Does the FTDI D2XX driver work on Ras Pi 3 b+ running Windows 10 IoT v.10.0.17661? - raspberry-pi3

I'm trying to get data back from a magstripe reader and an rfid reader that are plugged into the raspberry pi and communicate via serial. I can connect to the readers but when I try to read from them I don't get anything.
Was wondering if the driver even works on the newer iot OS versions.

So I used the code located from this link! in conjunction with the driver install steps from the tutorial Rita shared and I was able to get the Serial Device's, open them and and start reading data.


Cannot open COM port on ESP32 device. Using Windows10 and MPFShell

I can open my ESP32 Vroom32 device made by Espressif with a cp2101 chip on Ubuntu. I used Ubuntu to flash Micropython onto it, however when I try to connect with Putty, MPFshell or anything else on Windows 10 it will not work. I downloaded and installed the recommended drivers for it and also updated Windows which was supposed to load the driver as well. I can see the device and COM port in device manager but when I attempt to connect I get blocked. For example on MPFshell I get the message "Cannot connect to COM17"
It is a common reason for boards to show the "Cannot Connect to COM" error because of a bad USB cable.
Always check with another cable first, before getting deeper to the problem.

reading UART port on Raspberry Pi 3 using IoT-edge

I'm using IoT-Edge on my Raspberry Pi 3. Since IoT-edge isn't compatible with Windows 10 IoT Core on Raspberry Pi 3, my Raspberry is on Raspbian.
I'm trying to read my UART ports to read XBee sensor data.
My edge's modules are written in C# thus far.
I'm using Raspbian so I can't use the class System.IO.Ports.SerialPort since System.IO.Ports is only compatible on Windows system. Is there another way to read my UART ports inside my module? (I'm ready to write a module in something other than C# if I can deploy it the same way.)
If not, is there at least a way to read/write data from a shared file between containers/raspberry without manually changing docker container file binding mode each time we deploy a module version (since the default binding mode for docker container is read-only, but my Raspberry will have to send data to sensor too)?
You are right about .NET Core not supporting serial on Linux. The latest version of the Python SDK is ready to write Edge modules. We are working on a sample and development guidance on using it, but that's not out yet. Once we have the sample/guidance out (hopefully soon), you should be able to write your module in python and read/write from the serial port. I've confirmed that it works in an Edge container.
You can use .Net Core to read UART ports. .NET Core is a cross-platform, it supports Raspbian,and applications can be written in C#.You can refer to this topic about how to use System.IO.Ports.SerialPort in .Net Core.

Maintaining a Windows Bluetooth Connection

I'm manufacturing a device that connects to my computer using Bluetooth and then a desktop Java app uses the Bluetooth connection to send serial data to the device which is then displayed.
When I try to connect my device to windows 7 it successfully finds and pairs with it creating a Bluetooth link on a COM port. This link can then be used by a serial prompt (used for testing) or my Java application. It works initially however soon after windows drops the connection and the only way to reconnect is to delete the device within devices and printers and then reconnect.
This seems to be a known problem with windows bluetooth so I decieded to use a third party Bluetooth application. I downloaded and tried Toshiba's Bluetooth Stack and it was able to add a Bluetooth device and keep a stable connection which works great however this only works for Toshiba computers without getting a cracked version.
This device is commercial and can't be sold with cracked versions of software. Has anybody experienced the same problems or not in other operating systems and has any solutions of advice as that would be a tremendous help.
This is not a good idea/method to use the COM ports generated by Windows, it's not working fine and not reliable in any scenario ; you should use Bluetooth Sockets instead.
Using Toshiba or Widcomm or BleuSoleil won't help: under Win7, all dongles are now trying to use the Microsoft Stack, not their own implementation.

Custom USB Driver for Windows? Mac?

I'd like to modify a USB driver to send and receive USB data over a network.
Take for example, an iMac and a PC. I have an iPod plugged in to my PC (in NY). I want my iMac (in LA) to recognize the iPod as plugged in to a local USB port and be able to communicate with the iPod.
Forget my qualifications, or lack thereof (I have background in web, iOS apps, I've toyed with Java and C).
Where can I get source code for a USB driver for Windows that I can modify? Mac OS?
Any tips or pointers towards accomplishing my goal would be appreciated as well.
It looks like folks are coming up with something close to what you want. If you do decide to roll your own, the USB driver source you asked for is libusb.
On the Mac OS X end, drivers are built up in a stack. What you want to do should be relatively simple (nothing is really simple in kernel land). You need to create a driver that can communicate over ethernet with the PC and looks like a USB device to the driver matching software. Then everything else will happen automatically.
The source code is available for Apple's USB stack. You should also read about the IOKit API and IOKit device driver guidelines and IOKit fundamentals.
Oh yes and you say you have toyed with Java and C. To write device drivers on OS X, you'll need to learn some C++.
I suggest you to go see USBIP project. This is available on Linux and Windows, but not clear for MAC. If you can get a VHCI-Controller driver installed for MAC, we can kick start USBIP for MAC.
Sounds quite like this product, a bit unsure if theirs works over wide-area networks though.
I have a general idea of how I'd go about it, but not any specifics. Basically, I'd use the platform's driver development kit to write a USB device emulator on the client machine. I'd then add a virtual device to that system called "Networked USB Host", or something similar that maintains an open port to listen for communication from the server and passes it on to your virtual USB device. IIRC, the Windows DDK comes with a USB simulation framework that might be able to help you with this.
On the server, you'd have to hook into the USB subsystem to send raw USB packets to the client machine. libpcap and wireshark have USB capturing facilities for that, but I'm not sure if this works with winpcap and the Windows version of wireshark as well.
EDIT: Look at this for cross-platform USB capture alternatives.
You can buy OSR USB learning kit:
This is actually small USB device with known interface. Windows Driver Kit (WDK) contains sample KMDF driver for this device:
This is good starting point to learn Windows Drivers development, and USB drivers development specifically. However, it is still far away from your problem solution.
Can't you use some sort of Remote Desktop?

How to use FT232R (usb to serial chip) on ubuntu 10.04?

I want to control my robot using wireless module(zigbee). I have a device FT232R for converting USB to Serial i/f. It is working on windows 7 but I am not getting how to use this device on Linux(ubuntu). Please help me.
Note: Actually my robot is working in slave mode( running on micro-controller). I will control it by sending command over serial wireless link(running on Linux).
If you can't find any existing drivers then libusb might help
