Laravel Jobs fail on Redis when attempting to use throttle - laravel

End Goal
The aim is for my application to fire off potentially a lot of emails to the Redis queue (This bit is working) and then Redis throttle the processing of these to only a set number of emails every selected number of minutes.
For this example, I have a test job that appends the time to a file and I am attempting to throttle it to once every 60 seconds.
The story so far....
So far, I have the application successfully pushing a test amount of 50 jobs to the Redis queue. I can log in to Horizon and see these 50 jobs in the "processjob" queue. I can also log in to redis-cli and see 50 sets under the list key "queues:processjob".
My issue is that as soon as I attempt to put the throttle on, only 1 job runs and the rest fail with the following error:
Predis\Response\ServerException: ERR Error running script (call to f_29cc07bd431ccbf64637e5dcb60484560fdfa2da): #user_script:10: WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value in /var/www/html/smhub/vendor/predis/predis/src/Client.php:370
If I remove the throttle, all works file and 5 jobs are instantly ran.
I thought maybe it was the incorrect key name but if I change the following:
public function handle()
Storage::disk('local')->append('testFile.txt',date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
}, function (){
return $this->release(10);
to this:
public function handle()
Storage::disk('local')->append('testFile.txt',date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
}, function (){
return $this->release(10);
then it all works fine.
My thoughts...
Something tells me that the issue is that the redis key is of type "list" and that the jobs are all under a single list. That being said, if it didn't work this way, how would we throttle a queue as the throttle requires a unique key.

For anybody else that is having issues attempting to get this to work and is getting the same issue as I was, this is what resolved my issues:
The Fault
I assumed that Redis::throttle('queues:processjob') was meant to be referring to the queue that you wanted to be throttled. However, after some re-reading of the documentation and testing of the code, I realized that this was not the case.
The Fix
Redis::throttle('queues:processjob') is meant to point to it's own 'holding' queue and so must be a unique Redis key name. Therefore, changing it to Redis::throttle('throttle:queues:processjob') worked fine for me.
The workings
When I first looked in to this, I assumed that that Redis::throttle('this') throttled the queue that you specified. To some degree this is correct but it will not work if the job was created via another means.
Redis::throttle('this') actually creates a new 'holding' queue where the jobs go until the condition(s) you specify are met. So jobs will go to the queue 'this' in this example and when the throttle trigger is released, they will be passed to the queue specified in their execution code. In this case, 'queues:processjob'.
I hope this helps!


How to send an exception to Sentry from Laravel Job only on final fail?

I'm using Laravel 8 with sentry/sentry-laravel plugin.
There is a Job that works just fine 99% of time. It retries N times in case of any problems due to:
public $backoff = 120;
public function retryUntil()
return now()->addHours(6);
And it simply calls some service:
public function handle()
// Service calls some external API
Method doSomeWork sometimes throws an exception due to network problems, like Curl error: Operation timed out after 15001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received. This is fine due to automatic retries. In most cases next retry will succeed.
Every curl error is sent to Sentry. As an administrator I must check every alert, because this job is pretty important and I can't miss actually failed job. For example:
There is some network problem that is not resolved for an hour.
Application queues a Job
Every 2 minutes application generates similar message to Sentry
After network problems resolved job succeeds, so no attention required
But we are seing dozens of errors, that theoretically could be ignored. But what if there an actual problem in that pile and I will miss it?
How to make that only "final" job fail would send a message to Sentry? I mean after 6 hours of failed retries: only then I'd like to receive one alert.
What I tried
There is one workaround that kind of "works". We can replace Exception with SomeCustomException and add it to \App\Exceptions\Handler::$dontReport array. In that case there are no "intermediate" messages sent to Sentry.
But when job finally fails, Laravel sends standard ... job has been attempted too many times or run too long message without details of actual error.

Laravel Queue affecting the execution time of API function

I have an API function that stores pdf file to my s3 bucket and then sends email with the pdf file as an attachment.
Since this is my first time, I got confused because from what I understood, jobs executes from the background, thus, it should not affect the execution time of the function.
But instead, having these jobs makes the execution time almost 8 seconds.
Here's my function
$is_exist = CoachingApplication::where('user_id', $userID)->first();
if ($is_exist == null) {
$application = new CoachingApplication();
$application->user_id = $userID;
$application->applicant_name = $applicantName;
$application->attachment = $filename;
$application->instrument_rate = $instrumentRate;
if ($application->save()) {
if ($filename !== 'none') {
StoreBucketJob::dispatch($userID, $filename, $attachment_fileArray)->delay(Carbon::now()->addSeconds(3));
SendEmailJob::dispatch($userID, $userName, $userSlug, $userEmail, $filename)->delay(Carbon::now()->addSeconds(3));
If I remove these jobs, the function's execution time is 469ms.
Any idea why these jobs affects the api's execution time?
By default, the queue driver is setup to sync and you are probably using it.
This queue driver means your jobs will be executed within the current process and will not be dispatched in an actual queue (which is pretty useful during development).
A good way to be 100% sure that your job are indeed executed synchronously would be to just put a dd("ok"); at the first line of the handle method inside your job. handle is only executed when the job runs, not when it is dispatched.
The queue driver can be updated by editing your .env file (look for QUEUE_CONNECTION).
There are many queue drivers available and some requires additional dependencies, so you should check out the documentation available

Job always fails at laravel jobs Redis rate limiting

This is a follow up on
Laravel - Running Jobs in Sequence
I decided to go with redis rate limit. Code is below
jobClass {
protected $subscription;
public function __construct(Subscription$subscription) {
$this->subscription= $subscription;
public function handle() {
Redis::funnel('mailingJob')->limit(1)->then(function () {
// Job logic...
(new Mailer($this->subscription))->send();
}, function () {
// Could not obtain lock...
return $this->release(10);
And the controller code looks like.
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Models\Subscriptions;
class MailController extends Controller
public function sendEmail() {
->each(function($subscription) {
Now, when i run the queue, some of them works rest(around 90%) failed with the below error in horizon.
SendMailJob has been attempted too many times or run too long. The job may have
previously timed out.
What am i missing? Please someone guide me to the right direction.
My goal is to run only one job of a type at one time.
[...] has been attempted too many times or run too long is an error that doesn't tell you why the job failed. It means some other exception has caused your job to fail every time it was attempted by the worker, and the worker has tried it the maximum number of times it was allowed to by your configuration. To understand why it's failing, check your laravel.log file for the exception that caused the job to fail.
In your case, since Mailer is contacting an external system it could be that the system you're connecting to is rate limiting you, or they could be having temporary connection problems or other service downtime. Again, there should be more detail in your log files.
The Laravel documentation has a hint about this:
When using rate limiting, the number of attempts your job will need to run successfully can be hard to determine. Therefore, it is useful to combine rate limiting with time based attempts.
The core of the issue is, the job keeps failing until it can achieve a lock and run.
So I imagine that where you are running your queue worker, you are not setting the --tries flag high enough.
Although you could just set a very high --tries, it is not really scalable.
The best solution, as suggested in the documentation, would be to increase the number of tries as well as using time based attempts
You can also increase return $this->release(10); the release time here. That should have the job wait longer before trying to reacquire a lock, so will use up fewer tries!

How can I troubleshoot silently failing queued jobs?

I have a job that is dispatched with two arguments - path and filename to a file. The job parses the file using simplexml, then makes a notice of it in the database and moves the file to the appropriate folder for safekeeping. If anything goes wrong, it moves the file to another folder for failed files, as well as creates an event to give me a notification.
My problem is that sometimes the job will fail silently. The job is removed from the queue, but the file has not been parsed and it remains in the same directory. The failed_jobs table is empty (I'm using the database queue driver for development) and the failed() method has not been triggered. The Queue::failing() method I put in the app service provider has not been triggered either - I know, since both of those contain only a single log call to check whether they were hit. The Laravel log is empty (it's readable and Laravel does write to it for other errors - I double-checked) and so are relevant system log files such as e.g. php's.
At first I thought it was a timeout issue, but the queue listener has not failed or stopped, nor been restarted. I increased the timeout to 300 seconds anyway, and verified that all of the "[datetime] Processed: [job]" lines the listener generates were well within that timespan. Php execution times etc. are also far longer than required for this job.
So how on earth can I troubleshoot this when the logs are empty, nothing appears to fail, and I get no notification of what's wrong? If I queue up 200 files then maybe 180 will be processed and the remaining 20 fail silently. If I refresh the database + migrations and queue up the same 200 again, then maybe 182 will be processed and 18 will fail silently - but they won't necessarily be the same.
My handle method, simplified to show relevant bits, looks as follows:
public function handle()
try {
$xml = simplexml_load_file($this->path.$this->filename);
$parsedFilename = config('feeds.parsed path').$this->filename;
File::move($this->path.$this->filename, $parsedFilename);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// if i put deliberate errors in the files, this works fine
$errorFilename = config('feeds.error path').$this->filename;
File::move($this->path.$this->filename, $errorFilename);
event(new ParserThrewAnError($this->filename));
Okay, so I still have absolutely no idea why, but... after restarting the VM I have tested eight times with various different files and options and had zero problems. If anyone can guess the reason, feel free to reply and I'll accept your answer if it sounds reasonable. For now, I'll mark my own answer as correct once I can, in case somebody else stumbles across this later.

Basic Sidekiq Questions about Idempotency and functions

I'm using Sidekiq to perform some heavy processing in the background. I looked online but couldn't find the answers to the following questions. I am using:
And then, inside the class, I have a
listing = Listing.find_by_id listing_id
Two questions:
How do I make this function idempotent for the UserMailer sendmail? In other words, in case the delayed method runs twice, how do I make sure that it only sends the mail once? Would wrapping it in something like this work?
mail_sent = false
if !mail_sent
mail_sent = true
I'm guessing not since the function is tried again and then mail_sent is set to false for the second run through. So how do I make it so that UserMailer is only run once.
Are functions called within the delayed async method also asynchronous? In other words, is Class.call_example_function() executed asynchronously (not part of the response / request cycle?) If not, should I use Class.delay.call_example_function()
Overall, just getting familiar with Sidekiq so any thoughts would be appreciated.
I'm coming into this late, but having been around the loop and had this StackOverflow entry appearing prominently via Google, it needs clarification.
The issue of idempotency and the issue of unique jobs are not the same thing. The 'unique' gems look at the parameters of job at the point it is about to be processed. If they find that there was another job with the same parameters which had been submitted within some expiry time window then the job is not actually processed.
The gems are literally what they say they are; they consider whether an enqueued job is unique or not within a certain time window. They do not interfere with the retry mechanism. In the case of the O.P.'s question, the e-mail would still get sent twice if Class.call_example_function() threw an error thus causing a job retry, but the previous line of code had successfully sent the e-mail.
Aside: The sidekiq-unique-jobs gem mentioned in another answer has not been updated for Sidekiq 3 at the time of writing. An alternative is sidekiq-middleware which does much the same thing, but has been updated. (as previously mentioned)
There are numerous possible solutions to the O.P.'s email problem and the correct one is something that only the O.P. can assess in the context of their application and execution environment. One would be: If the e-mail is only going to be sent once ("Congratulations, you've signed up!") then a simple flag on the User model wrapped in a transaction should do the trick. Assuming a class User accessible as an association through the Listing via listing.user, and adding in a boolean flag mail_sent to the User model (with migration), then:
listing = Listing.find_by_id(listing_id)
unless listing.user.mail_sent?
User.transaction do
listing.user.mail_sent = true!
Class.call_example_function() that if the user mailer throws an exception, the transaction is rolled back and the change to the user's flag setting is undone. If the "call_example_function" code throws an exception, then the job fails and will be retried later, but the user's "e-mail sent" flag was successfully saved on the first try so the e-mail won't be resent.
Regarding idempotency, you can use gem:
All that is required is that you specifically set the sidekiq option
for unique to true like below:
sidekiq_options unique: true
For jobs scheduled in the future it is possible to set for how long
the job should be unique. The job will be unique for the number of
seconds configured or until the job has been completed.
*If you want the unique job to stick around even after it has been successfully processed then just set the unique_unlock_order to
anything except :before_yield or :after_yield (unique_unlock_order =
I'm not sure I understand the second part of the question - when you delay a method call, the whole method call is deferred to the sidekiq process. If by 'response / request cycle' you mean that you are running a web server, and you call delay from there, so all the calls within the use_method are called from the sidekiq process, and hence outside of that cycle. They are called synchronously relative to each other though...
