Error starting Visual Studio 2017 - Error loading configuration file...IIS - visual-studio

This is not really a show stopper, but it is annoying. I recent switched from IIS Express to plain old IIS. Now when I start the debugger in Visual Studio I get the following error (my co-workers have had it for a long time, so it is not just me):
After you hit "OK" everything still debugs successfully. I have read a lot of articles that seem to suggest this is a privileges, but I have messed with privileges in the associated directories without being able to get rid of this. Any suggestions welcome.
I can show the contents of the config file at the lines specified, but I don't think that it the real issue.
For those with the inability to see images clearly:
"The following error occured while getting connection string information from the configuration file." An error occurred loading a configuration file: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.Azure, Version=, Culture=Neutral' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. (C:\Users\me\Documents\myapp.web\myapp.Web\Web.config line 126)

I encountered a very similar error dialog, and opened an issue in the ConfigBuilders GitHub repository. According to Stephen Molloy from the team, this is a known issue with no good workaround other than to install Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.Base.dll and Microsoft.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilders.[Azure|Environment|etc.].dll in a "findable" location, such as the GAC or the Visual Studio installation directories.


Visual Studio Could not load assembly

I have a C# project using MySql.Data and EntityFramework, and have used the Data Entity Model Wizard to create code based on an existing database. I created the project on a machine running MySql Server 8.0.25 (where I cannot control the installed version), so all my references for MySql packages are also version 8.0.25.
When I moved the project onto my own machine, running MySql Server version 8.0.31, the project successfully builds but has an error message, which Visual Studio says comes from a .edmx file:
Error 4: Could not load file or assembly 'MySql.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c5687fc88969c44d' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040) ... ScheduleModel.edmx 7
The file in question only contains the text "MySql.Data" in one place, and that's an un-versioned reference to "MySql.Data.MySqlClient", on line 7.
Since the project builds and appears to run correctly, I don't know if this error affects anything. Regardless, I would like to understand it and why it happens and ideally make it go away.
Here's what I've learned form searching for an answer and trying to investigate/fix the error:
There are no references to version 8.0.31 anywhere in my project, as using Visual Studio to search the entire project for "8.0.31" found no results.
Answers to others' questions tell me the version number in the error message specifies the version of a file that Visual Studio DID find. (Whereas I would have thought the given version number is the one that it is LOOKING for.)
Several places said that the found version is probably in the GAC. Originally, the error message said MySql.Data.EntityFramework (not just MySql.Data), and I did find MySql.Data.EntityFramework in the GAC. (No idea how it got there.) After removing it, the error message changed to just MySql.Data. However, MySql.Data is not in the GAC, and no MySql.Data.* are still there either.
There's a tool called fuslogvw.exe that supposedly can help with this issue, but I could not get it to work. When I run it, there is nothing in the log. When I click on options, all options are grayed out. The one person's recommended registry edit did not work either. (I tried closing and re-opening Visual Studio after said edit, then re-building.)
Process Monitor tells me that, during the build process, no processes accessed any files that include "MySql.Data" in the name except those under packages/MySql.Data.8.0.25 and the project's output directory; all files are version 8.0.25. This appears to conflict with #1, because how can Visual Studio have found version 8.0.31 if it never accessed any such file?
I tried using bindingRedirect in App.config to redirect from 8.0.31 to 8.0.25, which had no apparent effect.
Cleaning the solution and re-building ends up putting MySql.Data version 8.0.25 back into the output directory, so Visual Studio clearly is finding the correct version.
Deleting the packages folder results in everything being replaced (with the right version, again) but the error message persists. (The rebuild was strangely fast; I'd have thought everything would have to be re-downloaded, but it was too fast to have done that.)
How would I diagnose this issue? What might be causing Visual Studio to look for or to find a version that I cannot find any reference to, or any .dll file for?
I'm using Visual Studio Community 2019, Version 16.11.2.

Package Installation Error In Microsoft Visual Studio 2019

Please I was busy for the past 4 days trying to fix the issues resulting from the below error. Please how do I go about fixing this error below?
*Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error: Failed to add reference to 'comerr64'.
Please make sure that the file is accessible, and that it is a valid assembly or COM component.
So I tried reinstalling the Microsoft visual studio 2019 to see if things would go well but all trials were to avail. Then I've also tried several times to reinstall the Nuget package "MySql.Data (8.0.32) by oracle, 54.1M downloads" after all trials to fix this but all I got was same error.
There is bug with MySqlData 8.0.32. The workaround is installing MySqlConnector. This link explains it:
The error message went away once it was installed and the site is working.
I left MySqlData in the manifest (installed) for now because there are some dependencies to the other MySQL assemblies that require MySqlData installed that will make if difficult to remove at this point.

Visual Studio Extension: Build error VSSDK1043: "There was a prblem finding the extension with a VSIX identifier..."

I am trying to debug my extensions and suddenly I cannot build it anymore.
Error 1 There was a problem finding the extension with a VSIX
identifier of "1cdefdc6-1f5e-4027-9bb7-773248c65070". Illegal
characters in path.
I have rolled back all changes I made and still the error occurs. I don't think that I have changed any configuration.
This is not a dupliacte of: VSIX package build failed without showing the reason (Visual Studio bug) I have already tried those suggestions.
If I disabled
Deploy VSIX content to experimental instance for debugging
it compiles, but I cannot debug it.
Changing the Product ID also works, but this means, that it can no longer update the existing product.
I was getting the same error message (this is how i ended up hear) and then after changing the name i got the following error
VSIX development error VSSDK1040: There was a problem enabling the extension with a VSIX
Stumbled on the solution found here
What he did was delete this folder C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio
So i did that, am going to have to re-install a handful of extensions now as i am getting errors from them but it did correct my issue.
maybe you can dig a little deeper into the folder to find just the needed items to remove or do what i did and just nuke the folder and pick up the pieces
EDIT: from comments you may be able to get away with just removing anything under 'C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio' with the EXP extension

Could not create project in Visual Studio 2010

Can any one tell me why this type of error message is prompting when i am creating new project.
The error message is as below.
" Could not load file or assembly .
'Microsoft.VisualStudio.ManagedInterfaces, Version=, Culture=neutral,PublicKey Token=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies.
The system cannot find the file specified."
What should I do to overcome this?
Maybe the "Repair" option on then VS2010 Setup will help. If not you might have to do a complete uninstall/reboot/install cycle.
A quick google search gave me something pointing at the VS SDK - maybe a reinstall of this might help too.
I had same issue after installation SP1. I tried re-install of SP1 with no success.
Get the Microsoft.VisualStudio.ManagedInterfaces.dll(if it is not present in your environment you can download it from here ) and install to global cache. Restart VS2010 and load you project again.

Unable to copy file C:\SomePath\Myfile.dll to bin\Myfile.dll Access to the path bin\Myfile.dll is denied

We just converted a VS 2008 project to VS 2010. The conversion showed no errors. Now, when building the solution. We get the following errors:
Unable to copy file C:\TI\Project\SharedAssemblies\Myfile.dll to bin\Myfile.dll Access to the path bin\Myfile.dll is denied
I have another problem too! One of my project is referencing a project DLL and that DLL does not exist. I tried to build the solution but that project is never building because it stops whenever there is error on any other project.
So, instead of using the ported VS 2008 to VS 2010 solution I just opened the VS 2008 solution in VS 2010 and some of the errors have gone away. Now, I am left with couple of errors in which one of them is the following:
Error 1 Could not load referenced assembly "C:\MyProject\bin\JobManager.dll". Caught a FileNotFoundException saying "Could not load file or assembly 'C:\MyProject\bin\JobManager.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.". C:\MyProject\ResGen
What kind of resources the resgen is trying to build and where is it located?
One common cause that I've encountered is that a unit test has the assembly loaded (like in NUnit) and that is blocking the copy. Closing NUnit, for example, clears the problem. Check for something similar that's holding on to the assembly.
I just removed the file from bin folder and everything start working
might be it help you!
