Jmeter- Does not recognize letters from the file - jmeter

In Jmeter, I upload users file.csv with 'CSV Data Set Config', I've seen that the jmeter recognize the file but in the request, he didn't recognize the letters. someone know what needs to change?
enter image description here


JMeter - PDF Conversions Produces Blank PDF's

I know there are similar articles like PDF file conversion in JMeter but they do not answer the actual problem which is "when converting a PDF to a variable/object/property then back to PDF the document whilst the correct number of pages is 'whit on white'= blank.
is there a way to :
Create a runtime variable/object/property from an existing PDF file that can be used in a subsequent action.
Here other actions happen in the Test Plan but they do not
Convert the variable/object/property back to a pdf so that when viewed it does not contain just blanks.
Notes: I do not just wish to just copy a to pdf to pdf.
I have also tried creating a UDV form the pdf using the following posted on here without success too.
${__groovy(vars.putObject("hoping_its_a_pdf"), new File("my_original.pdf"))}
Reading other posts here I have also noticed strange character strings like "%âãÏÓ" when using both putObect and props.put when viewing them post creation but as the article said, most probably page break characters or similar so I have ignored those for now as I assumed it is the conversion and not the reason for the blank content.
Can someone please assist as this is now 4 weeks in and I still have white pdf's.
We cannot state what's wrong with the code which you're copying and pasting from some random sources.
There is not problem with storing the PDF file in JMeter Variables or properties and creating the file back from them.
There are 2 problems the only piece of "code" you're sharing:
Your way of using vars.putObject() function is wrong, it takes 2 parameters: variable name and the object value. See Top 8 JMeter Java Classes You Should Be Using with Groovy article for more information on this and other JMeter API shorthands
Apart from this the function itself is syntactically incorrect, you need to escape any comma in the function with a backslash
So if you change your:
${__groovy(vars.putObject("hoping_its_a_pdf"), new File("my_original.pdf"))}
${__groovy(vars.putObject('hoping_its_a_pdf'\, new File('my_original.pdf')),)}
at least this bit will start working as you expect.

How do I open password protected file using UiPath?

I am using UiPath to create a robot to get files from email. Some files are password protected and some files are not protected.
The password-protected files are sent in with a password in email body.
Example email
From: ABC <>
Sent: Monday, 5 October 2020 10:54 AM
To: BCD <>
Subject: Files
The password is: ......
There can be 10 emails and 2 have password-protected files do I let the robot know which files are password protected and to open the password-protected Excel file and move the data to a mega Excel sheet containing all the files from the 10 emails.
I am unsure of the activities to put in the workflow to perform these functions.
I am also unsure if the below method I did is the right way to approach this.
This is just one option you have. As I had good experiences in the past with the BalaReva.Excel.Activities, maybe it's worth to be tested by you.
So as the image shows, this Connect comes with plenty of Libraries. You need to download the whole package and take the functionality ProtectUnProtectSheet. That activity should work on your case.
For a full example check out this.
I'm not sure at what step of your flow you are having problems with, but here are a few pointers on some of the things you need to do after you manage to iterate through each email (which you seem to be doing already):
to extract passwords from email bodies. You could do two things here: either apply a Regex directly on the string with the content (if you are confortable writing a few 1-2 line of code) or you go the long route of using IntelligentOCR package, Digitize the text (you will have to write it to a file first), extract the data using "Extraction Scope" and "Regex Extractor", and take it from the results json with extracted data
open Excel and use the password: there is a package called UIPath.Activities.Excel that can do this.
Did you try to get System.Net.Mail.MailMessage.Body ( and parse the string to search the password? So in your for each loop, you can use "mail.Body" and retrieve all email text.

Getting inverted commas appended in request while reading from csv in Jmeter?

I was trying to read csv file using csvdata config element in jmeter so as to test multiple logins but when I try to read the value from csv file then I get inverted commas appended with respect to result. Please tell me how to get rid of these commas being passed in the request parameters
Please find my csv data config and excel file and request parameter screenshot in attachments
JMeter normally doesn't add anything to the variables, most probably you have the quotation marks in the generated CSV file, open it with normal text editor like Notepad and use find-and-replace feature to remove the quotation marks from there.
If you cannot efficiently control the CSV data you can use __strReplace() function in order to remove the quotation marks from the variables originating from the CSV Data Set Config on the fly like:
You can install __strReplace() function as well as other Custom JMeter Functions using JMeter Plugins Manager
I had the same issue when I opened a csv file as a normal text file, I saw a Values, value2.
After removing it, it started working as expected.

Saving a jmeter log output as multiple file types at once

I'm running jmeter on a continuous integration platform from a repository and I need to generate both an xml .jtl file and csv .jtl file. Right now I am using and a simple data writer writing to a csv file, but the csv file ends up not being formatted very well and same http calls on load tests don't get combined. If I could create log files for both that would be ideal.
What you’re doing looks correct to me.
What do you mean by csv not being formatted correctly ?
You could invert it by keeping output as csv and add a View Results Tree with filename set and in configure button, ensure you check all fields you need.
Of course, do this only in Non Gui mode.

Is there a part of a windows file that can't be modified?

I'm trying to accomplish something that will let a user download a file from a web application onto their system. The file will contain a unique five digit code. Using this unique five digit code the users can search for a file in their file system.
I'm wondering where is the best place to put this five digit code in a file so that users can easily search for the file. The simplest approach would be to put it in the name of the file, however, users can change the name of the file easily.
I'm looking for a filed where I can put the code so that users won't be able to modify it but will still be able to search for it. Is this possible?
If you say File.. what kind of file format do you mean. I'm asking because a file is just a pile of bytes and you can append your 5 digit code every where in the file, if it is your own file format. But if you tell us which file format you use, probably there are some fields which can be used to search for it. As example Tiff has many tags. Images have other meta data. etc
