Elasticsearch-Monitor multiple clusters from single kibana - elasticsearch

With 6.2 Elastic version how to have single kibana instance to monitor multiple elastic clusters.
Cluster-1: Production Application cluster
Cluster-2: Log cluster
Need to monitor both the cluster's using single kibana instance with basic license. Is it possible ?


metricbeat agent running on ELK cluster?

Does metricbeat need always an agent running separately from the ELK cluster or it provides a plugin/agent/approach to run metricbeat on the cluster side?
If I understand your question, you want to know if their is a way to monitor your cluster without installing a beat.
You can enable monitoring in the stack monitoring tab of Kibana.
If you want more, beats are standalone objects pluggables with logstash or Elasticsearch.
Latest versions of Elastic Stack (formally known as ELK ) offer more centralized configurations in Kibana, and the 7.9 version introduce a unified elastic agent in Beta to gather several beats in one and manage you "fleet" on agent within Kibana.
But information used by your beats are not directly part of Elastic (CPU, RAM, Logs, etc...)
So you'll still have to install a daemon on your system.

Adding multiple nodes to Elastic Search Cluster deployed on Google Cloud

I recently completed a deployment of Elastic Search Cluster on GCP (Google Cloud Platform) using the link mentioned below.
The elastic search works perfectly fine and all operations associated with elastic search are functional, I have two questions associated with this deployment:
How many simultaneous search this elastic search can perform? (Considering the fact machine has 1cpu core and 3.75 GB memory)
And can we add more nodes with more compute power in later phases? Is there any way I can add more nodes to the cluster as my application scales?
Google Cloud Bitnami ElasticSearch

How to create new cluster in elasticsearch?

I have installed elastic search on my ubuntu system and it's working fine with default cluster.
But i want to create another cluster.
I have checked official document of elastic search but i haven't found any steps for create another or multiple cluster.
You need to update ES_HOME/config/elasticsearch.yml. Under the cluster section, change the cluster name parameter.
cluster.name: my_cluster
Default value for cluster name is elasticsearch
One instance of ES can be a part of only one cluster. If all ES instances / machines have the same cluster name, elasticsearch will form a cluster automatically as long as the machines are all on the same network

Does Curator remove indices from entire elasticsearch cluster?

I have a cluster of 4 elasticsearch servers and was wondering if curator will remove indices from the entire cluster when ran from one server or if I need to run it on all servers?
It deletes from the whole cluster. It uses the Elasticsearch API, rather than any file system logic.

Logstash cluster output to Elasticseach cluster without multicast

I want to run logstash -> elasticsearch with high availability and cannot find an easy way to achieve it. Please review how I see it and correct me:
5 machines each running elasticsearch united into a single cluster.
5 machines each running logstash server and streaming data into elasticsearch cluster.
N machines under monitoring each running lumberjack and streaming data into logstash servers.
It is supposed to be run on PaaS (CoreOS/Docker) so multi-casting
discovery does not work.
Lumberjack allows to specify a list of logstash servers to forward data to. Lumberjack will randomly select the target server and switch to another one if this server goes down. It works.
I can use zookeeper discovery plugin to construct elasticsearch cluster. It works.
With multi-casting each logstash server discovers and joins the elasticsearch cluster. Without multicasting it allows me to specify a single elasticsearch host. But it is not high availability. I want to output to the cluster, not a single host that can go down.
Is it realistic to add a zookeeper discovery plugin to logstash's embedded elasticsearch? How?
Is there an easier (natural) solution for this problem?
You could potentially run a separate (non-embedded) Elasticsearch instance within the Logstash container, but configure Elasticsearch not to store data, maybe set these as the master nodes.
node.data: false
node.master: true
You could then add your Zookeeper plugin to all Elasticsearch instances so they form the cluster.
Logstash then logs over http to the local Elasticsearch, who works out where in the 5 data storing nodes to actually index the data.
Alternatively this Q explains how to get plugins working with the embedded version of Elasticsearch Logstash output to Elasticsearch on AWS EC2
