Bluetooth LE does not detect devices - xamarin

I make an attempt to detect devices using Bluetooth LE, did as written in this library for Xamarin, but the devices found 0
Necessary manifestos in android included. Increased the time for scanning to 30 seconds, but nothing. Bluetooth enabled, version 4.0
Asus_Z00ED device (Android 6.0 - API 23). The project was created with a target on Android 8.1. Tried to switch target versions of Android (8.0,9.0) in the manifest, but there is also no detection
What else could be the reason for the lack of detection?
public class Page6 : ContentPage
IBluetoothLE ble;
IAdapter adapter;
ObservableCollection<IDevice> deviceList;
Label label;
public Page6()
ble = CrossBluetoothLE.Current;
adapter = CrossBluetoothLE.Current.Adapter;
deviceList = new ObservableCollection<IDevice>();
label = new Label { Text = "Welcome to Xamarin.Forms!" };
var buttonList = new Button() { Text = "Devices List" };
buttonList.Clicked += ButtonList_Clicked;
Content = new StackLayout
Children = {
private async void ButtonList_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
adapter.ScanTimeout = 30000;
adapter.DeviceDiscovered += (s, a) =>
await adapter.StartScanningForDevicesAsync(); // сканирование
label.Text = deviceList.Count.ToString();

Remove the android:targetSdkVersion from the uses-sdk tag in your AndroidManifest.xml and everything works. Full tag from our project:
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="15" />


Broadcast Extension with ReplayKit Xamarin iOS not displaying device screen

I created a Xamarin forms project and added Broadcast Upload Extension and Extension UI and reference them into IOS Project also I followed the instructions in the doc here
I uses agora for screen sharing but the result is the device share the camera instead of it's screen
I followed this sample
and added a Dependency service Interface to invoke it from Xamarin forms all is working expect device share it's camera not it's screen
public class AgoraServiceImplementation : IAgoraService
private void JoiningCompleted(Foundation.NSString arg1, nuint arg2, nint arg3)
_myId = arg2;
var bundle = NSBundle.MainBundle.GetUrlForResource("ScreenSharingIOSExtension", "appex", "PlugIns");
var frame = new CGRect(100, 100, 60, 60);
var broadcastPicker = new RPSystemBroadcastPickerView(frame);
var bundle2 = new NSBundle(bundle);
broadcastPicker.PreferredExtension = bundle2.BundleIdentifier;
var vc = Platform.GetCurrentUIViewController();
public void StartShareScreen(string sessionId, string agoraAPI, string token, VideoAgoraProfile profile = VideoAgoraProfile.Portrait360P, bool swapWidthAndHeight = false, bool webSdkInteroperability = false)
_agoraDelegate = new AgoraRtcDelegate(this);
_agoraEngine = AgoraRtcEngineKit.SharedEngineWithAppIdAndDelegate(agoraAPI, _agoraDelegate);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AgoraSettings.Current.EncryptionPhrase))
private async void Join()
var token = await AgoraTokenService.GetRtcToken(helper.AgoraSettings.Current.RoomName);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(token))
//smth went wrong
_agoraEngine.JoinChannelByToken(token, AgoraSettings.Current.RoomName, null, 0, JoiningCompleted);
any help ?

Bug - TextDecoration Strikethrough not working on iOS

I have a label where I want strikethrough and a lineheight of 1.5
This works fine with Android, but strikethrough does not work on iOS when LineHeight is also set.
Steps to Reproduce
- Create new Xamarin.Forms project.
- Add label with textdecoration=strikethrough
- Test strikethrough
- Run emulator
Expected Behavior
Display of label with Strikethrough text
Actual Behavior
Text displayed normally, not with Strikethrough on iOS (Android works
I resolved this issue with a label custom renderer...
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(Label), typeof(CustomLabelRenderer))]
namespace YourApp.iOS.Renderers
public class CustomLabelRenderer : LabelRenderer
private readonly IDictionary<TextDecorations, NSString> attributeNames =
new Dictionary<TextDecorations, NSString> {
UIStringAttributeKey.UnderlineStyle },
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
if (sender is Label label &&
label.FormattedText?.Spans.ToList() is List<Span> spans)
var aux = new NSMutableAttributedString(Control.AttributedText);
spans.ForEach(span => {
if (attributeNames.TryGetValue(span.TextDecorations,
out var attributeName))
var startIndex = Control.Text.IndexOf(span.Text);
new NSNumber(1),
new NSRange(startIndex, span.Text.Length));
Control.AttributedText = aux;
This works for Underline and Strikethrough.

Xamarin Forms Maps iOS bounds - show all pins on the screen

Im using Xamarin Forms Maps, and I want to have the same feature on iOS as I have on Android devices - show all pins on the screen (appropriate position and zoom)
What Im looking is "Bounds" property, but that I only found on XF.GoogleMaps which nuget I dont use.
for Android in my custom renderer I pout LatLngBounds class and made a builder, thats works just fine, but on iOS I didnt find a solution.
Is this a right method in iOS renderer to put ShowAnnotations? And how to re-pack it to MkAnnotation from Pin model?
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<View> e)
if (e.OldElement != null)
var nativeMap = Control as MKMapView;
nativeMap.GetViewForAnnotation = null;
nativeMap.ZoomEnabled = true;
nativeMap.CalloutAccessoryControlTapped -= OnCalloutAccessoryControlTapped;
nativeMap.DidSelectAnnotationView -= OnDidSelectAnnotationView;
nativeMap.DidDeselectAnnotationView -= OnDidDeselectAnnotationView;
if (e.NewElement != null)
var formsMap = (CustomMap)e.NewElement;
var nativeMap = Control as MKMapView;
customPins = formsMap.CustomPins;
//MKAnnotation an = formsMap.CustomPins;
var numberOfPins = formsMap.CustomPins.Count;
MKAnnotation[] anotationArray = new MKAnnotation[numberOfPins];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPins; i++)
anotationArray[0].Coordinate = customPins.ElementAt(0).Position...
foreach (var pin in formsMap.CustomPins)
nativeMap.ZoomEnabled = true;
nativeMap.GetViewForAnnotation = GetViewForAnnotation;
nativeMap.CalloutAccessoryControlTapped += OnCalloutAccessoryControlTapped;
nativeMap.DidSelectAnnotationView += OnDidSelectAnnotationView;
nativeMap.DidDeselectAnnotationView += OnDidDeselectAnnotationView;
You are looking for the ShowAnnotations on your MKMapView.
You pass in the array of pins (annotations) that you wish the map to center and zoom to to able all those pins to the shows at the same time:
yourMapView.ShowAnnotations (new [] { pin }, false);
Apple Docs: showAnnotations:animated:
Xamarin Docs: ShowAnnotations

Unable to clear TextDecoration in Xamarin Forms UWP App

Using Xamarin Forms (version, I'm working on an app targeting Android, iOS, and UWP. I need to add underlining and strikethrough to some text, which require custom renderers. For Android and iOS, everything is working fine, and on UWP, applying strikethrough or underline works correctly, but removing those decorations isn't working.
Here's the entirety of the UWP renderer:
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(EnhancedLabel), typeof(EnhancedLabelRenderer))]
namespace myApp.UWP
public class EnhancedLabelRenderer : LabelRenderer
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
var strikethrough = ((EnhancedLabel)sender).Strikethrough;
var underline = ((EnhancedLabel)sender).Underline;
if (strikethrough && underline)
Control.TextDecorations = TextDecorations.Strikethrough | TextDecorations.Underline;
else if (strikethrough)
Control.TextDecorations = TextDecorations.Strikethrough;
else if (underline)
Control.TextDecorations = TextDecorations.Underline;
Control.TextDecorations = TextDecorations.None;
EnhancedLabel is a simple class that extends Xamarin.Forms.Label and adds the simple BindableProperty fields that specify strikethrough or underlining.
The renderer is properly setting TextDecorations.None, but that isn't having an effect on the UI. I've worked through this in the debugger, and can actually see that the state of the TextBlock within the ExtendedLabel has TextDecorations.None, but the UI is still drawing it with underlining or strikethrough (essentially, either of those can be added, but neither can be removed).
I've gone through the Xamarin documentation and looked at the bugs in Bugzilla, and haven't found any clues. Has any one else encountered this? Wondering if there's a UWP-specific call I need to make that I missed, or if using TextDecorations is the wrong way to apply the styles, or if I've actually stumbled across a bug.
Bug in UWP as in Xaml below:
<Run Text="Decorations can be toggled on and off"/>
<TextBlock Text="Decorations will not toggle off"/>
It is the same issue if you code the TextBlock:
TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock { FontSize = 18.0 };
textBlock.Inlines.Add(new Windows.UI.Xaml.Documents.Run { Text = "This text will not stick on text decoration." });
TextBlock textBlockBad = new TextBlock
FontSize = 18.0,
Text = "This text will not enable the TextDecorations to be turned off"
Same behaviour found with Typography.Capitals
Just need to use only Inlines for TextBlocks and presumably RichTextBlocks to avoid these issues.
Wondering if there's a UWP-specific call I need to make that I missed, or if using TextDecorations is the wrong way to apply the styles, or if I've actually stumbled across a bug.
If you want yo use TextDecorations, you could use the Run instance to pack the decorated text like the follow.
Underline ul = new Underline();
ul.TextDecorations = TextDecorations.Strikethrough;
Run r = new Run();
r.Text = "Here is an underlined text";
For you requirement, I have create a CustomLabel that you could use directly.
public class CustomLabel : Label
public static readonly BindableProperty DeckProperty = BindableProperty.Create(
propertyName: "Deck",
returnType: typeof(TextDeck),
declaringType: typeof(CustomLabel),
defaultValue: default(TextDeck));
public TextDeck Deck
get { return (TextDeck) GetValue(DeckProperty); }
set { SetValue(DeckProperty, value); }
public enum TextDeck
None = 0,
// Summary:
// Underline is applied to the text.
Underline = 1,
// Summary:
// Strikethrough is applied to the text.
Strikethrough = 2
public class CustomLabelRenderer : LabelRenderer
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Label> e)
if (Control != null)
var element = Element as CustomLabel;
var underline = new Underline();
var run = new Run();
switch (element.Deck)
case TextDeck.None:
underline.TextDecorations = TextDecorations.None;
case TextDeck.Strikethrough:
underline.TextDecorations = TextDecorations.Strikethrough;
case TextDeck.Underline:
underline.TextDecorations = TextDecorations.Underline;
run.Text = element.Text;
<local:CustomLabel Deck="Underline" Text="Welcome to Xamarin.Forms!" />

Sharing targeted xamarin forms

I use the following command to share a link, but with this command opens a box with apps for me to share. I want when I share it already go straight to facebook, without going through this box
void OnTapped4(object sender, EventArgs args)
CrossShare.Current.ShareLink(link, "teste", titulo);
Need to do direct shares to facebook, whatsapp, twitter and email
I have this command plus it works only on xamarin android, in xamarin forms it would no work
Intent sendIntent = new Intent();
I found the following example where I did on android and it worked, now I want to do this in IOS how can I get it to go to whatsapp
public class ShareService : IShareService
public void SharePageLink(string url)
var context = Forms.Context;
Activity activity = context as Activity;
Intent share = new Intent(Intent.ActionSend);
share.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraSubject, "Brusselslife");
share.PutExtra(Intent.ExtraText, url);
activity.StartActivity(Intent.CreateChooser(share, "Share link!"));
In IOS where to put this 'com.whatsapp'
public class ShareService : IShareService
public void SharePageLink(string url)
var window = UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow;
var rootViewController = window.RootViewController;
var activityViewController = new UIActivityViewController(new NSString[] { new NSString(url) }, null);
activityViewController.ExcludedActivityTypes = new NSString[] {
rootViewController.PresentViewController(activityViewController, true, null);
