Vue.js with Laravel Permission - laravel

I am in the process of integrating Laravel Permission API with Vue.JS frontend. I am using library for Laravel Permission. I am not understanding how can I check permission in the Vue JS front End (In Laravel blade I am using #Can to check the permission).

I will do a ajax call to check for permissions instead , something like this, but of cours eyou need to modify it to cater your needs.
Route::get('/permission/{permissionName}', 'PermissionController#check');
function check($permissionName) {
if (! Auth::user()->hasPermissionTo($permissionName)) {
return response('', 204);
Vue: (if you wanna do this synchronously), this is a simple example (Vue global mixin), you can turn this into Vue directive or component.
Vue.mixin("can", (permissionName) => {
let hasAccess;
.then(()=> {
hasAccess = true;
.catch(()=> {
hasAccess = false;
return hasAccess;
And then everytime you wanna check permission, you can just do
<el-input v-if="can('write-stuff')"> </el-input>

I'm literally working on this exact same thing. I'm thinking of adding a custom Vue directive that would check against the Laravel.permissions array.
It might even be as simple as
Vue.directive('can', function (el, binding) {
return Laravel.permissions.indexOf(binding) !== -1;
I haven't tested this code. Just brainstorming here.
<button v-can="editStuff">You can edit this thing</button>
I can hold permissions this way:
window.Laravel = <?php echo json_encode([
'csrfToken' => csrf_token(),
'userId' => Auth::user()->id,
'permissions' => Auth::user()->permissions()->pluck('name')->toArray()
]); ?>

Just stumbled upon this problem and I would like to share what I found and implemented.
Add an accessor on the User model the spatie/laravel-permission is using
public function getAllPermissionsAttribute() {
$permissions = [];
foreach (Permission::all() as $permission) {
if (Auth::user()->can($permission->name)) {
$permissions[] = $permission->name;
return $permissions;
On your global page or layout page pass the permission from the accessor to the javascript.
<script type="text/javascript">
window.Permissions = {!! json_encode(Auth::user()->allPermissions, true) !!};
window.Permissions = [];
Create a global directive on resources/js/app.js
Vue.directive('can', function (el, binding, vnode) {
if(Permissions.indexOf(binding.value) !== -1){
return vnode.elm.hidden = false;
return vnode.elm.hidden = true;
Here you are checking if the permission you supplied on the directive is on the permission array from laravel.
If found then it will hide the element else show, this function is like a v-if.
Use it like this on your component - "add_items" is your permission
<button type="button" v-can="'add_items'"></button>
This solution is from this but instead of a mixin, I use a directive.
Got the idea of directive from #Ismoil Shifoev comment above.

You can use this format in Vuejs for Laravel Permission:
<div v-if="can('edit post')">
<!-- Edit post form -->
<div v-if="is('super-admin')">
<!-- Show admin tools -->
add function to User Model to get all user permissions&roles like this:
class User extends Authenticatable
// ...
public function jsPermissions()
return json_encode([
'roles' => $this->getRoleNames(),
'permissions' => $this->getAllPermissions()->pluck('name'),
pass this data to JavaScript in HTML header:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.Laravel = {
csrfToken: "{{ csrf_token() }}",
jsPermissions: {!! auth()->check()?auth()->user()->jsPermissions():null !!}
in app.js file add global Vuejs can function to check user permissions and is function to check user roles:
Vue.prototype.can = function(value){
return window.Laravel.jsPermissions.permissions.includes(value);
} = function(value){
return window.Laravel.jsPermissions.roles.includes(value);

I would go with Ralph solution. But I find myself better using. This function to fetch the Permissions.
public function getAllPermissionsAttribute() {
return Auth::user()->getAllPermissions()->pluck('name');
Just a bit cleaner, and since I tend to use Roles instead of particular permissions for each User, this solution should work as well.


How to Add Roles and Permission to Laravel Fortify + Inertia + vue?

my project use laravel fortify, inertia with vue. i have to add role based permissions (just like spatie permissions package). i'm still a beginner to fortify and inertia. but i have experience in spatie package. i'm stuck with how add roles and permission to fortify. currently i'm planning to create table structure like spatie package have(roles, permssions, roles_has_permissions ,etc). is there per-build package or better way to implement roles and permissions ? and use '#can' in vue files? thank you.
hello guys,this is i'm currently did(im using this now ). it is working but still need some improvements, (any better solution i really appreciate it)
1)installed and configured as usual spatie/laravel-permission
2)added predefined permissions and roles to tables using seeder
created function in user model to get permission array list
// user model function
public function getPermissionArray()
return $this->getAllPermissions()->mapWithKeys(function($pr){
return [$pr['name'] => true];
and added that function to inertia middleware
public function share(Request $request)
return array_merge(parent::share($request), [
'auth'=>['user' => $request->user() ? $request->user()->only('id', 'name', 'email') : null,
'can' =>$request->user() ? $request->user()->getPermissionArray() : []
now $page.props.auth.can can access globally
added permission check in vue file
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-6" v-if="$page.props.auth.can['user_create']">
class="btn btn-primary"
>Create New
I resolved issue like below,
first I'm sending permission array to UI.
in user model
// user model function
public function getPermissionArray()
return $this->getAllPermissions()->mapWithKeys(function($pr){
return [$pr['name'] => true];
in inertia share middleware
public function share(Request $request)
return array_merge(parent::share($request), [
'auth'=>['user' => $request->user() ? $request->user()->only('id', 'name', 'email') : null,
'can' =>$request->user() ? $request->user()->getPermissionArray() : []
in app js file, I have added global function to check one or many permssion have user
import Vue from 'vue'
methods: {
hasAnyPermission: function (permissions) {
var allPermissions = this.$page.props.auth.can;
var hasPermission = false;
if(allPermissions[item]) hasPermission = true;
return hasPermission;
in vue components :
export default {
data() {
return {};
mounted: function () {},
methods: {},
<li v-if="hasAnyPermission(['testiml_view', 'testiml_edit', 'testiml_create'])">
<i class="fas fa-feather"></i>
in the share method on the Inertia Middleware: HandleInertiaRequest.php, I passed the permissions and the roles array to Vue using:
$permissions = $user->getAllPermissions()->pluck('name');
$roles = $user->roles()->pluck('name');
return array_merge(parent::share($request), [
'auth.user' => fn() => $request->user() ?
$request->user()->only('id', 'name', 'email', 'roles')
: null,
'auth.user.permissions' => $permissions,
'auth.user.roles' => $roles

check if data passed from laravel to vue exists

Sometimes I need to pass data from my controller to the view and sometimes I dont!
But when theres no data passed I get this error:
Undefined variable: tutorial (View:
No data example:
public function index()
return view('home');
Containg data example
public function tutorial()
return view('home', ['tutorial' => 'Welcome to myproject, lets get started!!!']);
let tutorial = {{ var_export($tutorial) }} // ERROR!!
if (tutorial) {
I think I can do this way in my index function:
public function index()
return view('home', ['tutorial' => []);
But its just gross!! Theres anyway to check if data passed from laravel exists in my vue??
Because you cannot just put the Laravel variable in js.
Options to solving the problem included:
Performing an api request for the data using the application
component once it had been mounted.
Attaching the data into the
Javascript context using the blade template.
You can do some thing like this:
<Home tutorial="{{ $tutorial }}"> <!-- make tutorial become to props -->
And in your view component:
Vue.component('Home', {
props: [
name: 'tutorial', // add this props
default: '',
if (this.tutorial) { // use like this.tutorial

Laravel #include controller data

I'm trying to receive data on a sidebar that is included in the blade template but i'm not getting any data delivered. I've tried adding #include('admin.sidebar',['message_counter' => $message_counter]) and in the sidebar view show as {{$message_counter}}. I'm getting a Undefined variable: message_counter.
My router:
Route::get('/admin/sidebar', [
'uses' => 'MessagesController#counter',
'as' => 'admin.sidebar'
My controller
use App\Message;
public function counter()
$message_counter = Message::where('status', 0)->get();
return view('admin.sidebar')->with('message_counter', $message_counter);
My View
<span class="menu-collapsed">Messages <span class="badge badge-pill badge-primary ml-2"> {{$message_counter}} </span></span>
What i ultimately intend to do is to show the amount of unread messages in the sidebar of the administrator backend, which is #includein every page.
It may be because i'm accessing two different controllers everytime I enter any page on the admin backend.
I've looked into Including Sub-Views but i'm probably missing something silly or not understanding some key concept, help is appreciated!
Thank you!
Note: I think this is inconvenient and unrecommendable. This is just to answer the question, you can scroll down to see other answers or approach.
public function counter()
$message_counter = Message::where('status', 0)->get();
return view('admin.sidebar');
$message_counter = App\Message::where('status', 0)->get();
Messages <span class="badge badge-pill badge-primary ml-2"> {{$message_counter}} </span></span>
You can try like this way
In Route:
Route::get('/admin/sidebar', 'MessagesController#counter');
In Controller
use App\Message;
public function counter()
$message_counter = Message::where('status', 0)->get();
return view('admin.sidebar', compact('message_counter));
And your view is ok.. Try this and if it is not working please let me know....
With a View Composer: add this to App\Providers\AppServiceProvider#boot()
View::composer('admin.sidebar', function ($view) {
$message_counter = Message::where('status', 0)->get();
$view->with([''message_counter' => $message_counter]);

Laravel Vuejs - translations store in database along with lang folder translations

I'm using "vue-i18n": "^7.6.0" on laravel 5.6, vuejs for translating the website into 16 languages.
I have mentioned all the languages in config/app.php and i have created a folder lang in resources/assets/js/lang where i have all the language files (example, en.json, es.json and so on). I have created a dropdown and everything works fine as expected.
Now i need to create Articles table. What im looking for is creating the article in multiple languages and storing in database like
articles (table)
article_languages(id, article_id lang content) something like this
And use these translations along with the main translations i have created with json files. How to achieve this?
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Articles;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Models\ArticleCategory;
use App\Models\Article;
use App\Models\ArticleTranslation;
class ArticleController extends Controller
* Display a listing of the resource.
* #return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function index($language)
$articles = Article::withTranslations($language)->get();
return $articles;
I've installed this package and followed their instructions
<li>{ article.title }</li>
<li>{ article.subtitle }</li>
<li>{ article.content }</li>
export default {
data: function () {
return {
articles: []
mounted() {
var app = this;
axios.get('/api/articles/' + self.$i18n.locale + '/')
.then(function (response) {
self.articleText =;
.catch(function (error) {
In Vue you send a get request over to Laravel via an API. The self.$i18n.locale variable holds the library locale.
let self = this;
axios.get('/articles/' + self.$i18n.locale + '/' +
.then(function (response) {
self.articleText =
.catch(function (error) {
// Do something with the error
Your Laravel route would look something like this:
use App\AppArticle;
Route::get('articles/{language}/{id}', function ($language, $id) {
return App\ArticleLanguage::where('article_id', $id)->where('lang', $language)->firstOrFail();

How to retrieve User name in Vue component with Laravel

I have a vue component that will send a message and I want to send the logged in user name. I'm using laravel 5.5
this.$emit('messagesent', {
user: {
name : {{Auth()::user()->name}} //Here is where it should be
this.messageText = '';
I already tried using
Both give errors. How can I retrieve the name?
Depend on your approach, this can be achieve in different ways
1. Pass in the username from the view
<send-message user={{ $user->username }} ></send-message>
then inside your vuejs component
export default {
props: ['user'],
return {
user: ''
methods: {
var user = JSON.parse(this.user)
//do you thing here
2. Bind the user information to window object on your page header
window.user = {!! json_encode([
'user' => $user->username,
]) !!};
