Can I alias fully qualified syntax? - syntax

I have some code where I have many instances of fully qualified syntax; as an example:
mod hal {
pub trait Backend {
type Device;
mod back {
pub struct Backend {}
impl ::hal::Backend for Backend {
type Device = i32;
fn main() {
let d: back::Backend::Device = 0;
In order to avoid errors like:
error[E0223]: ambiguous associated type
--> src/
16 | let d: back::Backend::Device = 0;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ambiguous associated type
= note: specify the type using the syntax `<back::Backend as Trait>::Device`
Is there a nice way in which I can alias SomeType as SomeTrait? Then, wherever this instance of fully qualified syntax is needed, I can write:
Note that this error does not occur because there are actually multiple implementations of some trait's definition (which is what FQS is supposed to handle, according to The Rust Programming Language).

In your example, you can rename some of the parts so you can refer to them without conflicts in the shortened form:
use hal::Backend;
use back::Backend as BackendImpl;
fn main() {
let d: <BackendImpl as Backend>::Device = 0;
You may also consider defining a type alias, which is less ambiguous to access:
mod hal {
pub trait Backend {
type Device;
mod back {
pub struct Backend {}
pub type Device = i32;
impl ::hal::Backend for Backend {
type Device = Device;
fn main() {
let d: back::Device = 0;

No, there is no way to alias the fully-qualified syntax. Doing so doesn't make sense to me as the whole point of this syntax is to be completely unambiguous.
All of this assumes that you actually need fully-qualified syntax. As the name indicates, there's usually shorter ways of writing the code. These are all equivalent if no other traits defining to_string are in scope and the type itself doesn't implement a method of the same name:
<i32 as ToString>::to_string(&42);
See also:
How to call a method when a trait and struct use the same name?
How do I disambiguate traits in Rust?


Is there a way to use postfix notation to call a function in Rust without defining a new trait?

Perhaps my terminology is wrong, but is there a way to use postfix notation to call a function in Rust without defining a new trait? Basically, I have a vector of &str and I'd like to convert them into a string with the notation myvec.as_string(). Currently, I can do this with the code
trait Foo {
fn as_string(&self) -> String;
impl Foo for Vec<&str> {
fn as_string(&self) -> String {
let mut mystr = self
.fold(String::new(),|sum,s| format!("{}{}:", sum, s));
fn main() {
let my_vec = vec!["bar", "buz", "baz"];
use crate::Foo;
println!("{}", my_vec.as_string());
That said, in order to make this work, I needed to define a trait called Foo that I don't really care about and the trait needed to be opened with use crate::Foo prior to the call to as_string. Is there a better way to accomplish this? And, to be clear, I'd like to avoid the notation as_string(myvec) if possible because the postfix notation has been nice for chaining together commands.
This is a common pattern!
If you want to add methods to a type that is defined in another crate, the official way to do so is it define a trait and implement it for that type. If the type is from another crate then this is the only way to do it.
A ubiquitous example of this is the crate itertools which uses a trait to add useful methods to every existing implementation of std::iter::Iterator.
Itertools works just as you describe. There is a trait which declares a number of methods:
pub trait Itertools : Iterator {
fn interleave<J>(self, other: J) -> Interleave<Self, J::IntoIter>
where J: IntoIterator<Item = Self::Item>,
Self: Sized
interleave(self, other)
// etc...
It is defined for all Iterators:
impl<T: ?Sized> Itertools for T where T: Iterator { }
And, whenever you want to use these extra methods, you import it:
use itertools::Itertools;
let it = (1..7).interleave(vec![-1, -2]);
itertools::assert_equal(it, vec![1, -1, 2, -2, 3, 4, 5, 6]);
Use a macro such as the following provided by Lucretiel...
macro_rules! express {
($thing:ident $( . $method:ident ( $($args:tt)* ) )*) => {{
let mut thing = $thing;
$( thing.$method($($args)*); )*
Example usage...
fn main() {
let a = vec![];
let b = express!(a.push(1).push(2).push(34));
println!("{:?}", b);

Wrapping RefCell and Rc in a struct type

I would like to have a struct which has a writable field, but explicitly borrowable:
struct App<W: Clone<BorrowMut<Write>>> {
stdout: W,
... so it can internally use it:
impl<W: Clone<BorrowMut<Write>>> App<W> {
fn hello(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
I tried to pass it a cursor and then use it:
let mut cursor = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Cursor::new(vec![0])));
let mut app = App { stdout: cursor };
app.hello().expect("failed to write");
let mut line = String::new();
Rc::clone(&cursor).borrow_mut().read_line(&mut line).unwrap();
Rust barks:
error[E0107]: wrong number of type arguments: expected 0, found 1
--> src/bin/
6 | struct App<W: Clone<BorrowMut<Write>>> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ unexpected type argument
My end goal: pass stdin, stdout and stderr to an App struct. In fn main, these would be real stdin/stdout/stderr. In tests, these could be cursors. Since I need to access these outside of App (e.g. in tests), I need multiple owners (thus Rc) and runtime mutable borrow (thus RefCount).
How can I implement this?
This isn't how you apply multiple constraints to a type parameter. Instead you use the + operator, like this: <W: Clone + Write + BorrowMut>
But, if you want BorrowMut to be an abstraction for RefCell, it won't work. The borrow_mut method of RefCell is not part of any trait so you will need to depend on RefCell directly in your data structure:
struct App<W: Clone + Write> {
stdout: Rc<RefCell<W>>,
Having said that, it's considered best practice not to put unneeded constraints on a struct. You can actually leave them off here, and just mention them on the impl later.
struct App<W> {
stdout: Rc<RefCell<W>>,
In order to access the contents of a Rc, you need to dereference with *. This can be a bit tricky in your case because there is a blanket impl of BorrowMut, which means that Rc has a different borrow_mut, which you definitely don't want.
impl<W: Clone + Write> App<W> {
fn hello(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
Again, when you use this, you'll need to dereference the Rc:
let cursor = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Cursor::new(vec![0])));
let mut app = App { stdout: cursor.clone() };
app.hello().expect("failed to write");
let mut line = String::new();
let mut cursor = (&*cursor).borrow_mut();
// move to the beginning or else there's nothing to read
cursor.read_line(&mut line).unwrap();
println!("result = {:?}", line);
Also, notice that the Rc was cloned into the cursor. Otherwise it would be moved and you couldn't use it again later.

Can traits be used on enum types?

I read through the trait documentation and found a neat definition for using traits on structs. Is it possible to use traits on enum types? I have seen answers that say no, but they are 3 years old and don't quite do what I'm trying to do.
I tried to do this:
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum SceneType {
//We want to guarantee every SceneType can be played statically
trait Playable {
fn play();
impl Playable for SceneType::Cutscene {
fn play() {}
error[E0573]: expected type, found variant `SceneType::Cutscene`
--> src/
16 | impl Playable for SceneType::Cutscene {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| not a type
| help: you can try using the variant's enum: `SceneType`
I don't understand this error because the enum it references is in the same file. If I really can't use traits on enum variants, is there any way I can guarantee any enum trait must implement certain methods?
Can traits be used on enum types?
Yes. In fact, you already have multiple traits defined for your enum; the traits Debug, Copy and Clone:
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum SceneType
The problem is that you aren't attempting to implement Playable for your enum, you are trying to implement it for one of the enum's variants. Enum variants are not types.
As the error message tells you:
help: you can try using the variant's enum: `SceneType`
impl Playable for SceneType {
fn play() {}
See also:
Can struct-like enums be used as types?
Is there a way to use existing structs as enum variants?
If you want to implement a trait for Playable (i.e. for all enum variants) then the answer is quite simply: Yes you can. And Shepmaster's answer details how to do that.
However, if you really only want one enum variant to be Playable and not the others, then Rust doesn't directly support that, but there's an idiom I've seen used to emulate it. Instead of
enum MyEnum {
A(i32, i32),
you explicitly implement each enum variant as a separate struct, so
enum MyEnum {
struct A {
x: i32,
y: i32,
struct B {
name: String,
And then you can impl Playable for A without impl Playable for B. Whenever you want to call it, pattern match the MyEnum and, if you get an A, you can call play in your example on the result of the pattern match.
I don't recommend using this pattern for every enum you write, as it does make the code a decent bit more verbose and requires some boilerplate constructor methods to make it palatable. But for complicated enums with a lot of options, this sort of pattern can make the code easier to reason about, especially if you have a lot of traits or functions that only really apply to a couple of the enum possibilities.
Edit: Truly apologize; this answer isn't about
every SceneType can be played statically
Old answer
Try generics:
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum SceneType <Cutscene>
Cutscene: Playable
//We want to guarantee every SceneType can be played statically
// Notice: add `pub` as enum
pub trait Playable {
fn play();
// create struct for inner of SceneType::Cutscene
struct Cutscene {
// ...
// impl to specific Cutscene
impl Playable for Cutscene {
fn play() {}
Test it:
fn main () {
let cutscene = Cutscene{};
let scenetype = SceneType::Cutscene(cutscene);
A downside I realized is that the generics are static. When there are more than one generics for an enum, all generics must be specified.
enum E <A, B>
A: SomeTrait1,
B: SomeTrait2,
trait SomeTrait1 {}
trait SomeTrait2 {}
struct S1 {}
impl SomeTrait1 for S1{}
struct S2 {}
impl SomeTrait2 for S2{}
struct X1 {}
impl SomeTrait1 for X1{}
fn main () {
// specify the generics
E::<S1, S2>::Enum1(S1{});
E::<X1, S2>::Enum1(X1{});
//error[E0282]: type annotations needed
// --> src/
// |
//33 | E::Enum1(S1{});
// | ^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type for type parameter `B` declared on the enum `E`
// E::Enum1(S1{});
// E::Enum1(X1{});

Sharing a common value in all enum values

I have the following code where every variant of the enum Message has a Term value associated with it:
type Term = usize;
pub enum Message {
impl Message {
pub fn term(&self) -> Term {
match *self {
Message::AppendRequest(term) => term,
Message::AppendResponse(term) => term,
Message::VoteRequest(term) => term,
Message::VoteResponse(term) =>term,
I want to, given a Message be able to get its term without having to deconstruct the actual Message value I have. The best I could come up with was creating a public function that unpacked the value for me, but this feels clunky. If I ever add a new enum value, I'm going to have to remember to update match statement in the term function.
Is there a more succinct/ergonomic way to express the code above? Is there some way to say "hey, every value for this enum will have also have a Term value associated with it.
Is there some way to say "hey, every value for this enum will have also have a Term value associated with it.
No. This is usually handled by splitting the enum into two parts, with a struct containing all the common parts:
pub struct Message {
term: Term,
kind: MessageKind,
pub enum MessageKind {
One option is to implement the Deref (and/or DerefMut) trait to convert to the common part.
You still have to update that implementation each time you add to the Enum, but there is less boilerplate at the point of use.
E.g., an example below, note that main accesses the field number on the Enum.
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::string::String;
enum JudgedNumber {
BadNumber(Number, String),
struct Number { number: i32 }
fn main() {
let nice = JudgedNumber::GoodNumber(Number{number: 42});
let naughty = JudgedNumber::BadNumber(
Number{number: 666}, "Damn you to hell".to_string());
println!("j1 = {}", j1.number);
println!("j2 = {}", j2.number);
impl Deref for JudgedNumber {
type Target = Number;
fn deref(&self) -> &Number {
match self {
JudgedNumber::GoodNumber(n) => n,
JudgedNumber::BadNumber(n, _) => n,
I learnt this from

How to extend the lifetimes of Strings within functions of traits that require returning &str?

I am trying to implement the std::error::Error trait on a enum. Some elements of the enum are Enum Variants, and I would like to generate a different error message containing the data from the variant. However with the implementation below the formatted String that Deref to &str don't live long enough.
The general solution is to return a String. However, this is not an option here as the returned type must be &str as specified by the Error trait.
Example: Playground link
It is important to note that the variants may not contain usize, and might instead be another enum, or struct etc.
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
use std::error;
enum EnumError {
impl error::Error for EnumError {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
use EnumError::*;
match *self {
A => "A happened",
B(value) => &*format!("B happened info: {:?}", value),
C(value) => &*format!("B happened info: {:?}", value),
D => "D happened",
impl Display for EnumError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use std::error::Error;
write!(f, "{}", self.description())
fn main() {}
The string you create needs to be owned by something. When you create a local string in the method, you have to transfer its ownership to the caller. But since you have to return &str, this is not an option.
The way around it would be to store the string in the struct itself. You can declare the enum value as B(usize, String), put the description there when you create it, and then return it with
B(_, ref descr) => descr
To be frank, description is not supposed to be a terribly detailed message, it just needs to give a general description of what kind of error this is, this is why it returns &str. I didn't see instances of writing any dynamic data into the description in the standard library, usually it's just a static string. Display implementation is a different matter though, in there you can be much more verbose.
