kill doesn't actually terminate the ghost process - terminal

In order to terminate the ghost process (process which hasn't terminated properly and hence it still pending to be killed)
I used the
kill -9 <process-id>
At times it works perfectly, and when I check the process after killing it, it is gone
ps -aux | grep python
However, surprisingly, now I am able to see the ghost process even after the kill command. What's the problem?
In the image above, I tried to kill the process with id 23756 but it still appears in ps aux
Referring to my answer to previous question of Visual Studio ghost process
VSCode kill running processes

Looks like, I had to close the debug process that was still incomplete. Basically, killing the application or closing the debug or something on those lines, helps you to terminate the ghost process.


How do I handle stopping my service?

I've turned a program I wrote into a service, and I have a bash script that runs to start up the actual program, since there are things that have to be started in a particular order. The contents of the startup script (called with start-stop-daemon from the init.d script look like :
./rfid_reader &
sleep 2
java ReaderClass &
This works fine, but how do I go about killing them when it comes time to stop the process?
I've seen pidfiles used, do I just get the PIDs of the two programs, write them to a file, and then kill them when it comes time to shut them down, or do I have to ps -ef | grep program to get their PIDs?
I don't think killall is a good idea to do this. You'd better to record the PID of the program started in background in some file(e.g. PID_FILE) and then kill $(<$PID_FILE) to stop it.
Please refer to this thread for how to get the PID the previous started background program.
Assuming you know the name of your program, you can kill them as below :
killall -KILL program_name

Trying to exit Ruby processes

When I attempt to exit ruby processes, namely, specs, rails console, and binding.pry calls, there are two options: ctrl+c, ctrl+z, or if things are really stuck, open a separate tab and killall ruby. However, when I ctrl+c the first time, the terminal outputs Exiting... Interrupt again to exit immediately. but hangs permanently. If I ctrl+c again to force exit, it successfully exits. However, from that point on, I can no longer see what I'm typing into the shell. So if I type ls, the line will still appear blank, but if I hit enter, it will successfully execute the ls command.
When I ctrl+z, it manages to stop the process successfully. However, after doing this a few times, I wind up with a bunch of ruby processes running, which seem to block running new ruby processes. In this scenario, killall ruby does nothing (nor does any derivative such as looking up by pid). I have to open activity monitor (mac) and force quit each proc individually.
Any ideas how I managed to get myself into this/how to resolve it?
Killing all your Ruby instances is a shotgun approach; you might hit targets you didn't intend, so I suggest to avoid it.
When your shell doesn't show what you're typing any more you need to (blindly) enter reset to reset the terminal.
Ctrl+Z doesn't kill your process, it just get's suspended. You should get an output that tells you a job number, like:
[1] + 95295 suspended man reset
Here, 1 is the job number. You can then resume the command by typing fg %<jobnumber>, in this example fg %1. Or you can kill it with kill -9 %<jobnumber>, like kill -9 %1.

Killing Subshell with SIGTERM

I'm sure this is really simple, but it's biting me in the face anyway, and I'm a little frustrated and stumped.
So, I have a script which I've managed to boil down to:
sleep 50 | echo
If I run that at the command line, and hit Ctrl-C it stops, like I would expect.
If I send it sigint, using kill, it does nothing.
I thought that was strange, since I thought those should have been the same.
Then, if I send it sigterm, then it also dies, but if I look in ps, the sleep is still running.
What am I missing, here?
This is obviously not the real script, which runs python, and it's more of a problem when it keeps running after start-stop-daemon tries to kill the daemon.
Help me people. I'm dumb.
The reason this happens is that the Ctrl-C is delivered to the sleep process, whereas the sigint you are sending is delivered only to the script itself. See Child process receives parent's SIGINT for details on this.
You can verify this yourself by using strace -p when hitting ctrl-c or sending sigint; strace will tell you what signals are delivered.
EDIT: I don't think you are dumb. Processes and how they work are seemingly simple, but the details are often complicated, and even experts get confused by this sort of thing.
I did the same thing I written script named as with below containt.
sleep 50 | echo
After executing , I did Ctrl-C -> its working fine means closing it.
Again executed and in another terminal i checked the PID by ps -ef|grep after finding the pid , i did kill <pid> and it killed the process , to verify again i executed ps -ef|grep and didnt get any pid.

Script which launches another application will bring it down on exit

I have a script which does launch another application using nohup my_app &, but when the initial script dies the launched process also goes down. As per my understanding since since it has been ran with nohup that should not happen. The original script also called with nohup.
What went wrong there?
A very reliable script that has been used successfully for years, and has always terminated after invoking a nohup uses this construct:
nohup ${BinDir}/${Watcher} >${DataDir}/${Watcher}.nohup.out 2>&1 &
Perhaps the problem is that output is not being managed?
nohup does not mean that a (child) process is still running when the (parent) process is killed. nohup is used f.e. when you're connecting over ssh to a server and there starting a process. If you log out, the process will terminate (logging out sents the signal SIGHUP to the process causing the process to terminate), using nohup avoid this behaviour and you're process is still running when you logged out.
If you need a program which runs in the background even it's parent process has terminated try using daemons.
It depends what my-app does - it might set its own signal mask. You probably know that nohup ignores the hang-up signal SIGHUP, and this is inherited by the target program. If that target program does its own signal handling then it might be setting SIGHUP to, for example SIG_DFT - the default action (which is to die).
To check, run strace -f -o out or truss -f -o out on the command. This will give you all the kernel calls in the file called 'out'. You should be able to spot the signal mask being changed if it is.

os x process state UE

I've got process running that can't be killed. It's my EyeTV App and here is what 'ps aux' says:
cb0 87583 1,0 3,4 812796 144236 ?? UE 21Nov09 2638:11.45 [.....]/EyeTV
The process state is really strange as I've never seen UE before. The manpage tells me
U means Marks a process in uninterruptible wait
E means The process is trying to exit
But I'm not able to kill the process. Any Idea how I could force it to exit??
Additional Info: None of the following statments worked:
kill -S KILL
kill -S QUIT
kill -2
kill -9
Have you tried using
in order to get all active processes, and then
where PID will be referring to the EyeTV process ID handed to you by top?
Also (and I am not sure this works two, but it just might), you could try
which sends a termination signal to the process (however that is used in C programming to kill a process, so I am not 100% sure it would work outside of the programming language, but worth a try)
