Change SQL query with a parametric query in Oracle - oracle

We have an application that uses a framework that we don't have access to it's java classes. I can just see the .class file in byte-code format. So I can't override that class. At that class we have a native query like below:
"Select col1 from table1 where col2='x'";
I mean where condition is not parametric. As well I don't have access to change the query in the code. the App uses Oracle database and Hibernate as ORM.
The question is
"Is there any way to tell Oracle or Hibernate to change this hardcoded query with a parametric one?"


FireDAC "table or view does not exist" when insert into ORACLE TABLE Delphi Belin 10.1 upd 2

We are migrating our codebase from Delphi XE3 with FireDAC 8.0.5 to Delphi Berlin 10.1 Upd 2 with FireDAC 15.0.1 (Build 86746). Everything is working smoothly using MS Sql Server, but using ORACLE it has been another history.
Throughout the application source code we use lots of TAdQuery with sql instructions like
In order to insert a record, we use Append or Insert methods, like this
Just after invoking its Post method, the component internally creates an INSERT sql statement, that goes like this
So the record gets inserted successfully.
Now, using TFdQuery in Delphi Berlin, the component internally creates an INSERT sql statement, like this
Failing with a [FireDAC][Phys][Ora] ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
This happens because in our Oracle database, TABLE1 is created in a schema called MAIN_SCHEMA, and we access it by using a public synonym.
Trying to find a workaround, we compared FireDAC source code, finding that
in Delphi XE3, the unit uADDAptManager.pas, on its function TADDAptTableAdapter.GetUpdateRowCommand, calls oConn.CreateCommandGenerator(oCmdGen, nil);
in Delphi Berlin, the unit FireDAC.DApt.pas, on its function TFDDAptTableAdapter.GetUpdateRowCommand
calls oConn.CreateCommandGenerator(oCmdGen, GetSelectCommand);
Whenever that second parameter (called ACommand: IFDPhysCommand) is not nil, the name of the table is returned concatenating the user name (in a function called TFDPhysCommandGenerator.GetFrom).
If we add 'MetaCurSchema=MAIN_SCHEMA' to the TFdConnection params, it works with the applications that not use a pooled connection, but We have several process that use a pooled connection with the same params, even MetaCurSchema param, but it doesn't work
What can we do?
thanks for your help
What I understand is that you would do better making the connection avoid the use of any schema name, rather than specifying it. Also, keeping in mind that you already use public synonyms.
So, according to the documentation:
Full object names
FireDAC supports full object names, which include the catalog and/or schema names.
When a short object name is specified to StoredProcName, TableName, etc, they will be expanded into the full object names, using the current catalog and/or schema names. To override or avoid usage of the current catalog and/or schema names, use the MetaCurCatalog and MetaCurSchema connection definition parameters. For example:
~ Source: Object Names (FireDAC) - docWiki
Specifies the current schema for the application. If not specified, then its value will be received from the DBMS. When an application is asking for metadata and do not specify a schema name, then FireDAC will implicitly use the current schema.
If MetaCurSchema is '*', then schema names will be me omitted from the metadata parameters.
~ Source: Common Connection Parameters (FireDAC) - docWiki
That asterisk (*) should do the trick, let us know if that's the case.

Can I use Oracle Pipelined Function like a select in QueryDSL?

For a specific reason of a requirement, instead of using a VIEW, I use an Oracle pipelined function to get data in a table.
It works perfectly using Native Query:
"select * from (table (PAC_FOO_PIPELINED.FUNCTION_BAR(:fooDate, :barDate)))"
The problem is that I need to use QueryDSL. If I use native query, it would be necessary to rewrite a lot of code that is now bound to abstract methods that were implemented using QueryDSL.
Can anyone tell me if it is possible to perform this select through QueryDSL?

How to use table functions in queries with Spring Data

When using Spring Data JPA with Hibernate, what are the options available to write queries that join with table functions.
For example, I'd like to generate queries as described below:
CASE 1: SELECT * FROM getfoo(1) AS t1;
CASE 2: SELECT * FROM getfoo(1) x INNER JOIN tbl1 y on =;
To elaborate more, I'm using Spring Data for all things CRUD (It works great). However, I need to write complicated queries that join tables with "table functions". Table functions(AKA Table-Valued User-Defined Functions) are database functions that return tabled-values which can be used in the JOIN clause in combination with tables. Postgresql and Sql Server support them.
In the Spring Data realm, which includes much more than JPA, what are the options to consider when writing such queries? Whats the best practice from your experience? user2658013 was kind enough to describe one such approach using the entityManager.reateNativeQuery method.
In my mind here are the options:
Use #NamedStoredProcedureQuery ( >=JPA 2.1)
Use entityManager.createNativeQuery or #NamedNativeQuery
Use Spring Data's #Query to declare finder queries directly on repository methods.
Use SimpleJdbcCall
Any others?
I believe you are asking about Postgres stored functions. Postgres stored functions are analogous to "Stored Procedures". So I think you are asking how would invoke a stored procedure using JPA? Am I close?
The following pseudo code is derived from details published here (see section on Stored Procures):
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
SOMEVAL_TYPE result = (SOMEVAL_TYPE)em.createNativeQuery("SELECT getfoo(?1) FROM SOMEDB")
.setParameter(1, SOME_PARM)
In general you can use JPQL with JPA instead of SQL.
Note! The above assumes you have already created the stored function in you Postgres database.
Hope that helps :)


I am tasked with moving some existing PL/SQL queries into Jasper Server by making some rudimentary JasperReports. So far this has been straightforward, but I have come across a query that has the following structure and do not know how to use the iReport $P{ORACLE_REF_CURSOR} parameter to access the resulting dataset:
SELECT part.part_name, cursor(SELECT other_stuff...) FROM tbl_part part
When I copy+paste it into the fields reader, it "correctly" identifies my fields as follows:
java.lang.String part_name
OracleResultSet cursor(...)
I would like to know how to fetch the goodies inside of the cursor() for each part_name.

statements in jdbc

does statement object contain the session id the database returns for the current session? What does a resultset
To the best of my knowledge, no, Statements do not have session IDs. It seems like the Java API specifications for the Statement class backs that up. Basically, Statements are used to execute SQL statements by specifying a SQL query through the execute method.
A ResultSet is used to retrieve results which are returned by executing a query via a Statement or PreparedStatement.
The JDBC(TM) Database Access trail of The Java Tutorials contains some information on these topics. The following sections may be of interest:
Lesson: JDBC Basics
Updating Tables
Retrieving Values from Result Sets
