Are there any good extensible language cross compilers? - compilation

I am working on a project right now, and I would greatly enjoy being able to extend a cross compiler to convert some code into other languages. For example, I might have an AST of some code, and I would like to pass that off to a cross compiler with the intended language and receive some code in the language specified in return.
So to sum it up: is there any extensible cross compiler that I can just give an AST or equivalent and receive code in return?
(I know about Haxe, but the compiler is not very extensible and I would prefer to not transpile)

I have made the decision to use LLVM as the native compiler, and will write my own custom transpilers to other languages, as I could find no other decent option. If you would like to follow my project, head over to Provalang.


How can I call a built-in compiler function in Ruby?

I'm working in Ruby, and realized that it would be incredibly beneficial to be able to use some of the built-in gcc functions (and x86 architecture built-ins for that matter as well). It seems like having to write an extension to use these is impractical, so I was wondering if there was a way I could call built-ins. For example, if I wanted to call int __builtin_popcount(unsigned int), on a number in Ruby, is there a way I could somehow do
a = rand(1..10000)
I know that I obviously can't do something that basic, but is there a way that I could include gcc and x86 architecture built-ins in Ruby?
It is not quite clear what you want to do.
If you want to call into GCC, you could wrap libgcc in a C extension and design a Ruby API for it.
If you want to generate native code using GCC dynamically, that is currently not possible AFAIK. There is a project for a JIT compiler library based on GCC, but I don't know what its status is. You could wrap that library into a C extension and design a Ruby API for it. At any rate, you will also have to modify the Ruby implementation you are using to be able to link dynamically generated native code with your Ruby code. (And on some implementations that is simply impossible, e.g. on Opal, which is a pure static compiler.)
And of course, not all Ruby implementations actually support C extensions; they are a non-standard feature of YARV and are not guaranteed to work or even exist on other implementations.

How to bolt on ANTLR 4 front to GCC Generic/GIMBLE?

I'm writing a DSL front end using ANTLR v4 that I'd like to bolt on to GCC framework. The goal is to have a C language AST to leverage the rest of the GCC framework.
I haven't found any info or preexisting work to use an example of how to proceed. What I'm looking for is how to move the ANTLR 4 AST to GCC Generic/GIMBLE.
ANTLR 4 does not support a C language target, so I'll have to cludge up the C++ target to the GCC C language framework.
Help is appreciated
Gluing a C++ implementation of ANTLR into GCC so that GCC will call it is likely to be the easy step.
[Don't expect to be easy; GCC wants to be GCC, not your pet. You might get some help from GCC Melt, a package for interfacing to GCC machinery.]
The AST produced for an arbitrary (e.g., your custom DSL) language doesn't "just move (easily)" to a C AST or to the GCC Gimple (not GIMBLE) framework.
You will have to build, in essence, your DSL-AST to C-AST translator, or your DSL-AST to Gimple translator. There is no a priori reason to believe that building such a translator is easy; for example, you didn't tell us your DSL was "just like C except ...". So, you're going to have to build a translator. In the absence of evidence this is easy, you'll have to translate your DSL concepts to C concepts. The better ("non C-like") your DSL is, the harder this is going to be.
This SO link discusses the issues behind translation in more detail: What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language?

Compiling Pharo to C?

It is said that Pharo's VM (CogVM) is developed, tested, profiled and etc in Smalltalk, but then the Smalltalk code is transcompiled to C, which is then compiled along side with some OS abstraction C code using the default system C compiler.
Well, I'd like to do a similar thing, I wan't to develop, test and profile code using Pharo, but then compile it to C. How can I do it? How the compilation to C works? Does Pharo comes with a Smalltalk to C transcompiler? How can I invoke it? Does it compile the full Smalltalk, or I have to use some kind of a Smalltalk subset? Is there any good documentation about it?
The Pharo VM is hosted on github.
Follow the steps to build it and you'll get a Smalltalk image called "generator.image" which you can run (it's a regular image). Inside of that image you'll find the VMMaker package which is responsible for generating the C code from the special Smalltalk dialect used for this (which is called Slang; it's a subset of Smalltalk). Look at the code in the generator image to get a feel for what it does. There's also some information contained in the workspaces that are open when you first open the image.
As soon as you have the C sources it's basically straight forward C compilation (which we do with Cmake + gcc / clang).
As for documentation: you should probably read the Blue Book.
As #Leandro Caniglia points out in the comment, the purpose of Slang is to generate C source code for the VM. It has been designed to ease translation to C. That does not mean that:
arbitrary Smalltalk code can be translated to C using the generating mechanism
arbitrary Smalltalk code can be rewritten in Slang (at least not "easily")

How to use Aspectc++ with C++v11?

I want to use the aspectc++ compiler for a C++11-project. I have read in the manual, that c++11 support will come with version 2. I thought that aspect weaving happens only on the code level, so why does it depend on the used C++ version? Why does aspectc++ care the source code when it just has to weave the aspects to generate a composed piece of code? Is there a way to use aspectc++ for C++11 source code? Or is there an alternative which can handle it?
This post is already a bit older, i know.
Nevertheless I'd like to answer the question why aspectC++ depends on the C++-version:
aspectC++ internally parses the code (amongst other things to identify the locations where to weave the code). Not all of this can be done by external parsers therefore it needs to understand the syntax basically itself.
Some new c++-constructions from C++11 like attributes ([[...]]) could not be handeled by the AspectC++-compiler version < 2.0.
To use c++11 for compiling just use -std=c++11

GCC technical details

I don't know if this is the right place for things like this, but I am curious about a few aspects of the GCC front-end/back-end architecture:
I know I can compile .o files from C code and link them to C++ code, and I think I can do it the other way round, too. Does this work because the two languages are similar, or because the GCC back-end is really language-independent? Would this work with ADA code too? (I don't even know if that makes sense, since I don't know ADA or if it even has "functions", but the question is understood. If it makes no sense, think "Pascal" or even "my own custom language front-end")
Where would garbage-collection be implemented? For example, a Java front-end. The way I understand, if compiling to a JVM back-end, the "platform" will take care of the GC, and so the front-end needs not do anything about it, but if compiling to native code, would the front-end send garbage-collecting GENERIC code to the back-end, or does it turn on some flag telling the back-end to produce garbage-collecting code? The first makes more sense to me, but that would mean the front-end produces different output based on the target, which seems to miss the point of the GCC's front-end/back-end architecture.
Where would language-specific libraries go? For instance, the standard Java classes or standard C headers. If they are linked in at the end, then could a C program theoretically call functions from the Java library or something like that, since it is just another linked library?
Yes, the backend is at least reasonably language independent. Yes, it works with Ada.
GCJ generates native code which uses a runtime library. The garbage collector is part of the runtime library.
GCJ implements the CNI, which allows you to write code in C++ that can be used as native methods by Java code -- but being able to do this is a consequence of them having designed it in, not just an accidental byproduct of using the same back-end.
It is possible because calling convention is compatible, but name mangling is different (no mangling in C). To call C function from C++ you should declare it with extern "C". And to call C++ function from C you should declare it with mangled name (and may be with additional or different type args). The calling Fortran code is possible in some cases too, but argument passing convention is different (pass by ref in Fortran).
There were actually a converters from C++ to C (cfront) and from fortran to c (f2c) and some solutions from them are still used.
garbage-collection is implemented in run-time library, e.g. boehm. Backend should generate objects compatible with selected GC library.
Compiler driver (g++, gfortran, ..) will add language-specific libraries to linking step.
