HBase request per second is zero - hadoop

I just created a table in HBase and filled it with data. From the 7 regionservers it appears the data was written to region servers 6 and 7.
But I dont understand why the requests per second is zero for servers 6 and 7?

Read request count and Write request count are the total number of read and write requests seen by a particular region server since its restart. These numbers are kept in memory only for performance reasons and exposed via JMX and regionserver load API that the HBase UI uses to expose them. You could fetch them yourself using the API (or JMX) and export to a DB for persistence.
Request per second is the rate of total requests (read+write) that the regionserver in question is seeing right now. The rate is calculated based on the delta of the number of requests seen by that regionserver during a period divided by the length of the period. This particular detail (and this period) can differ based on HBase versions. In HBase 2.x, it is controlled by hbase.regionserver.metrics.period; while in previous versions there was no such setting and the period was fixed (if I remember correctly).
To answer your question, the comparison of rate of total requests and the count of total requests is not apples-to-apples. The rate only reflects current traffic while the count reflects lifetime number of requests since region server's restart. If you really think about it, it does not make sense to have a rate of requests for lifetime, because any real use case is concerned with the current rate only.

If you bulk-filled the tables via put(List<Put>), there would only have been a very small number of requests, as records are sent in batches.


Azure Table Increased Latency

I'm trying to create an app which can efficiently write data into Azure Table. In order to test storage performance, I created a simple console app, which sends hardcoded entities in a loop. Each entry is 0.1 kByte. Data is sent in batches (100 items in each batch, 10 kBytes each batch). For every batch, I prepare entries with the same partition key, which is generated by incrementing a global counter - so I never send more than one request to the same partition. Also, I control a degree of parallelism by increasing/decreasing the number of threads. Each thread sends batches synchronously (no request overlapping).
If I use 1 thread, I see 5 requests per second (5 batches, 500 entities). At that time Azure portal metrics shows table latency below 100ms - which is quite good.
If I increase the number of treads up to 12 I see x12 increase in outgoing requests. This rate stays stable for a few minutes. But then, for some reason I start being throttled - I see latency increase and requests amount drop.
Below you can see account metrics - highlighted point shows 2K31 transactions (batches) per minute. It is 3850 entries per second. If threads are increased up to 50, then latency increases up to 4 seconds, and transaction rate drops to 700 requests per second.
According to documentation, I should be able to send up to 20K transaction per second within one account (my test account is used only for my performance test). 20K batches mean 200K entries. So the question is why I'm being throttled after 3K entries?
Test details:
Azure Datacenter: West US 2.
My location: Los Angeles.
App is written in C#, uses CosmosDB.Table nuget with the following configuration: ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 250, Nagles Algorithm is disabled.
Host machine is quite powerful with 1Gb internet link (i7, 8 cores, no high CPU, no high memory is observed during the test).
PS: I've read docs
The system's ability to handle a sudden burst of traffic to a partition is limited by the scalability of a single partition server until the load balancing operation kicks-in and rebalances the partition key range.
and waited for 30 mins, but the situation didn't change.
I got a comment that E2E Latency doesn't reflect server problem.
So below is a new graph which shows not only E2E latency but also the server's one. As you can see they are almost identical and that makes me think that the source of the problem is not on the client side.

Max connection pool size and autoscaling group

In Sequelize.js you should configure the max connection pool size (default 5). I don't know how to deal with this configuration as I work on an autoscaling platform in AWS.
The Aurora DB cluster on r3.2xlarge allows 2000 max connections per read replica (you can get that by running SELECT ##MAX_CONNECTIONS;).
The problem is I don't know what should be the right configuration for each server hosted on our EC2s. What should be the right max connection pool size as I don't know how many servers will be launched by the autoscaling group? Normally, the DB MAX_CONNECTIONS value should be divided by the number of connection pools (one by server), but I don't know how many server will be instantiated at the end.
Our concurrent users count is estimated to be between 50000 and 75000 concurrent users at our release date.
Did someone get previous experience with this kind of situation?
It has been 6 weeks since you asked, but since I got involved in this recently I thought I would share my experience.
The answer various based on how the application works and performs. Plus the characteristics of the application under load for the instance type.
1) You want your pool size to be > than the expected simultaneous queries running on your host.
2) You never want your a situation where number of clients * pool size approaches your max connection limit.
Remember though that simultaneous queries is generally less than simultaneous web requests since most code uses a connection to do a query and then releases it.
So you would need to model your application to understand the actual queries (and amount) that would happen for your 75K users. This is likely a lot LESS than 75K/second db queries a second.
You then can construct a script - we used jmeter - and run a test to simulate performance. One of the items we did during our test was to increase the pool higher and see the difference in performance. We actually used a large number (100) after doing a baseline and found the number made a difference. We then dropped it down until it start making a difference. In our case it was 15 and so I set it to 20.
This was against t2.micro as our app server. If I change the servers to something bigger, this value likely will go up.
Please note that you pay a cost on application startup when you set a higher number...and you also incur some overhead on your server to keep those idle connections so making larger than you need isn't good.
Hope this helps.

Frequent Updates on Apache Ignite

I hope someone experienced with Apache Ignite can help guide my team towards the answer regarding a new setup with Apache Ignite.
Overall Setup
Data is continuously generated from many distributed sensors and streamed into our database. Each sensor may deliver many updates every second, but generally generates <10 updates/sec.
Daily the magnitude of the data is approx. 50 million records, per site.
Data Description
Each record consists of the following values
Sensor ID
Point ID
where 1, is our ID of the sensor, 2 is an ID of some point on the site, and 3 is a proximity measurement from the sensor to the point.
Each second there is approx. 1000 such new records. A record is never updated.
Query Workload
Queries are fairly complex with significant (and dynamic) look-back in time. A query may require data from several sensors in one site, but the required sensors are determined dynamically. Most continuous queries only require data from the last few hours, but frequently it is necessary to query over many days.
Generally, we therefore have a write-once query-many scenario.
Initial Strategy
If we load data into primitive integer arrays in, e.g., java, the space consumption for a week approaches 5 GB. Because that is "peanuts" in the platforms of today, we intend to load all data onto all nodes in the Ignite cluster/distributed cache. In other words, use a replicated cache.
However, the continuous updates keep puzzling me. If I update the entire cache, I image quite substantial amounts of data needs to be transferred across the network every second.
Creating chunks for, say, each minute/hour is not necessarily going to work (well) either as each sensor can be temporarily offline, which will make it deliver stale data at some later point in time.
My question is therefore how to efficiently handle this stream of updates, while maintaining a consistent view of the data for the last 7-10 days.
My current, local, implementation is chunking the data into 1-hour chunks. When a new record for a given chunk arrives, the chunk is replaced with an updated chunk. This works well on a single machine but is likely too expensive in terms of network overhead in a cluster. I do not have an Ignite implementation, yet, so I have not been able to test this.
Ideally, each node in the ignite cluster would maintain its own copy of all data within the last X days, and apply the small update workload continuously.
So my question is, how would fellow Igniters approach this problem?
It sounds like you want to scale the load across multiple servers, but it's not possible with replicated caches, because each update will always update all nodes, and more nodes you have the more network traffic you will get. I think you should use partitioned caches instead and try adding nodes until the system is capable of handling the load.

Hbase concurrency making it slow

I have 1 master server and 5 region server and each server has 200 GB disk space and 16 GB RAM on each. I created a table in HBase which has 10 million records. I am using hbase-0.96 version on hadoop 2.
Table Name - sh_self_profiles
column family - profile
In this table, we have 30 columns in each row.
When I get a single column value from HBase, it takes around 10 ms. My problem is when I hit 100 or more concurrent requests the time slowly accumulates and increases to more than 400 ms instead of completing in 10ms only. When 100 requests are hit linearly, each one takes 10 ms only.
One thing that you should check is how well distributed your table is.
You can do this by going to the HBase master web console http://:60010, you will be able to see how many regions you have for your table. If you have not done anything special on table creation you could easily have only one or two regions, which means that all the requests are being directed to a single region server.
If this is the case, you can recreate your table with pre-split regions (I would suggest a multiple of 5, such as 15 or 20), and make sure that the concurrent gets that you are doing are equally spread over the row-key space.
Also, pls check how much RAM you have allocated to the region server - you might need to increase it from the default. If you are not running anything else other than HBase Region Sever on those machines, you could probably increase to 8GB ram.
Other than that, you could also adjust the default for hbase.regionserver.handler.count.
I hope this helps.
Which client are you using? Are you using the standard Java client, the Thrift client, the HTTP REST client, or something else? If your use case is a high amount of random reads of single column values, I highly recommend you try asynchbase as it is much faster than the standard synchronous Java client.

Cassandra scaling cheat-sheet

Of course you can only know the performance of your system with your load with your use-cases by ... actually implementing it! That aside, before embarking on a prototype, I'm searching for some very rough estimates of how Cassandra performs.
For various configurations of nodes and data-centres, and for various read and write consistency levels, what the chances of reading a stale value? What kind of key reads and writes per second would you expect to sustain, and what kind of latency would each read and write have?
Cassandra benchmarking presented at VLDB earlier this year: http://vldb.org/pvldb/vol5/p1724_tilmannrabl_vldb2012.pdf
Performance/consistency tradeoffs: http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/your-ideal-performance-consistency-tradeoff
We run an application with 500 datapoints posted per second per web node(we have 6 cassandra nodes). We could probably get 1000 datapoints per second per node if we cached 100M of data in the client to avoid the read.
the profile of that is using PlayOrm with one findAll(List keys) and one putAll(List entities) on each request where each key in that list is a single data point as the clients send a batch of datapoints over http so we don't have as much http overhead....maybe that gives you some idea at least though not sure.
We have not yet tested the correct ratio of web nodes to cassandra nodes but I suspect it is like my last client where it was near one to one on this project though it changes with the profile.
We run 4 web nodes and get 2000 datapoints per second right now.
