Oauth2 - How to automatically get access token - laravel

I have a task which need to call an external Oauth2 API to get data.
The authentication steps of this API is:
Request an application authentication:
https://api.apiname/v1/oauth?app_id= [value] & redirect_url = [value]
& response_type = [value] & scope = [value] & state = [value]
-> It will redirect to the login page of this API
Login then get the code
Use that code then request to get an access token:
Use received access token to call specific API to get data.
So how can I get through step 1,2,3 automatically in my system because the client should not have to log in to API to get the code? Is there a way I can go through step 1 without showing login page?

I think the main purpose of Authorization code grant type in OAuth2 is to use a 3rd party login without having to save the user credentials in our app.
"Is there a way I can go through step 1 without showing login page?" :
If you do this, this is in a way just client credential flow. I am not an expert, but I think this is technically possible using a chrome/firefox driver filling up the data for you using web scraping. But think twice before you use it since you are overriding the whole purpose of AuthCode grant type.
refer : Securing an existing API with our own solution


Generate Authorization Token ZOHO CRM

While implementing ZOHO CRM with our website.
We found that there is a 3 steps authentication process to use the ZOHO CRM REST API.
We are entangled with the auth token generation process.
We have the following queries related to this
How to generate 'auth token' in Zoho projects via API mode.
I am able to generate Authtoken via 'Browser Mode' but stuck in generating auth token via API mode !! We are calling below URL mentioned in the documentation :
We want this to be automated to generate the "code" without hitting the "Accept" button and not have to do a self-client to generate the code every day?
This is not a good solution to go.
Do I need to generate the code every day manually? Isn't there any API to generate the auth code?
Please help me out.
Visit https://api-console.zoho.com/
and Make a self-client here
using self client code you will get secret id & client id & auth code
Add scopes and Generate
Using this auth code you can use to create a refresh token(its valid until you cannot revoke it)
using Refresh token you can create an access token(valid 1 hr).
used postman to quick creation.
Don't use Browser mode. used self Client.
using self client code you will get secret id & client id & auth code
using this auth code you can use for to create a refresh token(its valid until you cannot revoke it)
using Refresh token you can create an access token(valid 1 hr).
used postman to quick creation.

What's the difference between these Google Login methods?

My requirement:
Using google login as the only login method for my website, creating users by google user id, creating authentication sessions after a valid google login.
I saw there was 2 ways to do this:
The standard google docs
(step 1) get id token at frontend https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/sign-in
(step 2) verify token id at backend https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/backend-auth
Using spring security OAuth functions
So the problem is,
I just finished implementing measure 1 and found that after the login popup closes the state at frontend is changed. No typical OAuth2 elements like redirect_uri, code and access_token invovled in the process. So is this OAuth at all or is google just packed everything for me so I'm not seeing them?
Is measure 2 better? Because you don't have to deal with, let's say, the leak of id_token and client_id ?
The personas involved are different:
Front end: web OAuth2 flow with user involved. You request an authorization code with a redirect_uri for redirecting the user after the authentication. And then you validate this authorization code against the IDP server (you need a client ID and a client secret).
Back end: implicit OAuth2 flow with secret key file for the authentication, for app authentication. This flow is only to deploy on backend server, you absolutely don't have to share your secret key file in your website front end
With your update, I'm not sure to understand. The 3 are equivalent
Pure OAuth flow
Google packaging (the function onSuccess() is called when the authentication is successful in the popup, as you can see in this example
Spring boot packaging.
At the end, the same information are provided and required, the "leak" are the same in all cases. It's simply a packaging preference and habit.
For getting the access_token or the refresh token, you can simply do this as described here
accessToken = googleUser.reloadAuthResponse().access_token
Then, you can pass it to your backend if you want to perform operations on behalf of the user.

How to provide login authentication for Web API in Xamarin App?

I am working on Xamarin Forms application and new to providing login authentication of the application. I have completed the design part of the application with using Entries for user id and password and button for Submit. Also, i am having web API and for authentication. Now how to connect that Web API in xamarin forms application for login.
Please guide or provide some use full samples...
Thanks in advance...!
I assume you've built out your authentication API already, and that you can make Fiddler or Postman calls directly to your controller, pass in a set of credentials, and return back a JWT / bearer token that you can then use for authenticated calls?
At this point, it's relatively simple then as you'll want to use build a proxy layer / API layer to make calls out to your API. These calls will simply mirror the ones you've made in Fiddler/Postman/your proxy of choice.
I used Refit to achieve this:
Specifically, you can see on the "Setting request headers" section how they easily encapsulate it for you to pass your token.
Of course, your initial call should be to login, and then once logged in, take the JWT response back from your controller, set the token in your Keychain, and then pull it out of Keychain to set in the header.
Let me know specific questions you have? For example, which of the following do you need more info on?
Sending and parsing a response (serializing the response) from your Login action to set/assign a token in keychain?
Saving the token, and setting it in a header for subsequent calls?
Building a proxy layer using a framework like Refit to make generic outbound calls?

Yammer Rest API > Authentication based on server side script (php) without user interaction

My project has the requirement to access the yammer data using the given REST API using server side script(mainly PHP) and not involve a client side login using yammer's OAuth dialog.
I have gone through this document:
but this says, we requires user interaction.
What I wanted was can I generate a client_id and client_Secret to further generate access token to make API call out, but in all these processes I only use the authenticated users username and password in my server-side script.
Can anyone suggest a solution or is a client-side interaction required by design?
Thanks in advance!!
You have to have a user authorize the application at least once. This is just the nature of the OAuth implementation and you can't work around it. Having users go through the OAuth flow is considered a best practice.
If you have an OAuth token for a verified admin of Yammer, you can use impersonation to get tokens for end users without them interacting with the OAuth flow.
The below from Microsoft blogs might help you & added source at the end of answer.
Obtain a Verified Admin token for your application in one of the following 2 ways
a. Create the app with a Verified Admin account and then in the app’s Basic Info page, click “Generate a developer token for this application.” Note that you’ll need to use this app’s info in the JS SDK and any subsequent calls.
b. Use the process outlined at https://developer.yammer.com/docs/test-token with a Verified Admin account to get an OAuth token for that VA account. Note that you must use the app info used to generate this token in all future steps.
Obtain the current user’s email address in the server-side script.
Using the VA token obtained in step 1 to authenticate, pass the user’s email address to our Get User by Email Address endpoint documented at https://developer.yammer.com/docs/usersby_emailjsonemailuserdomaincom, and then process the response
a. If the call to the API endpoint returns a 200 OK response, first check the “state” field to make sure the user is “active” and if so, store the “id” field that’s returned and go to step 4
b. If the call returns a 404 or a state other than “active,” direct the user to finish creating and activating their account however you like.
Once you have the user’s ID, you can pass it to our Impersonation endpoint to obtain a pre-authorized OAuth token for that user. This endpoint is documented at https://developer.yammer.com/docs/impersonation and must use the VA token obtained in step 1 to authorize the call, and the consumer_key of your JS SDK app.
You now have an OAuth token for the current user. When generating the code being passed to the browser, have the client side JS SDK code first call yam.platform.getLoginStatus and if there’s no active session and you have a token from step 4, pass that token to yam.platform.setAuthToken($tokenFromStep4, optional_callback_function_if_desired(response)). If you don’t have a valid token, direct the user to finish setting up their Yammer account.
Continue making JS SDK calls as you normally would, without needing the user to authenticate.
Source: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/askyammer/2016/11/04/preauthorizing-the-yammer-js-sdk/

Ruby twitter client

I'm trying to create a ruby-based twitter client where I can post my status from command-line using ruby. I'm trying to understand the oauth right now, and it confused me a little bit. If I'm building a web application, I can provide a callback url when the request token is complete. How would I do that from the command-line? I don't want ruby to print out the authorized and copy and paste the url and click 'Allow' to get the token. I found something about out-of-band exchange or PIN. How would I do that with OAuth library in ruby, please thank you very much.
To use the callback url mechanism, you application should be a web application. It seems you are developing desktop application and if that's the case, you should follow "PIN code" flow by supplying an oauth_callback_url of "oob" (out-of-band) when you request token. Like this,
If you properly set a header of this HTTP request (setting HTTP header is the key part of OAuth and I think you already know how to do this), Twitter will give oauth_token, oauth_token_secret and oauth_verifier. Let's call this token "request_token". You need it to get "access_token" later.
Once you have request_token, you need to open web page with the below url
This will open the authorization page and let a user to decide whether the user wants to allow your application to access his or her Twitter account. If the use says okay, then Twitter gives PIN code. You need to allow a user to type the PIN code so that you can save it.
Now, it's time to get another token ("access_token") by using your comsumer_key / secret, request_token and the PIN code. You should set header with all these values correctly and do HTTP request again with this url,
If Twitter accepts your "access_token" request, it will give you oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, user_id and screen_name. Let's call this token "access_token". Now, you can perform any OAuth required Twitter API by using access_token and its secret (oauth_token_secret). You can save the two values in a file and keep using them whenever you need to access the user's Twitter account. The values will be always valid until the user revokes the access to your application.
I don't know Ruby but if you know how to perform HTTP/HTTPS requests (GET / POST) with custom headers in Ruby, this PIN code flow should work fine if you follow Twitter API document carefully. Good Luck!
It will ask for the PIN code until you specify the oauth_callback when getting the request token, not when forwarding the user to the authorization url
#consumer = OAuth::Consumer.new(
#request_token = #consumer.get_request_token( :oauth_callback => CALLBACK_URL )
This was the result of surfing several hours of incomplete documentation.
use Twitter gem, it will make things easier for you. http://rdoc.info/gems/tweeter/2.0.0/frames
