get user from belongsToMany relationships - laravel

I have a service model in October CMS.
In this model, I need to get postman's users (postman is user group) but I am receiving this error:
Trying to get property of non-object
This is my code
public function getPostmanIdOptions()
$groups = UserGroup::where('id','4')->lists('name', 'id');
$list = [' ' => 'choose'] + $groups;
return $list;

At the moment, your lists() function will only return the name and the id of each user group. This is used to return thelselect options for the backend select (I am assuming).
What you need to do in this case is return the record based on its id which can be done using the find() eloquent method.
By doing this, the full UserGroup model will be returned, with it's relationships etc.
You're new code should look something like this:
$group = UserGroup::find(4);
$users = $group->users;
After retrieving the users, you can then using the lists() method if required to:
$list = $group->users->lists('name', 'id');


Laravel Eloquent is there a better way to write this query?

I have a typical pivot table structure like this:
id [...]
id [...]
id | user_id | location_id
I need to get the locations the current authorized user has access to, and then I need to get all the users who also have access to all of those locations.
I tried to figure out an "eloquent" way to do this, but I'm not familiar enough with it. This works, but I'm wondering if it's the best way to do it?
$locations = auth()->user()->locations(); //returns the user_location records
$locationIds = $locations->pluck('location_id');
$locationUsers = new UserLocation();
$userIds = $locationUsers->whereIn('location_id', $locationIds)->groupBy('user_id')->pluck('user_id');
$users = User::withTrashed()
->whereIn('id', $userIds)
return view('users.index')->with('users', $users);
here's the locations() relationship referenced in the code:
public function locations()
return $this->belongsToMany(Location::class, 'user_location')->withPivot('primary');
You must create a new method in the Locations model.
public function users()
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class, 'user_location');
Then your query could look like this.
$locations = auth()->user()->locations()->with('users')->get();
$users = $locations->pluck('users');
If you need to get all users withTrashed then you should modify the first line for this.
$locations = auth()->user()->locations()->with(['users' => function ($user) {

Trying to count record by user id

I am trying to get record by user id.This is working for login user .
But I am Trying to get details for all users .Not only.
Here is model
public function referrer()
return $this->belongsTo('App\User', 'referred_by');
public function referrals()
return $this->hasMany('App\User', 'referred_by');
Now I am Getting refferals no from this code.
BUt I am Nedd to get same result for every user listing ..
means I need to change this user_id.
This case you must be use withCount() method
$users = User::withCount('referrals')->get();
foreach ($users as $user) {
Pass the user_id to an eloquent query
$user_id = request()->get('id'); // Your user_id here
$referrals_count = \App\User::find($user_id)->referrals()->count();
Hope this helps

Laravel 5.2 How to get all user which contains permission Many to Many

I have table with many to many relationship.
User many to many Permission
I already define many to many relationship on both model, and create the pivot table also.
What I want is get all user which contain permission name
What I have done so far is
User::all()->permissions->contains('name', 'access.backend.admin')->get();
But it give me
Undefined property: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::$permissions on line 1
What wrong with my code?
User::All() returns a collection not model object. You have iterate over the collection to get the model object and use ->permissions().
For exapmle:
$users = User::all();
foreach ($users as $user) {
$user->permissions->contains('name', 'access.backend.admin'); // returns boolean
Or you can get a single model from DB as:
$user = User::first();
$user->permissions->contains('name', 'access.backend.admin'); // returns boolean
Update 1
To get users which contain desired permission use filter() method as:
$filtered_users = $users->filter(function ($user) {
if ($user->permissions->contains('name', 'access.backend.admin')) {
return $user;
Update 2
You can also write a query which returns the desired result as:
$filtered_users = User::whereHas('permissions', function($q) {
$q->where('name', 'access.backend.admin');
I have a similar case of questions and tags, they have many to many relationship.
So when i have to fetch all question with a particular tag then i do this
$tag = Tag::where('name','laravel')->get()->first();
I first retrieved the Tag model with name laravel.
and then retrieved all questions having tag laravel.
$questions = $tag->questions;
Similarly you can do this
$permission = Permission::where('name','access.backend.admin')->get()->first();
$users = $permission->users;

Using find() in Laravel to retrieve a database object

I am working through the Laravel 4 From Scratch tutorial at Tutorial 4: Database Access describes several methods for retrieving data from a database.
One in particular I cannot get to work:
In my routes.php, I have
Route::get('/', function()
$bottle = DB::table('bottle')->find(1);
The only output is the "Whoops, looks like something went wrong." page. In the bottle table of my database, the primary key has the name bottle_ID. I would guess this has something to do with the problem, but I cannot find any information on how to change the find() parameter. So how do I use 'find' to return an object from my database?
The following code does work:
// returns everything from bottle table
$bottles = DB::table('brewery')->get();
return $bottles;
// returns all data for the bottle with an ID of 10
$bottle = DB::table('bottle')->where('bottle_ID', '=', 10)->get();
return $bottle;
// returns all ales from the database
$bottles = DB::table('bottle')->where('beer_type', '=', 'Ale')->get();
return $bottles;
When used in the query builder (DB::table()...) the find() method has the primary key column hardcoded as id:
public function find($id, $columns = array('*'))
return $this->where('id', '=', $id)->first($columns);
What you should do instead is use where() and first():
$bottle = DB::table('bottle')->where('bottle_ID', 1)->first();
Or if you decide to use Eloquent Models you can specify the key column name:
class Bottle extends Eloquent {
protected $primaryKey = 'bottle_ID';
And retrieve the model like this:
$bottle = Bottle::find(1);

How to query relationships in Laravel 4 with Eloquent?

Coming from CodeIgniter's Datamapper ORM I am still trying to get my head around Laravel's Eloquent ORM.
Given the fact that I have an ACCOUNT and a USER table (simplified):
- id
- name
- id
- account_id
- username
One account has many users. One user belongs to one account. So we're dealing with a one-to-many relationship. Everything is already set-up in the models.
In CodeIgniter's Datamapper I would have done the following to get the user from any given ID and at the same time check if that user is related to the current account:
$u = new User();
$u->where('username', $username);
$u->where_related_account('id', $account_id);
if ( ! $u->exists()) exit; // or do something...
// otherwise continue to use the "$u" user object
This syntax is very logical and easy to understand. In Eloquent I have a hard time to achieve the same with a similar easy syntax. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Very simply (ignoring the relationship between the user and the account), it could just be:
$u = User::where('username', $username)
->where('account_id', $id)
That will return you your user's details.
Otherwise, assuming that you have your User and Account classes and DB tables are set up correctly (as per the Laravel docs), you should be able to just do:
$user_exists = Account::find($account_id)
->where("username", "=", $username)
if ($user_exists)
If you've correctly set up your models and database tables (as #msturdy said) you should actually be able to return your user account by simply going:
$user = User::whereUsername($username)
->first(); // or User::where('username', $username)->first();
if ($user) {
$account = $user->accounts()
->first(); // or $user->accounts()->where('id', $account_id)->first();
This gives you the ability to access the user and account models
you could even extend your User model to include the following methods:
class User extends Eloquent {
public static function byUsername($username) {
return static::whereUsername($username)->first();
public function getAccount($id) {
return $this->accounts()->whereId($id)->first();
and then simply go
$user = User::byUsername($username);
if ($user) {
$account = $user->getAccount($account_id);
which might be better for you if you are using the code in multiple controllers.
