use post build events with Fody.Costura installed - visual-studio

Once I added Fody.Costura to my project, my post build event that was copying the resulting assembly into a different location started failing with access denied message. That makes sense since Costura uses MSBuild to embed the assemblies. Is there a way to force my post builds to execute after Costura is finished? Example of a post build command:
copy /Y "$(TargetPath)" "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2019\HOK-Addin.bundle\Contents"

Basically the solution to my own question is the following.
<Target Name="CopyFiles" AfterTargets="AfterBuild;NonWinFodyTarget">
<Message Text="Signing file..." Importance="high" />
<Exec Command=""C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.17134.0\x64\signtool.exe" sign /c "Code Signing - DTM" /v "$(TargetPath)"" />
<Message Text="Copy files..." Importance="high" />
<Message Text="$(TargetPath) > $(ALLUSERSPROFILE)\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\$(Configuration)\HOK-Addin.bundle\Contents" Importance="high" />
<Message Text="$(TargetDir)$(TargetName).addin > $(ALLUSERSPROFILE)\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\$(Configuration)" Importance="high" />
<Copy SourceFiles="$(TargetPath)" DestinationFolder="$(ALLUSERSPROFILE)\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\$(Configuration)\HOK-Addin.bundle\Contents" ContinueOnError="true" />
<Copy SourceFiles="$(TargetDir)$(TargetName).addin" DestinationFolder="$(ALLUSERSPROFILE)\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\$(Configuration)" ContinueOnError="true" />
What I did, was to replace the standatd Post Build Command that runs Command Line routines, with a MSBuild Target and a Task.Giving it flags to run after Build is finished and Fody is done merging assemblies resolves my issue.
What also helps is the fact that Tasks have flags like ContinueOnError="true" that allow the task to keep trying until the file is available (if that was the issue) as opposed to command line utilities that would just fail.


msbuild target - AfterTargets="Build" for the solution?

I am looking for a way to run my defined Target only once per build process and not for every project that gets build.
I have defined the following in Directory.Build.props
<Target Name="MyTarget" AfterTargets="AfterBuild" >
<Message Text="Hello World!!!" Importance="High" />
Should only run once no matter how many projects the msbuild process is building, currently it happens for each project.
It shouldn't matter if I hit (Re-)Build Soltution or (Re-)Build [ProjectName] or hit F5 in Visual Studio, as long any build happens I want to exectue MyTarget only once.
Just answer this situation:
If my guess is right, pure msbuild function is not enough and you have to use a external file to help it work.
create a file called test.txt on the solution folder and write 0 in the txt file.
Then, modify your Directory.Build.props like this:
<File Include="..\test.txt"></File>
<Target Name="GetConditionValue" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
<ReadLinesFromFile File="#(File)">
<Output TaskParameter="Lines" PropertyName="Record"/>
<Target Name="MyTarget" AfterTargets="Build" Condition="'$(Record)'=='0'">
<WriteLinesToFile File="#(File)" Lines="2" Overwrite="true"></WriteLinesToFile>
<Message Text="Hello World!!!" Importance="High" />
When you start a new build process, you should clear the test.txt file to 0 to make a new start.

Read a nuget package library version in the target assembly when installed

How to find the installing package library version in the target assembly?
Assume that:
We have NugetLib and ConsumerApp (which will install NugetLib).
I am using .targets file in NugetLib named the same, and it will run on the target when installed.
Inside NugetLib.targets file:
<Target Name="Main" AfterTargets="Build">
<Message Text="$(NugetLibVersion)" Importance="high" />
Currently I don't have the correct value of NugetLibVersion, and it needs to be set somehow.
Using $(PackageVersion)" will not help, cause it doesn't read and provide NugetLib version, it will provide ConsumerApp version (the target assembly, which will always be
If you know a way achieving this including setting some special properties, or even by using text files, or any other own or tricky methods are all welcome and appreciated.
If your project is new sdk style format, you can just add this custom target to get the nuget version:
<Target Name="PrintPackageReferences" AfterTargets="Build">
<Message Text="Dependencies:%0A #(PackageReference->'%(Identity), Version: %(Version)', '%0A ')" Importance="High" />
<CreateProperty Condition="'%(PackageReference.Identity)'=='NugetLib'" Value="%(PackageReference.Version)">
<Output TaskParameter="Value" PropertyName="NugetLibVersion" />
<Message Importance="high" Text="$(NugetLibVersion)"></Message>

How-To Set and Get Build Version in TFS SQL Project

I'm using TFS in Visual Studio 2013 & SSDT to create various SQL Database scripts. i.e. I'm doing all my SQL DB development via VS not SSMS.
Want I'm now trying to achieve is to generate/retreive a version number from an external text file when the project is built/published, based on the functionality posted here:
So I've added the following to the MyProject.sqlproj xml file:
<WorkingFolder>C:\Source Control\MISTP\Main\DB\SSMS\MyProject</WorkingFolder>
<Target Name="GetVersion">
<Message Text="GetVersion: Reading version number from VersionInfo.txt" />
<Attrib Files="$(WorkingFolder)\VersionInfo.txt" Normal="true" />
<Version VersionFile="$(WorkingFolder)\Build\VersionInfo.txt">
<Output TaskParameter="Major" PropertyName="Major" />
<Output TaskParameter="Minor" PropertyName="Minor" />
<Output TaskParameter="Build" PropertyName="Build" />
<Output TaskParameter="Revision" PropertyName="Revision" />
<Message Text="GetVersion: $(Major).$(Minor).$(Build).$(Revision)" />
<Target Name="SetVersion" DependsOnTargets="GetVersion">
<Message Text="SetVersionInfo: Updating Versions in all files" />
<CreateItem Include="$(WorkingFolder)\**\*.*">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="Files"/>
<Attrib Files="#(Files)" Normal="true" />
<FileUpdate Files="#(Files)" Regex="FileVersionAttribute\("(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)"\)" ReplacementText="FileVersionAttribute("$(Major).$(Minor).$(Build).$(Revision)")" />
<FileUpdate Files="#(Files)" Regex="FileVersion\("(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)"\)" ReplacementText=" FileVersion ("$(Major).$(Minor).$(Build).$(Revision)")" />
<FileUpdate Files="#(Files)" Regex="FileVersion\("(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)"\)" ReplacementText="FileVersion("$(Major).$(Minor).$(Build).$(Revision)")" />
I have a VersionInfo.txt file located in:
C:\Source Control\MISTP\Main\DB\SSMS\MyProject\Build
Which simply contains the string:
However, this doesn't seem to actually do anything when I Build and/or Publish the project within VS. What am I missing?!
I'm new to MSBuild, but the syntax appears correct - and is largely lifted from the codeproject article - and the path to the file are ok.
It feels like the xml is not being executed, but I'm assuming that it's very presence in the .sqlproj file will result in it being executed.
The target isn't triggered during the build. Update "SetVersion" target as following:
<Target Name="SetVersion" DependsOnTargets="GetVersion" AfterTargets="PostBuildEvent">

Visual Studio. Publish project from command line

Is there a way to publish a web project in MS Visual Studio 2010 using CLI? I use DevEnv.exe /Build to build a project and it works fine, but I could not find option to Publish a project.
One other thing I want to mention. I am trying to publish web project NOT to the IIS directly. I have a location where I publish several projects and then build them automatically into NSIS bundle to be deployed.
From ASP.NET Web Deployment using Visual Studio: Command Line Deployment, you can use
msbuild myproject.csproj /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:PublishProfile=MyPublishProfile
where MyPublishProfile is the profile name that you've already set up somewhere
What works best is to add following target to the project file:
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<Message Text="Copying to Deployment Dir:" />
<Copy SourceFiles="#(Content)" DestinationFolder="..\XXX\%(Content.RelativeDir)" />
<CreateItem Include="$(OutputPath)\*">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="Binaries"/>
<Copy SourceFiles="#(Binaries)" DestinationFolder="..\XXX\bin" />
This way, whenever project got build (from command line or from IDE) it automatically get deployed to specified folder. Thank you everybody for pointing me to right direction.
The /t:publish switch is for ClickOnce applications only, it's not applicable to web projects. Hence the error saying it's unpublishable. :)
#RobKent As
<Target Name="AfterBuild" Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Release' ">
<Message Text="Copying to Deployment Dir:" />
<Copy SourceFiles="#(Content)" DestinationFolder="..\XXX\%(Content.RelativeDir)" />
<CreateItem Include="$(OutputPath)\*">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="Binaries"/>
<Copy SourceFiles="#(Binaries)" DestinationFolder="..\XXX\bin" />
you can have publish only on release compiling.

How do I copy files to another directory using MSBuild?

I'm trying to copy several files in the $(TargetDir) to another folder (e.g. C:\BinCache), but for whatever reason I cannot get MSBuild to stop complaining.
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<Copy SourceFiles="$(TargetDir)\*.*"
DestinationFolder="C:\BinCache" />
What am I doing wrong here?
EDIT: The solution is to use a CreateItem task. Presumably, Visual Studio 2008 removes this restriction. Thanks Scott!
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<CreateItem Include="$(TargetDir)\*.*">
<Output TaskParameter="Include" ItemName="SourceFiles" />
<Copy SourceFiles="#(SourceFiles)" DestinationFolder="C:\BinCache" />
SourceFiles needs to be an Item list
you'll need something like
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<SourceFiles Include="$(TargetDir)\*.*" />
<Copy SourceFiles="#(SourceFiles)" DestinationFolder="C:\BinCache" />
Just noticed you're on 2005, in that case you'll need to use the CreateItem task
Just use a regular pre- or post-build event. VS supports this out of the box.
xcopy "#(TargetDir)*.dll" "\yourdir" /i /f /s /v /y
