How to use a mono in another mono that have circular dependency - spring-boot

I have a spring boot reactive app. Where I want to implement to create a user if it doesn't already exists. Like this:
fun userAlreadyExist() = Mono.error<UserDTO>(UsernameAlreadyExistException())
fun create(userDTO: Mono<UserDTO>): Mono<Void> {
return userDTO.filter { userRepository.existsByNameIgnoreCase(it.username).block() == false }
.flatMap { createNewUser(it).then() }
What I really dislike is that I need to use .block() inside the filter. Is there a better way to do this?
The big issue is the circular dependency both have, since UserRepository needs to know the username and userDTO stream needs to know wether this already exists which returns a mono.

The logic here looks a bit strange - you can probably do something like:
fun create(userDTO: Mono<UserDTO>): Mono<Void> {
return userDTO.flatMap {
.flatMap(user -> userAlreadyExist())

The issue was that I used filter() instead what I should have used is filterWhen() which evaluates async Monos.
What I did:
fun create(userDTO: Mono<UserDTO>): Mono<Void> {
return userDTO.filterWhen { innerUserDTO ->
userRepository.existsByNameIgnoreCase(innerUserDTO.username).map { !it }
.flatMap { createNewUser(it) }


Spring webflux with multiple sequential API call and convert to flux object without subscribe and block

I am working on spring reactive and need to call multiple calls sequentially to other REST API using webclient. The issue is I am able to call multiple calls to other Rest API but response am not able to read without subscribe or block. I can't use subscribe or block due to non reactive programming. Is there any way, i can merge while reading the response and send it as flux.
Below is the piece of code where I am stuck.
private Flux<SeasonsDto> getSeasonsInfo(List<HuntsSeasonsMapping> l2, String seasonsUrl) {
for (HuntsSeasonsMapping s : l2)
List<SeasonsJsonDto> list = huntsSeasonsProcessor.appendSeaosonToJson(s.getSeasonsRef());
for (SeasonsJsonDto sjdto:list)
Mono<SeasonsDto> mono =new SeasonsAdapter("http://localhost:8087/").callToSeasonsAPI(sjdto.getSeasonsRef());
//Not able to read stream without subscribe an return as Flux object
public Mono<SeasonsDto> callToSeasonsAPI(Long long1) {
LOGGER.debug("Seasons API call");
return this.webClient.get().uri("hunts/seasonsInfo/"
Please help to resolve this.
You need to combine the reactive streams using operators such as map, flatMap and concatMap.
private Flux<SeasonsDto> getSeasonsInfo(List<HuntsSeasonsMapping> l2, String seasonsUrl) {
List<Mono<SeasonsDto>> monos = new ArrayList<>();
for (HuntsSeasonsMapping s : l2) {
List<SeasonsJsonDto> list = huntsSeasonsProcessor.appendSeaosonToJson(s.getSeasonsRef());
for (SeasonsJsonDto sjdto:list) {
Mono<SeasonsDto> mono =new SeasonsAdapter("http://localhost:8087/").callToSeasonsAPI(sjdto.getSeasonsRef());
//Not able to read stream without subscribe an return as Flux object
return Flux.fromIterable(monos).concatMap(mono -> mono);
This can further be improved using the steam API, which I suggest you look into, but I didn't want to change too much of your existing code.
I have figured how to do this. I have completely rewrite the code and change in reactive. It means all the for loop has been removed. Below is the code for the same and may be help for others.
public Flux<SeasonsDto> getAllSeasonDetails(String uuid) {
return hunterRepository.findByUuidAndIsPrimaryAndDeleted(uuid, true, false).next().flatMapMany(h1 -> {
return huntsMappingRepository.findByHunterIdAndDeleted(h1.getId(), false).flatMap(k -> {
return huntsMappingRepository.findByHuntReferrenceIdAndDeleted(k.getHuntReferrenceId(), false)
.flatMap(l2 -> {
return huntsSeasonsProcessor.appendSeaosonToJsonFlux(l2.getSeasonsDtl()).flatMap(fs -> {
return seasonsAdapter.callSeasonsAPI(fs.getSeasonsRef(), h1.getId(), uuid).map(k->{
return k;

How to return single object from Reactive REST API in Kotlin Coroutine style

I am trying to convert a REST service from the Spring 5 Reactive style to an async Kotlin Coroutine style.
I followed several different guides/tutorials on how this should work but I must be doing something wrong.
I get a compile error trying to turn a single object into a Flow, whereas the guides I'm following dont seem to do this at all.
Any pointers or otherwise very appreciated!
fun mainRouter(handler: EobHandler) = coRouter {
GET("/search", handler::search)
GET("/get", handler::get)
suspend fun search(request: ServerRequest): ServerResponse {
val eobList =
return ServerResponse.ok().bodyAndAwait(eobList)
suspend fun get(request: ServerRequest): ServerResponse
val eob = service.get()
return ServerResponse.ok().bodyAndAwait(eob); // compile error about bodyAndAwait expecting a Flow<T>
override fun search(): Flow<EOB> {
return listOf(EOB()).asFlow()
override suspend fun get(): EOB? {
return EOB()
If curious, here are some of the guides I've based my code on:
I was able to get this to compile by changing
return ServerResponse.ok().bodyAndAwait(eob);
return eob?.let { ServerResponse.ok().bodyValueAndAwait(it) } ?: ServerResponse.notFound().buildAndAwait()
guess it's something to do with type-safety of Kotlin - I was not returning a nullable object I think

Ktor respondTextWriter complaining about inappropriate blocking method call

I'm implementing a server using Ktor, and one of the calls is to get a (potentially large) list of users that will come from a database query. I would like to chunk my response, so my user call looks like this:
fun users() =
flow {
Where the emit calls will eventually be replaced with data from a result set. The route looks like this:
route("Users") {
get() {
call.respondTextWriter {
users().collect { write(it) }
// other calls, e.g. post(), delete(), etc.
However, both calls to write and flush show a warning: "Inappropriate blocking method call". What am I missing?
Eh, a little digging provided the answer:
private suspend fun <T> flowResponse(writer: Writer, flow: Flow<T>) {
val gson = Gson()
flow.collect { data ->
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { writer.flush() }
And then:
get() {
call.respondTextWriter {
flowResponse(this, Users.all())
Slight change from the question, as my Users.all() call returns a User object that then gets converted to JSON. Perhaps there is a way to simply stream the objects and let the content negotiator do the translation, but I haven't gotten there yet.

Multiple requests using WebClient Spring WebFlux

I am trying to make requests using WebClient in parallel, but I have no clue how to go about that,
because no matter what I do, the code is not waiting for requests to finish. If I execute just one request though (Commented fragment), everything works fine. Can someone help me with that?
#RequestMapping(method = [RequestMethod.POST], path = ["/upload/{batchId}"])
fun uploadFile(#RequestPart("file") file: Mono<FilePart>,
#PathVariable("batchId") batchId:String,
#RequestHeader("FILE-SIZE") fileSize:Int): Mono<ServiceResponse> {
val webClient = WebClient.create(commandEndpoint)
// return webClient.put().uri(seriesPath).retrieve().bodyToMono( { ServiceResponse(it,0) }
.flatMap {
it.transactionId = batchId
when (it) {
is SeriesMetadata -> webClient.put().uri(seriesPath,
.onStatus({ it == HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST },{
Mono.error(RuntimeException("blah")) }).toMono()
else -> Mono.error(NotImplementedError(""))
.map {ServiceResponse(batchId, it.size*2) }
So it seems, that collectList() filters out empty mono that are returned in case the body of the response is empty. The solution is basically, either to use Mono.defaultIfEmpty() method, or change retrieve() to exchange() which always returns something. At least that's what helped me.

Reactor switchifempty does not behave as expected in junit test

I am writing tests for the method provide below.
class ScrapedRecipeCache #Autowired constructor(private val cache: RecipeScrapingCacheService,
private val recipeService: RecipeService) : ScrapedRecipeProvider {
override fun provide(request: ScrapingRequest): Flux<ScrapedRecipe> =
.doOnNext { println(it) }
.flatMap { (link, _, recipeHash, error) ->
.map { ScrapedRecipe(it, link, error)}
The test looks as follows:
private val recipeFetched = Recipe("Tortellini", RecipeDifficulty.EASY, 15.0)
val cacheContents = RecipeScrapingResource("", ScrapingOrigin.JAMIE_OLIVER, recipeFetched.hash,
pl.goolash.core.Exception("aa", ErrorType.WARNING, LocalDateTime.MIN)
val request = ScrapingRequest("", ScrapingOrigin.JAMIE_OLIVER, 4)
fun setUp() {
#DisplayName("Then return data fetched from service and don't delete cache")
fun test() {
.expectNext(ScrapedRecipe(recipeFetched, "", cacheContents.error!!))
BDDMockito.verify(cache, BDDMockito.never()).remove(
The test fails because cache.remove( is called. To my understanding (or from what I managed to gather from documentation) switchIfEmpty, should only be fired when recipeService.findByHash returns Mono.empty(). However the debugger shows that it returns mocked value of Mono.just(fetchedRecipe).
The interesting thing is that when I replace
Then weee is not printed hence it behaves as expected, that is switchIfEmpty is not fired.
Furthermore the tested issue runs properly in integration test and does not clear the cache.
Reactor version : 3.1.0-RC1
Other notable details: Spring Boot 2.0.0-M4, Mockito-core:2.10, junit 5, project is written in kotlin
The question is, does anybody see anything wrong with this? Because I have spent two days over and still have no clue why this behaves so bizzarely.
Finally I found out how to make this work.
In order to remedy it:
override fun provide(request: ScrapingRequest): Flux<ScrapedRecipe> =
.flatMap { (link, _, recipeHash, error) ->
.map { ScrapedRecipe(it, link, error) }
.flatMap { cache.remove( }
You can see how using flatMap to execute the asynch work does the job, even if this is not the neatest implementation, it revealed to me quite an interesting mechanism hidden here.
