Update/Edit records in Hdfs using Hive - hadoop

I have some records of people in HDFS. I use external table in Hive to view, to do my analytics on that particular data and also I can use it externally in other programs.
Recently I got an use case where I have to update the data in HDFS. As per documentation I got to know that we cant update or delete data using external table.
Another problem is the data is not ORC format. It is actually in TEXTFILE format. So I am unable to do update or delete data in internal table too. As it is in production I cant copy it to anywhere to convert it to ORC Format. Please suggest me how to Edit the data in HDFS.

You can Update or Delete using INSERT OVERWRITE + select from itself using filters and additional transformatins:
insert overwrite table mytable
select col1, --apply transformations here
col2, --for example: case when col2=something then something_else else col2 end as col2
from mytable
where ... filter out records you want to delete
This approach will work for both External and Managed and for all storage formats. Just write select which returns required dataset and add INSERT OVERWRITE.


Write to S3 parquet with Impala

I would like to write an entire table to s3a in parquet format.
Let's call the table abc_schem.thattable. I would like to use an Impala query to
SELECT * WHERE to_date(create_time) = 'YYYY-MM-DD'
What is the exact syntax for this to write to Parquet S3?
You can create an external table in a specific location and insert into it assuming s3 system is already configured
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE abc_schem.thattable(
LOCATION 's3a://bucket/path';
Then use some LOAD DATA or INSERT INTO... SELECT... FROM commands to get data there
CREATE TABLE schema.temp_c
STORED AS PARQUET LOCATION "s3a://s3highlevel/c/lowlevel" AS
SELECT * FROM schema.table

Is there a way to prevent a Hive table from being overwritten if the SELECT query of the INSERT OVERWRITE does not return any results

I am developing a batch job that loads data into Hive tables from HDFS files. The flow of data is as follows
Read the file received in HDFS using an external Hive table
INSERT OVERWRITE the final hive table from the external Hive table applying certain transformations
Move the received file to Archive
This flow works fine if there is a file in the input directory for the external table to read during step 1.
If there is no file, the external table will be empty and as a result executing step 2 will empty the final table. If the external table is empty, I would like to keep the existing data in the final table (the data loaded during the previous execution).
Is there a hive property that I can set so that the final table is overwritten only if we are overwriting it with some data?
I know that I can check if the input file exists using an HDFS command and conditionally launch the Hive requests. But I am wondering if I can achieve the same behavior directly in Hive which would help me avoid this extra verification
Try to add dummy partition to your table, say LOAD_TAG and use dynamic partition load:
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
'dummy_value' as LOAD_TAG
from source_table;
The partition value should always be the same in your case.

Convert data from gzip to sequenceFile format using Hive on spark

I'm trying to read a large gzip file into hive through spark runtime
to convert into SequenceFile format
And, I want to do this efficiently.
As far as I know, Spark supports only one mapper per gzip file same as it does for text files.
Is there a way to change the number of mappers for a gzip file being read? or should I choose another format like parquet?
I'm stuck currently.
The problem is that my log file is json-like data save into txt-format and then was gzip - ed, so for reading I used org.apache.spark.sql.json.
The examples I have seen that show - converting data into SequenceFile have some simple delimiters as csv-format.
I used to execute this query:
create TABLE table_1
USING org.apache.spark.sql.json
OPTIONS (path 'dir_to/file_name.txt.gz');
But now I have to rewrite it in something like that:
COMMENT 'This is table_1 stored as sequencefile'
LOAD DATA INPATH 'dir_to/file_name.txt.gz' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE table_1;
LOAD DATA INPATH 'dir_to/file_name.txt.gz' INTO TABLE table_1;
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE table_1 SELECT id, name from table_1_text;
INSERT INTO TABLE table_1 SELECT id, name from table_1_text;
Is this the optimal way of doing this, or is there a simpler approach to this problem?
Please help!
As gzip textfile file is not splitable ,only one mapper will be launched or
you have to choose other data formats if you want to use more than one
If there are huge json files and you want to save storage on hdfs use bzip2
compression to compress your json files on hdfs.You can query .bzip2 json
files from hive without modifying anything.

Set ORC file name

I'm currently implementing ETL (Talend) of monitoring data to HDFS, and Hive table.
I am now facing concerns about duplicates. More in details, if we need to run one ETL Job 2 times with the same input, we will end up with duplicates in our Hive table.
The solution to that in RDMS would have been to store the input file name and to "DELETE WHERE file name=..." before sending the data. But Hive is not a RDBMS, and does not support deletes.
I would like to have your advice on how to handle this. I envisage two solutions :
Actually, the ETL is putting CSV files to the HDFS, which are used to feed an ORC table with a "INSERT INTO TABLE ... SELECT ..." The problem is that, with this operation, I'm losing the file name, and the ORC file is named 00000. Is it possible to specify the file name of this created ORC file ? If yes, I would be able to search the data by it's file name and delete it before launching the ETL.
I'm not used to Hive's ACID capability (feature on Hive 0.14+). Would you recommend to enable ACID with Hive ? Will I be able to "DELETE WHERE" with it ?
Feel free to propose should you have any other solution to that.
If the data volume in target table is not too large, I would advise
FROM trg x
WHERE x.key =src.key
AND <<additional filter on target to reduce data volume>>
Hive will automatically rewrite the correlated sub-query into a MapJoin, extracting all candidate keys in target table into a Java HashMap, and filtering source rows on-the-fly. As long as the HashMap can fit in the RAM available for Mappers heap size (check your default conf files, increase with a set command in Hive script if necessary) the performance will be sub-optimal, but you can be pretty sure that you will not have any duplicate.
And in your actual use case you don't have to check each key but only a "batch ID", more precisely the original file name; the way I've done it in my previous job was
SELECT ..., INPUT__FILE__NAME as original_file_name
FROM src
FROM trg x
WHERE x.INPUT__FILE__NAME =src.original_file_name
AND <<additional filter on target to reduce data volume>>
That implies an extra column in your target table, but since ORC is a columnar format, it's the number of distinct values that matter -- so that the overhead would stay low.
Note the explicit "DISTINCT" in the sub-query; a mature DBMS optimizer would automatically do it at execution time, but Hive does not (not yet) so you have to force it. Note also the "1" is just a dummy value required because of "SELECT" semantics; again, a mature DBMS would allow a dummy "null" but some versions of Hive would crash (e.g. with Tez in V0.14) so "1" or "'A'" are safer.
I'm answering myself. I found a solution :
I partitionned my table with (date,input_file_name) (note, I can get the input_file_name with SELECT INPUT__FILE__NAME in Hive.
Once I did this, before running the ETL, I can send to Hive an ALTER TABLE DROP IF EXISTS PARTITION (file_name=...) so that the folder containing the input data is deleted if this INPUT_FILE has already been sent to the ORC table.
Thank you everyone for your help.

Load from HIVE table into HDFS as AVRO file

I want to load a file into HDFS (as .avro file) from HIVE table.
Currently I am able to move a table as a file from HIVE to HDFS but I am not able to specify a particular format of my Target file. can some one help me in this.??
So your question is really
How do I convert a Hive table to a different storage format?
Create a new table with the same fields and types as the avro table and change the input format. Then insert into the new table from the old table.
