(I'm new to Go.)
I am working on this leetcode problem: https://leetcode.com/problems/pascals-triangle/
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
arrRes := [][]int{}
gen(5, arrRes)
func gen(numRows int, arrRes [][]int) {
build(numRows, 0, arrRes)
func build(n int, level int, arrRes [][]int) {
if(n == level) {
arr := []int{}
if level == 0 {
arr = append(arr, 1)
} else if level == 1 {
arr = append(arr, 1, 1)
} else {
// get it out
tmp := arrRes[level-1]
arr = comb(tmp)
arrRes = append(arrRes, arr)
build(n, level+1, arrRes)
func comb(arr []int) []int{
// arr type init
tmpArr := []int{1}
for i:=1; i<len(arr); i++ {
sum := arr[i-1] + arr[i]
tmpArr = append(tmpArr, sum)
// go use val, not ref
tmpArr = append(tmpArr, 1)
return tmpArr;
I want to define an accumulated variable arrRes := [][]int{} and keep passing into the recursive function. I think Go is pass-by-value instead of pass-by-reference. Is there a way to keep this pattern?
I've got two alternative methods:
passing a global var.
pass a 2D array into the func then return the new 2D array.
A slice is (basically) three things: a length, a capacity, and a pointer to an underlying array. Everything in Go is pass-by-value, so when you pass a slice to a function you are passing its current length, current capacity, and the memory address of the pointer. Changes made to length and capacity inside the function are made to a copy, and will not affect the length and capacity of the slice that was passed as an argument in the function call.
Printing a slice doesn't print its underlying array, it prints the part of the underlying array that is visible in the slice (which could be none of it if len = 0), based on (1) the pointer to the first element in the underlying array that's supposed to be visible to the slice; and (2) the length in the slice variable.
If you are modifying the length or capacity of a slice inside a function and you want those changes to be visible outside the function, you can either return the slice to update the context outside the function, like append does:
numbers := append(numbers, 27)
Or you can pass in a pointer to a slice:
func ChangeNumbersLenOrCap(numbers *[]int) {
// make your changes, no return value required
For your program, it looks like you could get away with a pointer to a slice of int slices:
var arrRes *[][]int
...because you're not modifying the int slice across another function boundary. Some programs would need a pointer to a slice of pointers to int slices:
var arrRes *[]*[]int
Here are some simple edits to get you started:
arrRes := [][]int{}
gen(5, &arrRes)
func gen(numRows int, arrRes *[][]int) {
// ...
func build(n int, level int, arrRes *[][]int) {
// ...
tmp := *arrRes[level-1]
// ...
*arrRes = append(*arrRes, arr)
build(n, level+1, arrRes)
package matrix
import (
// Matrix matrix inteface
type Matrix interface {
Rows() [][]int
Cols() [][]int
Set(r, c, val int) bool
// matrix implements the interface Matrix
type matrix struct {
data [][]int
rows int
cols int
// New returns a valid matrix created from the input
func New(input string) (Matrix, error) {
var m matrix
rows := strings.Split(input, "\n")
for r, row := range rows {
rowElements := strings.Fields(row)
switch {
case r == 0:
m.rows, m.cols = len(rows), len(rowElements)
matrix, err := allocateMemory(m.rows, m.cols)
if err != nil {
return invalidMatrix()
m.data = matrix
case len(rowElements) != m.cols:
return invalidMatrix()
for c, element := range rowElements {
element, err := strconv.Atoi(element)
if err != nil {
return invalidMatrix()
m.data[r][c] = element
return m, nil
// invalidMatrix returns the error indicating the
// provided matrix is invalid
func invalidMatrix() (Matrix, error) {
return nil, errors.New("invalid matrix")
// allocateMemory allocates a 2D slice of int having size RxC
func allocateMemory(R, C int) ([][]int, error) {
if R < 1 || C < 1 {
return nil, errors.New("invalid matrix")
matrix := make([][]int, R)
for r := range matrix {
matrix[r] = make([]int, C)
return matrix, nil
// Set sets the given value at (r,c) in the matrix,
// if (r,c) belongs to the matrix.
func (m matrix) Set(r, c, val int) bool {
switch {
case r < 0 || c < 0:
return false
case r >= m.rows || c >= m.cols:
return false
m.data[r][c] = val
return true
// order defines the order the matrix to export
// two useful values are columnMajor and rowMajor
type order int
const (
columnMajor order = iota
// Cols returns columns of the matrix.
func (m matrix) Cols() [][]int {
return m.export(columnMajor)
// Rows returns rows of the matrix.
func (m matrix) Rows() [][]int {
return m.export(rowMajor)
// export return the matrix in the required order;
// either columnMajor or rowMajor.
func (m matrix) export(o order) [][]int {
var matrix [][]int
var err error
switch o {
case columnMajor:
matrix, err = allocateMemory(m.cols, m.rows)
if err != nil {
return nil
for r, row := range m.data {
for c, element := range row {
matrix[c][r] = element
case rowMajor:
matrix, err = allocateMemory(m.rows, m.cols)
if err != nil {
return nil
for r, row := range m.data {
copy(matrix[r], row)
return matrix
I am having a hard time understanding why the method Set() is able to modify the data of the struct. I had an understanding that methods defined on values cannot do that. I have tried to compare it with another problem where I cannot modify the content of receiver but in this case it just works. A test file for this code is available at test file. Any idea what I am missing?
The reason Set can modify the contents of the slice is that the slice is a reference value. Your other example (in the comment) attempts to assign the field holding the slice, and this won't work - because it's working on a copy. See this code sample:
package main
import (
type Holder struct {
s []int
v []int
func (h Holder) Set() {
// This will successfully modify the `s` slice's contents
h.s[0] = 99
// This will assign a new slice to a copy of the v field,
// so it won't affect the actual value on which this
// method is invoked.
h.v = []int{1, 2, 3}
func main() {
var h Holder
h.s = []int{10, 20, 30}
h.v = []int{40, 50, 60}
fmt.Println("before Set:", h)
fmt.Println("after Set:", h)
You can run it on the playground, and it prints:
before Set: {[10 20 30] [40 50 60]}
after Set: {[99 20 30] [40 50 60]}
What happens here is that even though Set gets a copy of h, and hence h.s is a copy too, but both copies point to the same underlying slice, so the contents can be modified. Read this post for all the details.
A slice value contains (ptr, len, cap) where ptr is a pointer to the slice's underlying array. The Set method modifies the slice's underlying array by dereferencing the pointer. The slice value, stored in the field, is not modified.
The Go Language blog post on slices describes the slice memory layout in more detail.
Recently I found some code that I can't understand, below is my code:
func subsetsWithDup(nums []int) [][]int {
if len(nums) == 0 {
return [][]int{[]int{}}
result := [][]int{}
backtracking(nums, &result, []int{}, 0)
return result
func backtracking(nums []int, result *[][]int, tempList []int, start int) {
*result = append(*result, tempList)
for i := start; i < len(nums); i++ {
if i > start && nums[i] == nums[i-1] {
tempList = append(tempList, nums[i])
backtracking(nums, result, tempList, i+1)
tempList = tempList[:len(tempList)-1:len(tempList)-1]
and another approach:
func subsetsWithDup(nums []int) [][]int {
return subsets(nums, []int{}, [][]int{})
func subsets(nums []int, result []int, results [][]int) [][]int {
newR := make([]int, len(result))
copy(newR, result)
results = append(results, newR)
if len(nums) == 0 {return results}
for i := 0; i < len(nums); i++ {
if i > 0 && nums[i] == nums[i - 1] {continue}
result = append(result, nums[i])
results = subsets(nums[i + 1:], result, results)
result = result[:len(result) - 1]
return results
In the first approach, I use the following code :
tempList = tempList[:len(tempList)-1:len(tempList)-1]
it works, but if I change it to:
tempList = tempList[:len(tempList)-1]
it dose not work.In the second approach which use copy function also works. I want to know what happens behind the code, any help is appreciated, thanks.
In Go, slice is a pointer type to maintain information about underlying array, so change of the underlying array would cause changes of the slice value, which sometimes might be surprising.
The second part of the puzzle is that append modifies the underlying array if the cap of the slice is sufficient. Document:
The append built-in function appends elements to the end of a slice.
If it has sufficient capacity, the destination is resliced to
accommodate the new elements. If it does not, a new underlying array
will be allocated. Append returns the updated slice. It is therefore
necessary to store the result of append, often in the variable holding
the slice itself.
So in you failed attempt, tempList = append(tempList, nums[i]) will possibly change value of previously stored slices in result.
On the other hand, the second approach creates a new slice with new underlying array and copy to it explictly, so the error is avoided. The first approach is more subtle, as it use a full slice expressions: tempList[:len(tempList)-1:len(tempList)-1]. The code limits the new slice's cap so append would have to allocate a new underlying array each time instead of using the orignal one.
More about full slice expressions(spec):
For an array, pointer to array, or slice a (but not a string), the primary expression
a[low : high : max]
constructs a slice of the same type, and with the same length and elements as the simple slice expression a[low : high]. Additionally, it controls the resulting slice's capacity by setting it to max - low. Only the first index may be omitted; it defaults to 0. After slicing the array a
a := [5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
t := a[1:3:5]
the slice t has type []int, length 2, capacity 4, and elements
t[0] == 2
t[1] == 3
What's the most efficient way of inserting an element to a sorted slice?
I tried a couple of things but all ended up using at least 2 appends which as I understand makes a new copy of the slice
Here is how to insert into a sorted slice of strings:
Go Playground Link to full example: https://play.golang.org/p/4RkVgEpKsWq
func Insert(ss []string, s string) []string {
i := sort.SearchStrings(ss, s)
ss = append(ss, "")
copy(ss[i+1:], ss[i:])
ss[i] = s
return ss
If the slice has enough capacity then there's no need for a new copy.
The elements after the insert position can be shifted to the right.
Only when the slice doesn't have enough capacity,
a new slice and copying all values will be necessary.
Keep in mind that slices are not designed for fast insertion.
So there won't be a miracle solution here using slices.
You could create a custom data structure to make this more efficient,
but obviously there will be other trade-offs.
One point that can be optimized in the process is finding the insertion point quickly. If the slice is sorted, then you can use binary search to perform this in O(log n) time.
However, this might not matter much,
considering the expensive operation of copying the end of the slice,
or reallocating when necessary.
I like #likebike's answer but it only works for strings. Here is the generic version that will work for a slice of any ordered type (requires Go 1.18):
func Insert[T constraints.Ordered](ts []T, t T) []T {
var dummy T
ts = append(ts, dummy) // extend the slice
i, _ := slices.BinarySearch(ts, t) // find slot
copy(ts[i+1:], ts[i:]) // make room
ts[i] = t
return ts
Note that this uses the package golang.org/x/exp/slices but this will almost certainly be included in the std Go library in Go 1.19.
Try it in the Go Playground
There are two parts to the problem: finding where to insert the value and inserting the value.
Use the sort package search functions to efficiently find the insertion index using binary search.
Use a single call to append to efficiently insert a value into a slice:
// insertAt inserts v into s at index i and returns the new slice.
func insertAt(data []int, i int, v int) []int {
if i == len(data) {
// Insert at end is the easy case.
return append(data, v)
// Make space for the inserted element by shifting
// values at the insertion index up one index. The call
// to append does not allocate memory when cap(data) is
// greater than len(data).
data = append(data[:i+1], data[i:]...)
// Insert the new element.
data[i] = v
// Return the updated slice.
return data
Here's the code for inserting a value a sorted slice:
func insertSorted(data []int, v int) []int {
i := sort.Search(len(data), func(i int) bool { return data[i] >= v })
return insertAt(data, i, v)
The code in this answer uses a slice of int. Adjust the type to match your actual data.
The call to sort.Search in this answer can be replaced with a call to the helper function sort.SearchInts. I show sort.Search in this answer because the function applies to a slice of any type.
If you do not want to add duplicate values, check the value at the search index before inserting:
func insertSortedNoDups(data []int, v int) []int {
i := sort.Search(len(data), func(i int) bool { return data[i] >= v })
if i < len(data) && data[i] == v {
return data
return insertAt(data, i, v)
You could use a heap:
package main
import (
type slice struct { sort.IntSlice }
func (s slice) Pop() interface{} { return 0 }
func (s *slice) Push(x interface{}) {
(*s).IntSlice = append((*s).IntSlice, x.(int))
func main() {
s := &slice{
sort.IntSlice{11, 10, 14, 13},
heap.Push(s, 12)
println(s.IntSlice[0] == 10)
Note that a heap is not strictly sorted, but the "minimum element" is guaranteed
to be the first element. Also I did not implement the Pop function in my
example, you would want to do that.
There are two approaches mentioned here to insert into the slice when the position i is known:
data = append(data, "")
copy(data[i+1:], data[i:])
data[i] = s
data = append(data[:i+1], data[i:]...)
data[i] = s
I just benchmarked both with go1.18beta2, and the first solution is approximately 10% faster.
no dependency, generic data type with duplicated options. (go 1.18)
time complexity : Log2(n) + 1
import "golang.org/x/exp/constraints"
import "golang.org/x/exp/slices"
func InsertionSort[T constraints.Ordered](array []T, value T, canDupicate bool) []T {
pos, isFound := slices.BinarySearch(array, value)
if canDupicate || !isFound {
array = slices.Insert(array, pos, value)
return array
full version : https://go.dev/play/p/P2_ou2Fqs37
play : https://play.golang.org/p/dUGmPurouxA
array1 := []int{1, 3, 4, 5}
//want to insert at index 1
insertAtIndex := 1
temp := append([]int{}, array1[insertAtIndex:]...)
array1 = append(array1[0:insertAtIndex], 2)
array1 = append(array1, temp...)
You can try the below code. It basically uses the golang sort package
package main
import "sort"
import "fmt"
func main() {
data := []int{20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32}
var items = []int{23, 27}
for _, x := range items {
i := sort.Search(len(data), func(i int) bool { return data[i] >= x })
if i < len(data) && data[i] == x {
} else {
data = append(data, 0)
copy(data[i+1:], data[i:])
data[i] = x
I'm trying to Insert a Int value to slice if it is missing in that.
My Code :
package main
import (
func AppendIfMissing(slice []int, i int) []int {
for _, ele := range slice {
if ele == i {
return slice
fmt.Println("i value is ", i)
slice = append(slice, i)
return slice
func main() {
slice1 := []int{1, 2, 3, 4}
AppendIfMissing(slice1, 60)
fmt.Println("slice after adding :", slice1)
OutPut :
i value is 60
slice after adding : [1 2 3 4]
Appending to slice is not happening.What is wrong with my code ?
AppendIfMissing returns a slice which you need to affect to a variable.
append(slice, i) creates a new slice, which means the parameter slice isn't modified, it refers to a all new slice:
which is returned at the end
which needs to be affected to a variable
slice1 = AppendIfMissing(slice1, 60)
See go playground example.
I agree that the article "Arrays, slices (and strings): The mechanics of 'append'" mentions
Even though the slice header is passed by value, the header includes a pointer to elements of an array, so both the original slice header and the copy of the header passed to the function describe the same array.
Therefore, when the function returns, the modified elements can be seen through the original slice variable.
But the function in that article wasn't using append:
func AddOneToEachElement(slice []byte) {
for i := range slice {
the contents of a slice argument can be modified by a function, but its header cannot
And by doing
slice = append(slice, i)
you modify the header, you reallocate the resulting slice to a completely different array.
That won't be visible outside of the function.
More generic version of AppendIfMissing, it requires go version >= 1.18
func AppendIfMissing[T comparable](slice []T, i T) []T {
for _, ele := range slice {
if ele == i {
return slice
return append(slice, i)
Is there a way to check slices/maps for the presence of a value?
I would like to add a value to a slice only if it does not exist in the slice.
This works, but it seems verbose. Is there a better way to do this?
orgSlice := []int{1, 2, 3}
newSlice := []int{}
newInt := 2
newSlice = append(newSlice, newInt)
for _, v := range orgSlice {
if v != newInt {
newSlice = append(newSlice, v)
newSlice == [2 1 3]
Your approach would take linear time for each insertion. A better way would be to use a map[int]struct{}. Alternatively, you could also use a map[int]bool or something similar, but the empty struct{} has the advantage that it doesn't occupy any additional space. Therefore map[int]struct{} is a popular choice for a set of integers.
set := make(map[int]struct{})
set[1] = struct{}{}
set[2] = struct{}{}
set[1] = struct{}{}
// ...
for key := range(set) {
// each value will be printed only once, in no particular order
// you can use the ,ok idiom to check for existing keys
if _, ok := set[1]; ok {
fmt.Println("element found")
} else {
fmt.Println("element not found")
Most efficient is likely to be iterating over the slice and appending if you don't find it.
func AppendIfMissing(slice []int, i int) []int {
for _, ele := range slice {
if ele == i {
return slice
return append(slice, i)
It's simple and obvious and will be fast for small lists.
Further, it will always be faster than your current map-based solution. The map-based solution iterates over the whole slice no matter what; this solution returns immediately when it finds that the new value is already present. Both solutions compare elements as they iterate. (Each map assignment statement certainly does at least one map key comparison internally.) A map would only be useful if you could maintain it across many insertions. If you rebuild it on every insertion, then all advantage is lost.
If you truly need to efficiently handle large lists, consider maintaining the lists in sorted order. (I suspect the order doesn't matter to you because your first solution appended at the beginning of the list and your latest solution appends at the end.) If you always keep the lists sorted then you you can use the sort.Search function to do efficient binary insertions.
Another option:
package main
import "golang.org/x/tools/container/intsets"
func main() {
var (
a intsets.Sparse
b bool
b = a.Insert(9)
println(b) // true
b = a.Insert(9)
println(b) // false
This option if the number of missing numbers is unknown
AppendIfMissing := func(sl []int, n ...int) []int {
cache := make(map[int]int)
for _, elem := range sl {
cache[elem] = elem
for _, elem := range n {
if _, ok := cache[elem]; !ok {
sl = append(sl, elem)
return sl
distincting a array of a struct :
func distinctObjects(objs []ObjectType) (distinctedObjs [] ObjectType){
var output []ObjectType
for i:= range objs{
if output==nil || len(output)==0{
} else {
for j:= range output{
if output[j].fieldname1==objs[i].fieldname1 && output[j].fieldname2==objs[i].fieldname2 &&......... {
if !founded{
return output
where the struct here is something like :
type ObjectType struct {
fieldname1 string
fieldname2 string
the object will distinct by checked fields here :
if output[j].fieldname1==objs[i].fieldname1 && output[j].fieldname2==objs[i].fieldname2 &&......... {