labeling results into List? - prolog

I want write a predicate that can sum_all the lucky number using the predict lucky/5
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
lucky(A,B,C,D,N) :-
L = [A,B,C,D],
L ins 0..9,
N #= A*1000+B*100+C*10+D,
A+B #= C+D,
% I want to write a code that computes the sum of all lucky numbers

if your Prolog has library(aggregate), you can do
?- aggregate_all((count,sum(N)), lucky(_,_,_,_,N), (Count,Sum)).
Count = 670,
Sum = 3349665.


Prolog, count how many different values there are in a list

I'm new in prolog, and I wanted to create a "function" to count how many different values I have in a list.
I've made this predicate to count the total number of values:
tamanho([H|T],X) :- tamanho(T,X1), X is X1+1.
I wanted to follow the same line of thought like in this last predicate.(Don't know if that's possible).
So in a case where my list is [1,2,2,3], the answer would be 3.
Can someone give me a little help?
Here is a pure version which generalizes the relation. You can not only count but just see how elements have to look like in order to obtain a desired count.
In SWI, you need to install reif first.
:- use_module(library(reif),[memberd_t/3]).
:- use_module(library(clpz)). % use clpfd in SWI instead
:- op(150, fx, #). % backwards compatibility for old SWI
nt_int(false, 1).
nt_int(true, 0).
list_uniqnr([E|Es],N0) :-
#N0 #>= 0,
memberd_t(E, Es, T),
nt_int(T, I),
#N0 #= #N1 + #I,
tamanho(Xs, N) :-
list_uniqnr(Xs, N).
?- tamanho([1,2,3,1], Nr).
Nr = 3.
?- tamanho([1,2,X,1], 3).
dif:dif(X,1), dif:dif(X,2).
?- tamanho([1,2,X,Y], 3).
X = 1, dif:dif(Y,1), dif:dif(Y,2)
; Y = 1, dif:dif(X,1), dif:dif(X,2)
; X = 2, dif:dif(Y,1), dif:dif(Y,2)
; Y = 2, dif:dif(X,1), dif:dif(X,2)
; X = Y, dif:dif(X,1), dif:dif(X,2)
; false.
You can fix your code by adding 1 to the result that came from the recursive call if H exists in T, otherwise, the result for [H|T] call is the same result for T call.
tamanho([H|T], X) :- tamanho(T, X1), (member(H, T) -> X is X1; X is X1 + 1).
?- tamanho([], Count).
Count = 0.
?- tamanho([1,a,21,1], Count).
Count = 3.
?- tamanho([1,2,3,1], Count).
Count = 3.
?- tamanho([1,b,2,b], Count).
Count = 3.
In case the input list is always numerical, you can follow #berbs's suggestion..
sort/2 succeeds if input list has non-numerical items[1] so you can use it without any restrictions on the input list, so tamanho/2 could be just like this
tamanho(T, X) :- sort(T, TSorted), length(TSorted, X).
[1] thanks to #Will Ness for pointing me to this.

Creating a predicate in Prolog that sums the squares of only the even numbers in a list

I'm trying to figure out how to create a predicate in prolog that sums the squares of only the even numbers in a given list.
Expected output:
?- sumsq_even([1,3,5,2,-4,6,8,-7], Sum).
Sum = 120 ;
What I know how to do is to remove all the odd numbers from a list:
sumsq_even([], []).
sumsq_even([Head | Tail], Sum) :-
not(0 is Head mod 2),
sumsq_even(Tail, Sum).
sumsq_even([Head | Tail], [Head | Sum]) :-
sumsq_even(Tail, Sum).
Which gives me:
Sum = [2, -4, 6, 8]
And I also know how to sum all the squares of the numbers in a list:
sumsq_even([], 0)
sumsq_even([Head | Tail], Sum) :-
sumsq_even(Tail, Tail_Sum),
Sum is Head * Head + Tail_Sum.
But I can't seem to figure out how to connect these two together. I'm thinking I may have gone the wrong way about it but I'm not sure how to define proper relationships to get it to make sense.
Split your problem into smaller parts. As you already said, you have two different functionalities that should be combined:
remove odd numbers from a list (even)
sum all the squares of the numbers in a list (sumsq)
So, in the first place, use different predicate names for different functionalities:
even([], []).
even([Head | Tail], Sum) :-
not(0 is Head mod 2),
even(Tail, Sum).
even([Head | Tail], [Head | Sum]) :-
even(Tail, Sum).
sumsq([], 0).
sumsq([Head | Tail], Sum) :-
sumsq(Tail, Tail_Sum),
Sum is Head * Head + Tail_Sum.
In a third predicate you can now combine the two subsequent smaller steps:
sumsq_even(List, Sum) :-
even(List, Even_List),
sumsq(Even_List, Sum).
In this rule, first the (input) list is reduced to even elements (Even_List) and after that the sum of the squares are calculated.
This is the result for your example:
sumsq_even([1,3,5,2,-4,6,8,-7], Sum).
S = 120.
Using clpfd and Prolog lambda write:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(lambda)).
zs_sumevensq(Zs, S) :-
maplist(\Z^X^(X #= Z*Z*(1-(Z mod 2))), Zs, Es),
sum(Es, #=, S).
Sample query as given by the OP:
?- zs_sumevensq([1,3,5,2,-4,6,8,-7], S).
S = 120.
You can actually do both tasks (filtering the even number and summing them up) at once:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
nums_evensumsq([X|Xs],S0) :-
X mod 2 #= 0,
S0 #= S1 + X * X.
nums_evensumsq([X|Xs],S) :-
X mod 2 #= 1,
Querying the predicate gives the desired result:
?- nums_evensumsq([1,3,5,2,-4,6,8,-7],S).
S = 120 ? ;
You can write it even shorter using if_/3 as defined here:
nums_evensumsq([X|Xs],S0) :-
Y #= X mod 2,
if_(Y = 0, S0 #= S1 + X * X, S0 #= S1).
Note that the comparison in the first argument of if_/3 is done with =/3 as defined here.
Once you mastered the basics, you could be interested to learn about builtins. Library aggregate, provides a simple way to handle lists, using member/2 as list elements 'accessor':
sumsq_even(Ints, Sum) :-
aggregate(sum(C), I^(member(I, Ints), (I mod 2 =:= 0 -> C is I*I ; C = 0)), Sum).

Count number of matching elements in two lists

I have 2 lists with random number of elemets. Eg A=[1,2,4,5] and B=[1,2,3]. Result should be 2.
Code that I tried:
Numbers1 = integer*
Numbers2 = integer*
nondeterm prinadl(integer, int_list)
//here going the code that read number that I've entered, and according to entered numer,programm should do something
answer(T):- T=5,
P = 0,
write ("Enter the 1st list"), readterm (int_list, L),
write ("Enter the 2nd list"), readterm (int_list, L2),
L2 = [H|V], prinadl(H, L), P1 = P + 1,
write(L2, P1, V).
prinadl (X, L):- L=[X|_], !.
prinadl (X, L):- L=[_|T], prinadl (X, T).
I'm totally new with prolog. Can you please say me where I'm wrong? All I need is to get number of matches printed to the console.
Thanks in advance.
This answer is based on two things: first, guesswork. second, if_/3 by #false.
Let's define
the meta-predicate count_left_while2/4.
the number N of corresponding list items in Xs and Ys fulfilling P_2. Proceeding from left to right, count_left_while2 stops at the first two items not satisfying P_2. It also stops when one list is empty, but the other one is not.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- meta_predicate count_left_while2(2,?,?,?).
count_left_while2(P_2,Xs,Ys,N) :-
N #>= 0,
:- meta_predicate list_list_countleft_while(?,?,?,2).
list_list_countleft_while([],Xs,0,_) :-
list_list_countleft_while([X|Xs],Ys,N,P_2) :-
:- meta_predicate list_list_prev_countleft_while(?,?,?,?,2).
list_list_prev_countleft_while([Y|Ys],Xs,X,N,P_2) :-
( N0 #>= 0, N #= N0+1, list_list_countleft_while(Xs,Ys,N0,P_2) ),
N = 0).
Let's use it in combination with reified term equality predicate (=)/3, like this:
:- count_left_while2(=,[1,2,4,5],[1,2,3],N).
N = 2.

How to make a list of integers from 1 to N

I'm using GNU Prolog, and was told that this can be solved with Finite Domain Solver, or just member/2 and is/2. I can only come up with using both together, but it's not working. Here is what I have so far:
unique([H|T],N,N1) :-
N2 is N1-1,
H #> 0,
H #=< N.
\+ member(H,T).
When I debug unique(X,3,3) with trace, I can see that when it calls member/2, it's comparing 2 domains, 1..3 and 1..3 and succeed, which it shouldn't. Anyone can help?
Sorry this solution doesn't use FD or member/2. ;)
Using a prior solution to the problem of generating the list of integers from 1 to N:
n_ups(N, Xs) :-
length(Xs, N),
numbered_from(Xs, 1).
numbered_from([], _).
numbered_from([I0|Is], I0) :-
I1 is I0+1,
numbered_from(Is, I1).
You can then use the GNU built-in permutation predicate:
unique(N, P) :-
n_ups(N, L),
permutation(L, P).
Results for unique(3, L):
| ?- unique(3, L).
L = [1,2,3] ? a
L = [1,3,2]
L = [2,1,3]
L = [2,3,1]
L = [3,1,2]
L = [3,2,1]
| ?-
If you want to roll your own permutation, then:
perm([], []).
perm(List, [H|Perm]) :-
select(H, List, Rest),
perm(Rest, Perm).

Prolog - Sum up "positioned" elem in list

I am looking for a solution to the following problem: "Write a Prolog program to sum up all the odd-positioned in a given list."
Sample query:
?- odd([1,2,3,4,5],Sum).
Sum = 9. % correct as 1+3+5 equals 9
Direct implementation:
odd([X|Xs],S) :- even(Xs,S0), S is S0+X.
even([_|Xs],S) :- odd(Xs,S).
Sample queries:
?- odd([],S).
S = 0.
?- odd([1],S).
S = 1.
?- odd([1,_],S).
S = 1.
?- odd([1,_,3],S).
S = 4.
?- odd([1,_,3,_],S).
S = 4.
?- odd([1,_,3,_,5],S).
S = 9.
The sum of 'odd-positioned' elements can be found by the following; where lists are indexed from 0:
odd_sum_nth0([_,X|Y], Sum) :-
odd_sum_aux(Y, X, Sum).
Else, were lists are indexed from 1:
odd_sum_nth1([X|Y], Sum) :-
odd_sum_aux(Y, X, Sum).
odd_sum_aux([_, W|X], Y, Sum) :-
!, Z is W + Y,
odd_sum_aux(X, Z, Sum).
odd_sum_aux(_, Sum, Sum).
Caveat emptor. ;-)
This looks like homework, so I'll just give you a nudge in the right direction. The problem is really two separate problems: filter and sum. Solve these separately, and implement odd by composing the solutions.
