OVER_QUERY_LIMIT - Distance Matrix API - Keyless access is deprecated - google-distancematrix-api

I intermittently get the error; even while using API Key with my request (distance-matrix api), does anyone have a solution?
"Keyless access to Google Maps Platform is deprecated. Please use an API key with all your API calls to avoid service interruption. for further details please refer to http://g.co/dev/maps-no-account."

Looks like we have an answer, the developer had typed in param for key as "Key" in of the server configs and the reason for the resulting error –


recaptcha v2 -> enterprise server side verification equivalent?

I'm trying to convert a v2 recaptcha flow to use the enterprise version. What is the equivalent to the server side call to https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?
If I try to send the same or similar POST request to https://recaptchaenterprise.googleapis.com or https://recaptchaenterprise.googleapis.com/<project path>, I get a 404 back.
There does not appear to be a matching v1 or v1beta1 endpoint for siteverify -- at least not that I've found in any of the docs or in the official recaptcha node.js library. What am I missing here?
There is no direct equivalent to the previously recommended verification call in the enterprise version (the call to https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify).
If you want to mimic this server side verification flow, you must create a new assessment for the checkbox token and make a judgement based on that score yourself.
Probably you have found a solution by now. But for those still looking
if you configure your request like this you'll get what you want:
where secret is 'The shared key between your site and reCAPTCHA.'
And response is 'The user response token provided by the reCAPTCHA client-side integration on your site.'.

Setting Up a Poap Booth to Give Out tokens at a decentraland event

Hey I am tryng to create a poap-booth for my event on decentraland.
Using the following documentation I am linking the booth in the game.ts SDK to the poapHandler.ts
This would allow me to create a token to give out at events when connected to the POAPBOOTH entity
I need help as to connect to firebase using cloudfirestore which is used to store addresses and give out the token I need to set up two api endpoints using postman
the GET function works with a success message of 200
However the POST method for signatures does not with 500 error

getting REQUEST_DENIED ("This service requires an API key.") but no error in the API console

I just added Google Places API Web Service to my project, added an API key (unrestricted, for testing) and I am copy pasting requests from the docs to try things out, for example:
curl https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json?placeid=ChIJN1t_tDeuEmsRUsoyG83frY4&key=my_new_key
I only get Request Denied ("This service requires an API key."), but in the API console I do not see any errors. The key is really in the curl command line in my sample, the API is enabled in the console, the key is valid and not restricted. I cannot find a reason why this should not work?
Here are few things you could try...
API key is for the application but you should authorize that application in google before using it.
Check your API key again and see if theres any encoding required before using it.
Enable API from your google account.
See if theres any restriction on your API key for example :
Under Accept requests from these server IP addresses, enter the IP
addresses from which your key is to be accepted, one per line. You
may also enter a subnet using CIDR notation (e.g.
Hope this helps..
Try this link.... very helpful
REQUEST DENIED with Google Places API KEY for Server Web used in an Android application

REQUEST_DENIED using valid key and sample query from documentation

All my requests are denied. My troubleshooting has reached the point of running the sample query from the Places API documentation, like so:
...with 'mykey' replaced by my recently-generated browser key from API console. Referers for my simple API access key is set to * to allow all. API console shows no known issues with my Places API use, which is turned on.
I should have left 'referers' blank, instead of *

Using Ruby to authenticate to Azure (HTTP Header authentication)?

Since the Google Search API has been deprecated, I'd like to use the Bing Search API (now a Windows Azure API) in my Ruby apps.
However, Azure has a strange authentication pattern where you build a query URI, paste it into a browser, pass the key into the password box of the standard HTTP authentication box, and make POST to see the results. I assume this generates a signature and passes it in the header somehow. I'd like to do the complete process in Ruby and skip the browser portion if possible.
I found one example in the source of an obscure Windows Azure storage gem, but I can't figure out how tthey're building the signature and make the call. Is there a simple way to do basic HTTP auth in Ruby?
I went ahead and used Faraday's built in basic authentication scheme like so:
connection = Faraday.new "http://api.something.com/1/dudez"
connection.basic_auth "username" "password"
I want to recommend the RestClient gem for this. I've used it with great success for GET'ing and POST'ing across domains. If you really have to act like a browser to implement the API, you can always use Capybara.
I'm sorry I haven't tried the Azure API myself, or I would give an example. :)
I recall doing this previously with another Azure API but am unable to find the code.
Look here for the details of the signature process:
I'm unable to find immediately if the Azure API uses the SharedSignature method
The way to sign a request to Windows Azure blob storage thru the REST API is described here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd179428.aspx.
Basically, you don't authenticate by simply adding some credentials in a HTTP header, you have to sign your request with the secret key that is associated to your storage account.
