Laravel foreach save data - laravel

I have a loop for create or update data like below
foreach ($goods_list as $goods) {
$w_estim_mp = WEstimMp::where('event_seq', \LoginInfo::event_data()['event_seq'])
->where('goods_seq', $goods['goods_seq'])
if (!isset($goods['note'])) {
$goods['note'] = '';
if (!isset($w_estim_mp)) {
$w_estim_mp = new WEstimMp;
$w_estim_mp->event_seq = \LoginInfo::event_data();
$w_estim_mp->goods_seq = $goods['goods_seq'];
$w_estim_mp->mp_item_category = $mp_item_category;
$w_estim_mp->num = $goods['num'];
$w_estim_mp->note = $goods['note'];
$w_estim_mp->proc_flg = 2;
$now = (new \Carbon\Carbon())->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$w_estim_mp->update_dtime = $now;
I don't know why i can update only last value of $goods_list.
Help me T.T Thank you!

You can use array_pop to remove the last element and array_push to insert a new element. Follow an example:
$initial_array = [1,2,3];
function change_last($array, $value) {
$removed_element = array_pop($array);
array_push($array, $value);
return $array;
$changed_array = change_last($initial_array, 4);
and here a live example:

I resolved my question!
I don't know why but i work, finnaly, after i changed to
foreach ($goods_list as $goods) {
$goods_seq = $goods['goods_seq'];
$num = $goods['num'];
$w_estim = WEstimMp::where('event_seq', $event_seq)
->where('goods_seq', $goods_seq)
if (!isset($goods['note'])) {
$goods['note'] = '';
$now = (new \Carbon\Carbon())->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
if (!isset($w_estim)) {
$w_estim = new WEstimMp;
$w_estim->event_seq = $event_seq;
$w_estim->goods_seq = $goods_seq;
$w_estim->mp_item_category = $mp_item_category;
$w_estim->num = $num;
$w_estim->note = $goods['note'];
$w_estim->proc_flg = 2;
$w_estim->update_dtime = $now;
} else {
$w_estim = WEstimMp::where('event_seq', $event_seq)
->where('goods_seq', $goods_seq)
// ->first()
'num' => $num,
'note' => $goods['note'],
'proc_flg' => 2,
'update_dtime' => $now,


Requesting solution for laravel 8 project

I'm an elementary web developer, I'm facing a problem. Please help me solve this. I'm creating both row and column dynamic. for save() is fine. But for update, only name is updated and other item
quantities cannot. Here is my codes.
//for save()
public function stockAdd(Request $request)
$validator = validator(request()->all(), ['stock_name' => 'required']);
if($validator->fails()) {
return back()->withErrors($validator);
$user_id = Auth::user()->user_id;
$stock_id = random_int(100000, 999999);
$stocks = new Stocks();
$stocks->stock_id = $stock_id;
$stocks->owner_id = $user_id;
$stocks->stock_name = request()->stock_name;
$stocks->my_stock = 0;
$stocks->disable = 0;
$brands = Brands::all();
$products = Products::all();
foreach ($brands as $brand){
foreach ($products as $product){
if($product['brand_id'] == $brand['id']){
$product_id = $product->product_id;
$stockitems = new StockItems();
$stockitems->stock_id = $stock_id;
$stockitems->product_id = $product->product_id;
$stockitems->owner_id = $user_id;
if(request()->$product_id > 0){
$stockitems->count = request()->$product_id;
$stockitems->count = 0;
return redirect()->back()->with('successAddMsg','Successfully Added');
//for update()
public function stockUpdate(Request $request, $id)
$validator = validator(request()->all(), ['stock_name' => 'required']);
if($validator->fails()) {
return back()->withErrors($validator);
$stock = Stocks::findOrFail($id);
$stock->stock_name = request()->stock_name;
$stock->my_stock = 0;
$stock->disable = 0;
$brands = Brands::all();
$products = Products::all();
foreach ($brands as $brand){
foreach ($products as $product){
if($product['brand_id'] == $brand['id']){
$product_id = $product->product_id;
$stockitemitems = DB::table("stock_items")->select("*")->where("owner_id",Auth::user()->user_id)->where("stock_id",$stock->stock_id)->get();
$stockitems->count = $request->input($product_id);
return redirect(route('user.stock-list'))->with('successAddMsg','Successfully Added');
The problem shows like this "Creating default object from empty value"

How to use save() method inside a loop in laravel

My current situation is: I must use save() method to save multiple records using loop. I know insert() will fix my problem but to maintain my code clean I have to use the same code and save() method to insert the record. I create new instance inside the loop but always only last record is being inserted. My code looks like:
public static function save($data)
$settings = Settings::instance();
$data['sender_address'] = urldecode($data['sender_address']);
$data['sender_address'] = json_decode($data['sender_address'], true);
$customerFields = ['name', 'mobile', 'alt_mobile', 'district_id', 'area_id', 'address'];
$customerObj = $customer = Customer::where('mobile', $mobile);
if ($customerObj->count()) {
$customer = $customer->first();
} else {
$customer = new Customer;
foreach ($customerFields as $customerField) {
if (!empty($$customerField)) {
$customer->$customerField = $$customerField;
($customerObj->count()) ? $customer->update() : $customer->save();
$order = (isset($order_id) && !empty($order_id) )? Order::find($order_id) : new Order;
$order->sender_address = $sender_address;
$order->branch_id = self::getBranchIdByAreaId($sender_address['area']);
$order->responsible_by = self::getBranchManagerIdByBranchId($order->branch_id);
$order->client_id = $client_id;
$order->customer_id = $customer->id;
$order->delivery_time = $delivery_time;
$deliveryChargeParams = [
'district_id' => $district_id,
'delivery_time' => $delivery_time,
'product_weight' => $product_weight,
'merchant_id' => $client_id,
$order->delivery_charge = Utility::getDeliveryCharge($deliveryChargeParams);
$order->vat = Utility::getVat($order->delivery_charge);
if (empty($order_id)) {
$order->status_id = ($role_id == Employee::CLIENT) ?
$settings['tracking']['default_status'] : Order::PACKAGINGDONE;
if (($role_id != Employee::CLIENT)) {
$order->requested = Order::PACKAGINGDONE;
$order->cash_amount = $cash_amount;
$order->cod_charge = Utility::getCodCharge($cash_amount);
$order->product_weight = $product_weight;
$order->client_reference = $client_reference;
if (empty($order_id)) {
$loggedInUserId = isset($data['fromApp'])?
$data['client_id'] : Auth::getUser()->id;
$order->number = self::orderNumber($order,$loggedInUserId);
} else {
if (($role_id != Employee::CLIENT)) {
The following method calls this save() method:
function onSave(){
$data = post();
$client_id = (Auth::getUser()->role_id == Employee::CLIENT) ? Auth::getUser()->id : $data['client_id'];
$sender_address = $data['sender_address'];
$file = Input::file('bulk_order');
$filename = time().'-'.rand(2000,99999999).'-'.$file->getClientOriginalName();
$result = $file->move('tempFiles',$filename);
$uploadedFilePath = 'tempFiles/'.$filename;
$contents = $this->csvToArray($uploadedFilePath);
// dd($contents); //exit;
$keys = array();
$keys = array_keys($contents[0]);
throw new ApplicationException('Your Csv file is not in proper Format OR Empty!');
$fields = array('client_reference','customer_mobile','customer_alternative_mobile','customer_name','customer_district','customer_area','customer_address','product_weight_in_kg','delivery_time_in_hour','cash_collection');
$diff = array_diff($keys,$fields);
//dd($diff); exit;
throw new ApplicationException('Your Csv file is not in proper Format');
// dd($contents); exit;
foreach($contents as $row){
$data['name'] = $row['customer_name'];
$data['mobile'] = $row['customer_mobile'];
if(strlen($data['mobile']) == 10 ){
$data['mobile'] = '0'.$data['mobile'];
$data['alt_mobile'] = $row['customer_alternative_mobile'];
if(strlen($data['alt_mobile']) == 10 ){
$data['alt_mobile'] = '0'.$data['alt_mobile'];
$data['district_id'] = Utility::getDistrictIdByName($row['customer_district']);
$data['area_id'] = Utility::getAreaIdByName($row['customer_area']);
$data['address'] = $row['customer_address'];
$data['delivery_time'] = $row['delivery_time_in_hour'];
$data['product_weight'] = $row['product_weight_in_kg'];
$data['client_id'] = $client_id;
$data['sender_address'] = $sender_address;
$data['cash_amount'] = $row['cash_collection'];
$data['client_reference'] = $row['client_reference'];
$data['role_id'] = Auth::getUser()->role_id;
\Flash::success('Bulk Order uploaded Successfully');
return Redirect::to('dashboard/shipments');
Is it possible to save multiple records with my approach? Thanks in advance.

Paypal displaying 400 error when copoun is applied

I am using paypal integration in my web application everything is working fine . Checkout is working properly but when i apply the coupon then the paypal throws the exception of 400 error. Below is my code
I am using the daryldecode/cart for the checkout. The only problem is when I apply the coupon and move forward towards the paypal
public function paywithPaypal(Request $request)
// dd($request->all());
$sessionUserId = Session::get('user_id');
echo $sessionUserId;
$checkEmail= User::where('email',$request->billing_email )->first();
if(empty($checkEmail)) {
$user = User::create( [
'first_name' => $request->billing_first_name,
'last_name' => $request->billing_last_name,
'email' => $request->billing_email,
'username' => $request->billing_first_name,
'password' => bcrypt( 123456 ),
'province' => $request->billing_state,
'city' => $request->billing_town,
'address' => $request->billing_address_1,
'role' => 'Member',
] );
$userId = $user->id;
$userId = $checkEmail->id;
//user login
$sessionUserId = $userId = Auth::user()->id;
$items = [];
\Cart::session($sessionUserId)->getContent()->each(function($item) use (&$items)
$items[] = $item;
$subtotal = \Cart::session($sessionUserId)->getSubTotal();
// dd($subtotal);
$line1 = $request->billing_address_1;
$line2 = $request->billing_address_2;
$fullname = $request->billing_first_name ." ". $request->billing_last_name;
$state = $request->billing_state;
$zip = $request->billing_zip;
$phone = $request->billing_phone;
$email = $request->billing_email;
$city = $request->billing_town;
//invoke new order
$order = new Orders ;
$order->id = $order->generateID('INV');
$saved_order_id = $order->id;
$shippingAddress= Paypalpayment::shippingAddress();
// ### Payer
// A resource representing a Payer that funds a payment
// Use the List of `FundingInstrument` and the Payment Method
// as 'credit_card'
$payer = Paypalpayment::payer();
$listitem = array();
$fee = $fees->fee;
$shipping = $request->shipping_fee;
foreach($items as $key=>$item){
$listitem[$key] = Paypalpayment::item();
$item_detail = new Order_Item_Details;
$item_detail->order_id = $saved_order_id;
$item_detail->item_id = $item->id;
$item_detail->qty = $item->quantity;
$itemList = Paypalpayment::itemList();
$details = Paypalpayment::details();
//total of items prices
$grandTotal = $subtotal + $fee + $shipping;
//Payment Amount
$amount = Paypalpayment::amount();
// the total is $17.8 = (16 + 0.6) * 1 ( of quantity) + 1.2 ( of Shipping).
// ### Transaction
// A transaction defines the contract of a
// payment - what is the payment for and who
// is fulfilling it. Transaction is created with
// a `Payee` and `Amount` types
$transaction = Paypalpayment::transaction();
->setDescription("Payment description")
// dd($transaction);
// ### Payment
// A Payment Resource; create one using
// the above types and intent as 'sale'
$redirectUrls = Paypalpayment::redirectUrls();
$payment = Paypalpayment::payment();
$order->status = 1;
$order->user_id = $userId;
$order->total = $grandTotal;
$order->subtotal = $subtotal;
$order->shipping = $shipping;
if($request->coupon_code == ""){
$order->isCoupon = 0;
$order->isCoupon = 1;
$order->isBillingDetail = 1;
if($request->shipping_first_name <> ""){
$order->isShippingDetail = 1;
$order->notes = $request->order_notes;
$order_billing = new Order_Billing_Details;
$order_billing->order_id = $order->id;
$order_billing->first_name = $request->billing_first_name ;
$order_billing->last_name = $request->billing_last_name ;
$order_billing->company = $request->billing_company_name ;
$order_billing->address_line_1 = $line1;
$order_billing->address_line_2 = $line2;
$order_billing->state = $state;
$order_billing->city = $city;
$order_billing->postal_code = $zip;
$order_billing->email = $email;
$order_billing->phone = $phone;
if($request->shipping_first_name <> ""){
$order_shipping = new Order_Shipping_Details;
$order_shipping->order_id = $order->id;
$order_shipping->first_name = $request->shipping_first_name ;
$order_shipping->last_name = $request->shipping_last_name ;
$order_shipping->company = $request->shipping_company_name ;
$order_shipping->address_line_1 = $request->shipping_address_1 ;
$order_shipping->address_line_2 = $request->shipping_address_2 ;
$order_shipping->state = $request->shipping_state ;
$order_shipping->city = $request->shipping_town ;
$order_shipping->postal_code = $request->shipping_zip ;
$order_shipping->email = $email ;
$order_shipping->phone = $request->shipping_phone ;
$order_shipping = new Order_Shipping_Details;
$order_shipping->order_id = $order->id;
$order_shipping->first_name = $request->billing_first_name ;
$order_shipping->last_name = $request->billing_last_name ;
$order_shipping->company = $request->billing_company_name ;
$order_shipping->address_line_1 = $line1;
$order_shipping->address_line_2 = $line2;
$order_shipping->state = $state;
$order_shipping->city = $city;
$order_shipping->postal_code = $zip;
$order_shipping->email = $email;
$order_shipping->phone = $phone;
try {
// ### Create Payment
// Create a payment by posting to the APIService
// using a valid ApiContext
// The return object contains the status;
// dd($payment);
$arrpayment = $payment->toArray();
$order = Orders::find($saved_order_id);
$order->paypal_invoice = $arrpayment['id'];
} catch (\PPConnectionException $ex) {
echo $ex->getCode(); // Prints the Error Code
echo $ex->getData();
return response()->json(["error" => $ex->getMessage()], 400);
catch (PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $ex) {
echo $ex->getCode(); // Prints the Error Code
echo $ex->getData(); // Prints the detailed error message
$fee = $fees->fee;
'order' => $order,
'name' => $request->billing_first_name.' '.$request->billing_last_name,
'payPalLink' => $payment->getApprovalLink(),
Mail::send('email.placed', $data, function($message) use ($email) {
$message->subject('New Order Received');
$message->from('', 'BluRack');
->where(function($q) {
// ->where('role','Administrator')
// ->orWhere('role','Retailer')
// dd($admins);
foreach($admins as $admin){
Mail::send('email.orderplaced',$data, function($message) use ($admin_mail) {
$message->subject('New Order Received');
$message->from('', 'BluRack');
return redirect($payment->getApprovalLink());
// return response()->json([$payment->toArray(), 'approval_url' => $payment->getApprovalLink()],
I think the issue is with try catch problem?

facebook login returning 0 codeigniter instead of trying many solutions

I trying to get facebook login functionality to work. My problem is that the userid is returning 0. Below is my code.
include_once APPPATH."libraries/facebook-api-php-codexworld/facebook.php";
$appId = 'xxxxx';
$appSecret = 'xxxxx';
$redirectUrll = base_url() . 'register/';
$fbPermissions = 'email';
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => $appId,
'secret' => $appSecret
$fbuser = $facebook->getUser();
if ($fbuser) {
$userProfile = $facebook->api('/me?fields=id,first_name,last_name,email,gender,locale,picture');
// Preparing data for database insertion
$userData1['oauth_provider'] = 'facebook';
$userData1['oauth_uid'] = $userProfile['id'];
$userData1['fname'] = $userProfile['first_name'];
$userData1['lname'] = $userProfile['last_name'];
$userData1['email'] = $userProfile['email'];
$userData1['status'] = 'Active';
//$userData['gender'] = $userProfile['gender'];
//$userData['locale'] = $userProfile['locale'];
// $userData['profile_url'] = ''.$userProfile['id'];
//$userData['picture_url'] = $userProfile['picture']['data']['url'];
// Insert or update user data
$userID = $this->home->checkUser($userData1);
$data['userData1'] = $userData1;
} else {
$data['userData1'] = array();
} else {
$fbuser = '';
$data['authUrl'] = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array('redirect_uri'=>$redirectUrll,'scope'=>$fbPermissions));
You can add this code:
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => $appid,
'secret' => $secret,
'cookie' => true
$userId = $this->facebook->getUser();
if($userId == 0){
$access['scope'] = 'email,publish_actions,user_birthday,user_location,user_about_me,user_hometown';
$access['redirect_uri'] = base_url() . 'register/';
$url = $this->facebook->getLoginUrl($access);
$access = $this->facebook->getAccessToken();
$user = $this->facebook->api('/me?fields=first_name,last_name,email,birthday,gender,locale,picture',array('access_token'=>$access));
//echo "<pre>";print_r($user);exit;
$userData1['oauth_provider'] = 'facebook';
$userData1['oauth_uid'] = $user['id'];
$userData1['fname'] = $user['first_name'];
$userData1['lname'] = $user['last_name'];
$userData1['email'] = $user['email'];
$userData1['status'] = 'Active';
$userID = $this->home->checkUser($userData1);
$data['userData1'] = $userData1;
else {
$data['userData1'] = array();
redirect('/login');//Redirect To Success Page
I hope it will work for you!!

Laravel: How to insert multiple records

I want to insert multiple records in my database using Laravel, however when i insert it, it only gives me one record in the database
Here's my Controller
public function postCreateAttendance()
$validate = Validator::make(Input::all(), array(
'status' => 'required'
if ($validate->fails())
return Redirect::route('viewStudent')->withErrors($validate)->withInput();
foreach(User::all() as $user):
foreach(User::whereRaw('isTeacher = "0" and isAdmin = "0"')->get() as $student)
foreach(User::whereRaw('isTeacher = "1" and isAdmin = "0"')->get() as $teacher)
$attendance = new Attendance();
$attendance->status = Input::get('status');
$attendance->comment = Input::get('comment');
$attendance->student_id = $student->id=$student->id;
$attendance->student_firstname = $student->id=$student->firstname;
$attendance->student_lastname = $student->id=$student->lastname;
$attendance->teacher_id = $teacher->id=$teacher->id;
$attendance->teacher_firstname = $teacher->id=$teacher->firstname;
$attendance->teacher_lastname = $teacher->id=$teacher->lastname;
return Redirect::route('viewStudent')->with('success', 'ATTENDANCE HAS BEEN RECORDED!');
return Redirect::route('viewStudent')->with('fail', 'An error occured while creating the attendance.');
How can i save multiple records? Please help Thank You ^_^
The issue is that you are returning during the foreach loop - so only one record is processed. You need to process all the records, then return the route.
Here is some refactoring of your code
public function postCreateAttendance()
$validate = Validator::make(Input::all(), array(
'status' => 'required'
if ($validate->fails()) {
return Redirect::route('viewStudent')->withErrors($validate)->withInput();
foreach(User::where('isTeacher', '0')->where('isAdmin', '0')->get() as $student) {
foreach(User::where('isTeacher', '1')->where('isAdmin', '0')->get() as $teacher) {
$attendance = new Attendance();
$attendance->status = Input::get('status');
$attendance->comment = Input::get('comment');
$attendance->student_id = $student->id;
$attendance->student_firstname = $student->firstname;
$attendance->student_lastname = $student->lastname;
$attendance->teacher_id = $teacher->id;
$attendance->teacher_firstname = $teacher->firstname;
$attendance->teacher_lastname = $teacher->lastname;
return Redirect::route('viewStudent')->with('success', 'ATTENDANCE HAS BEEN RECORDED!');
Edit: I've removed the first foreach(User::all() as $user): - because at the moment, in your code, it does nothing...?
