Microsoft USD - Change URL based on CaseID - dynamics-crm

I am new to Microsoft Unified Service Desk, therefore please pardon me if i make any mistake.
My scenario is when a call is received by a call center agent in Unified Service Desk then initially he will create a case for the particular customer and initially the caseID will be null therefore call center agent will see a new case window where he can create a case. Once the case is created he will save the details and the caseID will also be saved. Now, in the next step he will transfer the call to the supervisor and in this case the supervisor will not see a new case window instead he will have the details in-front of him of that particular customer that were saved earlier.
But how will i achieve that do i have to create a hosted control and is there a way i can execute JavaScript inside hosted control.
Looking forward to your help.

What you need to do is.
Create 2 Action Calls.
1st Action Call for New Case with Action New CRM Page.
2nd Action Call for Open Case with Action Open CRM Page.
Put Condition inside Action 1 [[$Settings.YourCaseID]]==""
Put Condition inside Action 2 [[$Settings.YourCaseID]]!=""
Create another Action with SaveSetting Action and CRM Global Manager hosted control.
Once the case is saved fire the third action call (It will save the CaseID inside $Setting).
Now when the case is transferred it will open the case with SavedID.


Need to display a pop up if we are selecting a step response for a workitem in IBM Filenet workplace application

I am having a requirement where if am selecting a step response for a workitem in workflow map , i need to restrict it to a data field for taking that action.
For example if am having a step name as'XYZ' and i am selecting the step response' ABC' it should restrict the workitem to be routed to the next step in the workflow by any pop-up window or any alert window in IBM workplace application. I should be able to route the workitem to next step by selecting the step response 'ABC" when the step name is not 'XYZ'
Is this possible in workplace application to achieve this.
I know in IBM Case manager we can restrict the workitem from routing it to the next step with the script adapters in page level. Similarly is there way to achieve this in Workplace application also at the workflow level or something. Please advice.
I have tried adding a condition along with the step response to achieve this. But the workitem is getting terminated if doesn't match the condition.
For example. I have addition the condition as ' All(ABC) and Stepname<>'XYZ' in the conditional route in workflow map. But if i override the condition the workitem is getting terminated.

Trigger event for new file in Netsuite File Cabinet

I'm new to SuiteScript. Is it possible for SuiteScript 2.0 to create a trigger to start some funcionality as soon as a new file is uploaded to a particular folder in Netsuite's File Cabinet (by web services or manually by drag and drop zone)?
Thanks in advance for helping me out.
I do not see that a server side User Event script can fire for the File object like it can for so many other objects. It is not listed in the "Applies To" field for a script's Deployment record.
Additionally, Workflows have a similar field called "Record Type", and it is not listed there, either.
If you are creating File objects via SuiteTalk, you can execute logic after the "add" method is executed synchronously, or you can call a RESTLet if you would like to execute logic server-side in NetSuite.

Window actions vs Server actions in Odoo 10

In the scaffolded module there are two alternatives of the actions defined: a window action and a server action.
But what is the difference of those actions conceptually and when to use which of them?
In Window action, we are register Tree,Form,Kanban,Calendar etc ids. Based on priority, it will open related view.
While Server action are useful for following different-different purpose with selected Base model.
Send Email
Execute Python Code
Trigger a Workflow signal
Run client action
Create or Copy a new Record
Write a Record
Execute several actions

TFS Alert when label is created

Can I configure an alert when a TFS Label is created ? I don't find that option in the current predefined alerts. These are the ones I found:
And I want when a label is created:
Send an email notification.
No, this is not possible using the standard Alert features.
I created my own solution! I don't know how much access you have to your on-premise TFS instance, but you need to be able to execute t-sql scripts against the TFS mssql database. My solution is here:
And when anyone creates a TFSVC label I get an email alert that looks like this:
Basically, I created a database trigger to populate a table. I query that table and send an email out, then mark the label as sent. I also have a trigger to delete form that table just in case the label gets deleted. I wrote the service in .NET Core just in case anyone wants to convert it to run within a container. Let me know if this helps or not.

new server/website appears to be caching but cache is turned off

I recently setup a home server running windows 7 pro and IIS 7.5. I have an ASP page that reads/writes to a database. One scenario I have is a newsletter with a list of subscribers. I manually check a box next to a user's name and they get added to a table that associates that userid with a messageid.
When the page loads initially, let's say I've previously added a user to the newsletter. I have a variable that displays that says "1 subscriber". If I add a user (by checking a box next to their name, hitting submit and submitting a form to the same page but with an action=submit added) the user entry will be added to the DB, the script file then redirects to the same page without the action=submit and Session("msg") will show as "updated successfully" but the subscriber count will equal 1 still. If I hit F5, the number updates.
Everything I've read along with what knowledge I have of programming points to it being a caching issue. However, I've taken all the steps I can find online to disable all caching.
Is there something I might be missing or might it not be a caching issue at all but rather something else? I've used this style of programming for years on other servers without any issues which is why I feel like it points to a setting somewhere.
This is the first server, I've been the admin for so I'm kinda bumbling my way through these things as they come up.
polls DB to pull count of number of subscribers (audience)
[subscribers show 1]
polls DB to pull all email addresses in DB (subscribers)
list available email address within form
I check appropriate checkboxes next to name(s) and submit form
form submits to subscribers.asp?cid=5 with hidden input type name=action value=submit
Script runs (if action=submit then)
insert subscriber ids into audience table
set RS and Conn = Nothing
subscribers still show as 1. Hit F5, now it shows incremented appropriately.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
