Is there a way to determine which view invoked "Timestamped Event Matching Error" - xcode-ui-testing

The "Timestamped Event Matching Error" is common one regarding Xcode Testing as seen from popular StackOverflow questions here and here and the concensus to solve it seems to be:
Enable the accessibility Boolean, and supply the accessessibilityLabel ,accessibilityIdentifier properties with strings either programmatically, in Xcode identity inspector or by adding run time attributes in the identity inspector
My question: is there a way to determine what Object is invoking the Error e.g. by displaying the ObjectID which would make it searchable and help narrow debugging efforts beyond "enable for every conceivable view both in storyboard and programmatically".


Xcode's Accessibility Label vs Hint vs Id

I searched but could not find an up-to-date question, so here goes:
Could someone let me know what Xcodes Accessibility Label vs Hint vs Id are used for? I think it might be label and hint are used for voiced navigation and Id's are only used for automation, but not sure if that is right?
You are correct.
The 'Label' property will be used in voice over representing the element itself. If Labels are not set manually, they will be filled in at runtime based on the content of the element. IE: "Comment Delete Button"
'Hints' are also used in voice over assistance but are a more descriptive representation of the element. IE: "This button allows users to delete a comment."
'identifier' is used for automation and quick query of the UI element.
IE: "CommentDeleteButton"
The Label and Hint can be localized and therefore will vary between languages while the identifier remains the same.

How can I know who calls the method in Xcode?

Does Xcode have a way to show the caller function of a method? I want to know all of the calling functions of a method in a class. A solution would be to find the method in the project, but sometimes different classes have methods with the same name - That could find us a method we're not looking for..
Many other IDEs have this capability, such as Visual C++ 2003/2005/2008,Eclipse ...
Can you do this in XCode?
Xcode 4.4 intrudced this functionality:
New Features in Xcode 4.4 (Scroll down to 'Find and Search Additions')
Move your cursor on top of the function you are interested in
Open the Assistant editor(⌃ +⌘+Enter)
On the top of the assistant editor, Select 'Callers'
You will see a list of all the function that's calling your function
Not the as effective as other IDEs, but does the job.
Yes. Set a breakpoint inside your method, then when it breaks, there are two spots to see a stack. First is in Xcode's "console" area (usually the bottom middle), there is a top-bar which may not immediately appear to be navigable, but it is a select-style UI control which has the entire stack in it. Selecting a different level shows you that scope's variables, etc. and pops your editor to that exact file (where you can mouse-over variables to see their in-memory real-time values). Second is in the left-hand area (where you normally browse files). There is another tab there (besides the file browser) for exactly this purpose. There is a slider at the bottom which controls how many "steps" in the stack you see; clicking on one has a similar affect.
For simple refactoring such as method re-naming, you can use the contextual-menu when you right-click a selected method-name, and Xcode will replace all identical selectors in your project. However, this does not address what you mentioned about different classes having methods with the same signature. It does, however, give you a very nice interface for reviewing the changes in-context and easily accepting or rejecting them one at a time.
It might be noted, however, that changing method signatures often may be a sign of poor design, and particularly if you have to do it with methods which have the same signature on different classes (which are not "siblings" and therefore should both get the rename)

Duplicate of first entry in navigation bar in custom Visual Studio Language Service

I'm implementing a Visual Studio Language Service for a custom scripting language used internally at my company, and I've run into an issue with the navigation bar implemented as a subclass of TypeAndMemberDropdownBars. The subclass is created by my LanguageService subclass' LanguageService.CreateDropDownHelper method.
In the OnSynchronizeDropdowns method I'm iterating through the types defined in the file and adding DropDownMembers to the passed-in array to fill out the navigation bar. The issue I'm seeing is that the first item in the array is being duplicated and placed at the end of the listing by code that I don't have access to. This extra item does not behave correctly when selected (nothing happens), but doesn't seem to cause any other issues; the rest of the items in the list work fine. Additionally, this only seems to happen for the type dropdown box - the members dropdown box does not display this behavior.
I'm hoping someone else has seen and resolved this issue and could provide some assistance. Thanks!
Turns out this was caused by me calling LanguageService.SynchronizeDropdowns from my LanguageService.ParseSource method, which was being called on a background thread. I've fixed the problem by setting a flag when ParseSource does a Check parse, and then implementing a check for that flag in my LanguageService.OnIdle function that will call SynchronizeDropdowns. It's now working as expected!
A better solution is to implement the LanguageService.OnParseComplete callback, and call SynchronizeDropdowns from there. OnParseComplete is always called from the main thread, so this prevents any synchronization issues from coming up, and also keeps you from having to keep track of whether or not you need to call SynchronizeDropdowns().

Certain key equivalents cannot be used for NSMenuItem

I have an NSMenuItem for which I would like to use the key equivalent Command-Option-C. However, when I set the key equivalent in IB, it does not get associated with the menu item when the app is actually run. The entry has no visible key equivalent, and that command does not invoke the item. Other key equivalents, like Shift-Control-C, do indeed work. The one I am trying to use does not conflict with any other key equivalent in the app.
What could be causing this seemingly random problem?
Command-Option-C works just fine here. Could it be that you have a custom keyboard shortcut set up in the keyboard system preferences that uses the same key combination? That would override the application's own shortcuts.
Is it possible the menu item in question is a "special" menu item which may be getting substituted at launch-time by the system? If so, it would be helpful to know whether you are able to set the same keyboard shortcut on a different, perhaps less interesting menu item.
I don't really have an authoritative understanding of which menu items may get this kind of treatment, but have a suspicion for example that maybe the "Help" menu, "Application" menu, or others that are common across many apps get tweaked or even regenerated dynamically, altering what you specified in the nib.
The easiest workaround I would shoot for first is to call setKeyEquvialent: directly on the menu time from code, after the nib has loaded. I couldn't tell from your Twitter summary if you had already tried this, and it also failed.
Check the tag on your menu item. If set to certain values it might Cocoa to override stuff
Check your system Prefs aren't overriding key bindings
Check the key binding doesn't already exist elsewhere in the menu hierarchy, especially in the edit menu

Drop down window to edit Cocoa pop-up menu items

I'm relatively new to Cocoa and I would like to implement the ability to add or delete items from a pop-up menu in the same way that the OS X System Preferences/Network Location pop-up works. Selecting the 'Edit Locations...' option rolls down a window that provides the ability to add to, or delete from the existing Location list. My interest in doing things this way is as much about conforming to the relevant Human Interface Guidelines as having a way to dynamically change the menu content. (I have no real problem with the 'background' coding side of things, it's the user interface that's my primary issue at this stage.)
Is this a standard IB View?
On the surface, I can't see anything appropriate, but maybe that's just my inexperience. I'm assuming that, because this is not an uncommon sort of requirement, the task should be pretty straightforward and that Apple, or someone, would even have a relevant code sample to show how to define such a window.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Sorry for the late answer. I found this tutorial:
