Create instance of Spring´s ParameterizedTypeReference in Kotlin - spring-boot

I am trying to learn Kotlin, and test how it works with spring boot. My application is using a mongo database to store data and I have a Jersey resource for retrieving data. I am testing it using spring-boot-test and RestTestTemplate.
The RestTestTemplate has an exchange method which takes a ParameterizedTypeReference. This class has a protected constructor. So the only way I managed to use it from Kotlin was like this:
class ListOfPeople : ParameterizedTypeReference<List<Person>>()
Here is my test-method:
fun `get list of people`() {
// create testdata = "test1", lastname = "lastname1")) = "test2", lastname = "lastname2")) = "test3", lastname = "lastname2")) = "test4", lastname = "lastname2"))
val requestEntity = RequestEntity<Any>(HttpMethod.GET, URI.create("/person"))
// create typereference for response de-serialization
class ListOfPeople : ParameterizedTypeReference<List<Person>>() // can this be done inline in the exchange method?
val responseEntity : ResponseEntity<List<Person>> =, ListOfPeople())
assertEquals(200, responseEntity.statusCodeValue)
assertTrue( responseEntity.body.size >= 4 )
responseEntity.body.forEach { person ->
println("Found person: [${person.firstname} ${person.lastname}] " +
", born [${person.birthdate}]")
Is this the correct (or only) way to do this, or is there a better way?
If it helps, here is a link for the whole test: testclass on github

While the answer using object expression is correct and the direct equivalent of the way you do it in Java, reified type parameters allow you to simplify it if you need many ParameterizedTypeReferences:
inline fun <reified T> typeReference() = object : ParameterizedTypeReference<T>() {}
// called as, typeReference<List<Person>>())
When the compiler sees a typeReference<SomeType> call, it's replaced by the definition, so the result is the same as if you wrote object : ParameterizedTypeReference<SomeType>() {}.

Thanks to JB Nizet who pointed me to the correct documentation.
val responseEntity : ResponseEntity<List<Person>> =,
object: ParameterizedTypeReference<List<Person>> () {})
If I read correctly this is called an Object expression.


Javax validation of generics in Springboot with Kotlin

I have a controller:
fun create(
#RequestBody #Valid request: MyContainer<CreateRequest>,
): MyContainer<Dto> = service.create(request.objects)
with MyContainer and CreateRequest looking something like this:
class MyContainer<T>(
#field:Valid // also tried param
#field:NotEmpty(message = "The list of objects can not be null or empty")
var objects: List<#Valid T>? = listOf(),
class CreateRequest(
#field:NotNull(message = "Value can not be null")
var value: BigDecimal? = null,
In my tests, the "outer" validation works, that is I do get the expected error message if I send it { "objects": null } or { "objects": [] }. But I can not get it to validate the contents of the list. From what I understand in Java List<#Valid T> should work, but for whatever I can not get it to work in kotlin.
I figured I might need some kind of use-site target on #Valid in List<#Valid T>, but I can't find one that's applicable for this use case.
How can I get the validation to work for the list?
I managed to find a solution myself.
Apparently get: is the correct use-site target, not field: or param:. Furthermore the #Valid in List<#Valid T> was not necessary.
For reference, here's the working class (also changed it back to a data class as that doesn't seem to pose an issue).
class MyContainer<T>(
#get:NotEmpty(message = "The list of objects can not be null or empty")
var objects: List<T>? = listOf(),
and the CreateRequest:
class CreateRequest(
#get:NotNull(message = "Value can not be null")
var value: BigDecimal? = null,
Changing to the get: use-site target was only necessary for #Valid, but I opted for using it everywhere for consistency and since it seems to be the one that works best.

Spring cache for specific values #Cacheable annotation

I want to cache a result of a method only when the attribute of the result contains specific values. For example
Class APIOutput(code: Int, message: String)
sealed class Response<out T : Any> : Serializable {
data class Success<out T : Any>(val data: T) : Response<T>()
data class Error(val errorText: String, val errorCode: Int) : Response<Nothing>()
key = "api-key",
unless = "do something here"
fun doApicall(uniqueId: Long): Response<APIOutput> {
//make API call
val output = callAPI(uniqueId)
return Response.Success(output)
In the above method, I want to cache the response only when == (long list of codes).
Please note, in the previous line data is nothing but APIOutput object. How could I achieve it using unless or any other approach. I was thinking of writing a function that takes a doApicall method result as input and would return true or false and call that method it as unless="call a method". But I'm not sure how to do it. Any help is highly appreciated.
You can specify an expression to be evaluated in unless using SpEL. The returned value is available as result so you can do something like -
key = "api-key",
unless = "#result!=null or!=200"
fun doApicall(uniqueId: Long): Response<APIOutput> {
//make API call
val output = callAPI(uniqueId)
return Response.Success(output)
You can even use Regex in SpEL and can create custom Expression parsers if the existing functionality is not enough for your usecase.
Thanks Yatharth and John! Below is the condition that worked for me. resultcodes in the below expression is a list
key = "api-key",
unless = "!(#result instanceof T(\$Success))
or (#result instanceof T(\$Success)
and !(T("
fun doApicall(uniqueId: Long): Response<APIOutput> {
//make API call
val output = callAPI(uniqueId)
return Response.Success(output)

How can I create Hashmap<String,Int : String,String : String,String> in Kotlin for sorting

I know this character (:) is meaningless in my statement, but I wanted to explain what I want. I want to sort a lot of hashmaps adding Arraylist and using sortedBy but I cant because my values return strings.
Here is my code:
newReference.addValueEventListener(object : ValueEventListener{
override fun onDataChange(p0: DataSnapshot) {
for(ds in p0.child(playerIDmatchWhoIs).children){
var hashMap = ds.getValue() as HashMap<String, String>
var datetime = hashMap.get("datetime").toString()
var usermail = hashMap.get("usermail")
var usermessage = hashMap.get("usermessage")
chatMessages.add("${usermail}: ${usermessage}")
(I want to sort this hashMap, it has datetime value but is returning string.)
println(hashMap): I/System.out: {datetime=1574807563747, usermessage=jmjgmhg,}
I assume that chatMessages is of type List<String>. This is generally bad because you cannot to anything with strings. I would suggest you to create a data class which contains all information about a chat message, like so:
data class ChatMessage(val dateTime: Int, val userMail: String?, val userMessage: String?) : Comparable<ChatMessage> {
override fun compareTo(other: ChatMessage) = this.dateTime.compareTo(other.dateTime)
As you can see, this class implements the Comparable<ChatMessage> interface. If you then define the chatMessages list like so
private val chatMessages = mutableListOf<ChatMessage>()
you can call chatMessages.sort() which will then sort the list according to dateTime (see the implementation of compareTo in ChatMessage). The final code would look like that:
data class ChatMessage(val dateTime:Int?, val userMail: String?, val userMessage: String?) : Comparable<ChatMessage> {
override fun compareTo(other: ChatMessage) = this.dateTime.compareTo(other.dateTime)
private val chatMessages = mutableListOf<ChatMessage>()
fun yourCode() {
newReference.addValueEventListener(object : ValueEventListener {
/* Use proper variable naming. Nobody will understand, what p0 is, but if you name
it dataSnapshot, everyone knows at a glance. */
override fun onDataChange(dataSnapshot: DataSnapshot) {
// Again, what is ds exactly? Name it properly.
for (ds in dataSnapshot.child(playerIDmatchWhoIs).children) {
// Kotlin recommends to use val instead of var.
// This way, you know that your variables cannot be modified unless you want them to be modified.
val hashMap = ds.getValue() as HashMap<String, String>
// use indexing instead of the get() method
val dateTime = hashMap["datetime"]
val userMail = hashMap["usermail"]
val userMessage = hashMap["usermessage"]
// TODO: Handle null values properly
chatMessages.add(ChatMessage(dateTime!!.toInt(), userMail, userMessage))
This assumes that you want to store your timestamp as an integer. However, I would rather recommend to use a time library like java.time (built into java). In that case, you can use java.time.Instant which has many more possibilities to handle time and all the difficulties to handle time.
Read more about java.time.Instant in the Android docs. If you want to learn how to parse a String to java.time.Instant, this might be interesting.

Returning object of type specified in method arguments instead of AnyRef

I have the following method:
class EntityCacheManager {
def get(cacheId: String, entityClass: Class[_]): AnyRef = { ... }
So to use it, i have to write this:
val cachedEntity = entityCacheManager.get(cacheId, classOf[SomeEntity]).asInstanceOf[SomeEntity]
Is there some way to make EntityCacheManager.get() returning instance of type entityClass which is specified in method params? I'd like to avoid casting asInstanceOf every time i use this method. I know it would be nice to use generic definition of type EntityCacheManager, but it's also a spring-managed bean, so i think using generics will cause troubles.
You can use a more idiomatic scala approach by using the ClassTag typeclass
class EntityCacheManager {
def get[T: ClassTag](cacheId: String): T = {
val entityClass = implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass
val myObject: T = ??? // you retrieve your object somehow using entityClass
you can now use it like this:
val myEntityClassInstance = get[MyEntityClass]("key")

Scala Generics - Overloaded method

Considering the given code:
val repository =
Introspector.decapitalize(t.getClass.getSimpleName).replace("C", "E").concat("Repository"))
and that my repositories have a String as Serializable.
I'm trying to do the following:
repository.asInstanceOf[ElasticsearchRepository[_, String]].save(getObject(t))
This one works fine:
repository.asInstanceOf[ElasticsearchRepository[_, String]].findAll()
But I don't know how to put that above to work.
Assuming the method getObject(t) is retuning the correct object to be persisted and since it's a Spring Data Repository, there are 2 save method. One that accept a single entity and another for a list of entities and it says overloaded method value save.
What I have tried so far:
I saw in another thread to force the method with a type, something like this:
repository.asInstanceOf[ElasticsearchRepository[_, String]].save(getObject(t) : TYPE)
This is ok if I knew the type and also my method getObject should return that same type.
Here is my getObject method which I return the object itself without any specific type:
def getObject[T](t : T) = {
objectMapper.readValue(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(t), getClazz(t))
So I was trying to get the type like this:
val m = Manifest.classType(getClazz(t))
type TYPE = m.type
Looks good if I force my object to this type using getObject(t) : TYPE but I don't know how to use this same type in my getObject method to be returned.
Anyway, I don't even know if this is the best approach to do this, invoking a generic repository and save a generic object.
Just to understand what I'm trying to do, I'm using a aspect to intercept a Cassandra entity to be persisted, then get it and turn into a ElasticSearch entity to save a json(thats why the getObject(t)) and replicate into ElasticSearch.
Here is the full aspect class:
class ElasticAop {
#Autowired val context : ApplicationContext = null
val objectMapper : ObjectMapper = new ObjectMapper()
#Pointcut("execution(* com.test.service.cassandra.*.post(..)) && args(t)")
def getPointcutPost[T](t : T) : Unit = {}
def elasticSaveAspect[T](joinPoint: JoinPoint, t: T) = {
val m = Manifest.classType(getClazz(t))
type TYPE = m.type
val repository =
Introspector.decapitalize(t.getClass.getSimpleName).replace("C", "E").concat("Repository"))
repository.asInstanceOf[ElasticsearchRepository[_, String]].findAll()
repository.asInstanceOf[ElasticsearchRepository[_, String]].save(getObject(t))
def getClazz[T](t : T) = {
val className = t.getClass.getName.replace("cassandra", "elastic").replace("C", "E")
def getObject[T](t : T) = {
objectMapper.readValue(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(t), getClazz(t))
Even setting up a type return in my getObject to Address and then setting the save method as follow save(getObject(t) : Address) give me the same overloaded error.
I just figured out it's a limitation and a possible work around is to create a factory or something like this.
Then I created a service with a saveOrUpdate method:
trait ElasticGenericService[T <: ElasticGenericKey, R <: ElasticsearchRepository[T, String]] {
var r : R = _
def saveOrUpdate(t: T) =
and now I'm getting a cast exception:
java.lang.ClassCastException: Address cannot be cast to scala.runtime.Nothing$
What i can see here:
getObject[T](t : T) returns existential type _1 and actually kills all type checks, as you choosing the class in runtime
ElasticsearchRepository[_, String].save require existential type _2 to be passed to the save method, so _1 doesn't fit
Possible solution:
repository.asInstanceOf[ElasticsearchRepository[Any, String]].save(getObject(t).asInstanceOf[Any]) //getClass will work with runtime class instead of Any, so should be fine
Another solution (saving existential type):
def getObject[T](t : T) = {
objectMapper.readValue(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(t), getClazz(t)).asInstanceOf[T]
} //assuming T is an existential - it will return same existential as you passed
