I have a task created in Windows Task Scheduler which runs a vbs script. I am getting the following error:
It looks like the Task stops looking for the script to run when it finds a space in the path.
However, the path is quoted in the task:
The workaround is to put underscore instead of each space but that would require further workarounds and is not the best way to do it.
How can I set up the task successfully?
I've a task scheduler job that isn't running a batch file for us. The batch file runs if done manually but won't through the scheduler.
I'm getting following error on task scheduler
"task scheduler failed to launch action cmd.exe in instance"
I've seen other questions on this issue and recommendations were to add in Start In path (I've done this and it doesn't have "" around the Start In path, it does on the program/script path), and try changing mapped drives to UNC (done this) but still getting same issue.
Would anyone have any ideas why it doesn't work, or anything else I can provide for it?
When I take out the Start In path, it works.
I have installed the anaconda package and been running python notebooks and python scripts easily directly from console. I created a script and want it to run every day at particular time period but it did not work. So I created a simple test file to check what is wrong. This is my test file
print("enter the no to exit")
When I run this program on command prompt it ask me for an input and then it exit.
I followed this tutorial to run this program daily using windows scheduler https://blogs.esri.com/esri/arcgis/2013/07/30/scheduling-a-scrip/
In action tab I wrote this
And the argument as
And when I run the task manually a black window pop up and automatically closed, I cannot figure out what is wrong. I see it say something like invalid directory. I don't know what am I doing wrong. Please help.
To run Python programs in Task Manager on Windows: In "Programs/Script" input path to python.exe In "Add Arguments"input script file name In "Additional Information" input path to location where file is saved
For example:
Path to Python: C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36-32\Python.exe
Script name ./script.py
Path to location where script is saved: C:/foldername/
Add the following command in beginning of the .bat file where all the configuration of python and python script written
CD /d %~dp0
In my case .bat file looks like
CD /d %~dp0
Call "C:\Python\Python37-32\python.exe" "D:\myProject\script.py"
Have a look into this thread from stack overflow:
You can do it in the command line as follows:
That will create an hourly task called 'PythonTask'. You can replace HOURLY with DAILY, WEEKLY etc. PATH_TO_PYTHON_EXE will be something like: C:\python25\python.exe. Check out more examples by writing this in the command line:
schtasks /?
Otherwise you can open the Task Scheduler and do it through the GUI. Hope this helps.
This might solve your problem.
If it is still not working you may refer to this thread from esri.
This will get your job done.
I am trying to run a EXE or HTA file from command line, all it is, is a popup message that informs the end users of what is about to be deployed. I am run it from command line locally and it works great, but when I set it up as a task sequence it will not run.
Have you examined the log file smsts.log?
Run the HTA using a Run Command Line step.
Here is an example: %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\mshta.exe %ScriptRoot%\MyCustomHTA.hta
You could refer to the sample from here.
HTA in SCCM Task Sequence
I have a simple batch file which calls a powershell script.
I've looked at the following 3 previous questions on the subject as well:
Run a batch file from Task Scheduler is not working with a java command
Windows Task Scheduler doesn't start batch file task
Task Scheduler not executing batch (bat) file with MSTest commands
It seems like I've tried every single combination of running the task and it still doesn't execute my powershell script.
batch file contents:
powershell.exe "E:\SIS\fileCopy.ps1"
If I run the command in the batch file manually, it runs just fine. Here are things I've tried to do to get it working:
I've change the Security options to run as System with "Run with highest priveleges" checked
I've tried every other combination of "Run only when user is logged on", "Run whether user is logged on or not" and "Run with highest priveleges"
I've tried adding the "Start in (optional" setting to the folder where the files are located.
I'm at my wits end and can't believe Microsoft hasn't figured out a way to make this easier.
You need to have task scheduler execute Powershell.exe and have the arguments be the path to your .ps1 file.
To validate your script is running properly, you should set the Security options to 'Run only when user is logged on'. It will then pop the powershell dialog when it runs. I often also use start-transcript to view the results of scheduled poweshell scripts.
After you validate the script is running correctly, you can set the security options however best fits your situation.
Use the execution policy flag to flag that instance to unrestrisicted because your powershell settings may be blocking script execution.
powershell -executionpolicy unrestricted -Command "E:\SIS\fileCopy.ps1"
I found that Task Scheduler can't run a batch file if it lives in a folder that is being synced by OneDrive. I had to move the batch file to another folder to get Task Scheduler to be able to run it.
I have a shared disk that I would like to clean up once per week using a scheduled task of some sort. I would like to use a batch script so that the system admins can easily modify it or reuse it on other directories when needed.
The directory has files with multiple file extensions but the ones that need to be deleted end in .bkf and must be over 2 weeks old.
Does anyone have a batch script solution for this windows server (not sure which version)?
If you have PowerShell (or can install it), check out this link: http://thepowershellguy.com/blogs/posh/archive/2007/12/13/hey-powershell-guy-how-can-i-delete-files-that-are-a-specified-number-of-hours-old.aspx
Take a look at this page - scheduling tasks from command line
It shows you hot to create scheduled tasks from the command line. You might be able to use this in combination with other dos commands to get your result.
The only thing that needs to be in the batch file is
#echo off
del C:\some\directory\*.bkf
And the delete path can also be sent to this batch script as an argument so that the directory is changeable.
I ended up just writing an EXE that accepts parameters and scheduling that. Unfortunately the other solutions didn't have the flexibility needed.
have you looked into forfiles.exe?