Heroku platform credits - heroku

I just verfied my Heroku account and now Heroku tells me that I have 161$ Platform credits. Does that mean that I have to pay 161$?
I wouldnt know how I possible could accumulated such a bill in such a short time...

It means you have got 161$ to spend (only on Hobby Dynos, in case you're a student).
See the official Heroku post here


Heroku Eco Dynos Plan

I have three apps on heroku and currently they are unavailable maybe due to the newest update of paid plans in heroku. Now i want to pay. Do I have to pay for the three apps individually or one payment will cover the three apps.
I tried making payments but a bit confused so I need help in the right direction
If you subscribed to Eco dynos, one payment 5$ per month will cover them all. But it does not include databases if you have on Heroku. There you have to pay separately.

Is Heroku's free plan fine for test tasks/pet-projects?

I can't see an email of their support to write to with that problem and as I think there is community of Heroku users here.
Is usage of free Heroku plan legit for deploying test tasks and pet projects e.g. for portfolio?
It is fine to use the Free plan for your personal development, experimenting but potentially production usage if you really want.
When working with free Dyno you have few limitations:
max number of free hours
Dyno goes to sleep after some inactivity time
no metrics
etc.. see Dynos comparison

Is it possible to run two applications on one hobby dyno?

I have $161 platform credits on heroku from GitHub student pack to spend for one hobby dyno:
The Heroku offer is for one (1) free Hobby Dyno for two years, which will be applied on your invoice as a discount of $7 for a Hobby Dyno.
I already deployed one spring app and changed its dyno to hobby. My question is if there is a way I could deploy second Java app and set it to use the same dyno which is assigned for the first app?
Right now I have one app which has hobby dyno and one app which uses free dyno. I read on the internet and people say that there is only one app allowed for one dyno and Heroku will charge me for the second one but there is also this thread How many apps are allowed on a 'Hobby' Heroku plan? which says that I can have more than one app per hobby dyno.
So what's the truth?
No, you can't run multiple apps on a single dyno.
Heroku's model is to run one app per dyno (and often many dynos for a single app). The question you reference discussed the Hobby plan¹, asking how many dynos can be run per account. Keep in mind that Heroku's model is different from the shared or VPS hosting you might be used to. Dynos don't provide an OS that you can put apps onto; they run apps directly.
¹Technically I don't think this makes a ton of sense since accounts don't have these kinds of tiers. One account can run free dynos, hobby dynos, and professional dynos. But there is a difference between unverified accounts, which can run up to five free dynos, and verified accounts which can run many more.
According to this article on the heroku page it is possible but not recommended.
Heroku post

Adding the billing card to the Heroku account and cons/pros of using dynos

Since I am not very familiar with Heroku I need opinion of a specialists like you. I got two questions to which I cannot find an answers on the web.
Heroku tempts with the 450 dynos if I add the billing card.
Is that secure to add it?
Will they take the money from my account without my permission? If for instance I have used all the dynos, would they take the money from my account to add some dynos?
Do dynos last for long? How many users can use my site if I got 1000 dynos?
I tried to understand the answers from the another questions here in stack, but I could not understand them.
Please do not use the technical language, try to answer these questions as simply as you can (for me and users who will read it).
This is a very vague question, so I'll do my best to answer it clearly.
Adding your credit card to Heroku is perfectly safe. They are a legitimate company.
Heroku will automatically charge your credit card at the end of the month if you go OVER their free tier, meaning you use more than 450 dyno hours across your Heroku account, or if you provision paid addon services.
Dynos last forever, until you remove them. Heroku allows you to add dynos, remove them, etc., all instantly.
You also asked how many users your site can support if you have 1,000 dynos: this is equivalent to asking how many users your site can support if you have 1000 web servers. This is dependent on many factors: what does your site do? How was your site built? Etc.. In general, most webapps on Heroku only require 1 dyno to run indefinitely.

Is it possible to set a spending limit on Heroku?

I have a Rails app deployed to Heroku on the Cedar Stack. I'd like to start running a nightly scheduled task, but in order to add the scheduler add-on, I need to give Heroku my credit card details.
I'm not sure how much this will end up costing, though, so I'd like to be able to set a spending limit on my Heroku account.
In other words, I'd like to be able to say "Please don't let me use dyno hours that will cost me more than $XXX per month".
Any ideas? Thanks!
I asked this same question on the Heroku forums. The answer is no, there is currently no way of setting a spending limit.
It is a feature they are considering implementing, though.
No, it's currently not possible to manage your cost natively with Heroku because they don't offer such feature at the moment.
However, there are a few third party solutions available. For example, the Heroku add-on cloudvertical claims to be able to track and analyse cloud infrastructure usage and costs.
There is also HireFire, a dyno manager.
If you search for Heroku scaling, or Heroku autoscaling, you will find a few solutions.
Disclaimer: I haven't tried them.
