Serialize query from Nest client ElasticSearch 6.4 - elasticsearch

Till ElasticSearch 6.0 we were able to serialize the search request (object of SearchRequest) to a string
using (System.IO.MemoryStream mStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
ElasticClient.Serializer.Serialize(searchRequest, mStream);
string rawQueryText = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(mStream.ToArray());
Example is here too serialize query from Nest client elastic search 2.3
But in 6.4 version that has been removed and I am not able to locate exactly where is the documentation to serialize the query with 6.4 version
Can some one help me here?

You can use the extension method in ElasticsearchSerializerExtensions in Elasticsearch.Net
using Elasticsearch.Net;
using Nest;
var client = new ElasticClient();
var searchRequest = new SearchRequest
Query = new MatchAllQuery()
var json = client.RequestResponseSerializer.SerializeToString(searchRequest);


ElasticSearch new Java API print created quesy

I trying out the new Java Client for Elastic 8.1.1.
In older versions i was able to print out the generated json query by using searchRequest.source().
I cannot find out actuallay what methode/service i can use do to so with the new client.
My code looks:
final Query range_query = new Query.Builder().range(r -> r.field("pixel_x")
final Query bool_query = new Query.Builder().bool(t -> t.must(range_query)).build();
SearchRequest sc = SearchRequest.of(s -> s.query(bool_query).index(INDEX).size(100));
The SearchRequest object offers a source() method but ist value is null.
You can use below code for printing query with new Elastic Java Client:
Query termQuery = TermQuery.of(t -> t.field("field_name").value("search_value"))._toQuery();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
JsonGenerator generator = JacksonJsonProvider.provider().createGenerator(writer);
termQuery.serialize(generator, new JacksonJsonpMapper());

DeleteRequest example with elastic java api client 8.2.0

I need example for DeleteRequest with respect to ES 8.2.0 Java Api client where we don't have type. we have only index and documents. I am looking for code reference where I want to delete one particular document by passing index name and doc id.
You can use below code for deleting document from index. You need to provide index_name and doc_id to delete document.
RestClient restClient = RestClient.builder(new HttpHost("localhost", 9200)).build();
ElasticsearchTransport transport = new RestClientTransport(restClient, new JacksonJsonpMapper());
ElasticsearchClient esClient = new ElasticsearchClient(transport);
DeleteRequest request = DeleteRequest.of(d -> d.index("index_name").id("doc_id"));
DeleteResponse response = esClient.delete(request);
you can try this out
DeleteRequest request = new DeleteRequest("your-index-name","doc-id");
DeleteRequest deleteRequest = new DeleteRequest("employeeindex","002");
DeleteResponse deleteResponse = client.delete(deleteRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
System.out.println("response id: "+deleteResponse.getId());
for more information

What is a replacement for AnalyzeAsync in NEST 7.x?

I update my app from Nest version 6.8 to 7.3, and found, that AnalyzeAsync method currently not supported. What is a replacement for the following code?
var analyzeRequest = new AnalyzeRequest(_elasticSearchSettings.PatentFamilyIndexName)
Analyzer = analyzer,
Text = new[] {wordsList}
var analyzeResponse = await ElasticClient.AnalyzeAsync(analyzeRequest)
With NEST 7.x, API methods have been grouped under the area of functionality that thery're related to
var client = new ElasticClient();
var analyzeRequest = new AnalyzeRequest(_elasticSearchSettings.PatentFamilyIndexName)
Analyzer = analyzer,
Text = new[] { wordsList }
var analyzeResponse = await client.Indices.AnalyzeAsync(analyzeRequest);
This aligns NEST with the grouping in the REST API specs, as well as other clients. You can read more about the changes in the 7.x release blog post.

Mock Elastic Search response in.Net

I have Elastic Search Nest library code and need to mock the response i am getting from elastic search index.
var obj = service.Search<TestDocument>(new student().Query());
var Name= obj.Aggs.Terms("Name");
For Testing :
I am creating the Nest object after doing quick watch but facing issue -Aggregations - is a internal protected property and i am not able to set this value.
new Nest.KeyedBucket<object>
Key="XYZ school",
Aggregations=new Dictionary<string, IAggregationContainer>{}
Please suggest solution or any other approach i can use to mock elastic search nest object .
If you really want to stub the response from the client, you could do something like the following with Moq
var client = new Mock<IElasticClient>();
var searchResponse = new Mock<ISearchResponse<object>>();
var aggregations = new AggregateDictionary(new Dictionary<string, IAggregate> {
["Name"] = new BucketAggregate
Items = new List<KeyedBucket<object>>
new Nest.KeyedBucket<object>(new Dictionary<string, IAggregate>())
Key = "XYZ school",
KeyAsString = null,
DocCount = 5
searchResponse.Setup(s => s.Aggregations).Returns(aggregations);
client.Setup(c => c.Search<object>(It.IsAny<Func<SearchDescriptor<object>, ISearchRequest>>()))
var response = client.Object.Search<object>(s => s);
var terms = response.Aggregations.Terms("Name");
Another way would be to use the InMemoryConnection and return known JSON in response to a request..
For testing purposes however, it may be better to have an instance of Elasticsearch running, and perform integration tests against it. Take a look at Elastic.Xunit which provides an easy way to spin up an Elasticsearch cluster for testing purposes. This is used by the client in integration tests.
You can get Elastic.Xunit from the Appveyor feed.

Elasticsearch - get source field data with java api

I'm using elastic search with jest (as java client).
I need some fields that is in nested document and since cannot get nested fields as pair, I need '_source' to get them.
Here is previous question to get them in ES query[ Link ], and It works well.
BUT cannot convert its query as jest code.
Below is my try.
SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder().query(
.fields( // need _source but no method.
Try using fetchSource() like this:
SearchSourceBuilder searchSourceBuilder = new SearchSourceBuilder()
.fetchSource(new String[] {
}, null);
