML.
Now yesterday we had problem converting one particular document because some cells were missing the "bottomEdgeStrokeType" property entirely. I've discovered this by outputting the properties of each cells and compare the faulty ones with the others.
This line bellow was trowing the error: "Invalid object for this request.".
var cellType = cell["bottomEdgeStrokeType"];
Now, to fix this I've wrapped this around a try catch block to handle the case when it's not there, but now what is puzzling me is how on earth can Extendscript instantiate an object with missing properties?
Indesign version: CS5.5
A property is not only 'undefined' if it cannot exist at all (such as asking for the parent text frame for a character in overset text), but InDesign's Javascript engine also fails to return a reasonably accurate result for multiple values.
If you ask for "the" point size of a paragraph, where this paragraph contains multiple sizes, poor ID does not consider to return something like CONSTANT.Mixed, or the first value only, or (what I might have preferred) an array of the values; it returns undefined instead.
So how can a single table cell have multiple bottom strokes? If the cell underneath it is split into multiple cells, and one has a "top" stroke but the other has not.
It's difficult to recommend an adequate solution. You could first test if the current cell is "merged" (as far as InDesign's internal table model is concerned) with columnSpan; and if so, iterate over the number of columns spanned and test the next row's cells for their top stroke, which in theory should match the bottom stroke of the cell above. (I find myself wondering if this is always true. ID's table model is ... weird. It's not entirely like a HTML table, despite the functional overlaps.)
If columnSpan is greater than 1 and equal to the number of cells immediately below the current one, you could test if all of their "top" values are the same and if so use that value. (I never tested this so ID's table model may simply fail because a cell is merged, regardless of same-values or not.)
One could attempt to flag this cell's next row to output "top" strokes as well -- but alternating top and bottom strokes may not align nicely in CSS, side to side. Perhaps it's best to translate only the first top stroke value to "the" bottom stroke property for your current cell, and fix up manually where needed (how?) or, a reasonable action, hope that no-one will ever notice it.

Coordinating highlighting between two tables

The challenge is this: 2 coordinated tables, 1 with an overview that is laid out on a grid, the other contains detailed information about the cells in the first table. (This overview is used for other information as well, which has been removed from the minimal example below.) Mousing over either one will highlight both. Clicking on the overview table will hide or show the rows of the data view.
The problem is that the data is being defined by a JSON data object and the order of that object is very important. It's important that the data is mapped to the overview without reordering either. There may be cells not represented in the data view that are in the overview and nothing bad should happen.
The problem is using select all lets d3 define the order things will be taken. I need to coordinate the mapping myself. I'm hoping there's an elegant solution to this that doesn't involve writing separate mouseover and mouse click functions.
You can use a key function to tie the selection to your data:

How to create expandable listview in blackberry

i search a lot but no single link found for Expandable listview in Blackberry, i know how to create Expandable list in android ,if someone having idea about Blackberry Expandable listview than please help me.
The standard way to create List on BB is to use the ListField class. This class is extremely efficient but has a couple of drawbacks
All the rows have to be the same height
All the rows have to contiguous on the display
This makes it difficult to use this class to replicate the Android ExpandingListView.
To replicate this look on a BlackBerry device, I suggest a series of VerticalFieldManagers (VFMs). Use one for the whole list, and add to this another for each expandable item. If the item is expanded, add child list entries to the associated VFM, when not expanded, delete the child entries.
This approach will work OK up to a point - adding and removing Fields can slow down the BB device significantly if there are significant number of Fields on display. So if you have, say 20 items in the list, then it will be fine. If you have 2000, it will slow the device down significantly when you expand and contract the list (add and remove the child list items).
You can improve this performance, by making your list items (parent and child) as efficient as possible. I recommend reviewing the code that is used for the ListStyleButtonField that you will find here:
Just wanted to clarify why ListField does not work directly, and a possible work around.
The problem with ListField is each row has a specific height. To display the child elements you really need to expand the height of the parent item to include the children, which you can't do. So you can't just update the called back paint method (called drawListRow(..) in a ListField) to achieve this look. And the other problem, is that one list item on a ListField is focused as a single entity where as I assume you would want to select the children individually.
Instead, when expanding you can add additional rows, effectively inserting the children items in the list to be drawn. You will have to add these rows with a flag, so that your drawListRow(..) method knows to paint these as children. Reverse on deletion. Note that the children items have to be the same height as everything else.
Having attempted both, I have found the VFM approach easier to manage. I would only consider the ListField approach where the list was large enough to impact performance. And when it is that large, who is going to scroll through that number of entries on their BB? If you are getting to that number, then a paging mechanism would seem more user friendly.
if you mean BlackBerry Java SDK, then take a look at TreeField class.
In this case the ListField would be the most suitable choice. Implement ListFieldCallback according to your needs and attach it to the ListField instance. When user clicks on an "expandable" list item, then just process this event in ListFieldCallback and repaint your list instance. Here is the tutorial on working with ListField classes.

NSOutlineView grouping via bindings

This is sort of a best practice question, since I can think of a few ways that would work.
I want to implement an outline view. Let's suppose I want to implement the one in OmniFocus (my aim is very similar):
(I refer to the outline view in the main pane of that screenshot, not to the sidebar.)
So my data type is a task. Any task can have subtasks. Each task has one or zero parent tasks. Classic data model for displaying in an outline view, right?
BUT! I would like to offer the user the ability to group these tasks visually by a property of their choice. They could group them by milestone, or by assigned user, or by component… there'll be a bunch of these. And this grouping should appear in the outline view, at the top level of the hierarchy, just like the "Inbox", "Home" and "Work" items in this OmniFocus screenshot.
So it's fairly obvious that to display the grouping, I should use the built in NSOutlineView methods for drawing a group cell: the outlineView:isGroupItem: delegate method. The problem is, this setup is assuming that each item in the outline view is represented by an item in whatever data model I've connected it to: so both my tasks and my group headers have to be represented in the data model.
Therefore, just binding to the Core Data table that represents my tasks is a no-no. I could forego bindings all together and just go back to the old style data source methods, but then I lose a bunch of useful stuff. So is there a middle ground?
I could, for example, create another class TaskTemporaryGroup. I give that class an ivar NSSet that is subtasks, the same key path as could be used on a task to get its children. Then I can bind my set of TaskTemporaryGroup objects to a tree controller, and it'll arrange the whole tree regardless of the fact that the top level items are a different class to those lower down. I'd have to take care when implementing drag and drop, to make sure that the grouping rows can't be arbitrarily dragged about, but it might work.
The other point of contention is that I would like clicking on the table headers to sort the rows within each group, but not to sort the top level groups. I assume NSTreeController applies the sort descriptors to each level of the hierarchy? I could have my TaskTemporaryGroup class return the same thing (i.e. its desired sorting order, that I've calculated separately) for any of the key paths that I want to be able to sort the rest of the cells on, so that to the framework it would look like they stayed in the same order no matter what property they were sorted by. Is this a good way to go or is it a hack?
So, to summarize:
How do people suggest I implement this kind of hierarchy, where the top level is a special case and all subsequent levels are the same kind of object?
Is the way I described, with a class to represent the top level objects that happens to respond to the same key paths as the child objects, a good way to go?
Does anyone have any tips about how to make sorting work well in this scenario?
Or will trying to use bindings for this task cause me a world of hurt?
