Issue with handler restarting service - ansible

I have an issue where I was handed a gaming service from a dev group in Bulgaria that was coded and built last fall. the only documentation I have for the platform which is a video showing one of the devs running the playbooks to build the env. the video doesnt show version of ansible that is being used. I am trying to run playbooks on ubuntu 16.04 and ansible I am trying to execute the following:
- hosts: nler-example-nxx
user: ubuntu
- include: ../../templates/nler-nxx.yml
- name: change nodes ip in nxx config
path: /www/nler-nxx/conf/
regexp: '(\s+)nxx.defaultPeers=(.*)$'
replace: '\1nxt.defaultPeers=;;;;;'
- restart nxx service
- name: restart nxx service
become: yes
systemd: name=nxx state=restarted
And get this error:
ERROR! no action detected in task
The error appears to have been in '/etc/ansible/playbook/niler/example/nxx.yml': line 15, column 7, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: restart nxx service
^ here
In doing some research I am thinking this is a version conflict issue but no way to confirm what version they were using.

Indentation is wrong. Should be:
- include: ../../templates/nler-nxx.yml
- name: restart nxx service


Im running my first ansible playbook and I get an error even though I followed the video exactly

My first Ansible playbook looks like
- name: iluvnano
hosts: linux
- name: ensure nano is there
name: nano
state: latest
I get the error
ERROR! conflicting action statements: apt, state
The error appears to be in '/root/test.yml': line 5, column 9, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: ensure nano is there
^ here
According the documentation and examples of apt_module
- name: Install apache httpd (state=present is optional)
name: apache2
state: present
your indents are incorrect. So the error is just caused by a typo and you may use instead
- name: ensure nano is there
name: nano
state: latest

Ansible - How to run multiple tasks in a playbook

I'm new to ansible, and am attempting to run multiple tasks to install docker on a particular host group in an ansible playbook.
I have the following playbook...
- hosts: all
- name: Update and upgrade apt packages
become: yes
upgrade: yes
update_cache: yes
cache_valid_time: 86400 #One day
- hosts: loadbalancer
become: yes
- name: Install docker packages
- 'apt-transport-https'
- 'ca-certificates'
- 'curl'
- 'software-properties-common'
state: present
- name: Add Docker official GPG key
This is the error I get when attempting to run the playbook...
ERROR! no action detected in task. This often indicates a misspelled module name, or incorrect module path.
The error appears to be in '/home/vagrant/ansible/playbooks/hostname.yml': line 23, column 7, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: Add Docker official GPG key
^ here
What am I doing wrong here?
It is not apt-key, it is apt_key. Please update and try again

ansible to restart network service

I copy-pasted this from the manual and it fails in my playbook (version 2.0.2):
- service: name=network state=restarted args=eth0
I am getting this error:
"msg": "Failed to stop eth0.service: Unit eth0.service not loaded.\nFailed to start eth0.service: Unit eth0.service failed to load: No such file or directory.\n"}
What is the correct syntax, please?
Just do like this (#nasr already commented it):
- name: Restart network
name: network
state: restarted
But if you change network configuration before restart, something like IP address, after restart ansible hangs because connection is lost (IP address changed).
There is a way to do things right.
- name: net configuration step 1
msg: we changed some files
notify: restart systemd-networkd
- name: net configuration step 2
msg: do some more work, but restart net services only once
notify: restart systemd-networkd
- name: restart systemd-networkd
name: systemd-networkd
state: restarted
async: 120
poll: 0
register: net_restarting
- name: check restart systemd-networkd status
jid: "{{ net_restarting.ansible_job_id }}"
register: async_poll_results
until: async_poll_results.finished
retries: 30
listen: restart systemd-networkd
As per Ansible 2.7.8. You have to make following changes to restart the network.
Note: I tried this on Ubuntu 16.04
Scenario 1: Only network restart
- name: Restarting Network to take effect new IP Address
become: yes
name: networking
state: restarted
Scenario 2: Flush interface and then restart network
- name: Flushing Interface
become: yes
shell: sudo ip addr flush "{{net_interface}}"
- name: Restarting Network
become: yes
name: networking
state: restarted
Note: Make sure you have net_interface configured and then imported in the file where you execute this Ansible task.
Please find below output that I received on my screen.
- command: /etc/init.d/network restart
does work wonderfully but I feel that using command kinda defeats the purpose of using ansible.
I m using Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS that uses systemd instead of init
The following worked fine with me ( I tried the solutions mentioned earlier but none has worked for me)
- name: restart network
name: NetworkManager
state: restarted

Why are my Ansible handlers not firing?

I have a playbook that installs tomcat and then deploys some web applications. The web application deploy task(s) notifies a handler to restart tomcat. But the handler never fires. I am using a handler to manage the tomcat service because I understand from the docs that handlers should only fire once even if called multiple times. Am I missing something obvious?
This is the playbook:
- hosts: all
become: true
become_user: root
- role: common
- role: nginx
- role: tomcat
- role: launchpad
- role: manager
- role: reporting
- include: /tomcat/handlers/etitomcat_service_ctrl.yml
This is one of the roles that deploys the web app:
- name: Remove the current installation of LaunchPad
file: path={{etitomcat_path}}/webapps/{{launchpad_module}} state=absent
- name: Remove the current war file for {{launchpad_module}}
file: path={{etitomcat_path}}/webapps/{{launchpad_module}}.war state=absent
- name: Download the latest snapshot of LaunchPad and deploy it to {{etitomcat_path}}
get_url: url={{launchpad_source_url}} dest={{etitomcat_path}}/webapps/{{launchpad_module}}.war mode=0744 owner={{etitomcat_user}} group={{etitomcat_group}} force=yes
notify: "restart_eti_tomcat"
This is the handler:
- name: "Restart ETI Tomcat"
service: name=etitomcat state=restarted
become: true
become_user: root
listen: "restart_eti_tomcat"
- name: "Start ETI Tomcat"
service: name=etitomcat state=started
become: true
become_user: root
listen: "start_eti_tomcat"
- name: "Stop ETI Tomcat"
service: name=etitomcat state=stopped
become: true
become_user: root
listen: "stop_eti_tomcat"
Adding static: yes should resolve this issue when using Ansible >= 2.1.
- include: /tomcat/handlers/etitomcat_service_ctrl.yml
static: yes
Take a look at this Github issue, the linked google groups thread might contain valuable information as well.
As pointed out by #rhythmicdevil the documentation notes:
You cannot notify a handler that is defined inside of an include. As of Ansible 2.1, this does work, however the include must be static.
This may be beside the point but I'll add this regardless as the question headline is rather wide and this is the question I found when googling and below is the solution for the particular issue I had.
Do take into consideration that the handlers only triggers when there is a change registered in the corresponding task. Even if you run the play with the highest verbosity level there will be NO entry like this which spells this out.
RUNNING HANDLER [base : somehandler ] ***********************
Unchanged: Skipping
And when they are triggered after a change it will be after all the tasks has been performed.
This really did my head in since the tasks notified you regardless of if they really did something or not whereas handlers stays quiet.
For example, if you have a task A that you have been running a few times until it works like you expect.
Then after that connect a handler B to restart the service, nothing will happen unless you wipe the operation the task A are doing or change it.
As long as task A registers no change it will not trigger handler B.
This is the behavior for ansible 2.2.1 anyways.
You can add the tasks and post_tasks section instead of handlers, hope it will work for you:
- hosts: all
become: true
become_user: root
- role: common
- role: nginx
- role: tomcat
- role: launchpad
- role: manager
- role: reporting
- include: /tomcat/handlers/etitomcat_service_ctrl.yml

Indentation error while running ansible playbook

I'm a newbee to ansible. While running this playbook, getting below error. Although I searched for the solution over the web I was unable to get any help specific to my problem. The problem seems to be with "notify:" syntax but not sure what exactly. Please can anyone help me in finding where is the mistake.
Ansible playbook -
- hosts: droplets
remote_user: root
- name: Check if service httpd running
service: name=httpd state=running
- start apache service
- name: start apache
service: name=httpd state=started
root#zarvis:/home/luckee/ansible# ansible-playbook servicechk.yml -f 2
ERROR! Syntax Error while loading YAML.
The error appears to have been in '/home/luckee/ansible/servicechk.yml': line 10, column 1, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- start apache service
^ here
Any help would be great !
1.) First line. There should be no whitespace characters before three dashes --- which is called also Document Boundary Marker:
A line beginning with “---” may be used to explicitly denote the beginning of a new YAML document.
- start apache service
replace with
- start apache
since you declaring start apache handler.
Correct syntax would be:
hosts: host1
remote_user: vagrant
name: Check if service httpd running
service: name=httpd state=started
name: start apache
service: name=httpd state=started
