How to search the words in a text file using CAPL - capl

I have text file say test.txt and I have to search some 10 words from that text file. Could someone please help how can we search words from that text file using CAPL

You can use below sample code to read the text file line by line and search for the expected string using strstr() function
dword glbHandle = 0;
glbHandle = OpenFileRead ("Sample.Txt",0);
if ( glbHandle!=0 )
// got to end of file ...
while ( fileGetString(buffer,elcount(buffer),glbHandle)!=0 )
if(strstr(s1, "TextToSearch") > -1)
write("Text Found");
fileClose (glbHandle);


TCL script to find a script and add new text before searched string with number

Below is the partial content of my input file:
MainContent(abc_dt) {
sc: it;
MainContent(xyz_cnt) {
sc : it;
MainContent(asd_zxc) {
sc : it;
Here, I want to search "MainContent" line and want to add new line before it ... this new line should have "Sb (text which is inside bracket in MainContent_1)"... this should also add opening bracket and closing bracket before next Sb occurance:
Expected output from the script:
Sb(abc_dt_sb1) {
MainContent(abc_dt) {
sc: it;
Sb(xyz_cnt_sb2) {
MainContent(xyz_cnt) {
sc : it;
Sb(asd_zxc_sb3) {
MainContent(asd_zxc) {
sc : it;
Can someone please help to me create a TCL script for this?
This code will take your text to be processed on standard input and produce the results on standard output. Redirect it as required.
set counter 0
set expectBrace false
while {[gets stdin line] >= 0} {
if {!$expectBrace && [regexp {^\s*MainContent\s*\((\w+)\)} $line -> bits]} {
puts [format "Sb(%s_sb%d) \{" $bits [incr counter]]
set expectBrace true
puts $line
if {$expectBrace && [regexp {^\s*\}\s*$} $line]} {
puts "\}"
set expectBrace false
Using regular expressions to do the matching of the triggers for state changes in a little state machine (two states, governed by expectBrace) is pretty conventional parsing. I've used format to do the substitutions into the Sb(…) line; these are simple enough that you could use direct substitutions instead if you prefer.
I've not done anything about adding indentation.

How to create svg file from data in csv file to create nameplates in a bash script

I have got a csv file with names, degrees and other data about several persons and a template svg file that shows me how the output should look. Now I should write a bash script that creates a new svg file with the data from the csv file that can be converted into a pdf and be printed to cut out the nameplates later. I have no idea how to do this and would be very happy about some proposals how to write my bash script and some hints what to mind doing this.
Solution using awk:
# begin by reading the whole first template file at once
BEGIN { RS = "^$" }
FILENAME==ARGV[1] { # NR=1 is the entire template file
template = $0
# very conveniently we can now setup RS FPAT etc to apply to the next line for the next file.
RS = "\r\n"
# quoted CSV fields pattern
FPAT = "([^,]*)|(\"[^\"]+\")"
FILENAME==ARGV[2] && NR==2 { # NR=2 is the first CSV line: column headers
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
headers[i] = $i
FILENAME==ARGV[2] && NR>2 { # NR>2 is the rest of the CSV file records.
# Strip quotes from quoted CSV values.
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
if (substr($i, 1, 1) == "\"") {
$i = substr($i, 2, length($i) - 2)
# Template Replacements
result = template
for (i = 1; i <= length(headers); i++) {
gsub(headers[i], $i, result);
print result > "svg/" $1 ".svg"
Use like this:
awk -f build.awk template.svg employees.csv
Where template.svg is a template SVG file that contains the field names you want replaced. For example:
<svg width="200" height="200" xmlns="">
<title>Layer 1</title>
<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="blue"/>
<text id="svg_1" y="100" x="76" fill="#FFF">NAME</text>
This template would expect a CSV file that has a column header "NAME", but you can add as many fields in the template as you have in the CSV. The files would be output in a "svg/" directory, one file per line.
Try Inkscape + the Generator extension:
Replace text and data to automatically generate files (as PDF, PNG, EPS, PS, JPG, SVG), based on an SVG template and a CSV file. Also available via apt in Debian and Ubuntu repositories.
Example file set for testing and learning how to use:

Adding a new position at the end of the file Shell or Perl

My question is how to add a new position at the end of the file in Shell or Perl?
I have two files:
File A with 536382 lines and the key is third column:
File B with 946 lines and the key is the first column:
I want a combination of these two files:
I was trying shell script but I was receiving a message of out of memory.
So I open for suggestions.
Thank you, so far.
I was able to get the results you want by making a few changes to your code.
use strict;
use warnings;
open IN2, '<', \<<EOF;
my %hash;
while ( <IN2> ) {
my #col2 = split ",";
$hash{$col2[0]}{$col2[1]} = $col2[2];
open IN1, '<', \<<EOF;
while ( <IN1> ) {
my $key = (split /,/)[2];
if ( exists( $hash{$key} ) ) {
print join(",", $_, #{ $hash{$key} }{ qw/Position Time/ }), "\n";
This produced output of:
The changes to the code were
$hash{$col2[0]}{$col2[1]} = $col2[2]; Create a Hash of Hash to hold the Position and Time keys. They are used in a hash slice here
#{ $hash{$key} }{ qw/Position Time/ })
Convert small file into perl's hash
Process big file line by line

Parsing CSV file with \n in double quoted fields

I'm parsing a CSV file that has a break line in double quoted fields. I'm reading the file line by line with a groovy script but I get an ArrayIndexOutBoundException when I tried to get access the missing tokens.
I was trying to pre-process the file to remove those characters and I was thinking to do that with some bash script or with groovy itself.
Could you, please suggest any approach that I can use to resolve the problem?
This is how the CSV looks like:
timestamp, "abcdefghi", "abcdefghi","sdsd"
timestamp, "zxcvb
This is the groovy script I'm using
def csv = new File(args[0]).text
def bufferString = ""
def parsedFile = new File("Parsed_" + args[0]);
csv.eachLine { line, lineNumber ->
def splittedLine = line.split(',');
retString += new Date(splittedLine[0]) + ",${splittedLine[1]},${splittedLine[2]},${splittedLine[3]}\n";
if(lineNumber % 1000 == 0){
retString = "";
Finally I did this and it works, (I needed format the first column from timestamp to a human readable date):
gawk -F',' '{print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", substr( $1, 0, length($1)-3 ) )","($2)","($3)","($4)}' TobeParsed.csv > Parsed.csv
Thank you #karakfa
If you use a proper CSV parser rather than trying to do it with split (which as you can see doesn't work with any form of quoting), then it works fine:
import static com.xlson.groovycsv.CsvParser.parseCsv
def csv = '''header1,header2,header3,header4
timestamp, "abcdefghi", "abcdefghi","sdsd"
timestamp, "zxcvb
def data = parseCsv(csv)
data.eachWithIndex { line, index ->
println """Line $index:
| 1:$line.header1
| 2:$line.header2
| 3:$line.header3
| 4:$line.header4""".stripMargin()
Which prints:
Line 0:
Line 1:
awk to the rescue!
this will merge the newline split fields together, you process can take it from there
$ awk -F'"' '!(NF%2){getline remainder;$0=$0 OFS remainder}1' splitted.csv
xxxxxx, "abcdefghi", "abcdefghi"
yyyyyy, "zxcvb fffffgfg","asdasdasadsd"
assumes that odd number of quotes mean split field and replace new line with OFS. If you want to simple delete new line (the split parts will combine) remove OFS.

Parsing large XML files?

I have 2 xml files 1 with 115mb size and another with 34mb size.
Wiile reading file A there is 1 field called desc that relations it with file B where I retrieve the field id from file B where desc.file A is iqual to name.file B.
file A is already too big then I have to search inside file B and it takes a very long time to complete.
How could I speed up this proccess or what would be a better approch to do it ?
current code I am using:
use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::Simple qw(:strict XMLin);
my $npcs = XMLin('Client/client_npcs.xml', KeyAttr => { }, ForceArray => [ 'npc_client' ]);
my $strings = XMLin('Client/client_strings.xml', KeyAttr => { }, ForceArray => [ 'string' ]);
my ($nameid,$rank);
open (my $fh, '>>', 'Output/npc_templates.xml');
print $fh "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<npc_templates xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"npcs.xsd\">\n";
foreach my $npc ( #{ $npcs->{npc_client} } ) {
if (defined $npc->{desc}) {
foreach my $string (#{$strings->{string}}) {
if (defined $string->{name} && $string->{name} =~ /$npc->{desc}/i) {
$nameid = $string->{id};
} else {
$nameid = "";
if (defined $npc->{hpgauge_level} && $npc->{hpgauge_level} > 25 && $npc->{hpgauge_level} < 28) {
$rank = 'LEGENDARY';
} elsif (defined $npc->{hpgauge_level} && $npc->{hpgauge_level} > 21 && $npc->{hpgauge_level} < 23) {
$rank = 'HERO';
} elsif (defined $npc->{hpgauge_level} && $npc->{hpgauge_level} > 10 && $npc->{hpgauge_level} < 15) {
$rank = 'ELITE';
} elsif (defined $npc->{hpgauge_level} && $npc->{hpgauge_level} > 0 && $npc->{hpgauge_level} < 11) {
$rank = 'NORMAL';
} else {
$rank = $gauge;
print $fh qq|\t<npc_template npc_id="$npc->{id}" name="$npc->{name}" name_id="$nameid" height="$npc->{scale}" rank="$rank" tribe="$npc->{tribe}" race="$npc->{race_type}" hp_gauge="$npc->{hpgauge_level}"/>\n|;
print $fh "</<npc_templates>";
example of file A.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ammo_bone>Bip01 Head</ammo_bone>
example of file B.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<body> </body>
Here is example of XML::Twig usage. The main advantage is that it is not holding whole file in memory, so processing is much faster. The code below is trying to emulate operation of script from question.
use XML::Twig;
my %strings = ();
twig_handlers => {
'strings/string' => sub {
$strings{ lc $_->first_child('name')->text }
= $_->first_child('id')->text
print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<npc_templates xmlns:xsi=\"\" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\"npcs.xsd\">\n";
twig_handlers => {
'npc_client' => sub {
my $nameid = eval { $strings{ lc $_->first_child('desc')->text } };
# calculate rank as needed
my $hpgauge_level = eval { $_->first_child('hpgauge_level')->text };
$rank = $hpgauge_level >= 28 ? 'ERROR'
: $hpgauge_level > 25 ? 'LEGENDARY'
: $hpgauge_level > 21 ? 'HERO'
: $hpgauge_level > 10 ? 'ELITE'
: $hpgauge_level > 0 ? 'NORMAL'
: $hpgauge_level;
my $npc_id = eval { $_->first_child('id')->text };
my $name = eval { $_->first_child('name')->text };
my $tribe = eval { $_->first_child('tribe')->text };
my $scale = eval { $_->first_child('scale')->text };
my $race_type = eval { $_->first_child('race_type')->text };
qq|\t<npc_template npc_id="$npc_id" name="$name" name_id="$nameid" height="$scale" rank="$rank" tribe="$tribe" race="$race_type" hp_gauge="$hpgauge_level"/>\n|;
print "</<npc_templates>";
Grab all the interesting 'desc' fields from file A and put them in a hash. You only have to parse it once, but if it still takes too long have a look at XML::Twig.
Parse file B. once and extract the stuff you need. Use the hash.
Looks like you only need parts of the xml files. XML::Twig can parse only the elements you are interested in and throw away the rest using the "twig_roots" parameter. XML::Simple is easier to get started with though..
Although I can't help you with the specifics of your Perl code, there are some general guidelines when dealing with large volumes of XML data. There are, broadly speaking, 2 kinds of XML APIs - DOM based and Stream based. Dom based API's (like XML DOM) will parse an entire XML document in to memory before the user-level API becomes "available", whereas with a stream based API (like SAX) the implementation doesn't need to parse the whole XML document. One benefit of Stream based parsers are that they typically use much less memory, as they don't need to hold the entire XML document in memory at once - this is obviously a good thing when dealing with large XML documents. Looking at the XML::Simple docs here, it's seems there may be SAX support available - have you tried this?
I'm not a perl guy, so take this with a grain of salt, but I see 2 problems:
The fact that you are iterating over all of the values in file B until you find the correct value for each element in file A is inefficient. Instead, you should be using some sort of map/dictionary for the values in file B.
It looks like you are parsing the both files in memory before you even start processing. File A would be better processed as a stream instead of loading the entire document into memory.
