Declarative Services Strategy Pattern - osgi

I'm new at OSGI and Declarative Services, and I'm trying to implement a strategy, but I'm having trouble to get components Satisfied and/or Active
My BillConfig has the useMocks(), when it's true the Repo that should be returned by the factory is the BillRepositoryInMemory, otherwise should be the BillRepositoryREST. How can I have access to an abstraction of this repos in my BillDAO?

Your setup with a Factory does not look optimal for OSGi usage.
Instead I propose to create the repository impls as DS components with a required config policy.
This way you can activate the repo impl component you want by supplying it with a config.
In BillDAO you can then use:
BillRepository repo;
This approach completely avoids the Factory pattern and makes your components much more loosely coupled.


Spring Beans Dependency Inyection with different configurations

I have the following doubt, probably a very basic one, that I have already managed to work out but I would like to listen if there is a different approach or actually if I am getting something wrong.
I have an implementation with Springboot with a classic layered approach using Spring StereoTypes and wiring all up using Field DI (yes... I am aware it is not the best approach)
Service -> Repository -> (Something else)
In my case (something else) is a third party Rest API which I am calling using a RestTemplate with a specific configuration.The current solution has many services and repositories to deal with each of the Third Party domain entities. All of them using the same RestTemplate bean. The bean is inyected at the repository level.
So now I have been told from the Third Party System that depending on which business scenario my local services are executing, repositories need to use one of two different users, therefore, I assume that a different restTemplate config needs to be added. At first glance it drives me to move even higher the decision of which restTemplate to use. At Service level, not at the repo level. So I would need to have, lets say, a service A under a specific context whose dependencies (the repository) will need to have a specific template, and the same service A given another context, with a different dependency config.
The approach that I took is to have a configuration class where I generate different versions of the same service with different dependencies, in particular, their repositories using a specific template. Github Example
This approach seems like odd to me because up till now I have never had to do something like this ...and leaves me with the doubt if something different can be done to achive the same.
Another approach would be to inject both RestTemplates in the base repository and with an extra parameter to decide which to use in each method that it is being use at service level and repo level. Which I dislike.

Is Java Spring really better than straight up Java programming

I have read that dependency injection is good for testing, in that a class can be tested without its dependencies, but the question comes to my mind if Class A depends on Class B or C or any class, testing Class A independent of some class is yielding a test result of zero, not a failed or past test.
Class A was created to do something and if it is not fed anything whether using new key word or setting up the extra files in Spring, Class A won't do any work.
About the idea of making code modular, readable and maintainable: so business classes became cleaner, but all we did was shift confusion from dirty Java business classes to convoluted XML files and having to delete interfaces used to inject to our loosened objects.
In short, it seems we have to make edits and changes to a file somewhere,right?
Please feel free to put me in my place if my understanding is lacking, just a little irritated with learning Spring because I see the same amount of work just rearranged.
Dependency injection is good for unit testing because you can individually test each method without that method depending on anything else. That way each unit test can test exactly one method.
I would say that if the xml is what’s annoying you check out Spring boot. It’s based on a java configuration so no xml and it simplifies a lot of configuration for you based on your class path. When I first started spring I found the xml very daunting coming from a java background but the annotation based configuration and the auto configuring done by spring boot is extremely helpful for quickly getting applications working.
IMO biggest advantage of using the spring is dependency injection which makes your life easy. For example if you would like to create a new service with three dependencies, then you can create a class very easily using Spring. But without spring, you will end up writing different factory methods which will return you the instances you are looking for. This makes your code very verbose with static method calls. You may want to take a look at the code repositories before spring era.
Again if you would like to use Spring or not is your personal call based on project complexity. But it's other features/advantages cant be overlooked.
And XML files or Java configs are the ways of achieving spring configuration - where you would like to add your business logic is personal flavour. Only thing is you should be consistent all across your project.
I would suggest that you read Martin Fowler's great article on Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection to gain a better understanding of why frameworks like Spring can be really useful to solve a well known set of common dependency injection problems when writing software.
As others have mentioned, there is no obligation to use Spring; and whatever you can do with Spring, you can probably do it by other means like abstract factories, factory methods, or service locators.
If your project is small enough, then you probably wouldn't mind solving the dependency injection issues on your own using some design patterns like those mentioned above. However, depending on the size of your project, many would prefer to use a framework or a library that already packs a bunch of solutions to these recurrent head scratchers.
In regards to the advantages of dependency injection frameworks when doing unit testing is the idea that you don't need to test the dependencies of your class, but only your class.
For example, most likely your application has a layered design. It is very common to have a data access class or a repository that you use to retrieve data from a datasource. Logically, you also have a class where you use that DAO.
Evidently, you already wrote unit testing for your DAO, and therefore, when you're testing your business class (where the DAO is being used) you don't care about testing your DAO again.
Fortunately, since Spring requires some form of dependency injection for your DAO, this means your class must provide a constructor or a setter method through which we can inject that DAO into our business class, right?
Well, then during unit testing of your business class, you can conveniently use those injection points to inject your own fake DAO (i.e. a mock object). That way, you can focus on the testing of your business class and forget about retesting the DAO again.
Now compare this idea with other solutions you may have done on your own:
You inject the dependency directly by instantiating the DAO within your business class.
You use a static factory method within your code to gain access to the DAO.
You use a static method from a service locator within your code to gain access to the DAO.
None of these solutions would make your code easy to test because there is no simple manner to get in the way of choosing exactly what dependency I want injected into my business class while testing it (e.g. how do you change the static factory method to use a fake DAO for testing purposes?).
So, in Spring, using XML configuration or annotations, you can easily have different dependencies being injected into your service object based on a number of conditions. For example, you may have some configurations for testing that evidently would be different than those used in production. And if you have a staging environment, you may even have different XML configurations of dependencies for your application depending on whether it is running in production or integration environments.
This pluggability of dependencies is the key winning factor here in my opinion.
So, as I was saying, my suggestion to you is that you first expand your understanding of what problems Spring core (and in general all dependency injection frameworks) is trying to solve and why it matters, and that will give you a broader perspective and understanding of these problems in a way that you could to determine when it is a good idea to use Spring and when it is not.

Dependency injection vs Factory or Directory

I have been wondering if anyone uses DI/IoC in any non-toy project, where he can choose the implementation style (rather than this being enforced by libraries or development requirements).
After all, a Factory is just the perfect mechanism if we want a single instance of a class, and a Directory service is the perfect mechanism if we want a specific instance.
So what is the big deal with adding Spring/Guice/etc. into this and creating another dependency for ourselves? (Or maybe I completely fail to understand their DI approach...)
DI (Dependency Inversion) principle says nothing about frameworks and simply claims that:
High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions.
Inversion of control (IoC) principle is also related to decreasing coupling among classes in your software.
There are many patterns that are used to keep your classes low coupled and follow DI or IoC principle. It is you responsibility how to meet this goal. Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern are some of them.
After all, a Factory is just the perfect mechanism if we want a single instance of a class, and a Directory service is the perfect mechanism if we want a specific instance.
And Factory is considered as one of the implementation techniques of inversion of comtrol principle.
I have been wondering if anyone uses DI/IoC in any non-toy project, where he can choose the implementation style (rather than this being enforced by libraries or development requirements).
I see lots of enterprise applications where DI\IoC containers\frameworks are used. These frameworks provide an infrastructure that cares about object creation (like Factory), its lifetime (like Singleton), injecting dependencies, holding a list of all objects (like Registry)
So what is the big deal with adding Spring/Guice/etc. into this and creating another dependency for ourselves?
Your classes have no dependencies on any IoC container when you use it. IoC container is a part of your infrastucture layer only.
I think, the only one reason to avoid usage of IoC container is when you are restricted to use 3rd party libraries by company's rules and agreements.

Obtaining list of installed OSGI bundles at runtime

My application obtains class names from a properties file. Classes represented by these class names could reside in certain OSGI bundles unknown at advance so in order to instantiate them I firstly have to find which bundle these classes belong to. I'm thinking about getting all installed bundles from BundleContext#getBundles, this means I have to obtain reference to BundleContext in AbstractUIPlugin#start. But I'm not sure if holding reference to BundleContext is the right thing to do since it's should be used only in the start method. So I need advice from OSGI experts here about the alternatives to get list of bundles.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is not really how OSGi is intended. If a bundle has something to add to the 'global' context, you should register a service. So each bundle that has something to share can do that in its own start method.
Some other component (DS, ServiceTracker, Blueprint, something like that) can then listen to these events, and act accordingly.
This is really important, if you start manually searching through all bundles you completely lose the advantages of OSGi.
Like written before you should try to use services to achieve what you want. I guess you have an Interface with one or more implementations that should be installable at runtime. So if you control the bundles that implement the interface then simply let them install their implementation as a service by using an Activator or a blueprint context. You can use service properties to describe your implementation.
The bundles that need the implementation can then lookup the services using a service tracker or a service reference in blueprint.
If that is not possible then you can use the bundle context to obtain the running bundles and instantiate the classes but this is not how OSGi should work. You will run into classloading problems as the bundle that tries to instantiate the classes will not have direct access to them.
Your bundle gets control at start up through the bundle activator, or better, through DS. At that time it can register services with the services registry so others can find/use them.
The route your planning to go (properties that name classes) is evil since you undoubtedly will run in class loading hell. Modularity is about hiding your implementation details, the name of your implementation classes are such details.
Exposing implementation classes in properties files is really bad practice and it looses the advantage of modularity. It does not matter if another class refers to your implementation class or a property file, the problem is that the impl. class is exposed.
Unfortunately this model has become so prevalent in our industry that many developers think it is normal :-(
OSGi allows you share instances typed by interfaces in a way that allows the implementation class to only be known inside the module.

Domain Driven Programming Using Spring

I have a question on DDD & Spring. I always design my application around anemic domain model and service taking care of business logic/persistence.
Assume you have a spring managed persistence/respository service for a Domain object e.g. Book. If I have to expose a save() method on book then i will need repository bean inside my domain or i will have to look up the context for the repository bean. Which is exactly opposite of Dependency Injection.
Now, If I have repository id injected into domain and domain object is cached ( clustered cache) and then on deserialization it will not have the injected repository service as spring containers will be different.
I might be wrong but if someone can explain me how this scenario will work, it would be of great help
I think that the "facade" of your application should use a Repository (or other infrastructure service) to save the "book". The book should not save it-self, this is responsibility of the Repository.
If you need to make any infrastructure operation (for example, search the database) from a Domain Entity, then you should gain access to this Repository by looking up the context (and getting coupled to Spring as a result) or injecting the Repository through Dependency Injection in the Entity.
The problem is that the "instantiation" of the Entity is not responsibility of Spring but of the Persistence Provider, so Spring cannot handle this injection. What to do?
Well, there are several ways (none of them very "beautyful") to do this:
Through AOP: you can instrument the code with Aspect Oriented Framework (like AspectJ) configuring the system to inject whatever dependency in the Entity in the instantiation moment.
Through a Hibernate interceptor: if your Persistence Provider is Hibernate, it offers you a hook to place interceptors in certain points of the life cycle of the Entities. You can configure an interceptor that looks-up the spring context to inject dependencies in the instantiation of every Entity.
Maybe the easiest way is to implement a little and static "serviceLocator" coupled with spring that looks-up services asked by the Entities when they need them. This service locator is just a layer to avoid your entities to get coupled to Spring.
I think that a "save" method (save in a DB, in example) doesn't belong to the domain object... Does the book "save" itself? Or is the repository saving it?...
