consul exec doesn't do anything - consul

I've used Hashicorps' example docker-compose to start a 3-server / 3-client cluster of Consul.
I just wanted to see how consul exec works:
consul members
Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC Segment
b9e4dbaa35ac alive server 1.3.0 2 dc1 <all>
dac0d326a3c2 alive server 1.3.0 2 dc1 <all>
efd58b702d4c alive server 1.3.0 2 dc1 <all>
30303321aefc alive client 1.3.0 2 dc1 <default>
a91e25b36145 alive client 1.3.0 2 dc1 <default>
b0f7559d3bea alive client 1.3.0 2 dc1 <default>
Then, I tried calling in all kinds of combinations:
consul exec -node {hash} ip a
consul exec 'ip a'
consul exec -shell 'ip a'
No errors, but no output either, always:
0 / 0 node(s) completed / acknowledged
I couldn't find any examples on the internet. The documentation is less than unhelpful.
Found this:!topic/consul-tool/zE4G9ixWq60
Which basically says that consul exec is an un-feature...

OK, in case you were wondering the same, here's how I solved it:
consul agent -hcl 'disable_remote_exec=false' ...


Connect to remote Kubernetes cluster in private LAN from Windows 10

EDIT: I'm going to leave this up but I moved away from Canonical Kubernetes to a microk8 install and everything "just worked." I would not recommend Canonical Kubernetes at this time (early 2019).
I want to connect to the Canonical Kubernetes cluster running on Ubuntu 18.04 box ( on my Windows machine ( I installed the cluster via conjure-up.
running kubectl cluster-info on windows machine gives me:
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp connectex: A connection attempt
failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time,
or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
I have ssh'd to the ubuntu box and copied the ~/.kube/config file to Windows.
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: <BIG LONG STRING O STUFF>
name: conjure-canonical-kubern-931
- context:
cluster: conjure-canonical-kubern-931
user: conjure-canonical-kubern-931
name: conjure-canonical-kubern-931
current-context: conjure-canonical-kubern-931
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: conjure-canonical-kubern-931
password: <Smaller String>
username: admin
I have a spare Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server ( on my home LAN that I've used conjure-up to install the Canonical Kubernetes Install.
I've successfully installed the cluster and it seems to be working. I can ssh and see kubectl cluster-info and see the Master, Heapster, KubeDNS, Metrics-server, Grafana and InfluxDB all running.
Kubernetes master is running at
Heapster is running at
KubeDNS is running at
Metrics-server is running at
Grafana is running at
InfluxDB is running at
along with juju status looking like everything is up and running:
Model Controller Cloud/Region
Version SLA Timestamp
conjure-canonical-kubern-931 conjure-up-localhost-673 localhost/localhost 2.4.3 unsupported 02:01:00Z
App Version Status Scale Charm Store Rev OS Notes
easyrsa 3.0.1 active 1 easyrsa jujucharms 195 ubuntu
etcd 3.2.10 active 3 etcd jujucharms 378 ubuntu
flannel 0.10.0 active 5 flannel jujucharms 351 ubuntu
kubeapi-load-balancer 1.14.0 active 1 kubeapi-load-balancer jujucharms 525 ubuntu exposed
kubernetes-master 1.13.2 active 2 kubernetes-master jujucharms 542 ubuntu
kubernetes-worker 1.13.2 active 3 kubernetes-worker jujucharms 398 ubuntu exposed
Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message
easyrsa/0* active idle 0 Certificate Authority connected.
etcd/0 active idle 1 2379/tcp Healthy with 3 known peers
etcd/1* active idle 2 2379/tcp Healthy with 3 known peers
etcd/2 active idle 3 2379/tcp Healthy with 3 known peers
kubeapi-load-balancer/0* active idle 4 443/tcp Loadbalancer ready.
kubernetes-master/0 active idle 5 6443/tcp Kubernetes master running.
flannel/0* active idle Flannel subnet
kubernetes-master/1* active idle 6 6443/tcp Kubernetes master running.
flannel/1 active idle Flannel subnet
kubernetes-worker/0* active idle 7 80/tcp,443/tcp Kubernetes worker running.
flannel/4 active idle Flannel subnet
kubernetes-worker/1 active idle 8 80/tcp,443/tcp Kubernetes worker running.
flannel/3 active idle Flannel subnet
kubernetes-worker/2 active idle 9 80/tcp,443/tcp Kubernetes worker running.
flannel/2 active idle Flannel subnet
Entity Meter status Message
model amber user verification pending
Machine State DNS Inst id Series AZ Message
0 started juju-86bdea-0 bionic Running
1 started juju-86bdea-1 bionic Running
2 started juju-86bdea-2 bionic Running
3 started juju-86bdea-3 bionic Running
4 started juju-86bdea-4 bionic Running
5 started juju-86bdea-5 bionic Running
6 started juju-86bdea-6 bionic Running
7 started juju-86bdea-7 bionic Running
8 started juju-86bdea-8 bionic Running
9 started juju-86bdea-9 bionic Running

ibm-cloud-private DNS or Internet issues from inside the pods

I've been experimenting with an ICP instance (ICP 1 master node and 2 worker nodes.
I noticed that the pods in my ICP Kubernetes cluster don't have outbound Internet connectivity (or are having DNS lookup issues)
For example, If I start up a busybox pod in my cluster, and try to do "nslookup" or "ping" .. it fails..
kubectl run curl --image=radial/busyboxplus:curl -i --tty
root#curl-545bbf5f9c-gssbg:/ ]$ nslookup
Address 1:
nslookup: can't resolve ''
I checked and saw that "kube-dns" (service, pod, daemonset.extensions, daemonset.apps) does appear to be running.
When I'm logged into (eg. SSH) to the ICP master and the worker nodes machines, I am able to ping these external sites successfully.
Any suggestions for how to troubleshoot this problem? Thanks!
We had kind of the reverse problem - where we could look up anything on internet or other domains, but not the domain in which the cluster was deployed.
That turned out to be the vague documentation around what cluster_domain and cluster_CA_domain mean in the config.yaml. But as a plus we got to learn a bit more about those and about configuring kube-dns.
Basically cluster_domain should be a private virtual domain to the cluster for which kube-dns will be authoritative. Anything else it should use the host's resolve.conf nameservers as upstream servers. If you suspect that your DNS servers are not being utilised for public DNS then you can update the kube-dns configMap to specify the upstream servers that it should use.
This is assuming you have configure cluster_domain, cluster_CA_domain correctly of course.
They should look something like
cluster_domain = mycluster.icp <----- could be "Mickey-mouse" for all it matters
cluster_CA_domain = <----- the endpoint that portal/registry/api etc are accessible to users on

failed to authenticate cluster nodes using pacemaker on centos7

I am trying to configure two node(node1 and node2 HA cluster using pacemaker on centos 7. I executed below steps on both nodes
yum install pcs
systemctl enable pcsd.service pacemaker.service corosync.service
systemctl start pcsd.service
passwd hacluster
After that execute below command on node1
pcs cluster auth node1 node2
i am getting below error
Error: Unable to communicate with node2 Error: Unable to
communicate with node1
I have also verified that both nodes are listening on port 2224 and also used telnet to verify that both nodes are able to connect to each other on 2224.
Need help.
The issue got resolved after using FQDN instead of hostname(, below command worked fine.
pcs cluster auth
Don't know exact cause for this. Any Idea?

Accessing consul UI running in docker on OSX

I have a problem similar to How to access externally to consul UI but I can't get the combinations of network options to work right.
I'm on OSX using Docker for Mac, not the old docker-machine stuff, and the official consul docker image, not the progrium/docker image.
I can start up a 3-node server cluster fine using
docker run -d --name node1 -h node1 consul agent -server -bootstrap-expect 3
JOIN_IP="$(docker inspect -f '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' node1)"
docker run -d --name node2 -h node2 consul agent -server -join $JOIN_IP
docker run -d --name node3 -h node3 consul agent -server -join $JOIN_IP
So far so good, they're connected to each other and working fine. Now I want to start an agent, and view the UI via it.
I tried a bunch of combinations of -client and -bind, which seem to be the key to all of this. Using
docker run -d -p 8500:8500 --name node4 -h node4 consul agent -join $JOIN_IP -ui -client= -bind=
I can get the UI via http://localhost:8500/ui/, and consul members shows all the nodes:
docker exec -t node4 consul members
Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC
node1 alive server 0.7.1 2 dc1
node2 alive server 0.7.1 2 dc1
node3 alive server 0.7.1 2 dc1
node4 alive client 0.7.1 2 dc1
But all is not well; in the UI it tells me node4 is "Agent not live or unreachable" and in its logs there's a whole bunch of
2016/12/19 18:18:13 [ERR] memberlist: Failed to send ping: write udp> sendto: invalid argument
I've tried a bunch of other combinations - --net=host just borks things up on OSX.
If I try -bind=my box's external IP it won't start,
Error starting agent: Failed to start Consul client: Failed to start lan serf: Failed to create memberlist: Failed to start TCP listener. Err: listen tcp bind: cannot assign requested address
I also tried mapping all the other ports including the udp ports (-p 8500:8500 -p 8600:8600 -p 8400:8400 -p 8300-8302:8300-8302 -p 8600:8600/udp -p 8301-8302:8301-8302/udp) but that didn't change anything.
How can I join a node up to this cluster and view the UI?
Try using the 0.7.2 release of Consul and start the agent using the following (beta as of 0.7.2, final by 0.8.0) syntax:
$ docker run -d -p 8500:8500 --name node4 -h node4 consul agent -join $JOIN_IP -ui -client= -bind='{{ GetPrivateIP }}'
The change being the argument to -bind where Consul will now render out the IP address of a private IP address. The other template parameters are documented in the hashicorp/go-sockaddr.

Marathon stop working when consul starts

I have 6 machines mesos cluster (3 masters and 3 slaves), I acces to mesos User interface and it works correctly and redirect to the leader if it is not. Then If I access to marathon User interface it works correctly. Summing before configuring and executing the consul-cluster marathon works well.
My problem is when I configure and run a consul cluster with 3 servers that are the mesos masters and 3 clients that are the mesos slaves. If I execute consul members it is fine, all the members alive and working together.
But now if I try to access to marathon User interface I can't, and I access to mesos User interface and I go to 'Frameworks' and does not appear marathon Framework.
ikerlan#client3:~$ consul members
Node Address Status Type Build Protocol DC
client3 alive client 0.5.2 2 nyc2
client2 alive client 0.5.2 2 nyc2
server2 alive server 0.5.2 2 nyc2
server3 alive server 0.5.2 2 nyc2
client1 alive client 0.5.2 2 nyc2
server1 alive server 0.5.2 2 nyc2
In Slaves tab of mesos I could see the next:
-Mesos version: 0.27.0
-Marathon version: 0.15.1
I have the next file logs, where would appear something related with this issue?
What could be the problem?
I have see in the marathon logs '/var/log/syslog' that the problem is a problem of DNS. So I try to add the IPs of the other hosts of the cluster to the file /etc/hosts. And it resolv the problem, now it works perfectly.
You can add all the cluster hosts to the zookeeper config file, it would work
