Block Website Using Layer 7 Protocol Didn't Working - mikrotik

I've tried many tutorial how to block any website using layer 7 protocol. I need to block any social media website in office hour. But for the very first time, i've already done it but i still can access the website for example
This is my screenshoot :
Filter number 15 is what im trying to do but didn't work.
This is my layer 7 regexp
This is number 15 filter rules detail
Could you help me ?

You need to first disable ip\settings fast path.
/ip settings set allow-fast-path=no
Then, move your rule up, above fasttrack rule.

I'm not sure you can do it this way, because layer7 filter looks INTO the packets, not the destination URL; as Facebook/Youtube traffic is encrypted, layer7 filter sees nothing but encrypted stuff.
So you can't block traffic dynamically but you can block IPs this way:
Create a script which resolves to an IP, and put this IP into an address list.
Schedule this script every minute or so.
Add a firewall rule to drop forwarded traffic to this address list.
You can also use the Mikrotik built-in DNS server, set your hosts to use it, and statically set to Your clients will be unable to connect to the real facebook (IF they are using your DNS).


Can I change the current network interface in Windows CMD?

In my current setup I have two interfaces, one is my normal connection and the other for my VPN, which is the default interface.
My VPN isn't nearly as fast as my connection so for some heavier load I use my normal connection. The problem I am having is that I want to send files to Google Drive by using their api via CMD, but simply resolves to too many IP's to route them all. Currently I am solving this issue by connecting through a proxy so I only have to route that proxy to my normal interface.
What I would rather do is just set the interface of my normal connection to the CMD session like I do with the proxy. I have tried playing around with netsh but so far with no success.
Does anyone have an idea on how to solve this problem?
It isn;t that your VPN is your "Default Interface" it's that it has a Lower Route Metric for Traffic because whoever set it up made it so that all traffic routes t the VPN instead of only internal traffic.
If this is intentional, and you don;t want to change it then your only real option is to use a Proxy as you need to be able to sniff the packet headers to match the API URL, and it's it's HTTPS traffic, that is encrypted, and only passing through a proxy will be able to get around that.

Intercept DNS Queries Windows

I would like to be able to intercept DNS queries on my Windows computer by "hooking" into "all of the DNS functions" (Is it possible to intercept dns queries using LSP/SPI?).
So, for example, if I have a config file with contents:
I am hoping to handle these requests with a response of Wildcarding doesn't work in the hosts file (and I also might try logging some queries, too). This can be done from a network level; I want to do it through the host operating system, partially out of a perfectionist bent.
Someone else suggested "Hooking DNSQuery() function calls in dnsapi.lib/dnsap.dll" (Windows DNS hooks).
Will the mhook library allow me to do what I want to do?
Lastly: I have no intention of making malware; I want to take a bit more control over the traffic my computer(s) are creating.

Generating requests which appear to be coming from multiple IP's

We are trying to create a simulation script where we need to send TCP packet data to the server in way that it appears to be coming from different IP every time.
Basically we need to emulate multiple devices ( with different IP) which are constantly sending data to the server.
The server creates a new connection only for request coming in from a new IP.
What is the best possible way to achieve it ? Is there a way of using proxy servers or some sort of virtualization to accomplish this ?
What you want to use is IP aliasing. This allows you to create virtual network interfaces. Each virtual interface can have one or more IP addresses assigned to it.
This link shows how to do it in Linux.
This link shows how to do it in Windows.
Next your clients need to specify which of your addresses to use. Use getifaddrs() to enumerate the available addresses. Then use the bind() system call on the socket before you do a connect(). This way you can have multiple clients and each one will use a different source IP address. This post has the details.

Script to switch Local Area Connections according to website [not proxy]

Can I write a Windows Task or some kind of configuration script that will choose between two Local Area Connections according to the website I am visiting?
It may not be the best answer to my problem, but if it is possible, at least I know it will work.
The issue in full:
My main ISP currently has an issue routing me to my own websites (all hosted on the same server). It also has a 'sticky IP address' (note, not static) - it will only change your IP address once a fortnight, and they can't (won't) even force a change. Their second line support are working on the issue, but so far, no good, and I cannot access my own websites via their internet connection.
So, currently, I am switching from my main network to my mobile 3G network (tethered) any time I want to work on or view my own websites.
I would like to write a script that will make Windows automatically choose my mobile network for FTP, email and browsing my own websites, but use my main ISP for all other online activity.
Haven't a clue where to start - any help appreciated! Thanks,
Well, that was simple, no scripting required. If you're using IPv4 (you can check here,d.d2k)
Turn Windows features on or off.
Turn on RIP Listener.
Disable your internet connection that cannot connect to the website you are trying to access, and 'tracert' to the website: make a note of the IP address of the website, and the first IP address in the hop list ([FIRST IP]).
Type in 'route print' and make a note of the Interface number of your secondary internet connection.
Type in 'route add -p [WEBSITE IP ADDRESS] mask [FIRST IP] IF [INTERFACE NUMBER] metric 1'
All traffic to the website IP address (be it mail, FTP, whatever) will go through the secondary connection, all other traffic goes through the main connection.
IPv6 instructions here:
My setup is just an iPhone connected via USB as secondary connection and a Home Hub connected via ethernet as primary.
Hope this is useful to someone else - but of course, no one should ever think of using this to get around IP blocks on message boards...

Using FTP Programs with Automatic Proxy Configuration URL

I've literally searched the internet for the last 5 hours and I have tried every suggestion out there and I'm starting to wonder if what I want to do is simply not possible....
Most webservers only allow X simultaneous connections for uploading/downloading. I simply want to upload my many files faster, by connecting/uploading through various proxies. However, no program I can find has anything for automatic proxy configuration, and only for a specific proxy IP. I have an account with a proxy service that gives you a different IP address for every request/connection made through it. I can connect to this fine from any FTP program but it appears that the servers are confused when they see different IP's connecting, and there's no way to manually whitelist/authenticate them on the server side, so it simply closes all connections. I even have a list of IP addresses with port/user/pass that I am willing to use, but I can't figure out how to do anything other than use a specific proxy to upload/download from servers.... Is this even possible????
