RestController works fine in SpringBoot, but throws 404 on Tomcat - spring-boot

I have a simple RestController application -
public class GreetingController {
private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(GreetingController.class);
public ResponseEntity<GreetingResponse> greeting(#RequestParam(value = "name", defaultValue = "World") String name) throws ServiceException, Exception {"Received Request. Name: " + name);
It works fine on SpringBoot (http://localhost:8080/greeting), but when I create a WAR and deploy it on Tomcat (9.0.2), it throws a 404.
Application is deployed fine and I can hit a static HTML page in the application, so my context path is correct.
What could I be missing?
Here is my gradle tasks -
dependencies {
providedRuntime 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-tomcat'
compile group: 'org.apache.logging.log4j', name: 'log4j-api', version: '2.10.0'
compile group: 'org.apache.logging.log4j', name: 'log4j-core', version: '2.10.0'
war {
archiveName = "ROOT.war"
manifest {attributes "Implementation-Version": "${version}"}
I have zip of my whole application here, if anyone is curious.

Found the issue. My application had to extend SpringBootServletInitializer
public class Application extends SpringBootServletInitializer {

Your answer is correct, I just wanted to add on it, that if you have the requirement where you need to create a war file for your application and deploy it on an external app server like Tomcat or IBM Liberty, it is is best you disable the inbuilt tomcat starter when deploying it in external App servers. This can be done via using profiles tag in your POM file and using the exclusion tag to specify that you do not need "spring-boot-starter-tomcat"
Our POM looks like this
<name>Example Project</name>
<!-- Versions -->
<!-- Spring Boot Parent -->
<relativePath />
Not sure if this is really a concern at your end, but it is best to operate under two profiles where you use one profile to run your project through an IDE like intelliJ or Eclipse and other way, you can use the dev profile to build your package by specifying "mvn clean install -U -P dev" to deploy the war file in an external appserver like tomcat or IBM Liberty.
My apologies if you have already figured it out, just that this helped me during my starting stages of my spring-boot project. Hope this helps!


Spring Boot App with Maven and Wildly (26.1.1) - PAGE NOT FOUND Error

I have created a Spring Boot application. I use WildFly as the application server - this is what I want to use to run the application.
These are the Java and Maven related files I have:
public class MyController {
private Student student;
public String sayHello() {
return "Hello";
Of course I have the main method with the Spring Boot related annotations:
public class SpringBootTestApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
I have the Maven file like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>
When I build the project with mvn clean install then Maven compiles and deployed the app to the Wildfly server.
So far so good I have the application on the server. First of all:
1.) is it not a problem that I have the SNAPSHOT present in the context root?
2.) another problem is that I can not run the application - I start WildFly server in Eclipse and I check the context root.
Can you help me why is this happening? Thank you for your help in advance!

How to deploy a springboot - war - to - Google AppEngine - Java11

I am trying to deploy a war packaged springboot app - Java 11
Created a brand new springboot web application (packaging war) and followed article
from step1 . i.e. cloning and installing (
spring boot parent
<!-- <version>2.7.2</version>-->
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<!-- <version>2.0.3</version>-->
Excluding tomcat from web
and plugins
runtime: java11
entrypoint: 'java -cp "*" com.example.appengine.demo.jettymain.Main myapp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war'
instance_class: B2
- url: /.*
script: this field is required, but ignored
instances: 1
cpu: 2
memory_gb: 2.3
disk_size_gb: 20
- name: ramdisk1
volume_type: tmpfs
size_gb: 0.5
Output :
Sadly this is not what I am expecting.
Another Variation:
I remembered servlet initalizer is not added, so correct it
public class DashApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.runDashApplication.class, args);
protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
return application.sources(DashApplication.class);
Application thows error in the logs
"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to instantiate
What is my mistake ?
Please help - How to create a simple Java 11 , springboot , war package, and deploy to appengine
As mentioned in the comments section, adding spring-boot-starter-test as test dependency in pom.xml fixed the issue.
Posting the answer as community wiki for the benefit of the community that might encounter this use case in the future.

NoSuchFieldError: RESOURCE_PREFIX with a maven project using tess4j

tess4j is an OCR packed with native library, I made a maven project to test it,
I did add the installation path of maven to eclipse.
I added M2_HOME, MAVEN_HOME and JAVA_HOME env variable,
here is my parent pom
<project xmlns=""
<!-- All project will be interpreted (source) and compiled (target) in java 7 -->
<!-- this will make eclipse:eclipse goal work and make the project Eclipse compatible -->
<!-- All child pom will inherit those dependancies -->
and here is my child pom
<project xmlns=""
<packaging>jar</packaging> <!-- I think this is useless -->
<name>A capcha solver based on terassec ocr</name>
<!-- autorun unit tests during maven compilation -->
<argLine>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:-UseSplitVerifier</argLine>
<!-- this should make the tesseract ocr native dll work without doing anything -->
Log4j 2 is broken up in an API and an implementation (core), where the API
provides the interface that applications should code to. Strictly speaking
Log4j core is only needed at runtime and not at compile time.
However, below we list Log4j core as a compile time dependency to improve
the startup time for custom plugins.
Integration of tesseract OCR
and of course, the code (taken from tess4j example)
package test;
import net.sourceforge.tess4j.Tesseract;
import net.sourceforge.tess4j.TesseractException;
* Classe d'exemple.
public class TesseractExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
File imageFile = new File("C:\\DEV\\repo\\ongoing\\capcha-solver\\src\\test\\resources\\random.jpg");
Tesseract instance = Tesseract.getInstance(); // JNA Interface Mapping
// Tesseract1 instance = new Tesseract1(); // JNA Direct Mapping
try {
String result = instance.doOCR(imageFile);
} catch (TesseractException e) {
When I lauch it I'm getting this exception
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: RESOURCE_PREFIX
at net.sourceforge.tess4j.util.LoadLibs.<clinit>(
at net.sourceforge.tess4j.TessAPI.<clinit>(
at net.sourceforge.tess4j.Tesseract.init(
at net.sourceforge.tess4j.Tesseract.doOCR(
at net.sourceforge.tess4j.Tesseract.doOCR(
at net.sourceforge.tess4j.Tesseract.doOCR(
at test.TesseractExample.main(
I don't know if this is tess4j related or a JNA/JNI problem, as you can see I have a plugin that "should" (never worked with DLLs before) make them work.
Also in the parent pom my plugin are betwen plugin managment tags, I think I should have put them betwen build tags, no?
Any idea?
There was 2 problems
1/ some dlls and files from tess4j had to be copied to the project root directory
2/ tess4j had a transitive dependancy toward com.sun.jna:jna:jar:3.0.9 conflicting with (also from tess4j) ecluding the 3.0.9 version makes everything work, the RESSOURCE_PREFIX error was coming from that
pom.xml for 32 bit version (you need a 32 bit JVM installed) which takes care of those 2 things, change win32-x86 to win32-x86-64 if you want to use this in 64 bits
<project xmlns=""
<name>tesseract ocr project</name>
this extract the 32 bits dll and the tesseractdata folder to
the project root from tess4j.jar
<resources combine.children="append">
The child pom could be easily built without any problems and manually copying libs, this is not TESS4J related.
Anyway the jna 3.0.9 could be removed if not needed anymore:
Still, all you have to do to run tess4j is the maven dependency:
and the correct use of the TESS4J-API, for example:
File imageFile = new File("C:\\random.png");
Tesseract instance = Tesseract.getInstance();
//In case you don't have your own tessdata, let it also be extracted for you
File tessDataFolder = LoadLibs.extractTessResources("tessdata");
//Set the tessdata path
try {
String result = instance.doOCR(imageFile);
} catch (TesseractException e) {
That's it!
The problem is caused by the conflict between and com.sun.jna:jna. Both jars contain a class com.sun.jna.Platform. Both jars are declared as tess4j dependencies. To solve this you can omit the second dependency in your pom:
because the JNA version mismatch. you are using more than one version in class path library. just use one version of JNA.

Maven - error while deploying ear to jboss 6.x - ClassFormatError

I have a maven project where i am package to EAR file and including all dependencies in /lib folder. But while deploying EAR file i am getting below 2 errors in jboss.
1)java.lang.ClassFormatError: Absent Code attribute in method that is not native or abstract in class file javax/jms/JMSException
For above error i learnt that i need to remove j2ee related jar files going inside the /lib folder.
2)java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to javax.servlet.Servlet
And this error i believe i should remove javax.servlet related jar files from /lib folder. Because this may be already provided by jboss servletContainer and you should exclude from your /lib folder.
I am new to maven world and somehow i managed to create a EAR.
Let me know how to exclude j2ee related and servlet related jar files during packing EAR.
Below is my pom.xml
After adding exclusions for below dependency it worked.

jersey and jackson maven dependency issues?

I have just started building a web app using jersey and jackson. After initially getting up and running I decided that it made sense in the long run to convert the project to be a maven one. I'm very new to maven and it seems like I might have run into a dependency issue between jersey and jackson.
I put together a simple test to check that everything had been set up correctly after running into issues with some of my project tests that use jackson. The user object is based on the one in the jackson tutorial
public void testJacksonSetup() throws IOException {
String json = "{\"name\":{\"first\":\"Joe\",\"last\":\"Sixpack\"},\"verified\":false,\"gender\":\"MALE\",\"userImage\":\"Rm9vYmFyIQ==\"}";
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
User user = mapper.readValue(json, User.class);
assertEquals("Joe", user.getName().getFirst());
Writer strWriter = new StringWriter();
mapper.writeValue(strWriter, user);
assertEquals(json, strWriter.toString());
which is throwing the following exception
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.codehaus.jackson.type.JavaType.isMapLikeType()Z
at org.codeh
I tried running the same test in a simple maven java application to make sure there weren't issues with the way I had set up the jackson dependencies and everything worked. I suspect the problem is caused by some dependency issue between jersey and jackson since it also uses jackson. I also suspect that way I cobbled have the pom file for my web app together could be problem. Here is the content of my pom with some slight naming changes (as I said before I'm new to using maven so I'd say this is a pretty ugly pom file)
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>My web app</name>
<!-- for external testing -->
<!-- Run the application using "mvn embedded-glassfish:run" -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- append to the packaging phase. -->
<goal>transform</goal> <!-- goals == mojos -->
<name> Repository for Maven</name>
<name> Repository for Maven</name>
<name> Repository for Glassfish</name>
<name> Repository for Maven</name>
Does anyone know what is causing the issues with jackson and If there is a dependency issue with jersey and how to resolve it?
As already mentioned, this is probably a version conflict (error message does suggest that something is compiled against 1.8, but an earlier version is being used somehow).
One thing that I have noticed to cause issues is that versions of "core" and "mapper" jars may differ. In this case, for example, it sounds like mapper version 1.8 was being used, but core jar version was earlier. Although Jackson core jar does define proper version, Maven may not rely on that information but by version some other component mandates.
So whenever specifying dependency to Jackson from your own pom.xml, make sure that versions of core (jackson-asl-core) and mapper (jackson-ask-mapper) are both defined, and have same value (or at least same minor versions, 1.8.x).
I was having the same issue after I upgraded the datanucleus-hbase lib.
My solution was to include the two jackson libs:
The jersey-json dependencies have its own jackson dependency.
For Jersey 1.8 its Jackson 1.7.1. So, start by removing the 1.8.1 and 1.8.2 dependencies, they may cause trouble. Maven is not deterministic: if it encounters two versions of the same dependency (with the same count), the chosen one cannot be predicted.
You don't have to create a JSON string neither to call Jackson mapper yourself. Take a look a this fully working/tested app I've post on GitHub. Hope it will help.
