Pycharm - Missing module only when debugging - debugging

PyCharm behaves strange. When click on run, the project executes. But click on debug, it fails with a module which could not be found.
This module is a own module importet to python path via the project settings.
Is there a different environment setup for debugging then for running a project? How can I alter the environment for debugging to the same as the run environment?


Pycharm does not activate venv when debugging - no problem when simply run

As in a title. I run the project in venv. It runs correctly with Run Configurations without debug mode but in the debug mode seems not to have the venv activated (spits out errors about modules not found). What could be the reason? I can add more details if you need but I am not sure what could be useful.
EDIT: After closer inspection it looks like the debugger mode does not use the Debug Configurations at all. I've got Python app specified with as a path, debugger tries to run Flask app and

What does Enable Go modules integration do in Intellij IDE

Not having previous knowledge about creating a project from zero within terminal, I've created a folder, cd into of it then run go mod init my_project_name which created a go.mod file for me, then I've created main.go file which built just ok.
Then I created a folder and add a go file inside with package name (being same with directory) and create a struct inside of it. Next I tried to import that package in main package but when I try to build on terminal it gave me this error
go: cannot determine module path for source directory /Users/berkcan/workspace/go/my_project_name (outside GOPATH, module path must be specified)
After googling and not being able to find a solution to my problem, I've imported project to beloved Intellij IDE and I enabled Go modules integration then everything worked flawlessly. First I thought IDE doing some magic inside while building project but even when I try go build command in terminal, it built. But I cant see difference in project structure or a new line in go.mod file.
So what happened, what did Intellij IDE did when I ticked go module integration box and what I can do enable it on terminal without Intellij IDE ?
here is the photo of option in IDE when ticked
IntelliJ IDEA plus Go plugin or GoLand under the hood has two modes to get the information about your packages (simplified):
GOPATH. IDEA scans your $GOPATH directory to build internal indexes of your packages and provides code completion, resolving, etc.
Go Modules. IDEA executes go list -m -json to resolve your dependencies and scans your $GOPATH/pkg/mod directory (default value of GOMODCACHE) for the packages. If they don't exist, IDEA executes go mod download. After these operations, the IDE provides all built-in features like code completion, navigation and so on.
Both modes don't change your Go or environment variables as well as behavior in the terminal. When you check Enable Go Modules integration option in the settings, the IDE just switches the mode from scan $GOPATH to execute go list and resolve your dependencies from the Go Modules cache.
To summarize, IntelliJ IDEA doesn't do any magic. I suppose it relates to your custom Go environment variables inside the terminal, especially GO111MODULE and if you didn't pass these variables to the GUI apps (e.g. you have specified it in .zshrc file and run the IDE via Desktop entry instead of the terminal), IntelliJ IDEA doesn't inherit them. You can compare go env output inside your local terminal and built-in inside the IDE (View | Tool Windows | Terminal) and find differences.

Gradle miss environment variable when running tasks from IntelliJ IDA in WSL

I'm working on a Gradle project with multiple sub modules. Some of these are using maven. Thus one Gradle task is running maven from the MAVEN_HOME directory. This task is called by IntelliJ IDEA during Gradle refresh. When running IntelliJ Community Edition 2021.1 on an Ubuntu 20_05 VM, everything works fine. When running the same version of IntelliJ Windows with WSL 2, the task fails with error
MAVEN_HOME environment variable not set, unable to locate mvn executable for build
When I open a shell in WSL, I see that the MAVEN_HOME is actually set. I've defined it in my ~/.profile file. I can build my project from the terminal command line. IntelliJ IDEA uses the Gradle wrapper for building the project. It uses the shebang #!/bin/env sh. So it is not opening a login shell und thus the ~/.profile files are not read.
Any ideas how to solve this problem?

Develop and debug Python 3 applications in a virtual environment with Komodo IDE 8

I was trying to develop and debug Python 3 applications in a virtual environment with Komodo IDE.
I applied all the project settings, tried out my tests and did a lot of research using google, stackoverflow and also tried sarchiung the komodo forums for "virtual environment" oder "venv".
My impression is, that this cannot be done at the present. Or is there a way?
How can debugging in a Python3 Virtual Environment be done in the current commercial Komodo IDE version on windows?
Debugging in a Python3 Virtual Environment does not work yet in the current Komode IDE version on windows.
My experience is, that even if the path is properly set on debug sessions in the project settings, those are ignored in the debug session and even worse, Komodo uses c:\Python27 which should not be visible in the session.
I have c:\python27 and c:\python33 on the system
My Python 3 VENV is in c:\project\demo and I added the python 3 exe from c:\project\demo\scripts\python.exe to the project settings
I also set the environment variabels PYTHONPATH and PATH to
c:\project\demo\scripts\ respectively c:\project\demo\ and c:\project\demo\mylib
Also c:\project\demo\mylib is added to the python3 search paths.
I can run my tests from a VENV from the console withpout any problem, which has exactly the mentioned configuration.
Now I open the file with the test in the Komodo project and run / debug it.
The result is that the debug session cannot import from c:\project\demo\mylib. When I print the environment in the debug session, it shows me that it is set to c:\Python27
I wonder why all those settings exist if the debug session does not use them.

How do I get Netbeans 7.3.1 to see my environment variables on Mac OS X (10.8.3)?

I'd like to run Netbeans from the launcher and get it to see environment variables.
I'm using netbeans for a rails project and have configured my devel database with configurations using environment variables.
Unfortunately Netbeans appears unable to read those variables even when I list them in /etc/profile (for all users).
I can explicitly run Netbeans from the terminal: /Applications/NetBeans/NetBeans\ and that gets things to work but I'd much rather run it from
the launcher if I can solve this problem.
You could define them in
and restart system. See this for example
If you run NetBeans from the command line, e.g.
then the environment variables defined in the shell initialization script will be visible in the NetBeans application. If you start NetBeans via the icon, the initialization scripts are not run.
