How to map Cassandra Tuple collection in Java entity - spring-boot

I have a cassandra table with a set-of-tuple column as below,
ref_nums set<frozen<tuple<text,text>>>;
I want to map this into my Java entity. I am using spring-boot-starter-data-cassandra v2.0.4.RELEASE which leads to a driver version,
How to map it?
What will be java entity configuration if I use UDT in place of tuple?
What is the difference between using UDT and using tuple?

This is the problem with built in dependency of spring boot.
By the above configuration, we are replacing spring's own dependency of spring-data-cassandra (some previous version) and in addition to it we need spring-data-commons


Maven Spring boot dependency vs Maven Spring dependency

What is the difference between the way I declare the two dependency?
My project is a spring boot project...
This one I downloaded from Spring Initializer:
This one is from
Update, this article shows a third way:
The first one is a Spring Boot starter. According to the documentation:
Starters are a set of convenient dependency descriptors that you can include in your application. You get a one-stop shop for all the Spring and related technologies that you need without having to hunt through sample code and copy-paste loads of dependency descriptors.
The pom.xml of spring-boot-starter-data-ldap contains the following dependency definitions:
The second one: spring-security-ldap is the artifact present in maven central, corresponding to the Spring LDAP project.

Errors caused by not having declared a dependency

Has anyone successfully got Spring Boot, Spring Data Elasticsearch, and Elasticsearch 5.x to work?
I updated my pom to use spring-data-elasticsearch 3.0.0.RELEASE (just released) which has commit notes in Github saying it supports ES 5.
I was getting some errors which were caused by not having declared a dependency on spring-data-common. After adding without a version, I noticed it was being managed by Spring Boot apparently and pulls in 1.13.7.RELEASE
This causes: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/data/mapping/model/Property
I then bumped up spring-data-common to 2.0.0.RELEASE thinking the newest releases of everything should be compatible. That causes an AbstractMethodError exception when the repository is wired.
Can anyone give any tips? Here are the dependencies from my POM
Managed versions from Parent POM:
From POM from the child module where things don't work
<!-- <version>2.0.0.RELEASE</version> -->
Whomever edited the title made an inaccurate description. As originally stated, the issue is a "dependency hell". There wasn't missing dependencies but rather a ton of transitive dependencies that all needed versions to be coordinated in magic nonobvious/undocumented ways. – JvmSd121
I once migrated the spring-data-elasticsearch (with ES 2.x) project to use ES 5.x.
I lost the source but I still have the jar here
You guys put me on the right track. I upgraded as follows:
Spring Core (and related): 5.0.0.RELEASE
Spring Boot: 2.0.0.M4
Spring Cloud: Finchley.M2
With those in place, the managed versions get updated as follows:
spring-data-commons: 2.0.0.RC3 (from release-train KAY-RC3)
spring-data-elasticsearch: 3.0.0.RC3 (from release-train KAY-RC3)
elasticsearch and transport: 5.5.2 (meets my 5.x requirement)
We had managed versions of Jackson in our parent pom for other child modules which caused incompatible versions to be pulled in. I overrode those in our Spring Boot projects to the version ${jackson.version} defined in Spring as follows:
I'm getting another error from my repo which I think is self-inflicted due to my data model. All the classpath errors seem to have gone away. I'll give another update if I find anything further. What a cf!
Thanks for the tips.

override Thymeleaf in Spring Boot and can't find TemplateMode

I'm trying to override Thymeleaf in Spring Boot using the directions. However, my code needs to depend on org.thymeleaf.templatemode.TemplateMode except that class can't be found. How can I have both?
If you are using Spring 1.4.x or after you only need to add the spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf dependency.
If not, you may need to include these dependencies specifying the version as 3.0.0.RELEASE:
And the parse of Html, in this case nekohtml:
<!-- Html5 Legacy Mode -->
Then you should configure thymeleaf viewresolver, template engineand template resolver and Enable Web Mvc as well(Just add #EnableWebMvc to your configuration class).
So, the real answer is that the class TemplateMode is deprecated. I'm not sure how/why I was able to use it when depending on the thymeleaf library directly, but the solution was to substitute a string for the enum. (Be sure to use an uppercase string)

Springboot + spring data Mongo

I'm using in my Project the springboot 1.4.0.RELEASE and I put in my pom the next dependency:
so can I change this dependency to use the newest with no problem?
I'm sure yes. These are the news in the 1.9:
The following annotations have been enabled to build own, composed annotations: #Document, #Id, #Field, #Indexed, #CompoundIndex,
#GeoSpatialIndexed, #TextIndexed, #Query, #Meta.
Support for Projections in repository query methods.
Support for Query by Example.
Out-of-the-box support for java.util.Currency in object mapping.
Add support for the bulk operations introduced in MongoDB 2.6.
Upgrade to Querydsl 4.
Assert compatibility with MongoDB 3.0 and MongoDB Java Driver 3.2 (see: MongoDB 3.0 Support).
You just exclude from spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb and overwritte it

Spring Boot - Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/glassfish/jersey/server/ResourceConfig : unsupported classversion 51.0

I'm using Spring Boot and spring-boot-starter-jersey, for my application.
Initially I was working on Java 1.7 and everything worked fine.
But when I moved to Java 1.6 it started giving me error.
Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError:
org/glassfish/jersey/server/ResourceConfig : unsupported classversion 51.0
I don't want to use java 1.7. How can i get rid of this error in java 1.6.
Also, on Spring boot site I couldn't find suitable version of spring-boot-starter-jersey for java 1.6
Below is my POM
Jersey 2.7 and up is compiled with Java 7. So if you want to use Java 6, you need to use Jersey 2.6. So you will need to get rid of the Jersey starter
All the starter does is pull in a bunch of dependencies, it doesn't do anything code-wise. So all you really need to do is replace the dependencies with different versions in your pom. If you look at the actual pom for spring-boot-starter-jersey, you can see everything it pulls in. Below is a revised version of what you should add in place of spring-boot-starter-jersey
{jersey.version} is 2.6.
A couple differences is that I am excluding everything Spring from the jersey-spring3. I'm doing this because you are already pulling everything in with the spring-boot-starter-web.
Also the jersey-media-json-jackson used in the Jersey start pom, we can't use that, unless you want to be stuck with using Jackson 1.9. So instead we just pull in underlying Jackson provider jackson-jaxrs-json-provider. The version we are using is the same Jackson version in Spring Boot bom.
The only other thing you need to do is configure the Jackson support for Jersey, that just includes registering the providers. You can just use the following feature.
import com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.base.JsonMappingExceptionMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.base.JsonParseExceptionMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJaxbJsonProvider;
public class JacksonFeature implements Feature {
public boolean configure(FeatureContext context) {
MessageBodyReader.class, MessageBodyWriter.class);
return true;
Just register it with your ResourceConfig... register(JacksonFeature.class).
That's really it, Everything should still work the same. The auto configuration should still be in tact. I tested it, not rigorously, but works for a simple startup.
Or as #Andy Wilkinson suggesed, you can keep the spring-boot-starter-jersey, and just set the property <jersey.version>2.6</jersey.version> in your pom. But if you want to use Jackson 2, just exclude jersey-media-json-jackson (as Jersey 2.6 pulls uses Jackson 1.9.3), and just include the jackson-jaxrs-json-provider as mentioned above, and follow the rest of the instructions to configure it.
