How to stream resultsets in spring Data JPA with custom criteria - spring

I'm working on a POC, using Spring Boot 2.0.5, Spring Data JPA using Hibernate. I'm trying to implement a way to stream the result sets for a custom criteria. I have seen examples like
public interface MyRepository implements JPARepository<Person,Long>{
#Query("select p from person p")
Stream<Person> findAll();
However I'm extending SimpleJPARepository and want to get results as a stream using a Criteria something like
Stream<Person> findAll(Criteria criteria);
Since I'm using class that extends SimpleJPARepository, I need to provide my implementation. But are there any methods in SimpleJPARepository or its parent classes, that can provide me default implementation using the criteria I provide. Any reference to such example is much helpful.
Also, in some examples I see that #NoRepositoryBean is used and in some cases #Repository. I'm confused between these two and which one should I use and why?

As per Spring Data JPA specifications Spring Data JPA, this is how you can create Criteria queries.
Step 1: extend your repository interface with the JpaSpecificationExecutor interface, as follows:
public interface CustomerRepository extends CrudRepository<Customer, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor {
Step 2: the findAll method returns all entities that match the specification, as shown in the following example:
List<T> findAll(Specification<T> spec);
Step 3: The Specification interface is defined as follows:
public interface Specification<T> {
Predicate toPredicate(Root<T> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query,
CriteriaBuilder builder);


Spring Boot 2.5 and Spring Data: #NoRepositoryBean unexpected behaviour in multi-module project

I'm facing the following issue in a legacy code that I can't change. I have a multi module project which defines in the commons module a Spring Data interface as below:
package commons;
public interface MyCustomRepository<P, I extends Number> extends JpaRepository<MyEntity, Integer>
MyEntity getOneAndCheck();
In another module I extend this interface as follows:
package data;
public interface MyRepository extends MyCustomRepository<MyEntity, Integer>
So, the idea is that I don't want that Spring Data generates any implementation for the MyEntity getOneAndCheck() method 'cause it is implemented like this:
package data;
public class MyCustomRepositoryImpl implements MyCustomRepository
public MyEntity getOneAndCheck()
However, when I'm starting the application, I get the following exception:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to create query for method public abstract MyEntity commons.MyCustomRepository.getOneAndCheck()! No property getOne found for type MyEntity!
So what it seems to happen is that Spring Data tries to generate a Query for the MyEntity getOneAndCheck() method, despite the #NoRepositoryBean annotation. This works as expected in the application I'm gonna migrate from Spring 3 with Spring Data to Spring Boot 2.5.
Not sure if the described behavior has anything to do with the fact that there are multiple Maven modules and that the repositories, the entities and the DTOs are in different modules. Not sure neither if there should be any difference between the way it runs currently with Spring and the one with Spring Boot. But the result is that all of the dozens of repositories in this legacy application are failing with the mentioned exception.
It might be important to mention that the main class needs to use annotations in order to tune the scanning:
#SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = "...")
#EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages={"...", "..."})
#EntityScan(basePackages= {"...", "..."})
public class MyApp
public static void main(String[] args)
{, args);
Not sure whether these annotations are supposed to change anything from the point of view of #NoRepositoryBean but the issue appeared as soon as I added this Spring Boot main class. It worked okay previously without Spring Boot.
Any suggestion please ?
Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
There are two things that play together:
Spring Data's default custom implementation
Repository fragments
None of these apply because:
The default custom implementation follows the name of the actual repository. In your case, the implementation is named MyCustomRepositoryImpl whereas the repository name is MyRepository. Renaming the implementation to MyRepositoryImpl would address the issue
Since Spring Data 2.0, the repository detection considers interfaces defined at the repository level as fragment candidates where each interface can contribute a fragment implementation. While the implementation name follows the fragment interface name (MyCustomRepository -> MyCustomRepositoryImpl), only interfaces without #NoRepositoryBean are considered.
You have three options:
extracting your custom method into its own fragment interface and providing an implementation class that follows the fragment name:
interface MyCustomFragement {
MyEntity getOneAndCheck();
class MyCustomFragementImpl implements MyCustomFragement {
public MyEntity getOneAndCheck() {…}
public interface MyRepository extends MyCustomRepository<MyEntity, Integer>, MyCustomFragment {…}
Set the repositoryBaseClass via #EnableJpaRepositories(repositoryBaseClass = …) to a class that implements the custom method.
If you cannot change the existing code, you could implement a BeanPostProcessor to inspect and update the bean definition for the JpaRepositoryFactoryBean by updating repositoryFragments and adding the implementation yourself. This path is rather complex and requires the use of reflection since bean factory internals aren't exposed.

Can we use CrudRepository and ReactiveCrudRepository simaultaneously in the application

I am using couchbase in my springboot application and using both ReactiveCrudRepository and CrudRepository separately. But while using CrudRepository method it is throwing me the following error
"reactor.core.publisher.MonoOnAssembly cannot be cast to my POJO
You can use it in the same project but they have to be different classes and implement different interfaces.
Synchronous Repository:
public interface UserEntityRepository extends
CouchbasePagingAndSortingRepository<UserEntity, String> {
Async Repository:
public interface ReactiveUserEventRepository extends
ReactiveCouchbaseSortingRepository<UserEventEntity, String> {
There is a big tutorial talking about it here:

what is the use of CrudRepository in springboot

public interface StudentRepository extends CrudRepository<Student, Long>
public List<Student> findById(long id);
//#Query("select s from Student s where s.age <= ?")
public List<Student> findByAgeLessThanEqual (long age);
what does <Student, long> mean in the CrudRepository<Student, long> and what are the various parameters that can be passed to cruderepository.
The main idea of CrudRepository is to give you opportunity to use main operations with data without creating your own implementation. You just create needed methods and for most simple cases Spring will create implementation for you (if you use right naming convention for your methods).
First parameter (Student in your case) is a type of entity with which current Repository is working, second parameter (Long in your case) is a type of Id in this entity.
CrudRepository provides methods for the CRUD operations. This interface extends the Repository interface. If you are extending the CrudRepository, there is no need for implementing your own methods.
If do not want data from custom parameter, you have to write custom query for it.
you can use only that parameters which is their in your CrudRepository.

Understanding repositories in Spring Data

I want to create a "generic" repository that query data from multiple entities. If I do that:
public interface MyRepository {
#Query("select r from Role r")
List<Role> getRoles();
I get an error because Spring doesn't find an implementation to inject when a MyRepository instance is required. So far, so good. Now, If I do this:
public interface MyRepository extends JpaRepository {
#Query("select r from Role r")
List<Role> getRoles();
I get an error because Object is not a JPA managed type (JpaRepository is generic). Ok, again. If I do this:
public interface MyRepository extends JpaRepository<User, String> {
#Query("select r from Role r")
List<Role> getRoles();
It works. Why? I'm declaring a JpaRepository for entity User, not Role. Why does JpaRepository need a concrete entity even when the queries will be against another one?
Every repository in Spring Data has to extend the Repository interface, that is a generic interface, so you always have to specify the entity you are gonna work with and you can't do anything about it because it is how Spring Data is implemented. You can find more information here about creating repositories:
On the other hand, of course you can specify one entity to the repository and then add methods that return other type of entities because in your interface you can add whatever you want (also notice that Repository interface has no methods). But if you want to use the methods of the parent interface you have to use the entity you specified.
In your example, you could do what #M. Deinum suggested and create a JpaRepository<Role, Long> and use the findAll query, that makes much more sense. Using a JpaRepository<User, String> as you are doing is just a misuse of the framework.

Spring Data MongoDB add common criteria

I'm using Spring Data MongoDB repository abstraction to access mongoDB database:
public interface CustomerRepository extends MongoRepository<Customer, String> {}
private CustomerRepository customerRepository;
List<Customer> customers = customerRepository.findAll();
this will fetch all customers from mongoDB collection.
I'd like to add criteria for all CustomerRepository methods to filter customers by{"active": true} (the actual filter is more complicated if it's matter) transparently (without changing interface).
I'm thinking about overriding some base Spring Data MongoDB classes but I'm not sure how to do it.
