How can I have separate APIs for staging and production environments on Heroku? - heroku

I was just checking on how pipelines work in Heroku. I want the staging and production apps to be the same except that they should access different API endpoints.
How could I achieve that?

Heroku encourages getting configuration from the environment:
A single app always runs in multiple environments, including at least on your development machine and in production on Heroku. An open-source app might be deployed to hundreds of different environments.
Although these environments might all run the same code, they usually have environment-specific configurations. For example, an app’s staging and production environments might use different Amazon S3 buckets, meaning they also need different credentials for those buckets.
An app’s environment-specific configuration should be stored in environment variables (not in the app’s source code). This lets you modify each environment’s configuration in isolation, and prevents secure credentials from being stored in version control. Learn more about storing config in the environment.
On a traditional host or when working locally, you often set environment variables in your .bashrc file. On Heroku, you use config vars.
In this instance you might use an environment variable called API_BASE that gets set to the base URL of your staging API on your staging instance and to the base URL of your production API in production.
Exactly how you read those values depends on the technology you're using, but if you look for "environment variables" in your language's documentation you should be able to get started.


Testing app that depends on environment variables locally

Google's App Engine provides a list of predefined environment variables and additional environment variables may be defined in app.yaml. Meanwhile, the instructions for Testing and Deploying your Application just say to use go run to test the app locally. If I test my app locally inside a cloud-sdk Docker container, is there a gcloud command (or another tool) that would create the same environment variables in my local container as in App Engine? Right now I am just setting the environment variables locally with a bash script, but that means that I need to maintain the variables in multiple locations.
The variables are all runtime metadata. Only the runtime can provide values for these variables and then the data is specific to the deployment.
If your app needs this metadata, you will know which variables it uses and how it uses them and, when you specify the value, you will need to provide the variable name anyway, e g. GAE_SERVICE="freddie".
For these reasons, it's likely not useful for local testing to spoof these values for you. When you go run your app, there's nothing intrinsic about it that makes it an App Engine app. It only becomes one, after you deploy it, because it's running on the App Engine service.
If you're running your code in a container, you can provide environment variables to the container runtime. Doing so is likely preferable to scripting these:
docker run .... \
Although not really practical with App Engine, there's an argument for having your code not bind directly to any runtime (e.g. App Engine) metadata. If it does, you can't run it easily elsewhere.
In other platforms, metadata would be abstracted further and some sort of sidecar would convert the metadata into a form that's presented consistently regardless of where you deploy it; your code doesn't change but some adapter configures it correctly for each runtime.

Docker and casual work/dev on virtual machine and IDE

I have a general question about good practices and lets say way of work between docker and IDE.
Right now i am learning docker and docker compose, and i must admit that i like the idea of containers! Ive deployed my whole spring boot microservices architecture on containers, and everything is working really well!
The thing is, that in every place of properties when i am declaring localhost address, i was forced to change localhost to custom container names, for example localhost:8888 --> naming-server:8888. It is okay for running in containers, but obviously when i am trying to run this on IDE, it will fail. I like working/optimizing/debugging microservices in IDE, but i dont want rebuilding image and returning whole docker-compose every time i made a tiny small change.
What does it look like in real dev?
In my day job there are at least four environments my code can run in: my desktop development environment, a developer-oriented container environment, and pre-production and production container environments. All four of these environments can have different values for things like host names. That means they must be configurable in some way.
If you've hard-coded localhost as a hostname in your application source code, it will not run in any environment other than your development system, and it needs to be changed to a configuration option.
From a pure-Docker point of view, making these configurable via environment variables is easiest (and Spring can set property values from environment variables). Spring also has the notion of a profile, which in principle matches the concept of having different settings for different environments, but injecting a whole profile configuration can be a little more complex at deployment time.
The other practice I've found helpful is to have the environment variable settings default to reasonable things for developers. The pre-production and production deployments are all heavily scripted and so there's a reasonably strong guarantee that they will have all of the correct environment variables set. If $PGHOST defaults to localhost that's right for a non-Docker developer, and all of the container-based setups can set an appropriate value for their environment at deploy time.
Even though our actual deployment system is based on containers (via Kubernetes) I do my day-to-day development in a mostly non-Docker environment. I can run an individual microservice by launching it from a shell prompt, possibly with setting some environment variables, and services have unit tests that can run just on the checked-out source tree, without needing any Docker at all. A second step is to build an image and deploy it into the development environment, and our CI system runs integration tests against the images it builds.

Why do some Jelastic providers block Export Environment option

According to Jelastic documentation it is possible to export the Environment configuration and download it so it can be restored in another provider
However I have tried with 2 Jelastic providers and they both have disabled the option for exporting private data.
So exporting/download/upload/import of environment is not possible.
i.e. I was expecting to have a process similar to CPanel backup/restore tool
In fact, another view for the deployment process gives a possibility to get rid of the model of handling the data or configuration on the platform. Try to think a bit differently and using CI/CD approach. The Jelastic provides a platform where something you created, locate on somewhere you're elaborating(VCS or GIT as an example) and based on or depends on the specific stack, already pre-configured like a layer and can be installed(copied) over Jelastic. Don't need to handle the data somewhere in the cloud because you have it locally(means within any VCS) and doing the changes there. Then just do a 'pull' procedure(manually or automatically) on that deployment(test, production, staging) environment you're expecting.
Moreover, you can expect any environments type like a code and perform it creating before deploying the data.
Please, find the articles being described each case:
Deployment Guide
Jelastic Packaging Standard for CI/CD Automation
In case you would like to handle the databases' backups, check this article:
Scheduling Database Backups
Additional FTP add-on can make the copies more easily for each instance:
FTP/FTPS Support in Jelastic

How to manage production, test and development environments with serverless framework

I am planning to build an enterprise application using aws lambda and serverless framework.
I want to separate the dev, test and prod environments and I am planning to use AWS Parameter store for it.
I don't want my production environment configuration be exposed to developers. If the developer runs the command serverless offline -s production start then the production configuration should not be obtained.
It should be obtained only when the serverless function has been successfully deployed to aws lambda.
Here are few considerations based on your question:
To have different environments on Serverless framework you have to set up the stage. This value can be passed as a parameter when executing sls commands.
If you are keeping your code in a repo, the developers will have access to all the configurations. If this is really important, you could keep the production configuration in a diff repo where only very specific people will have access to it, and then you make a reference to in in your serverless.yml. Ex:
custom: ${file(./config/${opt:stage, 'dev'}.json)} and then in your config folder you create the prod.json file, but pointing to the real one of the new repo you created. Note: this would make your project harder to maintain.
Considering you don't want your developers to execute your production environment locally. You can use the global variable of serverless offline to block the execution. You could also inform then to not do so.
Here is what should be a good practice and solution based on your problem:
Considering you have a production environment you want to isolate from a given group in your company, you should create VPC's and configure their resources access, accordingly.
Then you create users to have diff access. When your developer try to execute the code accessing a resource (dynamoDB for example) in a VPC they don't have access, they will be blocked.
AWS configure to define which user will execute the SLS command.
Your development team will still have access to your configuration file.
Note: In this case the person/group with access to the production VPC will have to do the deploy.
If the answer does not suffice, could you please reinforce which type of resource(s) are sensitive across your Serverless project? I am taking for granted it is the DB as it is the most common scenario.

Concurrent Environments in AppHarbor

How can I host concurrent environments of a single application of on AppHarbor?
We are currently in development so a single environment of DEBUG is sufficient, with builds triggered from the develop branch.
Soon we will need a PROD environment, triggered by changes to the master branch (or perhaps manually).
How can I configure AppHarbor such that both the DEBUG & PROD environments are accessible at any given time for a single application?
With hostnames such as:
For now you will have to create two applications, one for your debug environment and one for your production environment. You can also set up the tracking branch for each application. Here is a link where we describe how to manage environments.
